Bodhi Statistics. Generated on Sun May 2 11:30:11 EDT 2010
Fedora 13
* 2453 updates
* 2007 stable updates
* 1794 testing updates
* 74 pending updates
* 1 obsolete updates
* 1645 bugfix updates (67.06%)
* 512 enhancement updates (20.87%)
* 57 security updates (2.32%)
* 239 newpackage updates (9.74%)
* 316 critical path updates (12.88%)
* 768 updates received feedback (31.31%)
* 491 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 66 anonymous users gave feedback (1.17%)
* 1794 out of 2453 updates went through testing (73.13%)
* 820 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (45.71%)
* 23 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* xorg-x11-drv-fpit-1.3.0-8.fc13 submitted by whot
* python-pyblock-0.47-1.fc13 submitted by jwrdegoede
* logrotate-3.7.8-8.fc13 submitted by dnovotny
* tzdata-2010i-1.fc13 submitted by pmachata
* python-meh-0.7.1-1.fc13 submitted by clumens
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-5.fc13.1 submitted by xavierb
* xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.11.0-2.fc13 submitted by ajax
* selinux-policy-3.7.19-6.fc13 submitted by dwalsh
* policycoreutils-2.0.82-8.fc13 submitted by dwalsh
* libgnome-keyring-2.29.4-4.fc13 submitted by tbzatek
* pungi-2.0.21-1.fc13 submitted by jkeating
* parted-2.1-5.fc13 submitted by jwrdegoede
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.30.1-1.fc13 submitted by mclasen
* evolution-mapi-0.30.1-1.fc13,evolution-exchange-2.30.1-1.fc13,evolution-2.30.1-1.fc13,evolution-data-server-2.30.1-1.fc13,gtkhtml3-3.30.1-1.fc13 submitted by mcrha
* nss-softokn-3.12.4-16.fc13 submitted by emaldonado
* at-spi-1.30.1-1.fc13 submitted by mclasen
* libnih-1.0.1-6.fc13 submitted by plautrba
* comps-extras-20-1.fc13 submitted by notting
* dmz-cursor-themes-0.4-3.fc13 submitted by company
* openldap-2.4.21-5.fc13 submitted by jzeleny
* system-config-date-1.9.57-1.fc13 submitted by nphilipp
* libogg-1.2.0-1.fc13 submitted by ajax
* libgnomekbd-2.30.1-1.fc13 submitted by mclasen
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 11 days
* median = 8 days
* mode = 7 days
* 0 updates automatically unpushed due to karma (0.00%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* 186 updates automatically pushed due to karma (7.58%)
* 2 of which were critical path updates
* Time spent in testing of updates that were pushed by karma:
* mean = 12 days
* median = 7 days
* mode = 7 days
* 1889 packages updated
* jd: 12
* nautilus: 9
* selinux-policy: 9
* 8
* ibus-pinyin: 7
* empathy: 7
* kernel: 7
* gnome-desktop: 6
* libmx: 6
* xorg-x11-server: 6
[ View all ]
* qbittorrent: 6
* util-linux-ng: 6
* system-config-printer: 6
* kdelibs: 6
* gwibber: 5
* libgnome-keyring: 5
* kdebase-workspace: 5
* gdb: 5
* kde-settings: 5
* gvfs: 5
* anaconda: 5
* gnome-settings-daemon: 5
* kitutuki: 5
* gcalctool: 5
* libgnomekbd: 5
* squid: 5
* glibc: 5
* gnome-packagekit: 5
* sugar-logos: 5
* totem: 5
* rhythmbox: 5
* mash: 4
* glib2: 4
* simple-scan: 4
* publican: 4
* epiphany: 4
* evolution: 4
* gnome-icon-theme: 4
* firefox: 4
* clutter: 4
* qemu: 4
* soprano: 4
* yum: 4
* sugar: 4
* hamster-applet: 4
* libguestfs: 4
* libdrm: 4
* wallpapoz: 4
* gnome-color-manager: 4
* player: 4
* plymouth: 4
* abrt: 4
* kdebase-runtime: 4
* deja-dup: 4
* erlang: 4
* setroubleshoot: 4
* mfiler3: 4
* gcc: 4
* gedit: 4
* evince: 4
* pixman: 4
* policycoreutils: 4
* cups: 4
* ecryptfs-utils: 4
* qt: 4
* transmission: 4
* uxlaunch: 4
* resource-agents: 4
* kdevplatform: 4
* tzdata: 4
* system-setup-keyboard: 4
* kde-plasma-networkmanagement: 4
* kdevelop: 4
* vlgothic-fonts: 3
* uget: 3
* gnucash: 3
* gnome-disk-utility: 3
* libgweather: 3
* dhcp: 3
* at-spi: 3
* gtkhtml3: 3
* gource: 3
* dovecot: 3
* conky: 3
* fence-agents: 3
* kdebase: 3
* mysql: 3
* python-fedora: 3
* lldpad: 3
* smc-fonts: 3
* aide: 3
* kdepim: 3
* gnome-menus: 3
* kipi-plugins: 3
* authconfig: 3
* sugar-xoirc: 3
* usermode: 3
* gnome-user-share: 3
* zarafa: 3
* koffice: 3
* gthumb: 3
* rawtherapee: 3
* mozilla-noscript: 3
* gdm: 3
* ibus-anthy: 3
* accountsservice: 3
* gambas2: 3
* ibus-table-cangjie: 3
* kdenetwork: 3
* evolution-data-server: 3
* gnome-keyring: 3
* kpackagekit: 3
* mozvoikko: 3
* samyak-fonts: 3
* shutter: 3
* xorg-x11-drv-wacom: 3
* tokyocabinet: 3
* phonon: 3
* PyQt4: 3
* brasero: 3
* abiword: 3
* accountsdialog: 3
* gnome-games: 3
* ibus: 3
* xorg-x11-drv-ati: 3
* wqy-bitmap-fonts: 3
* libwnck: 3
* PackageKit: 3
* audacious-plugins: 3
* sssd: 3
* gnome-backgrounds: 3
* autofs: 3
* gstreamer-plugins-bad-free: 3
* qtcurve-gtk2: 3
* gnome-themes: 3
* mesa: 3
* gdisk: 3
* gnome-power-manager: 3
* gstreamer: 3
* gnome-media: 3
* evolution-mapi: 3
* system-config-language: 3
* scidavis: 3
* cluster: 3
* kdeutils: 3
* gnome-icon-theme-extras: 3
* kdemultimedia: 3
* sugar-artwork: 3
* qpid-cpp: 3
* system-config-services: 3
* gnome-panel: 3
* system-config-date: 3
* python-twisted-core: 3
* telepathy-butterfly: 3
* kdegames: 3
* nut: 3
* gnome-terminal: 3
* qtcurve-kde4: 3
* lklug-fonts: 3
* gtkmm24: 3
* fetch-crl: 3
* nntpgrab: 3
* mypaint: 3
* udisks: 3
* kdesdk: 3
* xorg-x11-xdm: 3
* gnome-web-photo: 3
* hplip: 3
* ecl: 3
* clive: 3
* gtk2: 3
* nss-softokn: 3
* file-roller: 3
* rgmanager: 3
* telepathy-gabble: 3
* nagios: 3
* parted: 3
* perl-App-Cmd: 3
* fedora-security-guide-en-US: 3
* sugar-toolkit: 3
* control-center: 3
* libvirt: 3
* evolution-exchange: 3
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 3
* cifs-utils: 3
* GConf2: 3
* pm-utils: 2
* firebird: 2
* gajim: 2
* xchat-gnome: 2
* mercurial: 2
* boinc-client: 2
* rubygem-rest-client: 2
* perl-App-cpanminus: 2
* webkitgtk: 2
* mysql-mmm: 2
* gjs: 2
* usb_modeswitch: 2
* kdesvn: 2
* pidgin: 2
* mousetweaks: 2
* telepathy-sunshine: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-intel: 2
* initscripts: 2
* qbzr: 2
* znc: 2
* iso-codes: 2
* fpm2: 2
* gupnp: 2
* foomatic-db: 2
* voms: 2
* system-config-firewall: 2
* gitolite: 2
* 389-ds-base: 2
* fldigi: 2
* sarai-fonts: 2
* trytond: 2
* vrq: 2
* perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized: 2
* java-1.6.0-openjdk: 2
* cheese: 2
* btrfs-progs: 2
* rpy: 2
* sysvinit: 2
* pcsc-lite: 2
* tasque: 2
* openldap: 2
* gnome-doc-utils: 2
* edb: 2
* FlightGear-Atlas: 2
* dogtag-pki: 2
* pango: 2
* rosegarden4: 2
* glibmm24: 2
* goffice: 2
* goddard-kde-theme: 2
* openal-soft: 2
* kdeaccessibility: 2
* sudo: 2
* dbus: 2
* kdepim-runtime: 2
* tigervnc: 2
* madan-fonts: 2
* ORBit2: 2
* libgda: 2
* dracut: 2
* kdebindings: 2
* gtk-gnutella: 2
* thunderbird: 2
* virt-manager: 2
* vinagre: 2
* dstat: 2
* ikiwiki: 2
* fusecompress: 2
* ghostscript: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager: 2
* yum-langpacks: 2
* bzr-gtk: 2
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 2
* hunspell-bn: 2
* lirc: 2
* aqbanking: 2
* 389-admin: 2
* vte: 2
* mapserver: 2
* sugar-typing-turtle: 2
* xulrunner: 2
* cpio: 2
* gpodder: 2
* samba: 2
* pssh: 2
* perl-Moose: 2
* PyQwt: 2
* selenium-core: 2
* gnome-session: 2
* numpy: 2
* pki-ca: 2
* gearbox: 2
* audit-viewer: 2
* desktopcouch: 2
* avant-window-navigator: 2
* media-player-info: 2
* byzanz: 2
* dpkg: 2
* libgpod: 2
* culmus-fonts: 2
* kdetoys: 2
* ibus-skk: 2
* udev: 2
* sabayon: 2
* lxsession: 2
* imsettings: 2
* highlight: 2
* mutter: 2
* lxdm: 2
* gnome-devel-docs: 2
* am-utils: 2
* prelink: 2
* free42: 2
* system-config-kdump: 2
* perl-Test-WWW-Selenium: 2
* collectl: 2
* globus-common: 2
* virtaal: 2
* tinc: 2
* python-pygments: 2
* NetworkManager: 2
* i3: 2
* xorg-x11-apps: 2
* bitmap-fonts: 2
* kicad: 2
* mlocate: 2
* BackupPC: 2
* geronimo-jta: 2
* emacs: 2
* telepathy-glib: 2
* hivex: 2
* compiz: 2
* spamass-milter: 2
* lxpanel: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-Common: 2
* bzr: 2
* tcpreplay: 2
* selenium-remote-control: 2
* gtkwave: 2
* tor: 2
* mcu8051ide: 2
* fedora-release: 2
* goddard-backgrounds: 2
* ruby-aws: 2
* lohit-kannada-fonts: 2
* olpc-update: 2
* nss: 2
* mc: 2
* poppler: 2
* system-config-audit: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau: 2
* 389-ds: 2
* rakudo: 2
* zarafa-webaccess: 2
* xastir: 2
* Miro: 2
* sugar-maze: 2
* php-pear-HTTP-OAuth: 2
* mock: 2
* perl-Data-Dumper-Concise: 2
* nspr: 2
* geeqie: 2
* kdeadmin: 2
* perl-Mixin-ExtraFields: 2
* kdegraphics: 2
* pki-kra: 2
* libsoup: 2
* gir-repository: 2
* midori: 2
* callgit: 2
* frepple: 2
* xkeyboard-config: 2
* telepathy-sofiasip: 2
* qtiplot: 2
* waf: 2
* parrot: 2
* galeon: 2
* kdeedu: 2
* xfce4-notes-plugin: 2
* netcdf: 2
* dogtag-pki-ca-ui: 2
* elfutils: 2
* openswan: 2
* libgtop2: 2
* bluez: 2
* icoutils: 2
* blacs: 2
* bodhi: 2
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 2
* libgdata: 2
* kde-l10n: 2
* cups-pk-helper: 2
* fuse-python: 2
* fedora-packager: 2
* euca2ools: 2
* merkaartor: 2
* puzzles: 2
* moblin-app-installer: 2
* globus-gram-client-tools: 2
* metacity: 2
* gnome-bluetooth: 2
* certmonger: 2
* antlr3: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: 2
* sip: 2
* fedora-release-notes: 2
* python-telepathy: 2
* pki-common: 2
* gtk2-engines: 2
* ModemManager: 2
* qlandkartegt: 2
* rygel: 2
* epiphany-extensions: 2
* nautilus-actions: 2
* nfs-utils: 2
* gnome-dvb-daemon: 2
* cyrus-sasl: 2
* python-psutil: 2
* nagios-plugins: 2
* exaile: 2
* kdeplasma-addons: 2
* dmz-cursor-themes: 2
* desktop-effects: 2
* gucharmap: 2
* pygtksourceview: 2
* php-pdepend-PHP-Depend: 2
* perl-File-ChangeNotify: 2
* dcap: 2
* paratype-pt-sans-fonts: 2
* sugar-record: 2
* obexd: 2
* gnome-python2-extras: 2
* stonevpn: 2
* solfege: 2
* rekollect: 2
* desktop-backgrounds: 2
* sugar-datastore: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-fpit: 2
* python-slip: 2
* pdfedit: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX: 2
* seabios: 2
* kdeartwork: 2
* moin: 2
* vala: 2
* sugar-tamtam: 2
* tortoisehg: 2
* pyparted: 2
* tryton: 2
* atk: 2
* gstreamer-plugins-base: 2
* jmol: 2
* orca: 2
* blam: 2
* kacst-fonts: 2
* tuned: 2
* totem-pl-parser: 2
* ejabberd: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse: 2
* bitlbee: 2
* viewvc: 2
* gnome-python2-desktop: 2
* koffice-langpack: 2
* xfsprogs: 2
* metagoofil: 2
* pki-ra: 2
* libgnome: 2
* bzflag: 2
* termit: 2
* oxygen-icon-theme: 2
* taggle: 2
* fcoe-utils: 2
* gtksourceview2: 2
* grep: 2
* gimp: 2
* glpi: 2
* kvirc: 2
* kdepimlibs: 2
* perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed: 2
* gconf-editor: 2
* eog: 2
* libarchive: 2
* python-gdata: 2
* mumble: 2
* man-pages-ja: 2
* volume_key: 2
* fbzx: 2
* perl-Config-MVP: 2
* logiweb: 2
* ksh: 2
* groovy: 2
* pcmanfm: 2
* gifsicle: 2
* krb5: 2
* generic-release: 2
* e2fsprogs: 2
* terminator: 2
* php-facedetect: 2
* gtg: 2
* nted: 2
* libuser: 2
* pbzip2: 2
* foomatic: 2
* kmplayer: 2
* clamtk: 2
* seahorse-plugins: 2
* transmission-remote-cli: 2
* alacarte: 2
* yelp: 2
* php-phpunit-PHPUnit: 2
* menu-cache: 2
* seahorse: 2
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 2
* amarok: 2
* zabbix: 2
* asterisk: 2
* libfm: 2
* fife: 2
* pki-tps: 2
* gnome-vfs2: 2
* libgnomecanvas: 1
* gtkhash: 1
* perl-V: 1
* frescobaldi: 1
* imake: 1
* espeak: 1
* tmux: 1
* paktype-tehreer-fonts: 1
* libtdb: 1
* libcompizconfig: 1
* wordnet: 1
* jettison: 1
* iftop: 1
* mcpp: 1
* avr-gcc: 1
* perl-Convert-UUlib: 1
* proj: 1
* xorg-x11-proto-devel: 1
* rubygem-yard: 1
* directfb: 1
* rubygem-ohai: 1
* perl-Tk-DirSelect: 1
* nall: 1
* digikam: 1
* jai-imageio-core: 1
* gzip: 1
* blobby: 1
* openhpi: 1
* system-config-samba-docs: 1
* tomboy: 1
* calibre: 1
* pdfresurrect: 1
* beesu: 1
* scantailor: 1
* schismtracker: 1
* crun: 1
* xorg-x11-server-utils: 1
* gnusim8085: 1
* kde-i18n: 1
* emacs-vm: 1
* check_postgres: 1
* openssl: 1
* anjal: 1
* neverball: 1
* ntfs-3g: 1
* umit: 1
* squirrelmail: 1
* gnome-xcf-thumbnailer: 1
* eclipse-rpmstubby: 1
* usbmuxd: 1
* pcapdiff: 1
* amanda: 1
* pulsecaster: 1
* hwdata: 1
* duplicity: 1
* solang: 1
* imp: 1
* trac: 1
* system-config-date-docs: 1
* globus-gram-job-manager-scripts: 1
* ufiformat: 1
* perl-Data-JavaScript: 1
* translate-toolkit: 1
* xcalc: 1
* perl-File-Read: 1
* openconnect: 1
* git-cola: 1
* perl-Data-Report: 1
* qwt-doc: 1
* gupnp-vala: 1
* cabal-install: 1
* 1
* beagle: 1
* acl: 1
* wqy-zenhei-fonts: 1
* openslide: 1
* gramps: 1
* eboard: 1
* ibus-fbterm: 1
* rpm: 1
* gamin: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Manual: 1
* cdargs: 1
* gnome-utils: 1
* freefem++: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 1
* glusterfs: 1
* gprof2dot: 1
* clutter-gtk: 1
* tomcatjss: 1
* microcode_ctl: 1
* arptables_jf: 1
* pki-setup: 1
* pdfposter: 1
* epeg: 1
* osso-gwobex: 1
* afflib: 1
* sugar-visualmatch: 1
* perl-URI-Find: 1
* adaptx: 1
* perl-JSON-RPC-Common: 1
* scummvm: 1
* slv2: 1
* conexus: 1
* tlomt-sniglet-fonts: 1
* moblin-panel-status: 1
* at: 1
* net-tools: 1
* telepathy-idle: 1
* phatch: 1
* ibus-table: 1
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 1
* mimedefang: 1
* dalston: 1
* aduna-commons-text: 1
* fcron: 1
* python-ply: 1
* rusers: 1
* rubygem-simple-rss: 1
* gdesklets: 1
* bibtex2html: 1
* drupal-views: 1
* cocot: 1
* php-ezc-DatabaseSchema: 1
* rdist: 1
* shared-desktop-ontologies: 1
* perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2: 1
* pidgin-sipe: 1
* sems: 1
* libwfut: 1
* NetworkManager-pptp: 1
* libunicapgtk: 1
* prelude-correlator: 1
* pungi: 1
* wxPython: 1
* perl-UNIVERSAL-ref: 1
* perl-CGI-Untaint-date: 1
* trash-cli: 1
* libsemanage: 1
* mysql-connector-java: 1
* dillo: 1
* perl-Devel-Refcount: 1
* libplist: 1
* openssh: 1
* nikto: 1
* rdma: 1
* globus-openssl: 1
* vim: 1
* taglib-sharp: 1
* iwl6000-firmware: 1
* cjkuni-fonts: 1
* xpilot-ng: 1
* tig: 1
* man-pages-fr: 1
* network-manager-netbook: 1
* python-meliae: 1
* ipython: 1
* ghc-hashed-storage: 1
* perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker: 1
* system-config-lvm: 1
* libqxt: 1
* i3-ipc: 1
* xemacs: 1
* php-ezc-Graph: 1
* perl-Mouse: 1
* lxc: 1
* scim-bridge: 1
* fbreader: 1
* PyPE: 1
* anyterm: 1
* colossus: 1
* audex: 1
* flaw: 1
* japanese-bitmap-fonts: 1
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 1
* rekonq: 1
* dogtag-pki-ra-ui: 1
* moblin-panel-pasteboard: 1
* gnome-system-monitor: 1
* libeina: 1
* java-gnome: 1
* libnih: 1
* purple-msn-pecan: 1
* disktype: 1
* perl-Class-Method-Modifiers: 1
* openbox: 1
* perl-Config-INI-MVP: 1
* python-logilab-common: 1
* bareftp: 1
* usb_modeswitch-data: 1
* python-migrate: 1
* netsniff-ng: 1
* ibus-hangul: 1
* hdhomerun: 1
* qiv: 1
* python-gudev: 1
* httpd: 1
* g3data: 1
* liborigin2: 1
* gftp: 1
* cppcheck: 1
* raw-thumbnailer: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest: 1
* pcc: 1
* horde: 1
* rogue: 1
* invulgotracker: 1
* vidalia: 1
* globus-proxy-utils: 1
* gnochm: 1
* upower: 1
* PySolFC: 1
* perl-Perl-MinimumVersion: 1
* perl-Ham-Reference-QRZ: 1
* ibus-table-yinma: 1
* php-ezc-Mail: 1
* kcbench: 1
* globus-authz-callout-error: 1
* FlightGear-data: 1
* cfitsio: 1
* rsvndump: 1
* geany: 1
* setup: 1
* ngrep: 1
* postgis: 1
* gssdp: 1
* sword: 1
* lohit-devanagari-fonts: 1
* perl-IO-Prompt: 1
* fedorainfinity-backgrounds: 1
* 389-console: 1
* python3: 1
* eclipse-rpm-editor: 1
* pybliographer: 1
* perl-Test-LongString: 1
* perl-parent: 1
* ecore: 1
* libapreq2: 1
* mutter-mbl: 1
* asunder: 1
* nicotine+: 1
* rt3: 1
* gtksourceviewmm: 1
* postgresql: 1
* munge: 1
* python-virtualenv: 1
* pangomm: 1
* asl: 1
* sugar-base: 1
* xfce4-power-manager: 1
* paprefs: 1
* pitivi: 1
* perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create: 1
* goldendict: 1
* comix: 1
* logrotate: 1
* alienarena: 1
* skf: 1
* flashrom: 1
* python-matplotlib: 1
* php-idn: 1
* rasterview: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 1
* multimedia-menus: 1
* perl-Test-Requires: 1
* indi-apogee: 1
* sound-juicer: 1
* s3cmd: 1
* ipa-gothic-fonts: 1
* qterm: 1
* gnome-subtitles: 1
* chkconfig: 1
* paraview: 1
* perl-App-Cache: 1
* xine-lib: 1
* tcpjunk: 1
* rubygem-fastercsv: 1
* mdadm: 1
* Perlbal: 1
* cdpr: 1
* perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple: 1
* ibus-table-xingma: 1
* imlib2: 1
* perl-Hash-Merge: 1
* netpbm: 1
* asymptote: 1
* xfce4-dict: 1
* gtk-v4l: 1
* coolkey: 1
* uperf: 1
* curblaster: 1
* xml-stylebook: 1
* gnome-netstatus: 1
* ircp-tray: 1
* fet: 1
* ipa-pgothic-fonts: 1
* zinnia: 1
* e16-keyedit: 1
* darcs: 1
* globus-gram-client: 1
* hunspell-si: 1
* rubygem-compass: 1
* shared-color-profiles: 1
* pure-ftpd: 1
* opendchub: 1
* perl-Test-Prereq: 1
* xterm: 1
* libcanberra: 1
* perl-String-RewritePrefix: 1
* lm_sensors: 1
* sipwitch: 1
* prboom: 1
* pino: 1
* jsmath-fonts: 1
* perl-HTTP-Body: 1
* fedora-easy-karma: 1
* mon: 1
* gmixer: 1
* icecream: 1
* libgadu: 1
* logwatch: 1
* libvorbis: 1
* moblin-icon-theme: 1
* emacs-goodies: 1
* frei0r-plugins: 1
* doodle: 1
* globus-openssl-module: 1
* fswebcam: 1
* netcf: 1
* gedit-latex-plugin: 1
* gettext: 1
* zsh: 1
* xfce4-remmina-plugin: 1
* perl-SVG-TT-Graph: 1
* homebank: 1
* ristretto: 1
* xenner: 1
* emotion: 1
* texworks: 1
* libhid: 1
* nautilus-sendto: 1
* R: 1
* relaxngDatatype: 1
* gpointing-device-settings: 1
* sslscan: 1
* qjackctl: 1
* nss_db: 1
* perl-Catalyst-View-TT: 1
* healpix: 1
* perl-Test-Perl-Critic: 1
* monodevelop: 1
* avrdude: 1
* ibus-table-tv: 1
* libisds: 1
* rsync: 1
* python-elixir: 1
* openttd: 1
* python-psycopg2: 1
* RBTools: 1
* openvrml: 1
* mailody: 1
* libsysactivity: 1
* libvirt-java: 1
* gant: 1
* ciso: 1
* rabbitmq-server: 1
* perl-IO-Socket-SSL: 1
* perl-CSS-Squish: 1
* dcbd: 1
* globus-ftp-client: 1
* bouml: 1
* extundelete: 1
* hgsvn: 1
* perl-Test-SharedFork: 1
* blender: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading: 1
* git: 1
* perl-Getopt-Simple: 1
* SoQt: 1
* bash-completion: 1
* globus-gsi-proxy-core: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Array: 1
* mod_wsgi: 1
* libucil: 1
* linkchecker: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 1
* munin: 1
* remmina: 1
* mutter-moblin: 1
* sed: 1
* pyliblo: 1
* mldonkey: 1
* gupnp-ui: 1
* perl-Test-TCP: 1
* entangle: 1
* bournal: 1
* xine-ui: 1
* alsa-lib: 1
* man-pages-ko: 1
* SimGear: 1
* perl-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC: 1
* quota: 1
* globus-gsi-proxy-ssl: 1
* pdfshuffler: 1
* ibus-chewing: 1
* libisofs: 1
* veusz: 1
* java-1.5.0-gcj: 1
* tolua++: 1
* muse: 1
* gscribble: 1
* wxGTK: 1
* globus-gssapi-gsi: 1
* ayttm: 1
* lxde-common: 1
* perl-IO-Async: 1
* mingw32-gtkmm24: 1
* sugar-physics: 1
* epsilon: 1
* perl-Nmap-Parser: 1
* perl-Config-Augeas: 1
* fedora-remix-logos: 1
* pam_radius: 1
* nco: 1
* eclipse-birt: 1
* spamassassin: 1
* geoclue: 1
* perl-Scope-Upper: 1
* systemtap: 1
* dogtag-pki-kra-ui: 1
* xfce4-diskperf-plugin: 1
* clutter-gst: 1
* ksshaskpass: 1
* GitPython: 1
* esorex: 1
* hal: 1
* globus-gatekeeper: 1
* ssmtp: 1
* arts: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Config: 1
* oprofile: 1
* drupal: 1
* compiz-fusion: 1
* openocd: 1
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst: 1
* spill: 1
* razertool: 1
* ipv6calc: 1
* 389-ds-console: 1
* garden: 1
* libftdi: 1
* perl: 1
* xfdesktop: 1
* python-urlgrabber: 1
* i3status: 1
* pgbouncer: 1
* rubygem-right_http_connection: 1
* mrbs: 1
* cas: 1
* perl-CSS: 1
* chunkd: 1
* perl-Debug-Client: 1
* ghc-parallel: 1
* pacemaker: 1
* perl-opts: 1
* 1
* workrave: 1
* libibmad: 1
* latexmk: 1
* epic: 1
* tellico: 1
* enchant: 1
* xvkbd: 1
* ice: 1
* gupnp-av: 1
* libsepol: 1
* php: 1
* mailman: 1
* ScientificPython: 1
* bpython: 1
* ruby-dbus: 1
* perl-Text-CSV: 1
* listen: 1
* libnids: 1
* stellarium: 1
* ibus-table-cantonese: 1
* lilyterm: 1
* qtlockedfile: 1
* system-config-samba: 1
* libewf: 1
* wgrib2: 1
* python-ruledispatch: 1
* perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive: 1
* cfengine: 1
* PyXML: 1
* libselinux: 1
* wlassistant: 1
* perl-Text-CSV_XS: 1
* sunbird: 1
* dkim-milter: 1
* perl-FCGI-Client: 1
* ruby-RMagick: 1
* bacula: 1
* python-sippy: 1
* eet: 1
* choqok: 1
* lordsawar: 1
* rpmconf: 1
* perl-Scope-Guard: 1
* vdradmin-am: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatchouli: 1
* nautilus-search-tool: 1
* ovaldi: 1
* OpenLP: 1
* chmsee: 1
* 3proxy: 1
* telepathy-haze: 1
* python-pip: 1
* perl-Parse-RecDescent: 1
* pyutil: 1
* rubygem-right_aws: 1
* phpPgAdmin: 1
* lftp: 1
* python-imdb: 1
* python-SocksiPy: 1
* python-djblets: 1
* dbus-cxx: 1
* bangarang: 1
* python: 1
* sugar-browse: 1
* dsniff: 1
* gimmix: 1
* mod_revocator: 1
* perl-Sub-Prototype: 1
* rubygem-bunny: 1
* system-config-services-docs: 1
* cyrus-imapd: 1
* sakura: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch: 1
* php-pear-HTML-Table: 1
* perl-Config-Any: 1
* marave: 1
* rubygem-rack: 1
* myproxy: 1
* libssh2: 1
* php-phpunit-PHP-TokenStream: 1
* ghc-binary: 1
* perl-File-ShareDir-Install: 1
* python-ZSI: 1
* postfix: 1
* rapid-photo-downloader: 1
* collectd: 1
* php-symfony-YAML: 1
* ocsinventory: 1
* hdf: 1
* alex: 1
* dosfstools: 1
* climm: 1
* scythia: 1
* python3-postgresql: 1
* gummi: 1
* less: 1
* rubygem-shotgun: 1
* common-lisp-controller: 1
* perl-Hash-MultiValue: 1
* redhat-menus: 1
* at-spi2-atk: 1
* ipa-pmincho-fonts: 1
* ibus-table-latin: 1
* ggz-gtk-client: 1
* lxinput: 1
* axel: 1
* perl-HTML-BarGraph: 1
* pykickstart: 1
* libsvm: 1
* iax: 1
* pulseaudio: 1
* ghc: 1
* swing-layout: 1
* bakefile: 1
* GraphicsMagick: 1
* dogtag-pki-common-ui: 1
* compat-tracker: 1
* emerald: 1
* python-pyblock: 1
* qwt: 1
* smolt: 1
* desktop-file-utils: 1
* ghc-QuickCheck: 1
* qtoctave: 1
* supervisor: 1
* gonvert: 1
* lxtask: 1
* dogtag-pki-tps-ui: 1
* dblatex: 1
* xorg-x11-xfs: 1
* eblook: 1
* nss-util: 1
* perl-Sysadm-Install: 1
* constantine-kde-theme: 1
* mono: 1
* libindi: 1
* shorewall: 1
* pyatspi: 1
* globus-rsl: 1
* tuxpaint: 1
* bleachbit: 1
* fcitx: 1
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 1
* libyahoo2: 1
* perl-Module-Manifest: 1
* centerim: 1
* zeitgeist: 1
* gutenprint: 1
* gtk-doc: 1
* jline: 1
* libcgroup: 1
* cpmtools: 1
* globus-gss-assist: 1
* libtirpc: 1
* haskell-platform: 1
* radvd: 1
* geos: 1
* xdg-user-dirs: 1
* rply: 1
* pinentry: 1
* perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose: 1
* jconvolver: 1
* ifuse: 1
* gnome-python2: 1
* globus-usage: 1
* ragel: 1
* mingw32-opensc: 1
* gnonlin: 1
* globus-gsi-credential: 1
* editarea: 1
* sqljet: 1
* drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts: 1
* knutclient: 1
* wgrib: 1
* gnome-applet-cpufire: 1
* kst: 1
* bluemodem: 1
* ugene: 1
* gpp4: 1
* system-config-users-docs: 1
* kde-plasma-translatoid: 1
* filezilla: 1
* iptraf: 1
* akonadi: 1
* ibus-table-code: 1
* lxterminal: 1
* memtester: 1
* dx: 1
* qelectrotech: 1
* setuptool: 1
* spin-kickstarts: 1
* scipy: 1
* pki-util: 1
* firstaidkit: 1
* intltool: 1
* ghc-rpm-macros: 1
* globus-core: 1
* constantine-backgrounds: 1
* telepathy-salut: 1
* hornsey: 1
* fsarchiver: 1
* gpicview: 1
* compiz-fusion-unsupported: 1
* opencv: 1
* perl-MooseX-Types-JSON: 1
* gnome-shell: 1
* liferea: 1
* system-config-nfs-docs: 1
* libextractor: 1
* eclipse-gef: 1
* qmmp: 1
* dxcc: 1
* moblin-panel-myzone: 1
* perl-Version-Requirements: 1
* dropwatch: 1
* surf: 1
* webkitkde: 1
* gnome-applet-window-picker: 1
* groff: 1
* hdf5: 1
* liboping: 1
* epdfview: 1
* globus-libxml2: 1
* glom: 1
* uuid: 1
* trac-monotone-plugin: 1
* libnotifymm: 1
* ueagle-atm4-firmware: 1
* libtnc: 1
* globus-gram-protocol: 1
* libpaper: 1
* gitg: 1
* xdotool: 1
* perl-Test-MinimumVersion: 1
* rubygem-rspec: 1
* cabal2spec: 1
* qstardict: 1
* perl-String-Formatter: 1
* ucview: 1
* perl-MouseX-Types: 1
* gnome-user-docs: 1
* libxml2: 1
* eric: 1
* lcdproc: 1
* pygsl: 1
* xorg-x11-resutils: 1
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 1
* fbpanel: 1
* eclipse-egit: 1
* mailcap: 1
* perl-Net-STOMP-Client: 1
* shapelib: 1
* gnome-applets: 1
* evolution-rss: 1
* perl-PSGI: 1
* gnome-mag: 1
* gbirthday: 1
* man-pages-it: 1
* uucp: 1
* lohit-punjabi-fonts: 1
* pdns-recursor: 1
* maatkit: 1
* opencsv: 1
* mrpt: 1
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 1
* python-bugzilla: 1
* augeas: 1
* minicom: 1
* python-chardet: 1
* devilspie: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIProfile: 1
* gpm: 1
* grace: 1
* moblin-panel-people: 1
* xorg-x11-drivers: 1
* gegl: 1
* glunarclock: 1
* perl-Config-Extend-MySQL: 1
* tagtool: 1
* upnp-inspector: 1
* gnu-smalltalk: 1
* FlightGear: 1
* audacious: 1
* eclipse-jgit: 1
* kBuild: 1
* python-tw-jquery: 1
* R-AnnotationDbi: 1
* perl-common-sense: 1
* system-config-users: 1
* xfce4-radio-plugin: 1
* papyrus: 1
* dbmail: 1
* haproxy: 1
* python3-chardet: 1
* libharu: 1
* yp-tools: 1
* php-pear-Mail: 1
* gnash: 1
* emacs-auctex: 1
* xom: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-config: 1
* postal: 1
* sepostgresql: 1
* rubygem-moneta: 1
* xz: 1
* xpp2: 1
* parole: 1
* perl-Number-Bytes-Human: 1
* anki: 1
* perl-MooseX-Getopt: 1
* papyon: 1
* gpx-viewer: 1
* perl-Test-LeakTrace: 1
* perl-Event-ExecFlow: 1
* ibus-table-cyrillic: 1
* pyvnc2swf: 1
* python-sexy: 1
* perl-POE-Test-Loops: 1
* xgridloc: 1
* gupnp-tools: 1
* xinetd: 1
* atanks: 1
* cld: 1
* gtk+extra: 1
* dvdauthor: 1
* python-basemap: 1
* libogg: 1
* eclipse-subclipse: 1
* xmlrpc: 1
* python-mwlib: 1
* pcsc-tools: 1
* joni: 1
* globus-gridftp-server: 1
* startup-notification: 1
* perl-LDAP: 1
* nautilus-open-terminal: 1
* eclipse: 1
* mingw32-glib2: 1
* sugar-speak: 1
* libcrystalhd: 1
* perl-Params-Validate: 1
* globus-xio-popen-driver: 1
* openvas-scanner: 1
* gawk: 1
* nautilus-sound-converter: 1
* lcgdm: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-vesa: 1
* imapfilter: 1
* dump: 1
* freemarker: 1
* greyhounds: 1
* perl-HTML-Template-Pro: 1
* neon: 1
* dspam: 1
* heartbeat: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: 1
* libedit: 1
* perl-HTTP-Parser-XS: 1
* whereami: 1
* gg2: 1
* efreet: 1
* httrack: 1
* xiphos: 1
* iptux: 1
* ghc-HTTP: 1
* librsvg2: 1
* stunnel: 1
* libproxy: 1
* lohit-malayalam-fonts: 1
* pylint: 1
* wmweather+: 1
* qdevelop: 1
* nafees-web-naskh-fonts: 1
* schroedinger: 1
* netpanzer: 1
* jps: 1
* python-suds: 1
* opensips: 1
* armadillo: 1
* mingw32-glibmm24: 1
* kexec-tools: 1
* kchmviewer: 1
* amsn: 1
* man-pages-uk: 1
* libvdpau: 1
* ConsoleKit: 1
* iputils: 1
* freetype: 1
* cppi: 1
* weka: 1
* perl-MIME-tools: 1
* petit: 1
* mod_nss: 1
* php-ezc-Archive: 1
* lxappearance: 1
* zaz: 1
* themonospot-gui-qt: 1
* perl-libwww-perl: 1
* dvb-apps: 1
* bibus: 1
* mingw32-cairo: 1
* gwaei: 1
* fbterm: 1
* bacula2: 1
* gnome-screensaver: 1
* perl-CDDB: 1
* EekBoek: 1
* libgnomeui: 1
* kmymoney2: 1
* xorg-x11-xinit: 1
* vino: 1
* NetworkManager-openconnect: 1
* frysk: 1
* corosync: 1
* panelfm: 1
* python-4Suite-XML: 1
* psi: 1
* perl-Regexp-Common: 1
* eject: 1
* sazanami-fonts: 1
* chordii: 1
* osmo: 1
* cclive: 1
* xapian-bindings: 1
* libpng: 1
* swaks: 1
* octave: 1
* python-amara: 1
* gazpacho: 1
* perl-Net-SSLGlue: 1
* bsd-games: 1
* libvirt-qpid: 1
* beecrypt: 1
* awn-extras-applets: 1
* rubygem-htmlentities: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev: 1
* gok: 1
* gnote: 1
* pessulus: 1
* passwd: 1
* php-ezc-Webdav: 1
* ewl: 1
* maximus: 1
* libdesktop-agnostic: 1
* bash: 1
* kcm_touchpad: 1
* rubygem-thin: 1
* python-PSI: 1
* python-meh: 1
* bios_extract: 1
* json-glib: 1
* eterm: 1
* lohit-bengali-fonts: 1
* normaliz: 1
* pki-ocsp: 1
* mmapper: 1
* luckybackup: 1
* cherokee: 1
* lock-keys-applet: 1
* libvoikko: 1
* Mayavi: 1
* python-werkzeug: 1
* mbuffer: 1
* gnubiff: 1
* lekhonee-gnome: 1
* hunspell-ta: 1
* gourmet: 1
* linux-firmware: 1
* libchewing: 1
* rubygem-gemcutter: 1
* geglmm: 1
* repoview: 1
* proftpd: 1
* iksemel: 1
* rsibreak: 1
* agave: 1
* libibumad: 1
* nano: 1
* hulahop: 1
* perl-Date-Manip: 1
* rubygem-configuration: 1
* gnome-games-extra-data: 1
* claws-mail: 1
* xwxapt: 1
* lohit-tamil-fonts: 1
* grsync: 1
* python-meld3: 1
* libXcursor: 1
* eclipse-dtp: 1
* lingot: 1
* mksh: 1
* libIDL: 1
* debootstrap: 1
* speech-dispatcher: 1
* pgadmin3: 1
* intellij-idea: 1
* libunicap: 1
* perl-AnyEvent-I3: 1
* arpwatch: 1
* pki-tks: 1
* lohit-assamese-fonts: 1
* dogtag-pki-tks-ui: 1
* 389-adminutil: 1
* perl-Data-OptList: 1
* taglib: 1
* rhn-client-tools: 1
* evas: 1
* redhat-rpm-config: 1
* audtty: 1
* freedroidrpg: 1
* libpng10: 1
* python-greenlet: 1
* pioneers: 1
* libbonoboui: 1
* report: 1
* perl-Context-Preserve: 1
* paktype-ajrak-fonts: 1
* system-config-nfs: 1
* python-lxml: 1
* irssi: 1
* perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained: 1
* sylpheed: 1
* php-ezc-PersistentObject: 1
* zenity: 1
* eog-plugins: 1
* ekiga: 1
* bittorrent: 1
* libgnomeprint22: 1
* rubygem-haml: 1
* ssldump: 1
* libgdl: 1
* hostname: 1
* linphone: 1
* ghc-network: 1
* python-kaa-display: 1
* poedit: 1
* debmirror: 1
* libgail-gnome: 1
* paps: 1
* qmforge: 1
* wmx: 1
* gscan2pdf: 1
* python-pycha: 1
* sugar-presence-service: 1
* fedora-bookmarks: 1
* system-config-network: 1
* hydrogen: 1
* deskbar-applet: 1
* 4ti2: 1
* rednotebook: 1
* ghc-deepseq: 1
* knm-new-fixed-fonts: 1
* cacti: 1
* kile: 1
* gnome-scan: 1
* perl-File-DirCompare: 1
* dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui: 1
* ghc-cgi: 1
* papercut: 1
* hunspell-te: 1
* konq-plugins: 1
* packETH: 1
* valgrind: 1
* parcellite: 1
* R-hdf5: 1
* paktype-naskh-basic-fonts: 1
* cobbler: 1
* twitter-glib: 1
* sks: 1
* rubygem-hoe: 1
* ArpON: 1
* embryo: 1
* whohas: 1
* perl-DBIx-DBSchema: 1
* ibus-qt: 1
* svnkit: 1
* scite: 1
* yaml-cpp: 1
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 1
* perl-CLASS: 1
* libprojectM: 1
* comps-extras: 1
* epydoc: 1
* rakarrack: 1
* rubygem-xmpp4r-simple: 1
* perl-Perl-Version: 1
* vim-perl-support: 1
* piklab: 1
* kmagnet: 1
* phpldapadmin: 1
* viewnior: 1
* getdata: 1
* subcommander: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-log: 1
* pyclutter: 1
* openttd-opengfx: 1
* mtkbabel: 1
* eclipse-mylyn: 1
* whatsup: 1
* uzbl: 1
* gpredict: 1
* globus-gass-copy: 1
* coriander: 1
* libgnomeprintui22: 1
* knemo: 1
* SDL: 1
* ipa-mincho-fonts: 1
* ql2400-firmware: 1
* pisg: 1
* libchamplain: 1
* edje: 1
* esc: 1
* monotone: 1
* openmpi: 1
* kid3: 1
* picprog: 1
* sugar-jukebox: 1
* keepassx: 1
* tunneler: 1
* xpp3: 1
* libhbaapi: 1
* perl-App-Daemon: 1
* tracker: 1
* tar: 1
* fedora-gnome-theme: 1
* libX11: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-qxl: 1
* libraw1394: 1
* sugar-view-slides: 1
* simdock: 1
* libtranslate: 1
* php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging: 1
* hatari: 1
* gobject-introspection: 1
* mpop: 1
* ql2500-firmware: 1
* perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces: 1
* ibus-rawcode: 1
* rubygem-uuidtools: 1
* ppp: 1
* pympdtouchgui: 1
* trove4j: 1
* sendmail: 1
* lvm2: 1
* emelfm2: 1
* skkdic: 1
* flowcanvas: 1
* moodle: 1
* valide: 1
* scribus: 1
* wqy-microhei-fonts: 1
* sdparm: 1
* xtide: 1
* perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib: 1
* perl-Olson-Abbreviations: 1
* blahtexml: 1
* tangogps: 1
* dogtag-pki-console-ui: 1
* k3b: 1
* autoarchive: 1
* xfce4-mailwatch-plugin: 1
* gipfel: 1
* quvi: 1
* wireshark: 1
* pam_krb5: 1
* privoxy: 1
* chrony: 1
* logjam: 1
* aduna-commons-concurrent: 1
* mingw32-qt: 1
* eigen2: 1
* nip2: 1
* xdg-utils: 1
* hercules: 1
* mathgl: 1
* cronie: 1
* font-manager: 1
* RackTables: 1
* drehatlas-xaporho-fonts: 1
* jfreechart: 1
* googsystray: 1
* perl-Test-Exception: 1
* OpenGTL: 1
* kita: 1
* glue-schema: 1
* guitone: 1
* perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish: 1
* mpi4py: 1
* memtest86+: 1
* gnumeric: 1
* loggerhead: 1
* ykpers: 1
* taipeifonts: 1
* xmlrpc-c: 1
* babel: 1
* sugar-write: 1
* drehatlas-widelands-fonts: 1
* perl-RRD-Simple: 1
* kbluetooth: 1
* perl-Devel-NYTProf: 1
* rubygem-parseconfig: 1
* tailor: 1
* scsi-target-utils: 1
* gfs-goschen-fonts: 1
* libnfc: 1
* mr: 1
* libQtGTL: 1
* foremost: 1
* pidgin-birthday-reminder: 1
* sopwith: 1
* rubygem-ffi: 1
* xorg-x11-xfwp: 1
* moblin-panel-applications: 1
* mingw32-gtk2: 1
* museek+: 1
* perl-Test-JSON: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-authentication: 1
* php-phpmd-PHP-PMD: 1
* php-pear-Services-Twitter: 1
* stage: 1
* aircrack-ng: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication: 1
* glabels: 1
* mpich2: 1
* lohit-gujarati-fonts: 1
* idm-console-framework: 1
* mingw32-pango: 1
* plotmm: 1
* hanazono-fonts: 1
* eclipse-rse: 1
* rpmlint: 1
* pigz: 1
* openhpi-subagent: 1
* sonata: 1
* hugin: 1
* libssh: 1
* krb5-auth-dialog: 1
* gnome-activity-journal: 1
* barry: 1
* wormux: 1
* anyremote: 1
* readahead: 1
* tabled: 1
* globus-xio-gsi-driver: 1
* maniadrive: 1
* lohit-oriya-fonts: 1
* seamonkey: 1
* ruby: 1
* freehoo: 1
* python3-cherrypy: 1
* banshee-community-extensions: 1
* libv4l: 1
* latex2rtf: 1
* trac-bazaar-plugin: 1
* globus-gridftp-server-control: 1
* iptables: 1
* libspectre: 1
* perl-Set-Scalar: 1
* bind: 1
* pootle: 1
* sat4j: 1
* mpir: 1
* noip: 1
* i3lock: 1
* pymol: 1
* wp_tray: 1
* moblin-gtk-engine: 1
* memcached: 1
* gpsd: 1
* R-Biostrings: 1
* security-menus: 1
* devhelp: 1
* trac-mercurial-plugin: 1
* at-spi2-core: 1
* ettercap: 1
* xorg-x11-xsm: 1
* python-empy: 1
* bullet: 1
* telepathy-mission-control: 1
* lohit-telugu-fonts: 1
* perl-String-Flogger: 1
* e_dbus: 1
* gtk-sharp2: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple: 1
* aria2: 1
* openscada: 1
* roxterm: 1
* dates: 1
* bfa-firmware: 1
* xcf-pixbuf-loader: 1
* mingw32-qt-qmake: 1
* libnice: 1
* ghc-dataenc: 1
* php-pear-HTTP-Request2: 1
* gnome-commander: 1
* CharLS: 1
* w3m: 1
* freeciv: 1
* php-ezc-Database: 1
* vifm: 1
* baekmuk-ttf-fonts: 1
* perl-String-Escape: 1
* python-logilab-astng: 1
* subdownloader: 1
* rubygem-rubyforge: 1
* gcl: 1
* Thunar: 1
* barrage: 1
* enlightenment: 1
* paktype-naqsh-fonts: 1
* libtheora: 1
* polipo: 1
* mkvtoolnix: 1
* xapian-core: 1
* balsa: 1
* mod_auth_shadow: 1
* php-phpunit-phpdcd: 1
* geronimo-jms: 1
* perl-Perl-PrereqScanner: 1
* ibus-m17n: 1
* opengrok: 1
* iok: 1
* ant: 1
* boswars: 1
* perl-Test-Simple: 1
* globus-gass-server-ez: 1
* gnome-applet-alarm-clock: 1
* perl-Digest-HMAC: 1
* shotwell: 1
* php-pear-Mail-Mime: 1
* perl-Try-Tiny: 1
* compiz-fusion-extras: 1
* saxpath: 1
* florence: 1
* gdal: 1
* fontforge: 1
* enca: 1
* opensm: 1
* mytop: 1
* bakery: 1
* xscreensaver: 1
* R-IRanges: 1
* libimobiledevice: 1
* rubygem-merb-gen: 1
* moblin-panel-media: 1
* perl-Moose-Policy: 1
* plee-the-bear: 1
* pyclutter-gtk: 1
* pki-selinux: 1
* libthai: 1
* xawtv: 1
* libsexymm: 1
* git-bugzilla: 1
* ntp: 1
* globus-gsi-cert-utils: 1
* etoys: 1
* django-lint: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-cli: 1
* easystroke: 1
* gparted: 1
* evtest: 1
* python-virtinst: 1
* upstart: 1
* gtorrentviewer: 1
* xmlunit: 1
* aic94xx-firmware: 1
* globus-gsi-sysconfig: 1
* kasumi: 1
* wesnoth: 1
* python-dmidecode: 1
* perl-JSON-Any: 1
* mktorrent: 1
* hunspell-or: 1
* Macaulay2: 1
* tumbler: 1
* perl-CGI-PSGI: 1
* guitarix: 1
* lxlauncher: 1
* perl-Color-Calc: 1
* gwsmhg: 1
* mbox2eml: 1
* libxml++: 1
* json-c: 1
* python-mygpoclient: 1
* gv: 1
* cairo: 1
* jlex: 1
* eclipse-pydev: 1
* rubygem-maruku: 1
* perl-URI: 1
* htop: 1
* banshee: 1
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 1
* dvisvgm: 1
* mozilla-adblockplus: 1
* boost: 1
* detox: 1
* varnish: 1
* perl-Audio-Beep: 1
* childsplay: 1
* eclipse-dltk: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication: 1
* python-geoclue: 1
* pyclutter-gst: 1
* rstp: 1
* dbus-glib: 1
* ghc-haskeline: 1
* klavaro: 1
* openvas-libraries: 1
* php-ezc-ConsoleTools: 1
* perl-Net-GitHub: 1
* hunspell: 1
* readline: 1
* orc: 1
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 1
* perl-CPAN-Uploader: 1
Fedora 12
* 4153 updates
* 3611 stable updates
* 2692 testing updates
* 109 pending updates
* 50 obsolete updates
* 2481 bugfix updates (59.74%)
* 914 enhancement updates (22.01%)
* 164 security updates (3.95%)
* 594 newpackage updates (14.30%)
* 372 critical path updates (8.96%)
* 850 updates received feedback (20.47%)
* 737 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 505 anonymous users gave feedback (5.49%)
* 2692 out of 4153 updates went through testing (64.82%)
* 1695 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (62.96%)
* 180 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* cyrus-sasl-2.1.23-9.fc12 submitted by jfch2222
* elfutils-0.144-1.fc12 submitted by roland
* pixman-0.16.6-1.fc12 submitted by ssp
* util-linux-ng-2.16.2-8.fc12 submitted by kzak
* gzip-1.3.12-14.fc12 submitted by kklic
* policycoreutils-2.0.74-16.fc12 submitted by dwalsh
* sound-theme-freedesktop-0.7-2.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-font-utils-7.2-11.fc12 submitted by ajax
* sgml-common-0.6.3-31.fc12 submitted by ovasik
* attr-2.4.44-1.fc12 submitted by kdudka
* audit-2.0.4-1.fc12 submitted by sgrubb
* control-center-2.28.1-15.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.2.0-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* coreutils-7.6-9.fc12 submitted by ovasik
* gtk2-2.18.6-1.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* authconfig-5.4.14-1.fc12 submitted by tmraz
* python-kid-0.9.6-6.fc12 submitted by till
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.28.1-8.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* tzdata-2010e-1.fc12 submitted by pmachata
* findutils-4.4.2-6.fc12 submitted by kdudka
* sudo-1.7.2p6-1.fc12 submitted by mildew
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.3.2-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* nss-util-3.12.5-1.fc12.1 submitted by emaldonado
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.3.2-3.fc12 submitted by whot
* gtk2-2.18.3-22.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* libdrm-2.4.15-6.fc12 submitted by airlied
* mash-0.5.10-1.fc12 submitted by notting
* alsa-lib-1.0.22-2.fc12 submitted by perex
* mpfr-2.4.1-5.fc12 submitted by varekova
* createrepo-0.9.8-3.fc12 submitted by skvidal
* libssh2-1.2.2-4.fc12 submitted by cweyl
* libsexy-0.1.11-13.fc12 submitted by bpepple
* tzdata-2010i-1.fc12 submitted by pmachata
* net-tools-1.60-99.fc12 submitted by jpopelka
* xz-4.999.9-0.2.beta.20091007git.fc12 submitted by jnovy
* coreutils-7.6-8.fc12 submitted by ovasik
* gtk2-2.18.3-21.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-keyring-2.28.2-1.fc12 submitted by tbzatek
* less-436-5.fc12 submitted by npajkovs
* bash-4.0.35-2.fc12 submitted by rrakus
* util-linux-ng-2.16.2-6.fc12 submitted by kzak
* metacity-2.28.0-11.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* libxklavier-4.0-7.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.2.0-3.fc12 submitted by ajax
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.28.1-12.fc12 submitted by whot
* evolution-data-server-2.28.2-1.fc12 submitted by mcrha
* gnome-desktop-2.28.2-4.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xkeyboard-config-1.7-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* mdadm-3.0.3-1.fc12 submitted by dledford
* libvorbis-1.2.3-4.fc12 submitted by ajax
* policycoreutils-2.0.79-1.fc12 submitted by dwalsh
* setup-2.8.9-2.fc12 submitted by ovasik
* e2fsprogs-1.41.9-6.fc12 submitted by sandeen
* openldap-2.4.19-4.fc12 submitted by jzeleny
* expat-2.0.1-8.fc12 submitted by jorton
* python-iniparse-0.3.1-2.fc12 submitted by timlau
* mdadm-3.0.3-2.fc12 submitted by dledford
* mobile-broadband-provider-info-1.20100122-1.fc12 submitted by dcbw
* ModemManager-0.3-1.git20100119.fc12 submitted by dcbw
* dnsmasq-2.52-1.fc12 submitted by itamarjp
* xorg-x11-drv-wacom-0.10.4-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-xinit-1.0.9-14.fc12 submitted by mcepl
* libxcb-1.5-1.fc12 submitted by airlied
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.8-7.fc12 submitted by dcbw
* GConf2-2.28.0-3.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* fedora-release-12-2 submitted by jkeating
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.8-8.fc12 submitted by dcbw
* glib2-2.22.2-3.fc12 submitted by tbzatek
* ppp-2.4.5-8.fc12 submitted by jskala
* libsoup-2.28.1-2.fc12 submitted by hadess
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* dracut-005-2.fc12 submitted by harald
* libtiff-3.9.2-2.fc12 submitted by tgl
* tzdata-2010c-1.fc12 submitted by pmachata
* util-linux-ng-2.16-10.3.fc12 submitted by kzak
* repoview-0.6.4-1.fc12 submitted by icon
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-5.fc12 submitted by xavierb
* libxklavier-4.0-6.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-desktop-2.28.1-5.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-desktop-2.28.1-3.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* nss-3.12.5-8.fc12 submitted by emaldonado
* shadow-utils- submitted by pvrabec
* file-5.03-10.fc12 submitted by dnovotny
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.3.0-4.fc12 submitted by whot
* gnome-vfs2-2.24.2-4.fc12 submitted by tbzatek
* metacity-2.28.0-14.fc12 submitted by otaylor
* util-linux-ng-2.16.2-4.fc12 submitted by kzak
* control-center-2.28.1-8.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* ntp-4.2.4p8-1.fc12 submitted by mlichvar
* libsoup-2.28.2-1.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.6.32-92.fc12 submitted by mgrepl
* libnotify-0.4.5-4.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.15-19.20091105gite1c2efd.fc12 submitted by bskeggs
* gzip-1.3.12-13.fc12 submitted by kklic
* glib2-2.22.3-1.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.6.32-89.fc12 submitted by mgrepl
* audit-2.0.3-1.fc12 submitted by sgrubb
* rsyslog-4.4.2-1.fc12 submitted by theinric
* GConf2-2.28.0-4.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* util-linux-ng-2.16.2-7.fc12 submitted by kzak
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.13.0-1.fc12 submitted by airlied
* less-436-3.fc12 submitted by npajkovs
* policycoreutils-2.0.78-12.fc12 submitted by dwalsh
* unzip-5.52-12.fc12 submitted by kklic
* libgnomekbd-2.28.0-4.fc12 submitted by hadess
* dnsmasq-2.51-1.fc12 submitted by itamarjp
* gnome-desktop-2.28.2-3.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* nss-softokn-3.12.4-17.fc12 submitted by emaldonado
* ConsoleKit-0.4.1-3.fc12,dbus-1.2.16-9.fc12 submitted by rstrode
* control-center-2.28.1-13.fc12 submitted by rstrode
* gnome-desktop-2.28.2-1.fc12,nautilus-2.28.4-1.fc12,control-center-2.28.1-12.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* plymouth-0.8.0-0.2009.29.09.19.fc12 submitted by rstrode
* tar-1.22-10.fc12 submitted by ovasik
* sendmail-8.14.4-3.fc12 submitted by jskarvad
* tzdata-2009u-1.fc12 submitted by pmachata
* file-5.03-12.fc12 submitted by dnovotny
* libgnomekbd-2.28.2-1.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-dummy-0.3.3-1.fc12 submitted by ajax
* gnome-desktop-2.28.2-6.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* file-5.03-11.fc12 submitted by dnovotny
* fontconfig-2.8.0-1.fc12 submitted by behdad
* GConf2-2.28.0-4.fc12.1 submitted by spot
* gstreamer- submitted by hadess
* libselinux-2.0.90-3.fc12 submitted by dwalsh
* perl-5.10.0-85.fc12 submitted by kasal
* gtk2-2.18.4-3.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* perl-5.10.0-87.fc12 submitted by mmaslano
* libXi-1.3-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* less-436-6.fc12 submitted by npajkovs
* ppp-2.4.5-3.fc12 submitted by jskala
* gnome-keyring-2.28.2-2.fc12 submitted by rdieter
* pango-1.26.1-1.fc12 submitted by behdad
* libdrm-2.4.18-2.fc12 submitted by bskeggs
* libuser-0.56.13-1.fc12 submitted by mitr
* control-center-2.28.1-5.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* pykickstart-1.70-1.fc12 submitted by clumens
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.3.3-1.fc12 submitted by whot
* pinentry-0.7.6-5.fc12 submitted by rdieter
* xorg-x11-drv-vesa-2.3.0-1.fc12 submitted by ajax
* unique-1.1.6-1.fc12 submitted by rhughes
* binutils- submitted by nickc
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* nss-softokn-3.12.4-16.fc12 submitted by emaldonado
* elfutils-0.146-1.fc12 submitted by roland
* policycoreutils-2.0.78-10.fc12 submitted by dwalsh
* curl-7.19.7-2.fc12 submitted by kdudka
* yum-utils-1.1.24-2.fc12 submitted by timlau
* openssh-5.3p1-18.fc12 submitted by jfch2222
* NetworkManager-0.7.997-2.git20091214.fc12,ModemManager-0.2.997-4.git20091218.fc12 submitted by dcbw
* initscripts-9.02.1-1 submitted by notting
* parted-1.9.0-17.2.fc12 submitted by jwrdegoede
* grub-0.97-62.fc12 submitted by pjones
* freetype-2.3.11-3.fc12 submitted by behdad
* pango-1.26.2-1.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* cronie-1.4.3-4.fc12 submitted by mmaslano
* yum-utils-1.1.24-1.fc12 submitted by timlau
* util-linux-ng-2.16.2-5.fc12 submitted by kzak
* glib2-2.22.4-2.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* gcc-4.4.2-20.fc12 submitted by jakub
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.2.1-1.fc12 submitted by whot
* libpng-1.2.42-1.fc12 submitted by tgl
* pixman-0.16.4-2.fc12 submitted by ssp
* xkeyboard-config-1.7-1.fc12 submitted by whot
* e2fsprogs-1.41.9-7.fc12 submitted by sandeen
* libXext-1.1-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* glib2-2.22.3-2.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* logrotate-3.7.8-5.fc12 submitted by dnovotny
* libssh2-1.2.2-5.fc12 submitted by cweyl
* notification-daemon-engine-slider-0.2.0-2.fc12 submitted by mclasen
* nss-3.12.6-4.fc12 submitted by emaldonado
* less-436-4.fc12 submitted by npajkovs
* binutils- submitted by nickc
* xorg-x11-drv-keyboard-1.4.0-2.fc12 submitted by whot
* libxcb-1.4-2.fc12 submitted by ajax
* curl-7.19.7-6.fc12 submitted by kdudka
* openssh-5.3p1-15.fc12 submitted by jfch2222
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-16.20091217cvs.fc12 submitted by rdieter
* procps-3.2.8-3.fc12 submitted by dnovotny
* control-center-2.28.1-16.fc12 submitted by whot
* openssh-5.3p1-16.fc12 submitted by jfch2222
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 14 days
* median = 13 days
* mode = 17 days
* 11 updates automatically unpushed due to karma (0.26%)
* 4 of which were critical path updates
* 143 updates automatically pushed due to karma (3.44%)
* 14 of which were critical path updates
* Time spent in testing of updates that were pushed by karma:
* mean = 12 days
* median = 7 days
* mode = 7 days
* 2638 packages updated
* qbittorrent: 23
* gdb: 22
* selinux-policy: 20
* xorg-x11-server: 16
* kernel: 14
* jd: 13
* gvfs: 11
* gtk2: 11
* calibre: 10
* audacious-plugins: 10
[ View all ]
* samba: 9
* sunbird: 9
* abrt: 9
* ibus: 9
* kdebase-workspace: 9
* policycoreutils: 9
* 389-ds-base: 8
* gnome-desktop: 8
* setroubleshoot: 8
* squid: 8
* sssd: 8
* thunderbird: 8
* kdebase-runtime: 8
* openal-soft: 8
* autofs: 8
* pki-common: 8
* transmission: 8
* control-center: 8
* kdegames: 7
* kdebase: 7
* mysql: 7
* publican: 7
* translate-toolkit: 7
* kdepim: 7
* kdesdk: 7
* kdepimlibs: 7
* util-linux-ng: 7
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 7
* kdelibs: 7
* kdebindings: 6
* mercurial: 6
* dhcp: 6
* gnome-settings-daemon: 6
* kdeaccessibility: 6
* nted: 6
* kdepim-runtime: 6
* tor: 6
* kdegraphics: 6
* pino: 6
* ibus-chewing: 6
* kdetoys: 6
* wallpapoz: 6
* dovecot: 6
* PyQt4: 6
* PackageKit: 6
* kdeadmin: 6
* kdeedu: 6
* gbirthday: 6
* imsettings: 6
* gwibber: 6
* kde-l10n: 6
* cclive: 6
* kdemultimedia: 6
* cherokee: 6
* mozilla-noscript: 6
* kdeplasma-addons: 6
* kdenetwork: 6
* gstreamer: 6
* kdeartwork: 6
* tortoisehg: 6
* resource-agents: 6
* oxygen-icon-theme: 6
* bind: 6
* telepathy-gabble: 6
* mc: 6
* krb5: 6
* kdeutils: 6
* tzdata: 6
* uget: 5
* postgis: 5
* ppp: 5
* crda: 5
* openconnect: 5
* glib2: 5
* qtcurve-gtk2: 5
* pki-setup: 5
* qt: 5
* openssh: 5
* xorg-x11-drv-ati: 5
* rakudo: 5
* openbox: 5
* galeon: 5
* xorg-x11-drv-wacom: 5
* cyrus-imapd: 5
* ecryptfs-utils: 5
* blam: 5
* xulrunner: 5
* nautilus: 5
* libguestfs: 5
* openslide: 5
* firefox: 5
* pki-ca: 5
* php-ZendFramework: 5
* virtaal: 5
* i3: 5
* emacs: 5
* erlang: 5
* ikiwiki: 5
* fence-agents: 5
* Miro: 5
* waf: 5
* blacs: 5
* mock: 5
* asterisk: 5
* scidavis: 5
* cluster: 5
* kitutuki: 5
* kanyremote: 5
* 389-admin: 5
* ModemManager: 5
* qlandkartegt: 5
* report: 5
* qtcurve-kde4: 5
* puppet: 5
* sudo: 5
* system-config-printer: 5
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev: 5
* ejabberd: 5
* digikam: 5
* fsarchiver: 5
* rhythmbox: 5
* rgmanager: 5
* xkeyboard-config: 5
* ksh: 5
* gnome-commander: 5
* xscreensaver: 5
* R-IRanges: 5
* kde-settings: 5
* file: 5
* tuned: 5
* eric: 5
* gcompris: 5
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 5
* cyrus-sasl: 4
* boinc-client: 4
* qtiplot: 4
* GConf2: 4
* znc: 4
* ganyremote: 4
* pidgin: 4
* xemacs: 4
* lldpad: 4
* purple-msn-pecan: 4
* kipi-plugins: 4
* filezilla: 4
* php-phpunit-phpcpd: 4
* podsleuth: 4
* ghostscript: 4
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 4
* less: 4
* gdm: 4
* ibus-anthy: 4
* rsync: 4
* PyQwt: 4
* banshee: 4
* udev: 4
* libdrm: 4
* mozvoikko: 4
* latexmk: 4
* globus-common: 4
* NetworkManager: 4
* player: 4
* xvkbd: 4
* merkaartor: 4
* lftp: 4
* vrq: 4
* pulseaudio: 4
* dogtag-pki-common-ui: 4
* nss: 4
* poppler: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau: 4
* shorewall: 4
* php-pear-HTTP-OAuth: 4
* php-phpunit-phploc: 4
* pki-kra: 4
* yumex: 4
* abby: 4
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 4
* dogtag-pki-ca-ui: 4
* taggle: 4
* audacious: 4
* papyon: 4
* mesa: 4
* libvirt-java: 4
* cups-pk-helper: 4
* vala: 4
* bodhi: 4
* amsn: 4
* cups: 4
* gnome-python2-extras: 4
* certmonger: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: 4
* sip: 4
* spamassassin: 4
* rkhunter: 4
* shutter: 4
* claws-mail: 4
* rygel: 4
* kde-plasma-smooth-tasks: 4
* gedit-latex-plugin: 4
* R: 4
* parrot: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd: 4
* telepathy-butterfly: 4
* sos: 4
* stonevpn: 4
* python-pip: 4
* cobbler: 4
* planner: 4
* libprojectM: 4
* rb_libtorrent: 4
* fbzx: 4
* gstreamer-plugins-base: 4
* jmol: 4
* tangogps: 4
* gnome-web-photo: 4
* wireshark: 4
* viewvc: 4
* pki-ra: 4
* clive: 4
* hplip: 4
* libnfc: 4
* perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed: 4
* totem: 4
* wine: 4
* pki-selinux: 4
* curl: 4
* evtest: 4
* liveusb-creator: 4
* klavaro: 4
* yum-utils: 4
* frescobaldi: 3
* emacs-vm: 3
* openssl: 3
* ntfs-3g: 3
* pki-silent: 3
* globus-gram-job-manager-scripts: 3
* vsftpd: 3
* kismet: 3
* collectl: 3
* usb_modeswitch: 3
* libvtemm: 3
* kdesvn: 3
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 3
* ghdl: 3
* glusterfs: 3
* tomcatjss: 3
* augeas: 3
* sugar-visualmatch: 3
* soprano: 3
* voms: 3
* lm_sensors: 3
* php-ezc-DatabaseSchema: 3
* python-fedora: 3
* system-config-lvm: 3
* java-1.6.0-openjdk: 3
* fbreader: 3
* springlobby: 3
* spring: 3
* rpy: 3
* sysvinit: 3
* skrooge: 3
* edb: 3
* rosegarden4: 3
* i3status: 3
* ibus-pinyin: 3
* mysql-connector-java: 3
* openmpi: 3
* dracut: 3
* nicotine+: 3
* iverilog: 3
* piklab: 3
* gnome-user-share: 3
* cppcheck: 3
* zarafa: 3
* qemu: 3
* gthumb: 3
* slim: 3
* rawtherapee: 3
* logwatch: 3
* xorg-x11-drv-ivtv: 3
* listen: 3
* netcf: 3
* yum: 3
* openttd: 3
* fence-virt: 3
* pssh: 3
* EekBoek: 3
* bash-completion: 3
* munin: 3
* alsa-lib: 3
* man-pages-ko: 3
* avant-window-navigator: 3
* muse: 3
* systemtap: 3
* sabayon: 3
* dogtag-pki-kra-ui: 3
* pondus: 3
* lxdm: 3
* oprofile: 3
* pvs-sbcl: 3
* php: 3
* glibc: 3
* webkitkde: 3
* plymouth: 3
* audacity: 3
* jna: 3
* gnome-screensaver: 3
* emacs-goodies: 3
* xpaint: 3
* dbus-cxx: 3
* php-phpunit-File-Iterator: 3
* brasero: 3
* libssh2: 3
* abiword: 3
* mcu8051ide: 3
* memcached: 3
* uzbl: 3
* bouml: 3
* cscope: 3
* dogtag-pki-tps-ui: 3
* phonon: 3
* konq-plugins: 3
* libhugetlbfs: 3
* kmid2: 3
* rpmlint: 3
* kde-plasma-translatoid: 3
* gource: 3
* akonadi: 3
* homebank: 3
* pki-util: 3
* dvisvgm: 3
* rcssserver: 3
* me-tv: 3
* glom: 3
* qscintilla: 3
* evolution-rss: 3
* 3proxy: 3
* iptux: 3
* smartmontools: 3
* elfutils: 3
* rubygem-activeldap: 3
* gnash: 3
* sepostgresql: 3
* parole: 3
* gdisk: 3
* globus-gridftp-server: 3
* eclipse: 3
* perl-Params-Validate: 3
* avr-libc: 3
* coreutils: 3
* dspam: 3
* bip: 3
* openldap: 3
* zfs-fuse: 3
* olpc-update: 3
* ktorrent: 3
* xorg-x11-xinit: 3
* frysk: 3
* purple-facebookchat: 3
* metacity: 3
* kvirc: 3
* gambas2: 3
* myproxy: 3
* luckybackup: 3
* libchewing: 3
* php-pdepend-PHP-Depend: 3
* nautilus-actions: 3
* nfs-utils: 3
* preupgrade: 3
* pki-tks: 3
* exaile: 3
* pki-ocsp: 3
* gstreamer-java: 3
* trytond: 3
* rednotebook: 3
* rubygem-marc: 3
* kile: 3
* nut: 3
* opensips: 3
* solfege: 3
* openttd-opengfx: 3
* kpackagekit: 3
* knemo: 3
* moin: 3
* fetch-crl: 3
* lirc: 3
* pgbouncer: 3
* tryton: 3
* dogtag-pki-console-ui: 3
* mbuffer: 3
* hspell: 3
* ykpers: 3
* RackTables: 3
* binutils: 3
* osutil: 3
* empathy: 3
* nss-softokn: 3
* php-pear-Services-Twitter: 3
* gzip: 3
* octave: 3
* anyremote: 3
* seamonkey: 3
* attica: 3
* i3lock: 3
* R-Biostrings: 3
* nagios: 3
* libssh: 3
* perl-App-Cmd: 3
* phpMyAdmin: 3
* qgis: 3
* terminator: 3
* python-twisted-core: 3
* conduit: 3
* globus-gass-server-ez: 3
* zarafa-webaccess: 3
* florence: 3
* gtg: 3
* freeciv: 3
* kdelibs-experimental: 3
* glpi: 3
* python-wehjit: 3
* foomatic: 3
* clamtk: 3
* condor: 3
* gwsmhg: 3
* amarok: 3
* zabbix: 3
* artha: 3
* pki-tps: 3
* ibus-qt: 3
* rubygem-RubyInline: 2
* hunspell-si: 2
* vlgothic-fonts: 2
* authconfig: 2
* php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer: 2
* tmux: 2
* fluidsynth: 2
* xapian-core: 2
* gmime22: 2
* gajim: 2
* libtool: 2
* gnome-do: 2
* cas: 2
* pdfresurrect: 2
* vim: 2
* scantailor: 2
* perl-App-cpanminus: 2
* subversion: 2
* squirrelmail: 2
* emacs-spice-mode: 2
* eclipse-rpmstubby: 2
* usbmuxd: 2
* duplicity: 2
* kiconedit: 2
* trac: 2
* colossus: 2
* git-cola: 2
* mysql-mmm: 2
* gtkhtml3: 2
* qwt-doc: 2
* gupnp-vala: 2
* python-boto: 2
* 2
* xiphos: 2
* obexd: 2
* python-xlib: 2
* globus-gsi-proxy-core: 2
* gnome-applet-netspeed: 2
* conntrack-tools: 2
* gnome-utils: 2
* qrupdate: 2
* rubygem-hoe: 2
* agave: 2
* microcode_ctl: 2
* kexec-tools: 2
* perl-Data-Dumper-Concise: 2
* fpm2: 2
* ibus-table: 2
* emelfm2: 2
* sectool: 2
* evolution-exchange: 2
* shared-desktop-ontologies: 2
* pidgin-sipe: 2
* poppler-data: 2
* NetworkManager-pptp: 2
* fedora-package-config-apt: 2
* wxPython: 2
* openais: 2
* libplist: 2
* python-virtinst: 2
* nikto: 2
* ardour: 2
* man-pages-fr: 2
* network-manager-netbook: 2
* rcssserver3d: 2
* strigi: 2
* xcircuit: 2
* cabal-install: 2
* chronojump: 2
* rekonq: 2
* dogtag-pki-ra-ui: 2
* garmindev: 2
* tasque: 2
* tuxtype2: 2
* bareftp: 2
* dogtag-pki: 2
* pango: 2
* wpa_supplicant: 2
* OpenGTL: 2
* tigervnc: 2
* libfwbuilder: 2
* scummvm: 2
* libxfcegui4: 2
* gnome-bluetooth: 2
* vidalia: 2
* globus-proxy-utils: 2
* PySolFC: 2
* php-ezc-Mail: 2
* globus-authz-callout-error: 2
* geany: 2
* libgda: 2
* jide-oss: 2
* getmail: 2
* gnusim8085: 2
* dogtag-pki-tks-ui: 2
* rt3: 2
* postgresql: 2
* rho: 2
* sbackup: 2
* xfce4-power-manager: 2
* mojito: 2
* vim-latex: 2
* globus-openssl-module: 2
* alienarena: 2
* skf: 2
* flashrom: 2
* syncevolution: 2
* blueman: 2
* python-imdb: 2
* dracut-modules-olpc: 2
* sound-juicer: 2
* nbtk: 2
* security-menus: 2
* mdadm: 2
* patch: 2
* xemacs-packages-extra: 2
* subtitleeditor: 2
* netpbm: 2
* kde-plasma-yawp: 2
* globus-gram-client: 2
* mingw32-qt: 2
* paps: 2
* pure-ftpd: 2
* dstat: 2
* libisds: 2
* xterm: 2
* php-phpmd-PHP-PMD: 2
* drupal-views: 2
* libibverbs: 2
* openvrml: 2
* gcstar: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager: 2
* rubygem-gemcutter: 2
* fswebcam: 2
* supybot-fedora: 2
* pdns-recursor: 2
* bind-dyndb-ldap: 2
* gpointing-device-settings: 2
* qjackctl: 2
* monodevelop: 2
* mapserver: 2
* wordpress-mu: 2
* kcoloredit: 2
* rabbitmq-server: 2
* cpio: 2
* gpodder: 2
* Cython: 2
* mingw32-libltdl: 2
* blender: 2
* git: 2
* gkrellm: 2
* DeviceKit-power: 2
* evolution-data-server: 2
* linkchecker: 2
* warzone2100: 2
* dnssec-conf: 2
* torium: 2
* xine-ui: 2
* tokyocabinet: 2
* globus-gsi-proxy-ssl: 2
* lynx: 2
* acl: 2
* gnome-keyring: 2
* libisofs: 2
* globus-gatekeeper: 2
* kcm_touchpad: 2
* ruby: 2
* gscribble: 2
* media-player-info: 2
* moodle: 2
* eclipse-rpm-editor: 2
* perl-Config-Augeas: 2
* dpkg: 2
* libgpod: 2
* unetbootin: 2
* ibus-skk: 2
* pulseaudio-equalizer: 2
* geoclue: 2
* python-distutils-extra: 2
* rubygem-rest-client: 2
* findutils: 2
* highlight: 2
* esorex: 2
* 389-adminutil: 2
* qedje: 2
* arts: 2
* drupal: 2
* compiz-fusion: 2
* pilot-link: 2
* perl-Net-STOMP-Client: 2
* qzion: 2
* free42: 2
* bitlbee: 2
* orca: 2
* system-config-kdump: 2
* pacemaker: 2
* tellico: 2
* libtiff: 2
* bpython: 2
* kid3: 2
* moreutils: 2
* rubygem-sinatra: 2
* system-config-samba: 2
* xorg-x11-apps: 2
* libselinux: 2
* kicad: 2
* ibus-table-wubi: 2
* BackupPC: 2
* ruby-RMagick: 2
* fmtools: 2
* fuse: 2
* qt-creator: 2
* maxima: 2
* ngspice: 2
* libhbaapi: 2
* kobo: 2
* inkscape: 2
* nginx: 2
* python-djblets: 2
* hivex: 2
* dsniff: 2
* compiz: 2
* gimmix: 2
* mingw32-plib: 2
* freenx-server: 2
* spamass-milter: 2
* xournal: 2
* rubygem-rack: 2
* autotrust: 2
* istanbul: 2
* lxpanel: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-Common: 2
* bzr: 2
* rapid-photo-downloader: 2
* tcpreplay: 2
* php-symfony-YAML: 2
* openswan: 2
* liborigin2: 2
* globus-ftp-client: 2
* rcssmonitor: 2
* qpidc: 2
* globus-gsi-cert-utils: 2
* ruby-aws: 2
* qwt: 2
* mfiler3: 2
* qtoctave: 2
* tinc: 2
* nss-util: 2
* jetty: 2
* 389-ds: 2
* synfig: 2
* xastir: 2
* globus-gss-assist: 2
* radvd: 2
* geos: 2
* libxcb: 2
* ifuse: 2
* php-ezc-Archive: 2
* globus-usage: 2
* globus-gsi-credential: 2
* ruby-gnome2: 2
* nexuiz: 2
* nspr: 2
* geeqie: 2
* kst: 2
* seabios: 2
* ugene: 2
* perl-Mixin-ExtraFields: 2
* iptraf: 2
* gummi: 2
* globus-core: 2
* ocsinventory-agent: 2
* virt-manager: 2
* gscan2pdf: 2
* libmthca: 2
* libsoup: 2
* mod_security: 2
* subversion-api-docs: 2
* imapfilter: 2
* libxklavier: 2
* rst2pdf: 2
* globus-gram-protocol: 2
* icoutils: 2
* httpd: 2
* perl-Verilog-Perl: 2
* atanks: 2
* hercules: 2
* libmtp: 2
* ocaml-ocamlgraph: 2
* surl: 2
* keepassx: 2
* gcc: 2
* iwl6000-firmware: 2
* libnetfilter_conntrack: 2
* yaml-cpp: 2
* grace: 2
* gnome-panel: 2
* claws-mail-plugins: 2
* R-AnnotationDbi: 2
* sugar-physics: 2
* jconvolver: 2
* papyrus: 2
* haproxy: 2
* gstreamer-plugins-bad-free: 2
* f-spot: 2
* php-pear-Mail: 2
* emacs-auctex: 2
* drupal-calendar: 2
* qutim: 2
* nautilus-sendto: 2
* python-reportlab: 2
* dokuwiki: 2
* moblin-icon-theme: 2
* pki-java-tools: 2
* dvdauthor: 2
* python-basemap: 2
* gnome-power-manager: 2
* rdma: 2
* papercut: 2
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 2
* globus-xio-popen-driver: 2
* repoview: 2
* fontmatrix: 2
* alexandria: 2
* rubygem-ZenTest: 2
* pixman: 2
* nmap: 2
* scotch: 2
* ricci: 2
* kopete-cryptography: 2
* fuse-python: 2
* python-suds: 2
* bzr-gtk: 2
* fedora-packager: 2
* evolution-mapi: 2
* libvdpau: 2
* apache-commons-math: 2
* task: 2
* editarea: 2
* zaz: 2
* xorg-x11-util-macros: 2
* man: 2
* euca2ools: 2
* dvb-apps: 2
* mod_proxy_html: 2
* puzzles: 2
* anerley: 2
* corosync: 2
* globus-gram-client-tools: 2
* gnote: 2
* psi: 2
* 2
* ibus-m17n: 2
* libsvm: 2
* audio-convert-mod: 2
* bsd-games: 2
* perl-Net-Patricia: 2
* awn-extras-applets: 2
* hostapd: 2
* pychess: 2
* libgnomekbd: 2
* php-ezc-Webdav: 2
* bugzilla: 2
* rubygem-rspec: 2
* PySolFC-cardsets: 2
* globus-openssl: 2
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 2
* lekhonee-gnome: 2
* xinetd: 2
* proftpd: 2
* libibumad: 2
* nano: 2
* mpich2: 2
* lohit-tamil-fonts: 2
* qmmp: 2
* mono-bouncycastle: 2
* pgadmin3: 2
* PyQt: 2
* audit: 2
* xfce4-clipman-plugin: 2
* sbcl: 2
* scalapack: 2
* nagios-plugins: 2
* dnsperf: 2
* perl: 2
* desktop-effects: 2
* libprojectM-qt: 2
* eclipse-rse: 2
* xapian-bindings: 2
* almanah: 2
* php-ezc-PersistentObject: 2
* rply: 2
* cpufrequtils: 2
* libibcm: 2
* ssldump: 2
* kmagnet: 2
* kbluetooth: 2
* poedit: 2
* net-tools: 2
* PyKDE: 2
* telepathy-sunshine: 2
* sdcc: 2
* dcap: 2
* python-coverage: 2
* paratype-pt-sans-fonts: 2
* evolution: 2
* cacti: 2
* dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui: 2
* nforenum: 2
* file-roller: 2
* mm-common: 2
* environment-modules: 2
* tcsh: 2
* fbterm: 2
* R-Biobase: 2
* selenium-remote-control: 2
* bibletime: 2
* evince: 2
* pdfedit: 2
* system-setup-keyboard: 2
* evolution-couchdb: 2
* bash: 2
* vim-perl-support: 2
* rekollect: 2
* bisho: 2
* gupnp-av: 2
* getdata: 2
* subcommander: 2
* globus-gssapi-gsi: 2
* ql2400-firmware: 2
* libchamplain: 2
* python-jabberbot: 2
* fedora-easy-karma: 2
* pcb: 2
* gnome-applet-alarm-clock: 2
* rubygem-nokogiri: 2
* nntpgrab: 2
* tucnak2: 2
* gnome-packagekit: 2
* python-dmidecode: 2
* tar: 2
* arora: 2
* newsbeuter: 2
* mpop: 2
* ql2500-firmware: 2
* ibus-rawcode: 2
* hosts3d: 2
* revisor: 2
* valide: 2
* ocsinventory: 2
* bitfrost: 2
* scribus: 2
* libmlx4: 2
* phpldapadmin: 2
* jansson: 2
* hgsvn: 2
* python-pygments: 2
* jss: 2
* mathgl: 2
* font-manager: 2
* openocd: 2
* freeradius: 2
* pki-native-tools: 2
* loggerhead: 2
* globus-gass-cache-program: 2
* metagoofil: 2
* libpng: 2
* bzflag: 2
* kde-partitionmanager: 2
* fcoe-utils: 2
* ipa: 2
* quake3: 2
* mr: 2
* rubygem-ffi: 2
* gstreamermm: 2
* drbd: 2
* gpm: 2
* iw: 2
* qbzr: 2
* globus-xio-gsi-driver: 2
* maniadrive: 2
* wxGTK: 2
* drumstick: 2
* globus-gridftp-server-control: 2
* pootle: 2
* whatsup: 2
* hdapsd: 2
* python-virtualenv: 2
* fontpackages: 2
* trac-mercurial-plugin: 2
* perl-File-ChangeNotify: 2
* python-slip: 2
* xfburn: 2
* logiweb: 2
* libtar: 2
* mingw32-qt-qmake: 2
* dnsmasq: 2
* php-pear-HTTP-Request2: 2
* subdownloader: 2
* nss_compat_ossl: 2
* gcl: 2
* xqf: 2
* gausssum: 2
* e2fsprogs: 2
* iok: 2
* eina: 2
* fvkbd: 2
* shotwell: 2
* opensm: 2
* libimobiledevice: 2
* rubygem-htmlentities: 2
* numpy: 2
* papi: 2
* pki-console: 2
* emacs-mew: 2
* gparted: 2
* rubygem-rubyforge: 2
* globus-gsi-sysconfig: 2
* linuxwacom: 2
* kmplayer: 2
* xguest: 2
* gnome-subtitles: 2
* wv: 2
* guitarix: 2
* projectM-libvisual: 2
* pciutils: 2
* tetex-elsevier: 2
* opendchub: 2
* xmp: 2
* eclipse-pydev: 2
* konversation: 2
* libibmad: 2
* R-RUnit: 2
* globus-rsl: 2
* varnish: 2
* cjkuni-fonts: 2
* avogadro: 2
* webacula: 2
* kde-plasma-networkmanagement: 2
* SoQt: 2
* R-BufferedMatrixMethods: 2
* php-ezc-ConsoleTools: 2
* hunspell: 2
* globus-gass-copy: 2
* wqy-bitmap-fonts: 2
* libsexy: 1
* perl-Text-vCard: 1
* perl-V: 1
* kdebluetooth: 1
* imake: 1
* pidgin-privacy-please: 1
* libsysactivity: 1
* generic-release: 1
* espeak: 1
* jack-audio-connection-kit: 1
* fail2ban: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Simple: 1
* wordnet: 1
* jettison: 1
* iftop: 1
* mailcap: 1
* kchmviewer: 1
* imagej: 1
* seahorse: 1
* avr-gcc: 1
* perl-Convert-UUlib: 1
* mantis: 1
* hyphen-mr: 1
* wcstools: 1
* xorg-x11-font-utils: 1
* awstats: 1
* perl-Finance-Quote: 1
* perl-Net-UPnP: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack: 1
* nogravity: 1
* streamtuner: 1
* sed: 1
* plexus-cdc: 1
* perl-Goo-Canvas: 1
* spill: 1
* jai-imageio-core: 1
* incron: 1
* selenium-core: 1
* openhpi: 1
* ndisc6: 1
* gedit-vala: 1
* libdesktop-agnostic: 1
* aimage: 1
* lxtask: 1
* beesu: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication: 1
* rxtx: 1
* osso-gwobex: 1
* samtools: 1
* python-matplotlib: 1
* bios_extract: 1
* check_postgres: 1
* ksshaskpass: 1
* rubygem-ruby-opengl: 1
* sec: 1
* emacs-common-ess: 1
* guimup: 1
* xcompmgr: 1
* umit: 1
* pyactivemq: 1
* gnome-xcf-thumbnailer: 1
* jack_capture: 1
* perl-Net-Whois-IP: 1
* rubygem-minitest: 1
* pcapdiff: 1
* olpc-utils: 1
* gcalctool: 1
* mygui: 1
* roundcubemail: 1
* comix: 1
* solang: 1
* gdouros-aegean-fonts: 1
* perl-Throwable: 1
* imp: 1
* gnome-gmail-notifier: 1
* php-pear-Auth-SASL: 1
* rubber: 1
* usermode: 1
* epiphany: 1
* rubygem-archive-tar-minitar: 1
* libsidplay: 1
* xcalc: 1
* perl-File-Read: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-mouse: 1
* perl-Data-Report: 1
* caribou: 1
* mingw32-OpenSceneGraph: 1
* fprintd: 1
* jwhois: 1
* php-ezc-Database: 1
* php-pear: 1
* pybox2d: 1
* tidy: 1
* dia-electronic: 1
* perl-Bio-Graphics: 1
* monodevelop-debugger-mdb: 1
* irclog2html: 1
* wormux: 1
* rpm: 1
* bltk: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Manual: 1
* tgif: 1
* mousetweaks: 1
* hamlib: 1
* libdvdread: 1
* vecmath: 1
* berusky: 1
* globus-libxml2: 1
* lxmusic: 1
* cgdb: 1
* ruby-icon-artist: 1
* postgresql-odbcng: 1
* initscripts: 1
* arptables_jf: 1
* R-qvalue: 1
* pdfposter: 1
* cfitsio: 1
* appliance-tools: 1
* fetchmail: 1
* openwsman: 1
* adaptx: 1
* guichan: 1
* ovirt-node: 1
* perl-JSON-RPC-Common: 1
* aduna-root-poms: 1
* gdouros-akkadian-fonts: 1
* libmpd: 1
* babel: 1
* conexus: 1
* squeak-vm: 1
* tlomt-sniglet-fonts: 1
* python-PSI: 1
* php-ezc-Cache: 1
* rkward: 1
* libclaw: 1
* at: 1
* auto-buildrequires: 1
* plee-the-bear: 1
* faust: 1
* openct: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-dummy: 1
* perl-UNIVERSAL-ref: 1
* phatch: 1
* perl-SVG-TT-Graph: 1
* foomatic-db: 1
* mdk: 1
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 1
* olpc-switch-desktop: 1
* mimedefang: 1
* mingw32-openssl: 1
* mingw32-xerces-c: 1
* xorg-x11-proto-devel: 1
* Inventor: 1
* fcron: 1
* perl-Class-C3: 1
* k3b: 1
* gitolite: 1
* werken-xpath: 1
* rusers: 1
* zbar: 1
* rubygem-simple-rss: 1
* tuxcmd: 1
* fldigi: 1
* mingw32-openjpeg: 1
* nsd: 1
* gonvert: 1
* python-tgext-crud: 1
* python-amara: 1
* perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2: 1
* sems: 1
* freealut: 1
* CGAL: 1
* tabbed: 1
* drupal-date: 1
* php-idn: 1
* vdr-skinsoppalusikka: 1
* rtaudio: 1
* globus-gass-cache: 1
* armacycles-ad: 1
* trash-cli: 1
* webattery: 1
* perl-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW: 1
* libsemanage: 1
* clamav: 1
* mt-st: 1
* rsyslog: 1
* fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US: 1
* rxvt-unicode: 1
* grub: 1
* oniguruma: 1
* xchat-gnome: 1
* libfprint: 1
* gnomeradio: 1
* PyYAML: 1
* perl-Test-Script: 1
* dia-Digital: 1
* zhcon: 1
* luci: 1
* superiotool: 1
* Macaulay2: 1
* netatalk: 1
* python-flickrapi: 1
* rubygem-mechanize: 1
* libqxt: 1
* i3-ipc: 1
* phpesp: 1
* erlang-esasl: 1
* exo: 1
* php-ezc-Graph: 1
* lxc: 1
* mailgraph: 1
* libyubikey: 1
* scim-bridge: 1
* perl-BDB: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized: 1
* php-channel-swift: 1
* PyPE: 1
* drupal-cck: 1
* openscap: 1
* gmime: 1
* noip: 1
* itcl: 1
* audex: 1
* gtk-vnc: 1
* logback: 1
* mktorrent: 1
* flaw: 1
* R-rlecuyer: 1
* libvoikko: 1
* sblim-indication_helper: 1
* aide: 1
* cheese: 1
* gloox: 1
* pymunk: 1
* malaga-suomi-voikko: 1
* libharu: 1
* gloobus-preview: 1
* rss-glx: 1
* stardict: 1
* R-maanova: 1
* phpwapmail: 1
* BareBonesBrowserLaunch: 1
* nautilus-search-tool: 1
* minicomputer: 1
* perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes: 1
* beep: 1
* mono-sharpcvslib: 1
* perl-Class-Method-Modifiers: 1
* kdelibs3: 1
* perl-Config-INI-MVP: 1
* python-logilab-common: 1
* tmpwatch: 1
* php-eaccelerator: 1
* monsoon: 1
* 1
* python-migrate: 1
* netsniff-ng: 1
* xcftools: 1
* bouncycastle: 1
* apache-commons-jexl: 1
* gedit-plugins: 1
* javacsv: 1
* ibus-hangul: 1
* hunspell-bn: 1
* gquilt: 1
* djview4: 1
* scsi-target-utils: 1
* perl-Test-MinimumVersion: 1
* perl-XML-Twig: 1
* PySolFC-music: 1
* expat: 1
* iwidgets: 1
* synfigstudio: 1
* mcs: 1
* qiv: 1
* perl-Net-Google-AuthSub: 1
* perl-Data-JavaScript: 1
* astyle: 1
* ghc-rpm-macros: 1
* globus-io: 1
* orsa: 1
* anthy: 1
* dbus: 1
* gdata-sharp: 1
* dmenu: 1
* constantine-backgrounds: 1
* gftp: 1
* libyaml: 1
* qle: 1
* raw-thumbnailer: 1
* msmtp: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest: 1
* pcc: 1
* stormbaancoureur: 1
* horde: 1
* python-olpcgames: 1
* rogue: 1
* invulgotracker: 1
* earth-and-moon-backgrounds: 1
* libwps: 1
* kdocker: 1
* perl-Ham-Reference-QRZ: 1
* php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer: 1
* spacewalk-proxy-html: 1
* perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker: 1
* rsvndump: 1
* jakarta-commons-pool: 1
* setup: 1
* R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2: 1
* globus-scheduler-event-generator: 1
* alsa-plugins: 1
* fedora-setup-keyboard: 1
* python-gdata: 1
* sword: 1
* php-pear-Services-Weather: 1
* perl-IO-Prompt: 1
* 389-console: 1
* pybliographer: 1
* perl-Test-LongString: 1
* moe: 1
* metadata-extractor: 1
* gtk-nodoka-engine: 1
* asunder: 1
* sugar-xoirc: 1
* mod_selinux: 1
* bkchem: 1
* ncpfs: 1
* munge: 1
* lyx: 1
* gnome-terminal: 1
* hmaccalc: 1
* b43-openfwwf: 1
* udunits2: 1
* MiniCopier: 1
* asl: 1
* python-nose: 1
* arm-gp2x-linux-binutils: 1
* paprefs: 1
* labyrinth: 1
* rubygem-erubis: 1
* icu: 1
* perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create: 1
* tomcat-native: 1
* simspark: 1
* logrotate: 1
* minicom: 1
* olpc-library: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 1
* gramps: 1
* roboptim-trajectory: 1
* qmpdclient: 1
* libmx: 1
* qterm: 1
* yokadi: 1
* perl-Hash-Merge: 1
* paraview: 1
* perl-App-Cache: 1
* compizconfig-backend-kconfig4: 1
* anjuta: 1
* eclipse-oprofile: 1
* xine-lib: 1
* automake17: 1
* tcpjunk: 1
* Perlbal: 1
* clojure: 1
* perl-PSGI: 1
* perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple: 1
* iperf: 1
* stringtemplate: 1
* rubygem-rcov: 1
* tree: 1
* R-widgetTools: 1
* gitweb-caching: 1
* libhocr: 1
* hyphen-ml: 1
* mingw32-nsis: 1
* gtk-v4l: 1
* uperf: 1
* cryptopp: 1
* gtkhash: 1
* gnome-netstatus: 1
* k3d: 1
* ypbind: 1
* fet: 1
* mimetex: 1
* zinnia: 1
* kgrab: 1
* e16-keyedit: 1
* rubygem-compass: 1
* lingot: 1
* squirrel: 1
* perl-String-RewritePrefix: 1
* agg: 1
* php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo: 1
* prboom: 1
* jsmath-fonts: 1
* perl-HTTP-Body: 1
* kpilot: 1
* perl-GD-SVG: 1
* jbrout: 1
* stfl: 1
* ipv6calc: 1
* audacious-plugin-fc: 1
* azureus: 1
* globus-rls-client: 1
* fedora-usermgmt: 1
* Django: 1
* libgadu: 1
* gtkspell: 1
* rwho: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-config: 1
* nanoxml: 1
* attr: 1
* python-tw-jquery: 1
* perl-Sub-Prototype: 1
* unittest: 1
* automake14: 1
* hyphen-as: 1
* vegastrike: 1
* volpack: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Array: 1
* libuser: 1
* kde-filesystem: 1
* cppi: 1
* globus-rsl-assist: 1
* paktype-naskh-basic-fonts: 1
* python-paramiko: 1
* yajl: 1
* QTeXEngine: 1
* bacula2: 1
* xfce4-remmina-plugin: 1
* orbited: 1
* jabbim: 1
* libtdb: 1
* mfiler2: 1
* texworks: 1
* xpp3: 1
* libhid: 1
* fped: 1
* banner: 1
* towhee: 1
* polkit-qt: 1
* congruity: 1
* qhull: 1
* hyphen-pa: 1
* relaxngDatatype: 1
* rubygem-icalendar: 1
* kazehakase: 1
* fwbuilder: 1
* vte: 1
* perl-MooseX-Types-JSON: 1
* sslscan: 1
* dejagnu: 1
* bouncycastle-tsp: 1
* nss_db: 1
* jakarta-commons-fileupload: 1
* bluemodem: 1
* PyMca: 1
* 389-dsgw: 1
* perl-MooseX-Getopt: 1
* avrdude: 1
* sgml-common: 1
* grub2: 1
* iwl5150-firmware: 1
* python-psycopg2: 1
* mash: 1
* buildbot: 1
* knm-new-fixed-fonts: 1
* msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts: 1
* tolua++: 1
* unzip: 1
* dia-CMOS: 1
* scala: 1
* perl-OpenGL: 1
* mediawiki-LdapAccount: 1
* perl-DBIx-Simple: 1
* apache-ivy: 1
* python-pyasn1: 1
* cpuspeed: 1
* sugar-typing-turtle: 1
* ser2net: 1
* f2c: 1
* perl-CSS-Squish: 1
* dcbd: 1
* python-biopython: 1
* parted: 1
* whohas: 1
* perl-Test-SharedFork: 1
* PragmARC: 1
* libcxgb3: 1
* frozen-bubble: 1
* zyx-liveinstaller: 1
* Zim: 1
* httping: 1
* python-sippy: 1
* jack-keyboard: 1
* muParser: 1
* flumotion: 1
* perl-WebService-Google-Language: 1
* aduna-commons-pom: 1
* guake: 1
* mod_wsgi: 1
* mpdscribble: 1
* rubygem-sexp_processor: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading: 1
* banshee-mirage: 1
* libucil: 1
* libvmime07: 1
* netdisco: 1
* hamster-applet: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 1
* kbackup: 1
* remmina: 1
* pyliblo: 1
* perl-Authen-Simple: 1
* mldonkey: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication: 1
* ncmpcpp: 1
* Vuurmuur: 1
* perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive: 1
* gearbox: 1
* drpython: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-keyboard: 1
* audit-viewer: 1
* perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2: 1
* php-adodb: 1
* pybackpack: 1
* wavemon: 1
* mlmmj: 1
* veusz: 1
* python-cssutils: 1
* gocr: 1
* pxe-kexec: 1
* gssdp: 1
* rubygem-right_http_connection: 1
* rtpproxy: 1
* perl-Net-GitHub: 1
* perl-POE-Test-Loops: 1
* nemiver: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FormState: 1
* perl-Test-TCP: 1
* elektra: 1
* archmage: 1
* roboptim-core: 1
* mingw32-gtkmm24: 1
* rubygem-rufus-scheduler: 1
* bouncycastle-mail: 1
* xinha: 1
* perl-Nmap-Parser: 1
* drupal-workspace: 1
* rubygem-newgem: 1
* kphotoalbum: 1
* fedora-remix-logos: 1
* cmake: 1
* pynac: 1
* lmms: 1
* mingw32-nsiswrapper: 1
* pm-utils: 1
* unicornscan: 1
* perl-Scope-Upper: 1
* desktopcouch: 1
* opensc: 1
* ufraw: 1
* vinagre: 1
* cdrkit: 1
* pypar: 1
* simh: 1
* php-suhosin: 1
* dcraw: 1
* jamin: 1
* GitPython: 1
* libatasmart: 1
* ClanLib: 1
* pysnmp: 1
* libx86: 1
* rubygem-hpricot: 1
* vanessa_logger: 1
* texmaker: 1
* python-polib: 1
* libraw1394: 1
* perl-Guard: 1
* xfmpc: 1
* glest: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Config: 1
* gcin: 1
* atari++: 1
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst: 1
* nall: 1
* 389-ds-console: 1
* chordii: 1
* perl-Apache-DBI: 1
* ns-tiza-chalk-fonts: 1
* mpfr: 1
* socat: 1
* gnomebaker: 1
* libftdi: 1
* qtscriptgenerator: 1
* milter-greylist: 1
* rubygem-highline: 1
* python-urlgrabber: 1
* hotssh: 1
* pymilia: 1
* perl-Audio-Beep: 1
* mrbs: 1
* rpmrebuild: 1
* terminus-fonts: 1
* gtk-sharp2: 1
* cvc3: 1
* python-alsaaudio: 1
* git-bugzilla: 1
* themonospot-console: 1
* globus-authz: 1
* boost: 1
* dwarves: 1
* libXext: 1
* bashdb: 1
* firebird: 1
* R-tkWidgets: 1
* perl-opts: 1
* ConsoleKit: 1
* woffTools: 1
* maildrop: 1
* epic: 1
* enchant: 1
* ice: 1
* ldns: 1
* geoqo: 1
* libsepol: 1
* libeina: 1
* ruby-dbus: 1
* perl-Text-CSV: 1
* star: 1
* libnids: 1
* themonospot-plugin-mkv: 1
* R-affyio: 1
* beagle: 1
* devhelp: 1
* qtlockedfile: 1
* R-car: 1
* gdouros-alexander-fonts: 1
* tucan: 1
* ClanLib1: 1
* perl-Pod-Eventual: 1
* python-markdown: 1
* PyXML: 1
* pylint: 1
* xwota: 1
* dkim-milter: 1
* ogre: 1
* perl-MooseX-Singleton: 1
* perl-FCGI-Client: 1
* python-rabbyt: 1
* libmpdclient: 1
* bacula: 1
* lordsawar: 1
* cfengine: 1
* ctdb: 1
* stellarium: 1
* php-channel-symfony: 1
* php-pear-Net-Traceroute: 1
* mine_detector: 1
* qstat: 1
* OpenLP: 1
* chmsee: 1
* hunspell-ro: 1
* zynjacku: 1
* telepathy-haze: 1
* rubygem-git: 1
* rubygem-ParseTree: 1
* sipp: 1
* mingw32-opensc: 1
* boa: 1
* rubygem-right_aws: 1
* poco: 1
* phpPgAdmin: 1
* opensaml: 1
* CCfits: 1
* tsocks: 1
* python-SocksiPy: 1
* sonic-visualiser: 1
* alsa-utils: 1
* bangarang: 1
* spacewalk-certs-tools: 1
* mscore: 1
* mod_revocator: 1
* rubygem-bunny: 1
* rubygem-ohai: 1
* fontaine: 1
* xmoto: 1
* e16-themes: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch: 1
* python-jsonpickle: 1
* php-pear-HTML-Table: 1
* tzclock: 1
* perl-Config-Any: 1
* sphinx: 1
* marave: 1
* hyphen-kn: 1
* e16: 1
* msp430-libc: 1
* libsndfile: 1
* gkrellm-volume: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Structured: 1
* php-phpunit-PHP-TokenStream: 1
* perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits: 1
* uim: 1
* gnome-applet-timer: 1
* perl-File-ShareDir-Install: 1
* collectd: 1
* ezstream: 1
* hdf: 1
* dosfstools: 1
* libXrandr: 1
* climm: 1
* scythia: 1
* perl-DBIx-DBSchema: 1
* django-typepad: 1
* php-pear-XML-Serializer: 1
* hsqldb: 1
* rubygem-shotgun: 1
* common-lisp-controller: 1
* DevIL: 1
* perl-Hash-MultiValue: 1
* tuxguitar: 1
* virtuoso-opensource: 1
* schroedinger: 1
* openvas-scanner: 1
* maatkit: 1
* ggz-gtk-client: 1
* dnssec-tools: 1
* libgsasl: 1
* globus-xio-pipe-driver: 1
* trackballs: 1
* ntp: 1
* perl-HTML-BarGraph: 1
* perl-Class-InsideOut: 1
* python-ldap: 1
* fedora-release: 1
* rubygem-gettext_activerecord: 1
* libotf: 1
* mingw32-glibmm24: 1
* GraphicsMagick: 1
* gnome-games: 1
* rubygem-locale: 1
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 1
* perl-Scope-Guard: 1
* ethos: 1
* smolt: 1
* python-iniparse: 1
* python-pep8: 1
* python-pgu: 1
* grass: 1
* system-config-audit: 1
* kcbench: 1
* thunar-vcs-plugin: 1
* dblatex: 1
* eblook: 1
* dalston: 1
* callgit: 1
* libcue: 1
* hercstudio: 1
* opencryptoki: 1
* blt: 1
* mono: 1
* openxcap: 1
* rubygem-actionpack: 1
* perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces: 1
* ipython: 1
* themonospot-base: 1
* lv2-swh-plugins: 1
* python-couchdb: 1
* perl-PDF-Create: 1
* php-channel-pdepend: 1
* emacs-irsim-mode: 1
* perl-Config-Model-CursesUI: 1
* bleachbit: 1
* activemq-cpp: 1
* mppenc: 1
* fcitx: 1
* lockdev: 1
* gallery2: 1
* pycryptopp: 1
* surfraw: 1
* clac: 1
* expendable: 1
* zeitgeist: 1
* php-ezc-Template: 1
* gutenprint: 1
* usb_modeswitch-data: 1
* jline: 1
* python-minimock: 1
* cpmtools: 1
* sugar-maze: 1
* globus-gsi-openssl-error: 1
* perl-bioperl: 1
* haskell-platform: 1
* xdg-user-dirs: 1
* jokosher: 1
* perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose: 1
* flexdock: 1
* inn: 1
* bochs: 1
* freeglut: 1
* soci: 1
* findbugs-contrib: 1
* ragel: 1
* gnome-applet-jalali-calendar: 1
* python-BeautifulSoup: 1
* globus-duroc-common: 1
* volume_key: 1
* perl-Devel-FindRef: 1
* eclipse-collabnet-merge: 1
* eclipse-cdt: 1
* zita-convolver: 1
* drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts: 1
* knutclient: 1
* emerillon: 1
* python-meliae: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX: 1
* libertas-sd8686-firmware: 1
* febootstrap: 1
* insight: 1
* mingw32-libzip: 1
* perl-App-Daemon: 1
* eclipse-valgrind: 1
* whysynth-dssi: 1
* perl-Net-DBus: 1
* recordmydesktop: 1
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 1
* perl-Color-Calc: 1
* memtester: 1
* dx: 1
* qelectrotech: 1
* dzen2: 1
* psacct: 1
* spin-kickstarts: 1
* firstaidkit: 1
* jaxodraw: 1
* perl-Net-Whois: 1
* pam_krb5: 1
* globus-gssapi-error: 1
* ngrep: 1
* cdpr: 1
* workrave: 1
* agedu: 1
* python-fiat: 1
* elinks: 1
* gmrun: 1
* shortrpm: 1
* panelfm: 1
* libgee: 1
* php-pear-Net-URL2: 1
* schismtracker: 1
* php-ezc-Base: 1
* perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod: 1
* R-GeneR: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ActionDispatch: 1
* garden: 1
* compiz-fusion-unsupported: 1
* opencv: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatchouli: 1
* liferea: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-vesa: 1
* net-snmp: 1
* python-markdown2: 1
* libtorrent: 1
* libpreludedb: 1
* eclipse-gef: 1
* tennix: 1
* whaawmp: 1
* frepple: 1
* bakefile: 1
* perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL: 1
* rubygem-yard: 1
* dropwatch: 1
* telepathy-sofiasip: 1
* surf: 1
* python-rdflib: 1
* bristol: 1
* mrpt: 1
* groff: 1
* autoconf: 1
* epdfview: 1
* quassel: 1
* wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior: 1
* wordpress: 1
* tootaudioservers: 1
* rubygem-xmpp4r: 1
* uuid: 1
* grep: 1
* ueagle-atm4-firmware: 1
* auriferous: 1
* libnfnetlink: 1
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 1
* kio_gopher: 1
* gnome-applet-sensors: 1
* koji: 1
* cabal2spec: 1
* qstardict: 1
* cvsps: 1
* perl-String-Formatter: 1
* ucview: 1
* bournal: 1
* libxml2: 1
* banshee-community-extensions: 1
* picocontainer: 1
* lcdproc: 1
* pygsl: 1
* R-pls: 1
* perl-Net-CIDR: 1
* gpxe: 1
* rdist: 1
* alleyoop: 1
* php-gettext: 1
* netcdf: 1
* rubygem-templater: 1
* man-pages-it: 1
* taoframework: 1
* bucardo: 1
* kdevelop: 1
* rubygem-merb-gen: 1
* cnucnu: 1
* smart: 1
* perl-HTTP-Parser-XS: 1
* globus-duct-common: 1
* pygame: 1
* opencsv: 1
* id3v2: 1
* perl-WWW-Curl: 1
* globus-gass-transfer: 1
* olpc-netutils: 1
* iotop: 1
* drawtiming: 1
* xfce4-xkb-plugin: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIProfile: 1
* pyflakes: 1
* moblin-panel-people: 1
* pothana2000-fonts: 1
* pcmciautils: 1
* lcdtest: 1
* openvas-libraries: 1
* mod_auth_shadow: 1
* glunarclock: 1
* perl-namespace-clean: 1
* perl-Config-Extend-MySQL: 1
* gdouros-analecta-fonts: 1
* multimedia-menus: 1
* gdesklets: 1
* nautilus-python: 1
* gnu-smalltalk: 1
* mlocate: 1
* eclipse-jgit: 1
* globus-xio: 1
* python-inotify: 1
* gedit: 1
* libextractor: 1
* perl-common-sense: 1
* rubygem-fastercsv: 1
* fusecompress: 1
* dbmail: 1
* glpi-data-injection: 1
* bluez: 1
* rubygem-calendar_date_select: 1
* gambas: 1
* perl-Text-CSV_XS: 1
* upnp-inspector: 1
* geany-plugins: 1
* freetype: 1
* xom: 1
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple: 1
* globus-gsi-callback: 1
* hyphen-te: 1
* perl-Perl-Version: 1
* rubygem-moneta: 1
* xz: 1
* pessulus: 1
* menu-cache: 1
* gstreamer-rtsp: 1
* procps: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Structured-Tools: 1
* php-pear-OLE: 1
* anki: 1
* perl-libwww-perl: 1
* parcellite: 1
* gnome-themes: 1
* anyremote2html: 1
* pyvnc2swf: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session: 1
* tex-musixtex: 1
* extrema: 1
* perl-Getopt-Simple: 1
* gphpedit: 1
* cpl: 1
* hdhomerun: 1
* gtk+extra: 1
* par2cmdline: 1
* urg: 1
* xmlrpc: 1
* tk: 1
* gtk-gnutella: 1
* pcsc-tools: 1
* joni: 1
* gnomecatalog: 1
* system-config-services: 1
* fftw: 1
* gstreamer-plugins-fc: 1
* php-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein: 1
* tcl: 1
* jflex: 1
* gawk: 1
* nautilus-sound-converter: 1
* lcgdm: 1
* mopac7: 1
* yaboot: 1
* hwbrowser: 1
* piranha: 1
* rubygem-ruby_parser: 1
* greyhounds: 1
* libntlm: 1
* neon: 1
* tcpreen: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: 1
* hal: 1
* rubygem-rake-compiler: 1
* gnome-media: 1
* gg2: 1
* httrack: 1
* sahana: 1
* python-toscawidgets: 1
* pki-symkey: 1
* gob2: 1
* python-zbase32: 1
* skanlite: 1
* perl-Test-Requires: 1
* globus-ftp-control: 1
* wmweather+: 1
* qdevelop: 1
* choqok: 1
* jsr-305: 1
* postgresql-odbc: 1
* armadillo: 1
* pbzip2: 1
* why: 1
* cflow: 1
* man-pages-uk: 1
* oflb-dignas-handwriting-fonts: 1
* gtest: 1
* xzgv: 1
* unixODBC: 1
* libunicapgtk: 1
* petit: 1
* mod_nss: 1
* rubygem-merb-core: 1
* netactview: 1
* java-gnome: 1
* janino: 1
* R-hgu95av2probe: 1
* mkvtoolnix: 1
* mingw32-wpcap: 1
* themonospot-gui-qt: 1
* R-DynDoc: 1
* picosat: 1
* bibus: 1
* projectM-jack: 1
* symkey: 1
* gwaei: 1
* pisg: 1
* perl-Curses-UI: 1
* perl-CDDB: 1
* perl-Perl-MinimumVersion: 1
* kmymoney2: 1
* nfs4-acl-tools: 1
* mailody: 1
* globus-nexus: 1
* perl-Tk-ObjScanner: 1
* aseqmm: 1
* iputils: 1
* rubygem-ruby2ruby: 1
* mypaint: 1
* kcm-gtk: 1
* perl-Regexp-Common: 1
* eject: 1
* glaxium: 1
* gnucash: 1
* ssmtp: 1
* osmo: 1
* usbview: 1
* gdouros-aegyptus-fonts: 1
* gettext: 1
* covered: 1
* unique: 1
* sqlite: 1
* earcandy: 1
* globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error: 1
* sound-theme-freedesktop: 1
* liboglappth: 1
* eclipse-callgraph: 1
* botan: 1
* perl-Net-SSLGlue: 1
* libvirt-qpid: 1
* ruby-cairo: 1
* moblin-panel-media: 1
* seahorse-plugins: 1
* tomcat6: 1
* mono-tools: 1
* antlr3: 1
* rapidsvn: 1
* kio_sword: 1
* gdouros-musica-fonts: 1
* poweradmin: 1
* fotowall: 1
* log4net: 1
* phasex: 1
* lorem-ipsum-generator: 1
* globus-rls-server: 1
* nas: 1
* scummvm-tools: 1
* netpanzer: 1
* vemana2000-fonts: 1
* libowfat: 1
* fedora-release-notes: 1
* maximus: 1
* kopete-protocol-facebook: 1
* eclipse-slice2java: 1
* rubygem-maruku: 1
* rubygem-thin: 1
* perl-MooseX-Daemonize: 1
* normaliz: 1
* ibus-xkbc: 1
* python-telepathy: 1
* libnotify: 1
* gettext-commons: 1
* gengetopt: 1
* rcsslogplayer: 1
* armstrong: 1
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 1
* mmapper: 1
* libhbalinux: 1
* mpqc: 1
* roundup: 1
* iptstate: 1
* alsa-tools: 1
* unbound: 1
* python-werkzeug: 1
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 1
* gnubiff: 1
* w3m-el: 1
* keepalived: 1
* libnih: 1
* createrepo: 1
* libtiger: 1
* javamail: 1
* blokkal: 1
* backup-light: 1
* xgalaxy: 1
* stage: 1
* eclipse-egit: 1
* kaffeine: 1
* vecmath1.2: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIx-Class: 1
* drehatlas-xaporho-fonts: 1
* device-mapper-multipath: 1
* perl-Gnome2-Wnck: 1
* NetworkManager-openconnect: 1
* pitivi: 1
* python: 1
* mksh: 1
* sane-backends: 1
* m17n-contrib: 1
* ccsm: 1
* webkitgtk: 1
* perl-AnyEvent-XMPP: 1
* sparcy: 1
* iproute: 1
* scite: 1
* jakarta-commons-modeler: 1
* csound: 1
* libhangul: 1
* libunicap: 1
* perl-AnyEvent-I3: 1
* python-psutil: 1
* ns-bola-fonts: 1
* perl-Nagios-NSCA: 1
* notification-daemon-engine-slider: 1
* filelight: 1
* lohit-hindi-fonts: 1
* xerces-j2: 1
* perl-Data-OptList: 1
* taglib: 1
* diffstat: 1
* R-BSgenome: 1
* gnaural: 1
* libpng10: 1
* python-greenlet: 1
* opticalraytracer: 1
* R-qtl: 1
* taglib-sharp: 1
* SimGear: 1
* perl-Context-Preserve: 1
* udis86: 1
* python-alsa: 1
* mobile-broadband-provider-info: 1
* idm-console-framework: 1
* python-lxml: 1
* irssi: 1
* R-preprocessCore: 1
* meiga: 1
* levmar: 1
* kde-plasma-ihatethecashew: 1
* gtraffic: 1
* milia: 1
* rubygem-haml: 1
* libmpc: 1
* R-BufferedMatrix: 1
* iprutils: 1
* rubygem-launchy: 1
* isomaster: 1
* sugar-getiabooks: 1
* gsim85: 1
* whereami: 1
* ar9170-firmware: 1
* rubygem-gettext_rails: 1
* ncdu: 1
* ecj: 1
* clutter-gesture: 1
* taskcoach: 1
* gnome-applet-bubblemon: 1
* wmx: 1
* grip: 1
* typepad-motion: 1
* python-pycha: 1
* hyphen-hi: 1
* libusb1: 1
* rubygem-RedCloth: 1
* libunistring: 1
* system-config-network: 1
* hydrogen: 1
* deskbar-applet: 1
* 4ti2: 1
* RBTools: 1
* php-pecl-gmagick: 1
* stunnel: 1
* klatexformula: 1
* tkimg: 1
* rubygem-eventmachine: 1
* gnome-scan: 1
* perl-File-DirCompare: 1
* rpmdevtools: 1
* iksemel: 1
* wxMaxima: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-SuperForm: 1
* ocaml-bin-prot: 1
* gromacs: 1
* lcms: 1
* nrpe: 1
* fontbox: 1
* packETH: 1
* valgrind: 1
* rinputd: 1
* gigolo: 1
* dgc: 1
* php-pear-Log: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL: 1
* gtk-murrine-engine: 1
* fontconfig: 1
* erlang-erlsom: 1
* ArpON: 1
* php-nusoap: 1
* healpix: 1
* jcip-annotations: 1
* libgle: 1
* perl-Net-ARP: 1
* libdmapsharing: 1
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 1
* rubygem-thor: 1
* perl-CLASS: 1
* libyahoo2: 1
* partimage: 1
* pyfits: 1
* cocot: 1
* weka: 1
* rubygem-xmpp4r-simple: 1
* genesis: 1
* ibus-sayura: 1
* AcetoneISO2: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-log: 1
* totem-pl-parser: 1
* rubygem-columnize: 1
* gtkmm24: 1
* mtkbabel: 1
* lohit-telugu-fonts: 1
* pkcs11-dump: 1
* pinentry: 1
* graphem: 1
* perl-Tk-DirSelect: 1
* SDL: 1
* perl-forks: 1
* ltsp: 1
* pyxattr: 1
* python-mwlib: 1
* dia: 1
* rubygem-locale_rails: 1
* pem: 1
* avr-binutils: 1
* picprog: 1
* TurboGears: 1
* pam_radius: 1
* perl-Sys-Hostname-Long: 1
* apache-resource-bundles: 1
* R-zoo: 1
* foremost: 1
* xcb-proto: 1
* libbsd: 1
* perl-Number-Bytes-Human: 1
* jarjar: 1
* php-ezc-Configuration: 1
* tracker: 1
* simulavr: 1
* ciso: 1
* upx: 1
* grubby: 1
* ytnef: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-qxl: 1
* geronimo-specs: 1
* compizconfig-backend-gconf: 1
* hyphen-ta: 1
* portreserve: 1
* sugar-view-slides: 1
* quazip: 1
* rurple: 1
* nufw: 1
* libtranslate: 1
* nimbus: 1
* bandwidthd: 1
* gweled: 1
* xmonad: 1
* automake: 1
* rubygem-merb-slices: 1
* rubygem-uuidtools: 1
* python-wsgiproxy: 1
* trove4j: 1
* libtirpc: 1
* sendmail: 1
* argyllcms: 1
* xskat: 1
* mirage: 1
* flowcanvas: 1
* tesseract-langpack: 1
* kde-plasma-stasks: 1
* tog-pegasus: 1
* yum-cron: 1
* bolzplatz2006: 1
* qcomicbook: 1
* gle: 1
* kmess: 1
* wqy-microhei-fonts: 1
* sdparm: 1
* xen: 1
* em8300: 1
* rubygem-ditz: 1
* perl-Test-LeakTrace: 1
* R-affy: 1
* perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib: 1
* ClanLib06: 1
* frinika: 1
* python-tg-devtools: 1
* autoarchive: 1
* sagator: 1
* emacs-haskell-mode: 1
* quvi: 1
* gupnp: 1
* ipod-sharp: 1
* privoxy: 1
* chrony: 1
* perl-CPAN-Uploader: 1
* paperbox: 1
* logjam: 1
* givaro: 1
* java_cup: 1
* gnaughty: 1
* xdg-utils: 1
* libcrystalhd: 1
* john: 1
* hornsey: 1
* cronie: 1
* php-ezc-Feed: 1
* midori: 1
* globus-gfork: 1
* lsscsi: 1
* googsystray: 1
* ferm: 1
* glue-schema: 1
* gnome-python2-desktop: 1
* perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish: 1
* portmidi: 1
* mpi4py: 1
* perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI: 1
* memtest86+: 1
* gnumeric: 1
* php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode: 1
* xmms-flac: 1
* enca: 1
* peppy: 1
* xmlrpc-c: 1
* shadow-utils: 1
* viking: 1
* fedora-security-guide-en-US: 1
* drehatlas-widelands-fonts: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod: 1
* qjson: 1
* libvorbis: 1
* python-sqlalchemy: 1
* python-daemon: 1
* rubygem-linecache: 1
* ecl: 1
* gucharmap: 1
* gyachi: 1
* rubygem-hawler: 1
* perl-HTML-SuperForm: 1
* rubygem-parseconfig: 1
* tailor: 1
* rubygem-ruby-net-ldap: 1
* gtksourceview2: 1
* raul: 1
* perl-Module-Manifest: 1
* yum-presto: 1
* libQtGTL: 1
* bickley: 1
* pidgin-birthday-reminder: 1
* sopwith: 1
* php-channel-phpunit: 1
* globus-callout: 1
* globus-duct-control: 1
* museek+: 1
* perl-Test-JSON: 1
* libgdl: 1
* php-pecl-ncurses: 1
* logstalgia: 1
* texlive-texmf: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-authentication: 1
* gimp: 1
* php-pecl-selinux: 1
* bmpanel2: 1
* kbibtex: 1
* kdevplatform: 1
* couchdb-glib: 1
* woff: 1
* pdfshuffler: 1
* w_scan: 1
* perl-Data-AsObject: 1
* moblin-panel-status: 1
* kannel: 1
* lynis: 1
* nant: 1
* glabels: 1
* CodeAnalyst-gui: 1
* lohit-gujarati-fonts: 1
* teeworlds: 1
* gnome-dvb-daemon: 1
* php-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: 1
* python-kiwi: 1
* pigz: 1
* MySQL-python: 1
* ogre-pagedgeometry: 1
* wget: 1
* picard: 1
* gnome-activity-journal: 1
* barry: 1
* mingw32-gtkhtml3: 1
* tftp: 1
* ghc-X11-xft: 1
* k3guitune: 1
* voms-mysql-plugin: 1
* freehoo: 1
* sysstat: 1
* libv4l: 1
* latex2rtf: 1
* automake16: 1
* python-wifi: 1
* glite-security-util-java: 1
* xmountains: 1
* perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped: 1
* pypoppler: 1
* ibus-fbterm: 1
* libspectre: 1
* eog: 1
* deco: 1
* mpir: 1
* moserial: 1
* emesene: 1
* librdmacm: 1
* pymol: 1
* glpk: 1
* mumble: 1
* skinlf: 1
* man-pages-ja: 1
* moblin-gtk-engine: 1
* picturetile: 1
* bibtex2html: 1
* kde-style-skulpture: 1
* mediawiki: 1
* ettercap: 1
* mingw32-libgeotiff: 1
* openvpn: 1
* emacs-common-muse: 1
* python-zdaemon: 1
* dia-electric2: 1
* pyjigdo: 1
* python-empy: 1
* plpa: 1
* bullet: 1
* kcometen4: 1
* perl-Config-MVP: 1
* themonospot-plugin-avi: 1
* perl-String-Flogger: 1
* telepathy-mission-control: 1
* dmapd: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple: 1
* wtop: 1
* openscada: 1
* dfish: 1
* toot2: 1
* lohit-punjabi-fonts: 1
* bfa-firmware: 1
* vdr: 1
* pyutil: 1
* xcf-pixbuf-loader: 1
* hyphen-bn: 1
* slv2: 1
* xfce4-mpc-plugin: 1
* CharLS: 1
* barrage: 1
* podofo: 1
* monkeystudio: 1
* vifm: 1
* cryptsetup-luks: 1
* perl-String-Escape: 1
* python-logilab-astng: 1
* eclipse-slide: 1
* hunspell-mai: 1
* automake15: 1
* Thunar: 1
* perl-HTML-Entities-Numbered: 1
* polipo: 1
* hyphen-or: 1
* php-doctrine-Doctrine: 1
* razertool: 1
* perl-File-Find-Rule: 1
* openobex: 1
* php-phpunit-phpdcd: 1
* v4l2ucp: 1
* perl-Email-Sender: 1
* gmixer: 1
* ant: 1
* perl-URI-Find: 1
* gmpc: 1
* dump: 1
* php-facedetect: 1
* perl-Digest-HMAC: 1
* php-pear-Mail-Mime: 1
* perl-Try-Tiny: 1
* compiz-fusion-extras: 1
* saxpath: 1
* yp-tools: 1
* fontforge: 1
* easytag: 1
* php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging: 1
* bognor-regis: 1
* mytop: 1
* fedora-package-config-smart: 1
* texinfo: 1
* python-turbojson: 1
* themonospot-gui-gtk: 1
* xawtv: 1
* php-phpunit-bytekit: 1
* rasterview: 1
* pianobooster: 1
* icewm: 1
* rtorrent: 1
* mono-debugger: 1
* libmikmod: 1
* nexuiz-data: 1
* etoys: 1
* django-lint: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-cli: 1
* gif2png: 1
* easystroke: 1
* goldendict: 1
* ghc-xmonad-contrib: 1
* klamav: 1
* cciss_vol_status: 1
* lxde-settings-daemon: 1
* rubygem-mime-types: 1
* upstart: 1
* extundelete: 1
* xmlunit: 1
* aic94xx-firmware: 1
* hyphen-gu: 1
* crun: 1
* nspluginwrapper: 1
* xfsprogs: 1
* perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo: 1
* curblaster: 1
* perl-JSON-Any: 1
* publican-fedora: 1
* ldapvi: 1
* csisat: 1
* postgresql-jdbc: 1
* gq: 1
* poky-scripts: 1
* rubygem-gettext: 1
* tumbler: 1
* perl-CGI-PSGI: 1
* tcpflow: 1
* R-multtest: 1
* toped: 1
* sysprof: 1
* xpp2: 1
* projectM-pulseaudio: 1
* json-c: 1
* apache-commons-exec: 1
* python-sphinx: 1
* jlex: 1
* yelp: 1
* python-elements: 1
* ghc-X11: 1
* perl-URI: 1
* python-kid: 1
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 1
* gqradio: 1
* python-webob: 1
* libXi: 1
* snownews: 1
* php-channel-phpmd: 1
* childsplay: 1
* vhostmd: 1
* python-geoclue: 1
* rhncfg: 1
* symlinks: 1
* xfce4-volumed: 1
* pykickstart: 1
* gir-repository: 1
* incollector: 1
* apcupsd: 1
* apt: 1
* deco-archive: 1
* gnome-vfs2: 1
* python-argparse: 1
* mathomatic: 1
* Coin2: 1
Fedora 11
* 6719 updates
* 6053 stable updates
* 4101 testing updates
* 102 pending updates
* 308 obsolete updates
* 3490 bugfix updates (51.94%)
* 1516 enhancement updates (22.56%)
* 325 security updates (4.84%)
* 1388 newpackage updates (20.66%)
* 374 critical path updates (5.57%)
* 695 updates received feedback (10.34%)
* 782 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 479 anonymous users gave feedback (3.73%)
* 4101 out of 6719 updates went through testing (61.04%)
* 3356 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (81.83%)
* 275 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* cronie-1.3-4.fc11 submitted by mmaslano
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-69.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* util-linux-ng-2.14.2-11.fc11 submitted by kzak
* libgcrypt-1.4.4-6.fc11 submitted by tmraz
* libpng-1.2.43-1.fc11 submitted by tgl
* redhat-rpm-config-9.0.3-9.fc11 submitted by ajax
* python-2.6-11.fc11 submitted by jsteffan
* coreutils-7.2-2.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* libX11-1.2.1-2.fc11 submitted by whot
* curl-7.19.7-7.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* xorg-x11-server-utils-7.4-7.1.fc11 submitted by ajax
* repoview-0.6.5-1.fc11 submitted by icon
* dracut-0.9-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* libssh2-1.2.2-4.fc11 submitted by cweyl
* libX11-1.2.2-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* yum-utils-1.1.22-1.fc11 submitted by timlau
* tzdata-2009k-2.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* c-ares-1.6.0-1.fc11 submitted by spot
* gtk2-engines-2.18.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-62.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* gzip-1.3.12-10.fc11 submitted by kklic
* gstreamer- submitted by hadess
* cronie-1.3-2.fc11 submitted by mmaslano
* gnutls-2.6.6-3.fc11 submitted by tmraz
* nss-3.12.6-1.2.fc11 submitted by emaldonado
* shadow-utils- submitted by pvrabec
* patch-2.6-1.fc11 submitted by twaugh
* tar-1.22-4.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-80.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* pango-1.24.5-1.fc11 submitted by behdad
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-4.fc11 submitted by xavierb
* yum-3.2.22-5.fc11 submitted by skvidal
* ntp-4.2.4p7-1.fc11 submitted by mlichvar
* mash-0.5.8-3.fc11 submitted by notting
* GConf2-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* libtiff-3.8.2-13.fc11 submitted by tgl
* nspr-4.7.4-1.fc11 submitted by kengert
* xfce4-notifyd-0.1.0-2.fc11 submitted by cwickert
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* tzdata-2010i-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* alsa-lib-1.0.22-2.fc11 submitted by perex
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.26.1-11.fc11 submitted by hadess
* libssh2-1.2.2-5.fc11 submitted by cweyl
* libxml2-2.7.3-3.fc11 submitted by veillard
* newt-0.52.10-4.fc11 submitted by mlichvar
* curl-7.19.7-6.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* perl-5.10.0-69.fc11 submitted by kasal
* util-linux-ng-2.14.2-9.fc11 submitted by kzak
* NetworkManager-,NetworkManager-openvpn-,NetworkManager-vpnc-,NetworkManager-openconnect-,NetworkManager-pptp- submitted by dcbw
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.2.4-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* system-config-users-1.2.87-1.fc11 submitted by nphilipp
* udev-141-7.fc11 submitted by harald
* libdrm-2.4.11-2.fc11 submitted by ajax
* evolution-data-server-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mbarnes
* tzdata-2010f-3.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* hunspell-1.2.8-7.fc11 submitted by caolanm
* net-tools-1.60-93.fc11 submitted by jpopelka
* c-ares-1.6.0-3.fc11 submitted by spot
* openldap-2.4.15-7.fc11 submitted by jzeleny
* dracut-002-9.git99fd62e3.fc11 submitted by harald
* hal-0.5.12-28.20090226git.fc11 submitted by rhughes
* dracut-0.8-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-86.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* yum-utils-1.1.23-1.fc11 submitted by timlau
* python-nss-0.8-1.fc11 submitted by jdennis
* policycoreutils-2.0.62-12.14.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* libsndfile-1.0.20-3.fc11 submitted by oget
* libxfcegui4-4.6.3-1.fc11 submitted by cwickert
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.8-2.fc11 submitted by dcbw
* sed-4.2.1-1.fc11 submitted by jmoskovc
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.2.5-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* grub-0.97-51.fc11 submitted by pjones
* gnome-menus-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* tzdata-2009o-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* expat-2.0.1-6.fc11.1 submitted by jorton
* upstart-0.3.11-1.fc11 submitted by plautrba
* sgml-common-0.6.3-28.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* elfutils-0.146-1.fc11 submitted by roland
* binutils- submitted by nickc
* libssh2-1.2.4-1.fc11 submitted by cweyl
* shared-mime-info-0.60-4.fc11 submitted by hadess
* gtk2-2.16.6-2.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* dracut-002-2.gitc53acc30.fc11 submitted by harald
* file-5.03-3.fc11 submitted by dnovotny
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-81.fc11 submitted by dwalsh
* gzip-1.3.12-11.fc11 submitted by kklic
* pango-1.24.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.3-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-5.fc11 submitted by xavierb
* dbus-1.2.12-2.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* dracut-0.3-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* ppl-0.10.2-7.fc11 submitted by bagnara
* gnome-keyring-2.26.3-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.26.1-7.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-16.20091217cvs.fc11 submitted by rdieter
* bash-4.0-8.fc11 submitted by rrakus
* mdadm-3.0.3-2.fc11 submitted by dledford
* fipscheck-1.2.0-1a.fc11 submitted by tmraz
* libxcb-1.2-5.fc11 submitted by ajax
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* glib2-2.20.3-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* pygtk2-2.14.1-2.fc11 submitted by mbarnes
* rpm-4.7.0-2.fc11 submitted by pmatilai
* tzdata-2009u-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* elfutils-0.141-1.fc11 submitted by roland
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.2.3-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.4-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* xz-4.999.8-0.7.beta.fc11 submitted by notting
* alsa-lib-1.0.21-3.fc11 submitted by perex
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.2-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* gdm-2.26.1-15.fc11 submitted by rstrode
* libsoup-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-85.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* xorg-x11-xinit-1.0.9-9.fc11 submitted by mcepl
* xorg-x11-drv-fpit-1.3.0-3.fc11 submitted by whot
* GConf2-2.26.2-1.fc11.1 submitted by spot
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-91.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* tzdata-2009k-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* repoview-0.6.4-1.fc11 submitted by icon
* tzdata-2010f-2.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* tzdata-2010e-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* tar-1.22-3.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* sendmail-8.14.4-3.fc11 submitted by jskarvad
* setuptool-1.19.6-1.fc11 submitted by mhlavink
* alsa-lib-1.0.21-1.fc11 submitted by perex
* nspr-4.8.2-1.fc11 submitted by kengert
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* coreutils-7.2-5.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* mcpp-2.7.2-3.fc11 submitted by kmatsui
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* curl-7.19.6-1.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.26.1-8.fc11 submitted by whot
* avahi-0.6.25-3.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* tzdata-2009o-2.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* bash-4.0-7.fc11 submitted by rrakus
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-96.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* libvorbis-1.2.0-9.fc11 submitted by jnovy
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.12-40.20090528git0c17b87.fc11 submitted by bskeggs
* xz-4.999.9-0.1.beta.20091007git.fc11 submitted by jnovy
* GConf2-2.26.2-1.fc11.2 submitted by spot
* pam-1.0.91-8.fc11 submitted by tmraz
* nss- submitted by emaldonado
* ppl-0.10.2-3.fc11 submitted by bagnara
* hunspell-1.2.8-5.fc11 submitted by caolanm
* libpng-1.2.37-1.fc11 submitted by tgl
* audit-1.7.14-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* NetworkManager-,NetworkManager-vpnc-,NetworkManager-openconnect-,NetworkManager-pptp-,NetworkManager-openvpn- submitted by dcbw
* audit-1.7.17-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-2.fc11 submitted by xavierb
* gstreamer- submitted by hadess
* expat-2.0.1-8.fc11 submitted by jorton
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-88.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* perl-5.10.0-82.fc11 submitted by cweyl
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.2-2.fc11 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.0-6.fc11 submitted by whot
* rsyslog-3.22.1-1.fc11 submitted by theinric
* authconfig-6.0.0-2.fc11 submitted by tmraz
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.0-7.fc11 submitted by whot
* libxfcegui4-4.6.2-1.fc11 submitted by cwickert
* python-nss-0.6-2.fc11 submitted by jdennis
* binutils- submitted by nickc
* gcc-4.4.1-2.fc11,libtool-2.2.6-11.fc11.1 submitted by jakub
* sudo-1.7.2p6-1.fc11 submitted by mildew
* redhat-rpm-config-9.0.3-10.fc11 submitted by spot
* python-kid-0.9.6-6.fc11 submitted by till
* mobile-broadband-provider-info-1.20100122-1.fc11 submitted by dcbw
* gnome-themes-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* grep-2.6.3-1.fc11 submitted by jskarvad
* evolution-data-server-2.26.3-1.fc11 submitted by mbarnes
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* gtk2-2.16.1-6.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* ppp-2.4.4-12.fc11 submitted by jskala
* deltarpm-3.4-18.fc11 submitted by jdieter
* cronie-1.3-3.fc11 submitted by mmaslano
* gir-repository-0.6.3-1.fc11,gobject-introspection-0.6.3-2.fc11 submitted by pbrobinson
* libgweather-2.26.1-3.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.7.0-9.fc11 submitted by ajax
* lua-5.1.4-3.fc11 submitted by timn
* sudo-1.7.2p5-1.fc11 submitted by mildew
* xfce4-appfinder-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfdesktop-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfce4-mixer-4.6.1-1.fc11,Thunar-1.0.1-1.fc11,xfwm4-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfce-utils-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfce4-session-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfce4-panel-4.6.1-1.fc11,xfce4-settings-4.6.1-1.fc11,libxfcegui4-4.6.1-1.fc11,Terminal-0.2.12-1.fc11,libxfce4menu-4.6.1-1.fc11,exo-0.3.101-1.fc11,xfconf-4.6.1-1.fc11,libxfce4util-4.6.1-1.fc11 submitted by kevin
* elfutils-0.144-1.fc11 submitted by roland
* policycoreutils-2.0.62-12.9.fc11 submitted by dwalsh
* ppl-0.10.2-2.fc11 submitted by bagnara
* net-tools-1.60-95.fc11 submitted by jpopelka
* fontconfig-2.7.2-1.fc11 submitted by behdad
* gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.23-1.fc11,gstreamer-0.10.23-1.fc11,gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.15-1.fc11 submitted by hadess
* openldap-2.4.15-6.fc11 submitted by jzeleny
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-83.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.1.3-2.fc11 submitted by ajax
* libxml2-2.7.6-1.fc11 submitted by veillard
* libsoup-2.26.3-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* ntp-4.2.4p7-3.fc11 submitted by mlichvar
* gtk2-2.16.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* audit-1.7.13-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* tzdata-2009m-2.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* ntp-4.2.4p7-2.fc11 submitted by mlichvar
* mdadm-3.0.3-1.fc11 submitted by dledford
* gnome-session-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* acl-2.2.49-3.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-72.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* gnome-keyring-2.26.3-2.fc11 submitted by rdieter
* gstreamer-0.10.23-2.fc11 submitted by hadess
* cronie-1.3-1.fc11 submitted by mmaslano
* policycoreutils-2.0.62-12.11.fc11 submitted by dwalsh
* perl-5.10.0-73.fc11 submitted by kasal
* file-5.03-2.fc11 submitted by dnovotny
* cpio-2.9.90-7.fc11 submitted by ovasik
* libxcb-1.2-4.fc11 submitted by wtogami
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-68.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* dracut-0.4-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* curl-7.19.7-5.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* libwnck-2.26.2-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* e2fsprogs-1.41.9-2.fc11 submitted by sandeen
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-78.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* bash-4.0-10.fc11 submitted by rrakus
* dracut-0.5-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* coreutils-7.2-3.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* tzdata-2009m-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* sgpio- submitted by jmoskovc
* libxml2-2.7.5-1.fc11 submitted by veillard
* glibc-2.10.1-5 submitted by schwab
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-92.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* kernel- submitted by kyle
* libcap-ng-0.5.1-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* openssh-5.2p1-4.fc11 submitted by jfch2222
* libtiff-3.8.2-14.fc11 submitted by tgl
* audit-1.7.16-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-94.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* util-linux-ng-2.14.2-10.fc11 submitted by kzak
* curl-7.19.7-4.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* bash-4.0-9.fc11 submitted by rrakus
* dracut-0.7-1.fc11 submitted by harald
* libcap-ng-0.4.2-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* alsa-lib-1.0.22-3.fc11 submitted by perex
* elfutils-0.145-1.fc11 submitted by roland
* dash- submitted by ixs
* xz-4.999.8-0.8.beta.20090817git.fc11 submitted by jnovy
* expat-2.0.1-8.2.fc11 submitted by jorton
* deltarpm-3.4-17.fc11 submitted by toshio
* createrepo-0.9.7-7.fc11 submitted by skvidal
* dnsmasq-2.46-3.fc11 submitted by markmc
* python-nss-0.5-1.fc11 submitted by jdennis
* rsyslog-3.22.1-2.fc11 submitted by theinric
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* selinux-policy-3.6.12-77.fc11 submitted by mgrepl
* curl-7.19.4-8.fc11 submitted by kdudka
* sudo-1.7.1-1.fc11 submitted by mildew
* libgweather- submitted by mclasen
* glib2-2.20.5-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* libcap-ng-0.6.1-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* alsa-lib-1.0.23-1.fc11 submitted by perex
* alsa-lib-1.0.20-1.fc11 submitted by perex
* dnsmasq-2.52-1.fc11 submitted by itamarjp
* python-decorator-3.0.1-2.fc11 submitted by toshio
* gnome-themes-2.26.3-1.fc11 submitted by mclasen
* gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.14-3.fc11,gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.23-1.fc11,gstreamer-0.10.23-1.fc11 submitted by hadess
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.8-8.fc11 submitted by dcbw
* redhat-rpm-config-9.0.3-11.fc11 submitted by cweyl
* libX11-1.2.1-1.fc11 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-1.fc11.1 submitted by xavierb
* crontabs-1.10-30.fc11 submitted by mmaslano
* libxslt-1.1.26-1.fc11 submitted by veillard
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* NetworkManager-0.7.2-2.git20091223.fc11 submitted by dcbw
* logrotate-3.7.8-3.fc11 submitted by dnovotny
* sudo-1.7.1-4.fc11 submitted by mildew
* openldap-2.4.15-5.fc11 submitted by jzeleny
* policycoreutils-2.0.62-12.12.fc11 submitted by dwalsh
* tzdata-2010c-1.fc11 submitted by pmachata
* libcap-ng-0.6-1.fc11 submitted by sgrubb
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-11.fc11 submitted by xavierb
* hal-0.5.12-29.20090226git.fc11 submitted by rhughes
* libvorbis-1.2.0-8.fc11 submitted by jnovy
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 16 days
* median = 14 days
* mode = 17 days
* 7 updates automatically unpushed due to karma (0.10%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* 62 updates automatically pushed due to karma (0.92%)
* 11 of which were critical path updates
* Time spent in testing of updates that were pushed by karma:
* mean = 12 days
* median = 7 days
* mode = 7 days
* 3727 packages updated
[ View all ]
* libguestfs: 30
* jd: 24
* selinux-policy: 22
* kdebase-workspace: 18
* kernel: 18
* qemu: 16
* gdb: 16
* dovecot: 16
* uget: 15
* kdebase-runtime: 15
* kdenetwork: 15
* kdepim: 14
* ibus: 14
* kdelibs: 14
* cclive: 14
* tzdata: 14
* ruby-gnome2: 13
* sunbird: 13
* kdeplasma-addons: 13
* rednotebook: 13
* kdesdk: 13
* clive: 13
* kdebase: 12
* 389-ds-base: 12
* pidgin: 12
* kazehakase: 12
* ibus-chewing: 12
* google-gadgets: 12
* Miro: 12
* kdeedu: 12
* kdegames: 12
* kdepimlibs: 12
* fsarchiver: 11
* kdeartwork: 11
* kdeaccessibility: 11
* mysql: 11
* epiphany: 11
* bind: 11
* kdegraphics: 11
* emacs: 11
* samba: 11
* kdetoys: 11
* kdeadmin: 11
* eric: 11
* autofs: 11
* kdeutils: 11
* kdemultimedia: 11
* kdebindings: 11
* kde-l10n: 11
* qt: 10
* znc: 10
* firefox: 10
* thunderbird: 10
* ikiwiki: 10
* gvfs: 10
* dbus-cxx: 10
* fence-agents: 10
* sssd: 10
* abby: 10
* evolution-rss: 10
* transmission: 10
* hulahop: 10
* viewvc: 10
* galeon: 10
* libvirt: 10
* translate-toolkit: 9
* kdepim-runtime: 9
* yelp: 9
* gambas2: 9
* xulrunner: 9
* chmsee: 9
* systemtap: 9
* mozvoikko: 9
* pcmanx-gtk2: 9
* gbirthday: 9
* blam: 9
* cluster: 9
* ecryptfs-utils: 9
* libchewing: 9
* pki-common: 9
* qlandkartegt: 9
* epiphany-extensions: 9
* gnome-python2-extras: 9
* sos: 9
* gnome-web-photo: 9
* oxygen-icon-theme: 9
* perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed: 9
* ksh: 9
* liveusb-creator: 9
* frescobaldi: 8
* ejabberd: 8
* rubygem-hoe: 8
* python-fedora: 8
* nted: 8
* xemacs: 8
* java-1.6.0-openjdk: 8
* openttd: 8
* dracut: 8
* xorg-x11-server: 8
* 8
* bluez: 8
* mercurial: 8
* globus-common: 8
* PyQt4: 8
* libhugetlbfs: 8
* febootstrap: 8
* waf: 8
* liferea: 8
* task: 8
* ktorrent: 8
* 389-admin: 8
* gstreamer-plugins-base: 8
* resource-agents: 8
* R-Biostrings: 8
* wine: 8
* gnome-commander: 8
* xscreensaver: 8
* curl: 8
* amarok: 8
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 8
* klavaro: 8
* cyrus-imapd: 7
* dhcp: 7
* crda: 7
* collectl: 7
* R-IRanges: 7
* publican: 7
* springlobby: 7
* spring: 7
* xfce4-power-manager: 7
* squid: 7
* audacious-plugins: 7
* kde-settings: 7
* cobbler: 7
* wallpapoz: 7
* php-ZendFramework: 7
* virtaal: 7
* ruby-RMagick: 7
* vrq: 7
* dvisvgm: 7
* augeas: 7
* alexandria: 7
* asterisk: 7
* me-tv: 7
* scidavis: 7
* gnote: 7
* cherokee: 7
* claws-mail: 7
* parrot: 7
* gstreamer: 7
* konq-plugins: 7
* netcf: 7
* system-config-printer: 7
* olpc-utils: 7
* skrooge: 7
* rgmanager: 7
* f-spot: 7
* kanyremote: 7
* phpMyAdmin: 7
* arora: 7
* wordpress: 7
* tor: 7
* openconnect: 6
* openslide: 6
* qtcurve-gtk2: 6
* kdesvn: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 6
* voms: 6
* ganyremote: 6
* rpy: 6
* edb: 6
* kipi-plugins: 6
* backintime: 6
* glpi: 6
* exo: 6
* xine-ui: 6
* alsa-lib: 6
* muse: 6
* qbittorrent: 6
* latexmk: 6
* phonon: 6
* nfs-utils: 6
* mcu8051ide: 6
* eclipse: 6
* mock: 6
* ugene: 6
* papyrus: 6
* purple-facebookchat: 6
* cups: 6
* NetworkManager-openconnect: 6
* puppet: 6
* seahorse-plugins: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: 6
* bind-dyndb-ldap: 6
* shutter: 6
* monodevelop: 6
* R: 6
* qtcurve-kde4: 6
* openttd-opengfx: 6
* moin: 6
* shorewall: 6
* tortoisehg: 6
* geany: 6
* ruby: 6
* vidalia: 6
* kdelibs-experimental: 6
* rt3: 6
* zabbix: 6
* csound: 6
* globus-gsi-proxy-core: 5
* xapian-core: 5
* fotowall: 5
* digikam: 5
* pdfresurrect: 5
* subversion: 5
* globus-gss-assist: 5
* kiconedit: 5
* rkhunter: 5
* glusterfs: 5
* pki-setup: 5
* soprano: 5
* qpidc: 5
* ibus-table: 5
* openais: 5
* globus-ftp-client: 5
* trytond: 5
* foomatic: 5
* anthy: 5
* cppcheck: 5
* globus-proxy-utils: 5
* sepostgresql: 5
* gnome-subtitles: 5
* globus-core: 5
* globus-gsi-proxy-ssl: 5
* Django: 5
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 5
* globus-rsl: 5
* globus-openssl-module: 5
* wxGTK: 5
* alsa-utils: 5
* wordpress-mu: 5
* kcoloredit: 5
* EekBoek: 5
* bouml: 5
* PyQwt: 5
* pki-ca: 5
* nautilus: 5
* wavemon: 5
* lxde-common: 5
* alienarena: 5
* globus-gsi-credential: 5
* NetworkManager: 5
* ocsinventory: 5
* scribus: 5
* abiword: 5
* globus-gsi-cert-utils: 5
* mozilla-noscript: 5
* nss: 5
* mc: 5
* openal-soft: 5
* rubygem-activerecord: 5
* rubygem-actionpack: 5
* bzr: 5
* fwbackups: 5
* kde-plasma-runcommand: 5
* globus-usage: 5
* gnonlin: 5
* homebank: 5
* globus-gssapi-gsi: 5
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 5
* rhythmbox: 5
* claws-mail-plugins: 5
* haproxy: 5
* anki: 5
* globus-xio-popen-driver: 5
* coreutils: 5
* choqok: 5
* kopete-cryptography: 5
* fedora-packager: 5
* policycoreutils: 5
* olpc-update: 5
* elfutils: 5
* kitutuki: 5
* tangogps: 5
* libvirt-qpid: 5
* globus-gsi-sysconfig: 5
* sip: 5
* tryton: 5
* php-ezc-Webdav: 5
* globus-openssl: 5
* globus-xio: 5
* lekhonee: 5
* apr: 5
* peppy: 5
* xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd: 5
* environment-modules: 5
* kde-plasma-translatoid: 5
* gloox: 5
* fbzx: 5
* rubygem-activeldap: 5
* sudo: 5
* preupgrade: 5
* rubygem-rails: 5
* midori: 5
* hplip: 5
* totem: 5
* xapian-bindings: 5
* mpich2: 5
* iw: 5
* kobo: 5
* globus-xio-gsi-driver: 5
* seamonkey: 5
* boinc-client: 5
* florence: 5
* nemiver: 5
* etoys: 5
* guitarix: 5
* supybot-meetbot: 5
* corosync: 5
* gcompris: 5
* globus-gass-copy: 5
* fluidsynth: 4
* python-nss: 4
* squirrelmail: 4
* xfce4-weather-plugin: 4
* duplicity: 4
* qtiplot: 4
* xiphos: 4
* ghdl: 4
* kexec-tools: 4
* dogtag-pki-ca-ui: 4
* bouncycastle-tsp: 4
* hosts3d: 4
* gwibber: 4
* mysql-connector-java: 4
* libplist: 4
* ardour: 4
* synce-hal: 4
* system-config-lvm: 4
* xfce4-settings: 4
* strigi: 4
* setroubleshoot: 4
* garmindev: 4
* purple-msn-pecan: 4
* perl-Git-CPAN-Patch: 4
* bareftp: 4
* wpa_supplicant: 4
* apr-api-docs: 4
* perl-Test-MinimumVersion: 4
* bitlbee: 4
* globus-io: 4
* alsa-plugins: 4
* php-ezc-Mail: 4
* getmail: 4
* postgresql: 4
* pitivi: 4
* rpm: 4
* flashrom: 4
* iverilog: 4
* dracut-modules-olpc: 4
* slim: 4
* kgrab: 4
* m17n-contrib: 4
* mingw32-qt: 4
* sipwitch: 4
* openvrml: 4
* ghostscript: 4
* globus-rls-client: 4
* logwatch: 4
* cronie: 4
* webkitkde: 4
* sugar: 4
* rmol: 4
* ibus-table-cangjie: 4
* rabbitmq-server: 4
* Cython: 4
* zyx-liveinstaller: 4
* globus-gsi-callback: 4
* rubygem-rufus-scheduler: 4
* etherboot: 4
* pondus: 4
* highlight: 4
* 389-adminutil: 4
* texmaker: 4
* oprofile: 4
* drupal: 4
* cpuspeed: 4
* libftdi: 4
* firebird: 4
* moreutils: 4
* tucan: 4
* kicad: 4
* merkaartor: 4
* nginx: 4
* audacity: 4
* anacron: 4
* tcpreplay: 4
* rcssserver: 4
* kmplayer: 4
* libsvm: 4
* ruby-aws: 4
* dnssec-conf: 4
* globus-gsi-openssl-error: 4
* ifuse: 4
* php-pear-HTTP-OAuth: 4
* php-ezc-Archive: 4
* nspr: 4
* geeqie: 4
* akonadi: 4
* pki-kra: 4
* globus-gssapi-error: 4
* rubygem-nokogiri: 4
* eclipse-nls: 4
* subversion-api-docs: 4
* blender: 4
* perl-Mouse: 4
* gnome-settings-daemon: 4
* qscintilla: 4
* fpaste: 4
* 3proxy: 4
* iptux: 4
* perl-WWW-Curl: 4
* globus-gass-transfer: 4
* microcode_ctl: 4
* geany-plugins: 4
* parole: 4
* maxima: 4
* qt-creator: 4
* gnome-power-manager: 4
* wxMaxima: 4
* bip: 4
* skanlite: 4
* python-suds: 4
* certmonger: 4
* gtk2: 4
* rubygem-locale: 4
* rubygem-gettext: 4
* botan: 4
* kvirc: 4
* globus-rls-server: 4
* bash: 4
* myproxy: 4
* pki-ra: 4
* bzrtools: 4
* kde-plasma-smooth-tasks: 4
* audit: 4
* xfce4-clipman-plugin: 4
* php-ezc-PersistentObject: 4
* qgis: 4
* gedit-latex-plugin: 4
* globus-rsl-assist: 4
* pdns-recursor: 4
* rubygem-RedCloth: 4
* python-pip: 4
* nut: 4
* opensips: 4
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 4
* R-Biobase: 4
* libprojectM: 4
* gnome-do: 4
* kpackagekit: 4
* openmpi: 4
* pem: 4
* nntpgrab: 4
* ibus-anthy: 4
* php-ezc-Configuration: 4
* pciutils: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev: 4
* jmol: 4
* jss: 4
* mathgl: 4
* RackTables: 4
* taggle: 4
* binutils: 4
* gyachi: 4
* Terminal: 4
* listen: 4
* mr: 4
* globus-callout: 4
* audio-convert-mod: 4
* unetbootin: 4
* w_scan: 4
* anyremote: 4
* emesene: 4
* trac-mercurial-plugin: 4
* nagios: 4
* libssh: 4
* openscada: 4
* mingw32-qt-qmake: 4
* proftpd: 4
* php-ezc-Database: 4
* nfoview: 4
* colossus: 4
* gausssum: 4
* globus-ftp-control: 4
* eina: 4
* conduit: 4
* rubygem-htmlentities: 4
* pki-selinux: 4
* libcap-ng: 4
* easystroke: 4
* gparted: 4
* php-ezc-Template: 4
* python-psycopg2: 4
* dogtag-pki-common-ui: 4
* konversation: 4
* childsplay: 4
* stonevpn: 4
* kde-plasma-networkmanagement: 4
* php-ezc-ConsoleTools: 4
* vlgothic-fonts: 3
* pidgin-privacy-please: 3
* jack-audio-connection-kit: 3
* wordnet: 3
* zarafa: 3
* beesu: 3
* taglib-extras: 3
* htop: 3
* bios_extract: 3
* tvtime: 3
* trac: 3
* globus-gram-job-manager-scripts: 3
* xqf: 3
* git-cola: 3
* perl-Data-Report: 3
* imsettings: 3
* openssh: 3
* cvc3: 3
* purple-microblog: 3
* ekiga: 3
* xorg-x11-xdm: 3
* bouncycastle: 3
* qrupdate: 3
* blazeblogger: 3
* ruby-icon-artist: 3
* tomcatjss: 3
* sugar-visualmatch: 3
* mod_security: 3
* conexus: 3
* efte: 3
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 3
* publican-fedora: 3
* ibus-table-yong: 3
* php-ezc-DatabaseSchema: 3
* NetworkManager-pptp: 3
* ql2400-firmware: 3
* clamav: 3
* mksh: 3
* canto: 3
* pdfposter: 3
* virt-manager: 3
* icewm: 3
* fbreader: 3
* python: 3
* audex: 3
* chronojump: 3
* tuxtype2: 3
* perl-Verilog: 3
* kdelibs3: 3
* pki-util: 3
* ncl: 3
* ntfs-3g: 3
* expat: 3
* ibus-pinyin: 3
* httpd: 3
* libxfcegui4: 3
* gnome-bluetooth: 3
* globus-authz-callout-error: 3
* rsync: 3
* libgda: 3
* rakudo: 3
* jide-oss: 3
* gnusim8085: 3
* munge: 3
* lyx: 3
* facter: 3
* vim-latex: 3
* ghc-rpm-macros: 3
* deltarpm: 3
* blueman: 3
* itext: 3
* miredo: 3
* php-phpunit-phpcpd: 3
* mdadm: 3
* patch: 3
* solar-kde-theme: 3
* rubygem-rubyforge: 3
* roundcubemail: 3
* kde-plasma-yawp: 3
* globus-gram-client: 3
* pki-ocsp: 3
* pure-ftpd: 3
* jbrout: 3
* gmixer: 3
* bzr-gtk: 3
* amtu: 3
* qjackctl: 3
* lxde-settings-daemon: 3
* player: 3
* mingw32-gtk2: 3
* ocaml-camlimages: 3
* cmake: 3
* wesnoth: 3
* pssh: 3
* python-biopython: 3
* redhat-rpm-config: 3
* tomoe-gtk: 3
* python-sippy: 3
* cpio: 3
* DeviceKit-power: 3
* evolution-data-server: 3
* netdisco: 3
* munin: 3
* apcupsd: 3
* libmemcached: 3
* tokyocabinet: 3
* globus-gatekeeper: 3
* synce-sync-engine: 3
* nforenum: 3
* bouncycastle-mail: 3
* gdm: 3
* lmms: 3
* udev: 3
* dogtag-pki-kra-ui: 3
* lxdm: 3
* atari++: 3
* tomboy: 3
* pgbouncer: 3
* cas: 3
* opal: 3
* avant-window-navigator: 3
* tellico: 3
* bpython: 3
* python-pygments: 3
* python-repoze-what: 3
* quitcount: 3
* freenx-server: 3
* ibus-table-wubi: 3
* BackupPC: 3
* ngspice: 3
* xpaint: 3
* R-RUnit: 3
* spamass-milter: 3
* xournal: 3
* libssh2: 3
* libicns: 3
* rapid-photo-downloader: 3
* openswan: 3
* flickrnet: 3
* usbmuxd: 3
* b43-openfwwf: 3
* ntp: 3
* pulseaudio: 3
* libotf: 3
* openssl: 3
* poppler: 3
* netpbm: 3
* hercstudio: 3
* 389-ds: 3
* zarafa-webaccess: 3
* perl-App-Nopaste: 3
* yum-cron: 3
* PackageKit: 3
* editarea: 3
* php-phpunit-phploc: 3
* pdftk: 3
* superiotool: 3
* mbuffer: 3
* qelectrotech: 3
* clamtk: 3
* rekonq: 3
* knemo: 3
* agedu: 3
* ocsinventory-agent: 3
* snake: 3
* pidgin-gfire: 3
* python-boto: 3
* yumex: 3
* freeradius: 3
* perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl: 3
* quassel: 3
* sems: 3
* globus-gram-protocol: 3
* icoutils: 3
* fail2ban: 3
* hercules: 3
* shortrpm: 3
* rubygem-actionmailer: 3
* gnome-applets: 3
* pki-silent: 3
* gpxe: 3
* mingw32-glib2: 3
* jack_capture: 3
* gedit: 3
* R-AnnotationDbi: 3
* perl-namespace-autoclean: 3
* glpi-data-injection: 3
* gnash: 3
* rubygem-activeresource: 3
* gstreamer-rtsp: 3
* dokuwiki: 3
* anyremote2html: 3
* atanks: 3
* dogtag-pki-tps-ui: 3
* globus-gridftp-server: 3
* audacious: 3
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 3
* libgdata: 3
* perl-Params-Validate: 3
* libvirt-java: 3
* cups-pk-helper: 3
* webacula: 3
* vala: 3
* dspam: 3
* nmap: 3
* gnome-media: 3
* postr: 3
* openldap: 3
* zfs-fuse: 3
* dkms: 3
* libvdpau: 3
* globus-libtool: 3
* mkinitrd: 3
* puzzles: 3
* tgif: 3
* bacula: 3
* psi: 3
* OpenSceneGraph: 3
* php: 3
* ptlib: 3
* rapidsvn: 3
* bugzilla: 3
* armstrong: 3
* alsa-tools: 3
* openlayers: 3
* google-perftools: 3
* php-pear-Auth-SASL: 3
* pgadmin3: 3
* pki-tks: 3
* dnsperf: 3
* perl: 3
* R-BSgenome: 3
* R-qtl: 3
* python-alsa: 3
* mobile-broadband-provider-info: 3
* python-lxml: 3
* irssi: 3
* kmagnet: 3
* poedit: 3
* podsleuth: 3
* PyKDE: 3
* sdcc: 3
* hydrogen: 3
* xfce4-panel: 3
* rubygem-marc: 3
* cacti: 3
* python-application: 3
* rpmdevtools: 3
* ppl: 3
* mm-common: 3
* fbterm: 3
* fontconfig: 3
* pokerth: 3
* glibc: 3
* yaml-cpp: 3
* 389-console: 3
* bibletime: 3
* libconcord: 3
* piklab: 3
* tetex-elsevier: 3
* pango: 3
* texlive-texmf: 3
* perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT: 3
* rubygem-activesupport: 3
* yum: 3
* virtuoso-opensource: 3
* fetch-crl: 3
* TurboGears: 3
* keepassx: 3
* gnome-packagekit: 3
* tracker: 3
* tar: 3
* zynjacku: 3
* libX11: 3
* php-ezc-Authentication: 3
* kde-plasma-stasks: 3
* libpst: 3
* tigervnc: 3
* valide: 3
* bitfrost: 3
* pki-tps: 3
* dogtag-pki-console-ui: 3
* wireshark: 3
* gdisk: 3
* givaro: 3
* congruity: 3
* ibus-table-erbi: 3
* libxml2: 3
* directfb: 3
* ipa: 3
* xfwm4: 3
* mecab: 3
* kmid2: 3
* osutil: 3
* perl-Net-Amazon: 3
* gimp: 3
* sugar-update-control: 3
* php-pear-Services-Twitter: 3
* CodeAnalyst-gui: 3
* perl-local-lib: 3
* rpmlint: 3
* maniadrive: 3
* lirc: 3
* attica: 3
* globus-gridftp-server-control: 3
* pvs-sbcl: 3
* fontpackages: 3
* openocd: 3
* mediawiki: 3
* xfburn: 3
* gnome-do-plugins: 3
* bullet: 3
* slv2: 3
* xz: 3
* php-pecl-memcached: 3
* nss_compat_ossl: 3
* gcl: 3
* util-linux-ng: 3
* krb5: 3
* php-doctrine-Doctrine: 3
* e2fsprogs: 3
* globus-gass-server-ez: 3
* perl-Verilog-Perl: 3
* fedora-security-guide-en-US: 3
* PyQt: 3
* sugar-toolkit: 3
* luckybackup: 3
* php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging: 3
* rkward: 3
* xemacs-packages-extra: 3
* python-wehjit: 3
* python-virtinst: 3
* couchdb: 3
* ibus-m17n: 3
* gwsmhg: 3
* toped: 3
* hatari: 3
* glib2: 3
* python-sphinx: 3
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 3
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 3
* evolution-exchange: 3
* varnish: 3
* artha: 3
* vhostmd: 3
* R-BufferedMatrixMethods: 3
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 3
* wqy-bitmap-fonts: 3
* GConf2: 3
* spamassassin: 2
* griffith: 2
* buildbot: 2
* libprojectM-qt: 2
* libcap: 2
* ogmtools: 2
* tinc: 2
* projectM-libvisual: 2
* xpad: 2
* lxshortcut: 2
* libiphone: 2
* gajim: 2
* mantis: 2
* awstats: 2
* perl-YAML-Tiny: 2
* perl-Net-UPnP: 2
* mono-nat: 2
* gzip: 2
* scotch: 2
* gedit-vala: 2
* almanah: 2
* libzdb: 2
* samtools: 2
* glibmm24: 2
* rubygem-ruby-opengl: 2
* sec: 2
* perl-App-cpanminus: 2
* smolt: 2
* wannier90: 2
* yum-utils: 2
* emacs-spice-mode: 2
* gcalctool: 2
* solang: 2
* themonospot: 2
* pygrace: 2
* xfce4-notes-plugin: 2
* kcometen4: 2
* man: 2
* hal: 2
* gtkhtml3: 2
* qwt-doc: 2
* gupnp-vala: 2
* psimedia: 2
* beagle: 2
* mono-zeroconf: 2
* numactl: 2
* perl-Bio-Graphics: 2
* python-imdb: 2
* gnome-applet-netspeed: 2
* conntrack-tools: 2
* mousetweaks: 2
* agave: 2
* whaawmp: 2
* evolution: 2
* R-qvalue: 2
* deluge: 2
* openwsman: 2
* perl-JSON-RPC-Common: 2
* rubygem-rest-client: 2
* squeak-vm: 2
* fpm2: 2
* at: 2
* olpc-switch-desktop: 2
* ghc-tar: 2
* vdrift: 2
* acpi: 2
* bespin: 2
* quodlibet: 2
* gimmix: 2
* drupal-views: 2
* perl-Convert-UUlib: 2
* python-tgext-crud: 2
* shared-desktop-ontologies: 2
* pidgin-sipe: 2
* drupal-date: 2
* wxPython: 2
* rtaudio: 2
* globus-gass-cache: 2
* pidgin-latex: 2
* gecko-sharp2: 2
* poweradmin: 2
* mingw32-libxml2: 2
* wacomexpresskeys: 2
* rsyslog: 2
* rdma: 2
* gnome-desktop: 2
* evolution-sharp: 2
* slimdata: 2
* rubygem-mechanize: 2
* perl-Mail-DKIM: 2
* koan: 2
* rcssserver3d: 2
* grid-packaging-tools: 2
* powerman: 2
* mod_fcgid: 2
* gmime: 2
* libgweather: 2
* python-arm4: 2
* expatmm: 2
* libnet: 2
* dogtag-pki-ra-ui: 2
* rss-glx: 2
* R-maanova: 2
* vfrnav: 2
* tasque: 2
* alliance: 2
* minicomputer: 2
* ytree: 2
* dbmail: 2
* python-logilab-common: 2
* dogtag-pki: 2
* quotatool: 2
* qsynth: 2
* kio_gopher: 2
* fedora-devshell: 2
* liborigin2: 2
* Django-south: 2
* alienarena-data: 2
* netcdf: 2
* condor: 2
* pcc: 2
* evolution-mapi: 2
* PySolFC: 2
* ser2net: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible: 2
* control-center: 2
* fedora-setup-keyboard: 2
* sword: 2
* sblim-sfcb: 2
* dogtag-pki-tks-ui: 2
* nicotine+: 2
* perl-DBD-Pg: 2
* rho: 2
* hmaccalc: 2
* MiniCopier: 2
* perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create: 2
* pyjigdo: 2
* skf: 2
* olpc-library: 2
* ibus-sayura: 2
* subtitlecomposer: 2
* sound-juicer: 2
* gallery2: 2
* vtk: 2
* weechat: 2
* gnome-applet-timer: 2
* rubygem-fastercsv: 2
* svxlink: 2
* farsight2: 2
* cloog: 2
* R-widgetTools: 2
* xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin: 2
* muine: 2
* gnome-netstatus: 2
* brasero: 2
* html-xml-utils: 2
* squirrel: 2
* libisds: 2
* cheese: 2
* auto-destdir: 2
* rubygem-ZenTest: 2
* iwl6000-firmware: 2
* gtk-sharp: 2
* icecream: 2
* libvorbis: 2
* file: 2
* yaz: 2
* rubygem-gemcutter: 2
* vinagre: 2
* picprog: 2
* drumstick: 2
* supybot-fedora: 2
* mfiler2: 2
* fped: 2
* b43-fwcutter: 2
* towhee: 2
* polkit-qt: 2
* manaworld: 2
* mod_selinux: 2
* eclipse-valgrind: 2
* vte: 2
* gtksourceview2-sharp: 2
* 389-dsgw: 2
* mesa: 2
* dssi-vst: 2
* monosim: 2
* mingw32-libgnurx: 2
* perl-IO-Socket-SSL: 2
* gpodder: 2
* dkim-milter: 2
* perl-CSS-Squish: 2
* fence-virt: 2
* hgsvn: 2
* perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree: 2
* jack-keyboard: 2
* xcircuit: 2
* pony: 2
* libsilc: 2
* obexd: 2
* libmikmod: 2
* xscope: 2
* gsf-sharp: 2
* libvmime07: 2
* pyliblo: 2
* giver: 2
* expendable: 2
* drpython: 2
* man-pages-ko: 2
* quota: 2
* acl: 2
* gnome-keyring: 2
* supybot: 2
* libisofs: 2
* dpkg: 2
* perl-Class-Mix: 2
* dia: 2
* gscribble: 2
* apr-util: 2
* xlog: 2
* archmage: 2
* calf: 2
* php-ezc-EventLog: 2
* kphotoalbum: 2
* R-hgu95av2probe: 2
* abrt: 2
* gnome-keyring-sharp: 2
* ibus-skk: 2
* mingw32-nsiswrapper: 2
* geoclue: 2
* leafnode: 2
* php-ezc-SystemInformation: 2
* libmsn: 2
* xmp: 2
* dcraw: 2
* esorex: 2
* dssi: 2
* qedje: 2
* afraid-dyndns: 2
* arts: 2
* plplot: 2
* dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui: 2
* gcin: 2
* bash-completion: 2
* perl-Net-STOMP-Client: 2
* 389-ds-console: 2
* qzion: 2
* fabric: 2
* mrepo: 2
* orca: 2
* globus-authz: 2
* R-tkWidgets: 2
* perl-V: 2
* ice: 2
* libtiff: 2
* geoqo: 2
* kde-style-skulpture: 2
* R-affyio: 2
* rubygem-mixlib-log: 2
* sugar-infoslicer: 2
* pyicq-t: 2
* pigz: 2
* mecab-java: 2
* conman: 2
* python-cclib: 2
* mozplugger: 2
* xwota: 2
* fmtools: 2
* webkit-sharp: 2
* rpmconf: 2
* stellarium: 2
* emacs-goodies: 2
* fuse: 2
* rubygem-git: 2
* sipp: 2
* rhino: 2
* sonic-visualiser: 2
* xemacs-packages-base: 2
* dsniff: 2
* compiz: 2
* mscore: 2
* php-pear-Log: 2
* gtest: 2
* jna: 2
* perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta: 2
* php-phpunit-File-Iterator: 2
* lftp: 2
* c-ares: 2
* electronics-menu: 2
* pcb: 2
* sphinx: 2
* teg: 2
* perl-SystemPerl: 2
* notify-sharp: 2
* xfce4-session: 2
* lxpanel: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-Common: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types: 2
* docbook-style-xsl: 2
* climm: 2
* toot2: 2
* django-typepad: 2
* rcssmonitor: 2
* python-gnutls: 2
* conspy: 2
* pipestat: 2
* GraphicsMagick: 2
* perl-prefork: 2
* memcached: 2
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 2
* qtoctave: 2
* gnomebaker: 2
* jettison: 2
* php-symfony-YAML: 2
* python-beaker: 2
* mono: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau: 2
* lv2-swh-plugins: 2
* nrpe: 2
* bleachbit: 2
* rubygem-mongrel_cluster: 2
* xastir: 2
* chntpw: 2
* gutenprint: 2
* python-cheetah: 2
* scala: 2
* python-wokkel: 2
* pki-native-tools: 2
* jokosher: 2
* libxcb: 2
* lvm2: 2
* soci: 2
* mingw32-opensc: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-intel: 2
* python-BeautifulSoup: 2
* gcolor2: 2
* eclipse-cdt: 2
* zita-convolver: 2
* gbrainy: 2
* perl-App-Daemon: 2
* torium: 2
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason: 2
* memtester: 2
* simspark: 2
* koffice: 2
* libiodbc: 2
* perl-mecab: 2
* php-ezc-Base: 2
* R-GeneR: 2
* libsoup: 2
* python-virtualenv: 2
* net-snmp: 2
* libtranslate: 2
* mingw32-libsoup: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager: 2
* rpcbind: 2
* dinotrace: 2
* php-Smarty: 2
* gnaughty: 2
* tootaudioservers: 2
* xdotool: 2
* gnome-applet-sensors: 2
* cvsps: 2
* ucview: 2
* perl-Class-Inspector: 2
* libxml: 2
* perl-Class-Method-Modifiers: 2
* createrepo: 2
* surl: 2
* python-polib: 2
* gerbv: 2
* smartmontools: 2
* gaupol: 2
* mrpt: 2
* autotrust: 2
* rst2pdf: 2
* tzclock: 2
* xfce4-xkb-plugin: 2
* ncmpcpp: 2
* libnetfilter_conntrack: 2
* grace: 2
* gnome-panel: 2
* gypsy: 2
* gdesklets: 2
* gnu-smalltalk: 2
* python-inotify: 2
* kde-plasma-quickaccess: 2
* sugar-physics: 2
* jconvolver: 2
* gpicview: 2
* urlwatch: 2
* blacs: 2
* menu-cache: 2
* ccrypt: 2
* qutim: 2
* python-reportlab: 2
* gnome-themes: 2
* sugar-pippy: 2
* oggvideotools: 2
* libdvdread: 2
* pki-java-tools: 2
* referencer: 2
* matahari: 2
* cjkuni-fonts: 2
* rubber: 2
* mcelog: 2
* gnomecatalog: 2
* exiv2: 2
* pdfchain: 2
* repoview: 2
* viking: 2
* neon: 2
* rubygem-rake-compiler: 2
* perl-MooseX-POE: 2
* python-toscawidgets: 2
* pywebdav: 2
* DeviceKit-disks: 2
* pg_top: 2
* pylint: 2
* qdevelop: 2
* php-ezc-Feed: 2
* armadillo: 2
* logjam: 2
* amsn: 2
* check: 2
* R-DynDoc: 2
* perl-Net-Patricia: 2
* mod_proxy_html: 2
* kmymoney2: 2
* schroot: 2
* icu: 2
* globus-gram-client-tools: 2
* ghc-HTTP: 2
* kcm-gtk: 2
* atlas: 2
* python-offtrac: 2
* emacs-common-proofgeneral: 2
* mono-tools: 2
* kio_sword: 2
* diffuse: 2
* python-mecab: 2
* kcm_touchpad: 2
* rubygem-rspec: 2
* mmapper: 2
* frepple: 2
* roundup: 2
* python-werkzeug: 2
* gnubiff: 2
* w3m-el: 2
* php-pdepend-PHP-Depend: 2
* mingw32-libtiff: 2
* rygel: 2
* rubygem-gettext_activerecord: 2
* grsync: 2
* nautilus-actions: 2
* gjs: 2
* sane-backends: 2
* webkitgtk: 2
* mono-bouncycastle: 2
* gtranslator: 2
* gnome-desktop-sharp: 2
* sbcl: 2
* filelight: 2
* nagios-plugins: 2
* exaile: 2
* gstreamer-python: 2
* taglib: 2
* gnome-games: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error: 2
* SimGear: 2
* gnuradio: 2
* report: 2
* R-preprocessCore: 2
* milter-greylist: 2
* bless: 2
* whysynth-dssi: 2
* ssldump: 2
* kbluetooth: 2
* R-BufferedMatrix: 2
* net-tools: 2
* gsim85: 2
* powwow: 2
* rubygem-gettext_rails: 2
* gnome-applet-bubblemon: 2
* dcap: 2
* typepad-motion: 2
* latex2rtf: 2
* perl-DBD-SQLite: 2
* gummi: 2
* paratype-pt-sans-fonts: 2
* klatexformula: 2
* trustyrc: 2
* knm-new-fixed-fonts: 2
* perl-Net-GitHub: 2
* ytnef: 2
* papercut: 2
* rubygem-main: 2
* rubygem-state_machine: 2
* gnome-applet-jalali-calendar: 2
* perl-POE: 2
* vsftpd: 2
* rfkill: 2
* perl-Test-Script: 2
* cnetworkmanager: 2
* lcdf-typetools: 2
* tritonus: 2
* qwt: 2
* gnome-terminal: 2
* perl-Wx: 2
* python-tg-devtools: 2
* AcetoneISO2: 2
* getdata: 2
* subcommander: 2
* totem-pl-parser: 2
* mtkbabel: 2
* mydns: 2
* ruby-mecab: 2
* llvm: 2
* xfce4-netload-plugin: 2
* olpc-powerd: 2
* dbus-sharp: 2
* monotone: 2
* uim: 2
* gtk-nodoka-engine: 2
* libtool: 2
* tucnak2: 2
* lua-lunit: 2
* python-dmidecode: 2
* rubygem-locale_rails: 2
* genius: 2
* mingw32-nsis: 2
* pycdio: 2
* yum-arch: 2
* newsbeuter: 2
* ruby-qpid: 2
* mpop: 2
* xmonad: 2
* ql2500-firmware: 2
* ibus-rawcode: 2
* mutt: 2
* emelfm2: 2
* PySolFC-cardsets: 2
* revisor: 2
* moodle: 2
* coccinelle: 2
* sdparm: 2
* vgabios: 2
* rubygem-ditz: 2
* olpc-kbdshim: 2
* pam: 2
* frinika: 2
* k3b: 2
* autoarchive: 2
* snownews: 2
* sagator: 2
* php-ezc-Cache: 2
* rest: 2
* ipod-sharp: 2
* veusz: 2
* mono-addins: 2
* font-manager: 2
* drehatlas-xaporho-fonts: 2
* globus-gfork: 2
* R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2: 2
* perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish: 2
* gnumeric: 2
* globus-gass-cache-program: 2
* libpng: 2
* bzflag: 2
* drehatlas-widelands-fonts: 2
* safecopy: 2
* kde-partitionmanager: 2
* python-sqlalchemy: 2
* python-daemon: 2
* ecl: 2
* xrdp: 2
* rosegarden4: 2
* yum-presto: 2
* perl-Any-Moose: 2
* drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts: 2
* kdevplatform: 2
* automake: 2
* lynis: 2
* glabels: 2
* dansguardian: 2
* python-kiwi: 2
* rhn-client-tools: 2
* jabbim: 2
* MySQL-python: 2
* sonata: 2
* python-markdown2: 2
* pdfedit: 2
* barry: 2
* wormux: 2
* python-repoze-who-testutil: 2
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings: 2
* readahead: 2
* voms-mysql-plugin: 2
* lat: 2
* xml-security-c: 2
* libv4l: 2
* eog: 2
* perl-SQL-Abstract: 2
* iotop: 2
* telepathy-gabble: 2
* moserial: 2
* python-gdata: 2
* pymol: 2
* skinlf: 2
* kmess: 2
* bibtex2html: 2
* logiweb: 2
* perl-Test-Inline: 2
* gkrellm: 2
* ragel: 2
* bournal: 2
* php-pear-HTTP-Request2: 2
* xfce4-mpc-plugin: 2
* maxr: 2
* libev: 2
* python-logilab-astng: 2
* subdownloader: 2
* dnsmasq: 2
* tcl-trf: 2
* mkvtoolnix: 2
* R-pls: 2
* log4c: 2
* perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes: 2
* gauche: 2
* terminator: 2
* rb_libtorrent: 2
* nimbus: 2
* globus-scheduler-event-generator: 2
* libimobiledevice: 2
* arm4: 2
* pki-console: 2
* pianobooster: 2
* nx: 2
* guimup: 2
* R-affy: 2
* emacs-mew: 2
* synfig: 2
* rubygem-mixlib-cli: 2
* rubygem-RubyInline: 2
* GMT: 2
* pam_yubico: 2
* perl-common-sense: 2
* ldapvi: 2
* python-morbid: 2
* deco-archive: 2
* python-EnthoughtBase: 2
* R-multtest: 2
* opendchub: 2
* rubygem-mixlib-config: 2
* pidgin-musictracker: 2
* krazy2: 2
* boost: 2
* python-coverage: 2
* quagga: 2
* avogadro: 2
* imapsync: 2
* SoQt: 2
* hunspell: 2
* perl-JSON: 2
* rubygem-json: 2
* leonidas-kde-theme: 2
* python-jabberbot: 2
* ciso: 1
* hunspell-si: 1
* ocfs2-tools: 1
* electric: 1
* python-sybase: 1
* perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute: 1
* perl-Text-vCard: 1
* spacewalk-proxy-docs: 1
* authconfig: 1
* yum-plugin-download-order: 1
* perl-HTML-GenToc: 1
* libsysactivity: 1
* ocaml-autoconf: 1
* generic-release: 1
* perl-Log-LogLite: 1
* java-augeas: 1
* php-pecl-runkit: 1
* perl-XML-Atom: 1
* python-zope-sqlalchemy: 1
* sendxmpp: 1
* ipplan: 1
* iftop: 1
* pypoker-eval: 1
* d-feet: 1
* kchmviewer: 1
* imagej: 1
* perl-Lexical-Persistence: 1
* fillets-ng: 1
* gmime22: 1
* gstreamer-plugins-fc: 1
* python-twisted-conch: 1
* xchat-gnome: 1
* hyphen-mr: 1
* xerces-c: 1
* djview4: 1
* perl-SNMP-Info: 1
* pywbem: 1
* pfstools: 1
* postgis: 1
* tomcat-native: 1
* gabedit: 1
* itk: 1
* ocaml: 1
* streamtuner: 1
* perl-Text-Context: 1
* sed: 1
* perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown: 1
* perl-Config-Extend-MySQL: 1
* R-rlecuyer: 1
* perl-Goo-Canvas: 1
* spill: 1
* jai-imageio-core: 1
* sugar-record: 1
* koji: 1
* openhpi: 1
* ndisc6: 1
* libdesktop-agnostic: 1
* hfsutils: 1
* jline: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class: 1
* sing: 1
* popfile: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 1
* perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate: 1
* lxtask: 1
* rubygem-cucumber: 1
* vecmath: 1
* zfstream: 1
* perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod: 1
* ppp: 1
* xorg-x11-server-utils: 1
* robotfindskitten: 1
* kde-i18n: 1
* ratproxy: 1
* python-simpy: 1
* polipo: 1
* iwl5150-firmware: 1
* splat: 1
* anyterm: 1
* perl-Test-Most: 1
* perl-HTML-FillInForm: 1
* xcompmgr: 1
* automake14: 1
* umit: 1
* pyactivemq: 1
* libksba: 1
* mnemosyne: 1
* perl-HTML-Toc: 1
* rubygem-cobbler: 1
* mingw32-libssh2: 1
* perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding: 1
* perl-Net-Whois-IP: 1
* dnsjava: 1
* python-dns: 1
* gcc: 1
* keychecker: 1
* amanda: 1
* perl-OpenGL: 1
* mygui: 1
* tslib: 1
* rrdtool: 1
* comix: 1
* nssbackup: 1
* perl-Daemon-Generic: 1
* drbdlinks: 1
* gdouros-aegean-fonts: 1
* php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect: 1
* imp: 1
* xmlfy: 1
* scheme2js: 1
* tclx: 1
* sendmail: 1
* php-pear-PHPUnit: 1
* python-TraitsGUI: 1
* zile: 1
* cfv: 1
* perl-Fedora-Bugzilla: 1
* mitter: 1
* trac-spamfilter-plugin: 1
* python-repoze-what-quickstart: 1
* libsidplay: 1
* pyodbc: 1
* perl-File-Read: 1
* yapet: 1
* meterbridge: 1
* perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite: 1
* php-ezc-File: 1
* pytc: 1
* 1
* perl-Alien-SeleniumRC: 1
* cbrpager: 1
* mingw32-libp11: 1
* php-pear-Mail-Mime: 1
* fontmatrix: 1
* x11vnc: 1
* ibus-qt: 1
* jwhois: 1
* maloc: 1
* perl-Text-VimColor: 1
* gramps: 1
* krusader: 1
* pybox2d: 1
* octave-forge: 1
* scim-m17n: 1
* NetPIPE: 1
* dia-electronic: 1
* ClanLib06: 1
* perl-Clipboard: 1
* gdouros-analecta-fonts: 1
* monodevelop-debugger-mdb: 1
* websvn: 1
* sslogger: 1
* perl-Authen-Simple: 1
* bltk: 1
* gtk+: 1
* perl-String-Diff: 1
* perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP: 1
* fet: 1
* chordii: 1
* pywebkitgtk: 1
* hamlib: 1
* telepathy-sunshine: 1
* acpitool: 1
* kaya: 1
* globus-libxml2: 1
* perl-Text-Emoticon: 1
* postgresql-odbcng: 1
* initscripts: 1
* synce-kpm: 1
* perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check: 1
* perl-XML-RSS: 1
* arptables_jf: 1
* ophcrack: 1
* gnustep-base: 1
* usb_modeswitch: 1
* SIMVoleon: 1
* appliance-tools: 1
* fetchmail: 1
* perl-Config-INI-MVP: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch: 1
* mingw32-libpng: 1
* perl-Data-Dumper-Concise: 1
* sugar-turtleart: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FormState: 1
* gdouros-akkadian-fonts: 1
* php-pear-Cache-Lite: 1
* tlomt-sniglet-fonts: 1
* xfce4-xfswitch-plugin: 1
* ipsec-tools: 1
* perl-Archive-RPM: 1
* twitter-glib: 1
* pptp: 1
* rsibreak: 1
* faust: 1
* jsl: 1
* perl-UNIVERSAL-ref: 1
* libsqlite3x: 1
* dahdi-tools: 1
* phatch: 1
* dstat: 1
* perl-HTML-StripScripts-Parser: 1
* mingw32-openssl: 1
* xorg-x11-proto-devel: 1
* xscorch: 1
* mine_detector: 1
* Inventor: 1
* system-config-firewall: 1
* rlog: 1
* rubygem-daemons: 1
* chemical-mime-data: 1
* system-config-users: 1
* fluidsynth-dssi: 1
* openslp: 1
* fldigi: 1
* ndesk-dbus-glib: 1
* perl-Sub-WrapPackages: 1
* rubygem-sqlite3-ruby: 1
* nsd: 1
* autotrace: 1
* labyrinth: 1
* xfce4-radio-plugin: 1
* perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2: 1
* perl-XXX: 1
* libmxp: 1
* terminus-fonts: 1
* coq: 1
* js: 1
* perl-HTTP-Parser-XS: 1
* CharLS: 1
* php-idn: 1
* klamav: 1
* fedora-package-config-apt: 1
* vdr-skinsoppalusikka: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto: 1
* gspiceui: 1
* eclipse-slice2java: 1
* oflb-notcouriersans-fonts: 1
* system-config-bind: 1
* rubygem-sexp_processor: 1
* xls2csv: 1
* l2fprod-common: 1
* slashem: 1
* pyhunspell: 1
* numpy: 1
* python-igraph: 1
* mcabber: 1
* vifir: 1
* gnome-pilot: 1
* nss-ldapd: 1
* rxvt-unicode: 1
* grub: 1
* fuse-sshfs: 1
* perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder: 1
* perl-FCGI-ProcManager: 1
* libfprint: 1
* taglib-sharp: 1
* mypaint: 1
* pygsl: 1
* sugar-presence-service: 1
* zhcon: 1
* man-pages-fr: 1
* clips: 1
* perl-Convert-Binary-C: 1
* perl-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW: 1
* man-pages-es: 1
* snacc: 1
* python-EnvisageCore: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache: 1
* trac-peerreview-plugin: 1
* ipython: 1
* python-kaa-base: 1
* python-flickrapi: 1
* classads: 1
* javatar: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-ivtv: 1
* phpesp: 1
* coda: 1
* erlang-esasl: 1
* perl-p5-Palm: 1
* php-ezc-Graph: 1
* poker-eval: 1
* mailgraph: 1
* meshmagick: 1
* gresolver: 1
* incollector: 1
* gstreamer-plugins-espeak: 1
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 1
* RabbIT: 1
* woodardworks-laconic-fonts: 1
* xmlsec1: 1
* libassuan: 1
* hexter-dssi: 1
* itcl: 1
* jorbis: 1
* cabal-install: 1
* xblas: 1
* gpsdrive: 1
* flaw: 1
* pyserial: 1
* japanese-bitmap-fonts: 1
* gfs-decker-fonts: 1
* zbar: 1
* madan-fonts: 1
* sblim-indication_helper: 1
* sugar-calculator: 1
* libchamplain: 1
* pocketsphinx: 1
* pymunk: 1
* xfce4-cellmodem-plugin: 1
* perl-Carp-Clan-Share: 1
* eigen2: 1
* drupal-workspace: 1
* perl-Getopt-ArgvFile: 1
* gmusicbrowser: 1
* sysvinit: 1
* lxsession: 1
* perl-Algorithm-Dependency: 1
* colrdx: 1
* phpwapmail: 1
* perl-Term-Completion: 1
* rubygem-haml: 1
* PySolFC-music: 1
* mingw32-boost: 1
* php-markdown: 1
* perl-Text-PDF: 1
* gnome-lirc-properties: 1
* php-phpSmug: 1
* blitz: 1
* tmpwatch: 1
* drascula-music: 1
* monsoon: 1
* vtkdata: 1
* smb4k: 1
* clipsmm: 1
* xcftools: 1
* scsi-target-utils: 1
* gtk-murrine-engine: 1
* perl-Data-AsObject: 1
* libclaw: 1
* mingw32-gtkhtml3: 1
* libqxt: 1
* javacsv: 1
* abcm2ps: 1
* ibus-hangul: 1
* kgtk: 1
* oflb-smonohand-fonts: 1
* freedoom: 1
* inkboy-fonts: 1
* rubygem-flexmock: 1
* cduce: 1
* perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable: 1
* synfigstudio: 1
* mcs: 1
* qiv: 1
* perl-Net-Google-AuthSub: 1
* perl-Data-JavaScript: 1
* mediawiki-InputBox: 1
* nss_db: 1
* astyle: 1
* mulk: 1
* panoglview: 1
* perl-Exception-Class-TryCatch: 1
* rubygem-reststop: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode: 1
* GtkAda: 1
* perl-XML-TreeBuilder: 1
* gdata-sharp: 1
* cmospwd: 1
* perl-WebService-Google-Language: 1
* pypar: 1
* htmldoc: 1
* pgfouine: 1
* python-urllib2_kerberos: 1
* gnome-libs: 1
* scummvm: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized: 1
* libkni3: 1
* msmtp: 1
* trousers: 1
* eclipse-photran: 1
* gnupg2: 1
* python-olpcgames: 1
* python-sqlite2: 1
* bauble: 1
* invulgotracker: 1
* libass: 1
* libwps: 1
* kdocker: 1
* ncid: 1
* perl-Perl-MinimumVersion: 1
* gperiodic: 1
* vim-perl-tt2: 1
* ncrack: 1
* filezilla: 1
* php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer: 1
* spacewalk-proxy-html: 1
* sane-frontends: 1
* perl-Test-Unit-Lite: 1
* fapg: 1
* python-altgraph: 1
* perl-Crypt-CipherSaber: 1
* imlib: 1
* mhash: 1
* linux_logo: 1
* eclipse-linuxprofilingframework: 1
* perl-HTML-Tree: 1
* perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo: 1
* shared-mime-info: 1
* perl-IO-Prompt: 1
* ns-bola-fonts: 1
* perl-Test-LongString: 1
* moe: 1
* perl-IPC-Run3: 1
* metadata-extractor: 1
* perl-Text-SimpleTable: 1
* perl-Net-CUPS: 1
* asunder: 1
* perl-Geo-IP: 1
* gtksourcecompletion: 1
* sugar-xoirc: 1
* ebtables: 1
* perl-Test-AutoBuild: 1
* php-pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB: 1
* ncpfs: 1
* perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast: 1
* perl-Parse-BACKPAN-Packages: 1
* perl-Mail-IMAPClient: 1
* jVorbisEnc: 1
* spawn-fcgi: 1
* mediawiki-rss: 1
* perl-Moose: 1
* sbackup: 1
* rubygem-coderay: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM: 1
* perl-Class-InsideOut: 1
* rubygem-erubis: 1
* gauche-gtk: 1
* avahi: 1
* libsynce: 1
* php-layers-menu: 1
* b43-tools: 1
* saab-fonts: 1
* django-profile: 1
* libmpd: 1
* logrotate: 1
* kanatest: 1
* syncevolution: 1
* checkgmail: 1
* php-pecl-sphinx: 1
* gkrellm-top: 1
* perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 1
* multimedia-menus: 1
* perl-Test-Requires: 1
* chrpath: 1
* perl-Finance-Quote: 1
* tasks: 1
* global: 1
* qterm: 1
* tcsh: 1
* perl-Hash-Merge: 1
* django-flash: 1
* olpc-netutils: 1
* paraview: 1
* perl-App-Cache: 1
* anjuta: 1
* marave: 1
* gnome-user-share: 1
* socat: 1
* eclipse-oprofile: 1
* mingw32-tcl: 1
* wordpress-plugin-add-to-any: 1
* clojure: 1
* gnustep-gui: 1
* rubygem-compass: 1
* magic: 1
* perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple: 1
* TeXmacs: 1
* xerces-c27: 1
* gif2png: 1
* iperf: 1
* libpuzzle: 1
* perl-Class-C3-Componentised: 1
* perl-Config-Properties: 1
* wklej: 1
* pygoocanvas: 1
* GMT-coastlines: 1
* perl-JSON-RPC: 1
* e16-themes: 1
* sil-scheherazade-fonts: 1
* gnome-colors-icon-theme: 1
* asymptote: 1
* tesseract: 1
* openjpeg: 1
* xfce4-dict: 1
* aumix: 1
* gdl: 1
* python-paste-deploy: 1
* python-qpid: 1
* uperf: 1
* cryptopp: 1
* perl-BZ-Client: 1
* sugar-help: 1
* k3d: 1
* ypbind: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIC-Schema: 1
* nufw: 1
* darcs: 1
* mlmmj: 1
* pdf2djvu: 1
* python-repoze-tm2: 1
* perl-Net-IPv4Addr: 1
* php-phpmd-PHP-PMD: 1
* perl-Sys-Hostname-Long: 1
* perl-String-RewritePrefix: 1
* agg: 1
* rubygem-term-ansicolor: 1
* gargi-fonts: 1
* pydot: 1
* alt-ergo: 1
* python-webob: 1
* debmirror: 1
* dash: 1
* rubygem-trollop: 1
* kpilot: 1
* fedora-easy-karma: 1
* librapi: 1
* qle: 1
* xdrfile: 1
* stfl: 1
* earth-and-moon-backgrounds: 1
* fillets-ng-data: 1
* django-piston: 1
* unoconv: 1
* examiner: 1
* jabberd: 1
* pyvnc2swf: 1
* xchat: 1
* gtkspell: 1
* certmaster: 1
* python-tw-jquery: 1
* php-pear-File-SMBPasswd: 1
* nickle: 1
* healpy: 1
* mipv6-daemon: 1
* pspp: 1
* php-pecl-geoip: 1
* bti: 1
* volpack: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Array: 1
* javanotes: 1
* cobertura: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream: 1
* python-paramiko: 1
* canorus: 1
* gettext: 1
* vim-perl-support: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache: 1
* xfce4-remmina-plugin: 1
* libgdl: 1
* gnome-common: 1
* ncmpc: 1
* jlex: 1
* struts: 1
* gtksourceview2: 1
* ristretto: 1
* orbited: 1
* unshield: 1
* libtdb: 1
* python-foolscap: 1
* lzip: 1
* texworks: 1
* xpp3: 1
* python-tornado: 1
* php-pear-Pager: 1
* libtopology: 1
* json: 1
* relaxngDatatype: 1
* rubygem-icalendar: 1
* hyphen-as: 1
* python-kinterbasdb: 1
* sslscan: 1
* drupal-service_links: 1
* perl-RT-Client-REST: 1
* mediatomb: 1
* gnome-sharp: 1
* lohit-fonts: 1
* virt-v2v: 1
* R-car: 1
* bluemodem: 1
* emacs-common-tuareg: 1
* zikula-module-MultiHook: 1
* blktrace: 1
* perl-String-Escape: 1
* libiptcdata: 1
* fmt-ptrn: 1
* avrdude: 1
* ntfs-config: 1
* sgml-common: 1
* xfce4-battery-plugin: 1
* lxinput: 1
* mapserver: 1
* kde-filesystem: 1
* libgle: 1
* libwvstreams: 1
* azureus: 1
* lilypond: 1
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 1
* xfce4-systemload-plugin: 1
* perl-Async-MergePoint: 1
* perl-YAML-LibYAML: 1
* unzip: 1
* dia-CMOS: 1
* perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI: 1
* python-pyasn1: 1
* libdc1394: 1
* sugar-typing-turtle: 1
* gnome-devel-docs: 1
* oorexx: 1
* php-channel-doctrine: 1
* eclipse-rpmstubby: 1
* lv2-zynadd-plugins: 1
* extundelete: 1
* perl-Test-SharedFork: 1
* mash: 1
* espresso-ab: 1
* PragmARC: 1
* fastback: 1
* wget: 1
* swig: 1
* perl-TheSchwartz: 1
* httping: 1
* extrema: 1
* snobol: 1
* muParser: 1
* xdvik: 1
* flumotion: 1
* sgpio: 1
* uniconvertor: 1
* guake: 1
* perl-Tk-Stderr: 1
* mpdscribble: 1
* apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts: 1
* banshee-mirage: 1
* gnome-session: 1
* libucil: 1
* flam3: 1
* hamster-applet: 1
* php-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein: 1
* kbackup: 1
* check_postgres: 1
* rubygem-xmpp4r: 1
* perl-Config-INI: 1
* librra: 1
* mldonkey: 1
* jjack: 1
* adns: 1
* lv2-vocoder-plugins: 1
* gearbox: 1
* perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS: 1
* perl-Proc-Simple: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Standard-Config: 1
* xsane: 1
* gpointing-device-settings: 1
* perl-Capture-Tiny: 1
* perl-GD-SVG: 1
* python-storm: 1
* php-pear-Event-Dispatcher: 1
* rhm: 1
* perl-Text-Diff-Parser: 1
* pxe-kexec: 1
* trac-tracnav-plugin: 1
* rubygem-right_http_connection: 1
* rtpproxy: 1
* gnome-guitar: 1
* libcmpiutil: 1
* imgtarget: 1
* libgdiplus: 1
* gnurobots: 1
* perl-JavaScript-Beautifier: 1
* xfmpc: 1
* ayttm: 1
* webattery: 1
* roboptim-core: 1
* astronomy-bookmarks: 1
* mingw32-gtkmm24: 1
* banner: 1
* perl-Config-Auto: 1
* emacs-common-ess: 1
* perl-Data-Dumper-Names: 1
* perl-Acme-PlayCode: 1
* python-repoze-what-plugins-sql: 1
* cim-schema: 1
* eclipse-rpm-editor: 1
* perl-Nmap-Parser: 1
* libvmime: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FillInForm: 1
* perl-Config-Augeas: 1
* rubygem-newgem: 1
* gsoap: 1
* nethogs: 1
* mingw32-libgeotiff: 1
* libgpod: 1
* kobby: 1
* culmus-fonts: 1
* nco: 1
* termit: 1
* perl-MIME-Charset: 1
* xfsdump: 1
* perl-Scope-Upper: 1
* python-distutils-extra: 1
* unicornscan: 1
* docbook-utils: 1
* python-catwalk: 1
* opensc: 1
* sabayon: 1
* ocaml-mysql: 1
* perl-Test-MockTime: 1
* python-decorator: 1
* cdrkit: 1
* perl-Catalyst-View-PDF-Reuse: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage: 1
* libunicap: 1
* bmpx: 1
* php-suhosin: 1
* gtrayicon: 1
* php-pear-Image-Color: 1
* jamin: 1
* python-pmw: 1
* pysnmp: 1
* libdrm: 1
* perl-Devel-StackTrace: 1
* rubygem-hpricot: 1
* lpg: 1
* vanessa_logger: 1
* libraw1394: 1
* perl-Guard: 1
* openchange: 1
* inksmoto: 1
* ssmtp: 1
* shmpps: 1
* fuse-emulator: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache: 1
* kde-colorscheme-plastik: 1
* lash: 1
* python-Scriptaculous: 1
* clutter: 1
* malaga: 1
* zikula-module-advanced_polls: 1
* rurple: 1
* gtkhash: 1
* php-hkit: 1
* perl-Apache-DBI: 1
* python-batchhttp: 1
* mingw32-libsqlite3x: 1
* dump: 1
* xorriso: 1
* perl-String-Formatter: 1
* youtube-dl: 1
* simh: 1
* python-webflash: 1
* backup-manager: 1
* qtscriptgenerator: 1
* cpqarrayd: 1
* xfdesktop: 1
* nqc: 1
* scummvm-tools: 1
* xaos: 1
* awesfx: 1
* perl-HTML-WikiConverter: 1
* nekobee-dssi: 1
* pymilia: 1
* perl-Audio-Beep: 1
* mrbs: 1
* glib: 1
* mdsplib: 1
* pinot: 1
* geanyvc: 1
* liblqr-1: 1
* lxde-icon-theme: 1
* bchunk: 1
* python-alsaaudio: 1
* git-bugzilla: 1
* themonospot-console: 1
* mod_gnutls: 1
* dwarves: 1
* libXext: 1
* libmtp: 1
* mimetex: 1
* lua-json: 1
* iok: 1
* woffTools: 1
* empathy: 1
* python-TraitsBackendQt: 1
* jakarta-commons-pool: 1
* libibmad: 1
* vorbis-tools: 1
* perl-bioperl: 1
* mysql-mmm: 1
* ldns: 1
* perl-Sendmail-PMilter: 1
* R-wavethresh: 1
* xmms: 1
* libeina: 1
* python-typepad: 1
* ScientificPython: 1
* perl-Sub-Prototype: 1
* rubygem-syntax: 1
* rubygem-polyglot: 1
* cuetools: 1
* lxterminal: 1
* drascula-international: 1
* perl-Class-MOP: 1
* rubygem-ruby_parser: 1
* xlockmore: 1
* mingw32-cairo: 1
* roboptim-trajectory: 1
* easytag: 1
* libgnomecups: 1
* libnids: 1
* themonospot-plugin-mkv: 1
* orage: 1
* trac-git-plugin: 1
* fltk: 1
* doxygen: 1
* wordpress-mu-plugin-defaults: 1
* pcsc-lite: 1
* perl-Perl-Tags: 1
* lilyterm: 1
* ghc-utf8-string: 1
* gtkmm-utils: 1
* glista: 1
* id3lib: 1
* gdouros-alexander-fonts: 1
* nullmodem: 1
* python-assets: 1
* mkbootdisk: 1
* python-EnvisagePlugins: 1
* qgit: 1
* bangarang: 1
* perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive: 1
* gpscorrelate: 1
* perl-Pod-Eventual: 1
* cfengine: 1
* PyXML: 1
* guiloader: 1
* gnome-screensaver: 1
* wavpack: 1
* xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin: 1
* rubygem-archive-tar-minitar: 1
* glpi-mass-ocs-import: 1
* wammu: 1
* perl-MooseX-Singleton: 1
* perl-Pod-Xhtml: 1
* file-browser-applet: 1
* gnome-menus: 1
* mediawiki-CategoryTree: 1
* perl-FCGI-Client: 1
* ghc-xmonad-contrib: 1
* rhnsd: 1
* automake17: 1
* shcov: 1
* perl-Data-ObjectDriver: 1
* perl-POE-Component-Server-Bayeux: 1
* rubygem-mocha: 1
* php-pear-Services-Weather: 1
* stxxl: 1
* vdr: 1
* tcl-snack: 1
* id3v2: 1
* qucs: 1
* php-pear-Net-Traceroute: 1
* php-facedetect: 1
* nautilus-search-tool: 1
* qstat: 1
* timespan: 1
* xfce4-websearch-plugin: 1
* ghc-fgl: 1
* python-matplotlib: 1
* ykclient: 1
* nbd: 1
* python-simplejson: 1
* iwl1000-firmware: 1
* perl-Test-ClassAPI: 1
* telepathy-haze: 1
* perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime: 1
* sugar-finance: 1
* jana: 1
* dvipdfmx: 1
* cups-bjnp: 1
* horde: 1
* boa: 1
* php-pear-HTML-QuickForm: 1
* geda-gaf: 1
* man-pages-uk: 1
* R-mAr: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn: 1
* phpPgAdmin: 1
* lxappearance: 1
* php-pear-DB-DataObject: 1
* CCfits: 1
* python-SocksiPy: 1
* mcpp: 1
* system-config-samba: 1
* irclog2html: 1
* cudd: 1
* vmpsd: 1
* python-AppTools: 1
* perl-Search-Xapian: 1
* spacewalk-certs-tools: 1
* pypoppler: 1
* cdcollect: 1
* poco: 1
* md5deep: 1
* tcpjunk: 1
* activemq-cpp: 1
* rubygem-bunny: 1
* rubygem-ohai: 1
* beacon: 1
* python-mpmath: 1
* AGReader: 1
* xmoto: 1
* lxsession-lite: 1
* sakura: 1
* rpmrebuild: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch: 1
* python-jsonpickle: 1
* ipa-mincho-fonts: 1
* python-lockfile: 1
* abcMIDI: 1
* perl-Crypt-GPG: 1
* picard: 1
* znc-extra: 1
* mausezahn: 1
* libnetdevname: 1
* chmlib: 1
* meiga: 1
* fedora-remix-logos: 1
* rubygem-rack: 1
* e16: 1
* msp430-libc: 1
* iwl5000-firmware: 1
* libsndfile: 1
* brazil: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Structured: 1
* istanbul: 1
* php-pear-Mail: 1
* bsf: 1
* autodafe: 1
* perl-File-ShareDir-Install: 1
* m17n-lib: 1
* solfege: 1
* mingw32-libzip: 1
* qtpfsgui: 1
* scythia: 1
* php-pear-XML-Serializer: 1
* gammu: 1
* python-mutagen: 1
* perl-TAP-Formatter-HTML: 1
* common-lisp-controller: 1
* siege: 1
* perl-Hash-MultiValue: 1
* tuxguitar: 1
* jconv: 1
* postgresql_autodoc: 1
* perl-Sane: 1
* schroedinger: 1
* cone: 1
* fipscheck: 1
* ipa-pmincho-fonts: 1
* maatkit: 1
* creox: 1
* procinfo-ng: 1
* ggz-gtk-client: 1
* msp430-gcc: 1
* elfelli: 1
* fish: 1
* libgsasl: 1
* globus-xio-pipe-driver: 1
* xfce4-appfinder: 1
* ghc-GLUT: 1
* ccze: 1
* perl-HTML-BarGraph: 1
* tcl-tktreectrl: 1
* sugar-imageviewer: 1
* mediawiki-HTTP302Found: 1
* python-line_profiler: 1
* python-sysv_ipc: 1
* opticalraytracer: 1
* sblim-cmpi-network: 1
* qtlockedfile: 1
* perl-gettext: 1
* perl-Nagios-Plugin: 1
* perl-XML-Feed: 1
* oflb-prociono-fonts: 1
* inkscape: 1
* MySQL-zrm: 1
* tremfusion: 1
* xarchiver: 1
* prelude-lml: 1
* perl-WWW-Mechanize-GZip: 1
* ipa-gothic-fonts: 1
* bygfoot: 1
* perl-Text-FormatTable: 1
* mingw32-plotmm: 1
* freehdl: 1
* perl-MIME-EncWords: 1
* python-pep8: 1
* python-pgu: 1
* perl-Text-RecordParser: 1
* python-tempita: 1
* mxml: 1
* ngrep: 1
* rubygem-abstract: 1
* photoprint: 1
* packETH: 1
* thunar-vcs-plugin: 1
* hunspell-mr: 1
* perl-SQL-Translator: 1
* dblatex: 1
* python-migrate: 1
* rhnlib: 1
* libcue: 1
* etherbat: 1
* opencryptoki: 1
* blt: 1
* upstart: 1
* fedora-release-notes: 1
* libxslt: 1
* jetty: 1
* perl-POE-Component-Client-SMTP: 1
* ogre-pagedgeometry: 1
* themonospot-base: 1
* fpc: 1
* loudmouth: 1
* FUR: 1
* perl-PDF-Create: 1
* eclipse-texlipse: 1
* emacs-irsim-mode: 1
* ath_info: 1
* pyfits: 1
* libsigsegv: 1
* mppenc: 1
* fcitx: 1
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 1
* libmp4v2: 1
* perl-Algorithm-C3: 1
* mimedefang: 1
* pycryptopp: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack: 1
* clac: 1
* xfwm4-theme-nodoka: 1
* qbrew: 1
* centerim: 1
* perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope: 1
* system-config-boot: 1
* libibcm: 1
* LuxRender: 1
* pgp-tools: 1
* python-minimock: 1
* cpmtools: 1
* perl-Net-OAuth: 1
* perl-Module-Used: 1
* libHX: 1
* libwnck: 1
* sugar-maze: 1
* cgdb: 1
* acheck-rules: 1
* libgcrypt: 1
* radvd: 1
* python-psutil: 1
* xsynth-dssi: 1
* dirmngr: 1
* perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose: 1
* sectool: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext: 1
* polyester: 1
* findbugs-contrib: 1
* python-4Suite-XML: 1
* sblim-sfcc: 1
* git: 1
* globus-duroc-common: 1
* notify-python: 1
* perl-HTML-Parser: 1
* compat-libgdamm: 1
* perl-Devel-FindRef: 1
* gupnp-igd: 1
* xfce4-notifyd: 1
* sks: 1
* perl-Email-MIME-Encodings: 1
* knutclient: 1
* python-formencode: 1
* python-cherrypy: 1
* ocaml-ocamlgraph: 1
* dasher: 1
* ovirt-server: 1
* libertas-sd8686-firmware: 1
* emacs-magit: 1
* lam: 1
* emacs-vm: 1
* dynamic-wallpaper: 1
* perl-Mixin-ExtraFields: 1
* kcheckers: 1
* recordmydesktop: 1
* warzone2100: 1
* gimp-lqr-plugin: 1
* pybluez: 1
* metapost-metauml: 1
* perl-Color-Calc: 1
* dx: 1
* dzen2: 1
* perl-Curses-UI: 1
* goffice: 1
* classpathx-jaf: 1
* jaxodraw: 1
* perl-Net-Whois: 1
* pam_krb5: 1
* perl-POE-Component-Log4perl: 1
* linbox: 1
* planet: 1
* kdegames3: 1
* rubygem-merb-slices: 1
* cdpr: 1
* file-roller: 1
* perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor: 1
* gfs-pyrsos-fonts: 1
* freetype1: 1
* gmrun: 1
* panelfm: 1
* redhat-lsb: 1
* schismtracker: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ActionDispatch: 1
* openvpn: 1
* perl-Net-CIDR: 1
* opensm: 1
* grfcodec: 1
* perl-XML-XPathEngine: 1
* gir-repository: 1
* AntTweakBar: 1
* tennix: 1
* mod_log_post: 1
* libextractor: 1
* globus-data-conversion: 1
* ghc: 1
* perl-Linux-Inotify2: 1
* unixODBC: 1
* perl-Email-Simple-Creator: 1
* perl-SystemC-Vregs: 1
* vim: 1
* libetpan: 1
* PolicyKit-olpc: 1
* ruby-openid: 1
* sil-padauk-fonts: 1
* bakefile: 1
* perl-SVG-TT-Graph: 1
* python-configobj: 1
* fedora-gnat-project-common: 1
* cpptasks: 1
* emacs-common-pmd: 1
* tito: 1
* gputils: 1
* bristol: 1
* gprof2dot: 1
* gnome-applet-window-picker: 1
* sugar-log: 1
* zinnia: 1
* libint: 1
* autoconf: 1
* amqp: 1
* tomoe: 1
* wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior: 1
* imapfilter: 1
* verilator: 1
* perl-IO-Async: 1
* glom: 1
* django-filter: 1
* python-twitter: 1
* hdf5: 1
* php-channel-symfony: 1
* ueagle-atm4-firmware: 1
* rfdump: 1
* auriferous: 1
* libnfnetlink: 1
* gitg: 1
* rubygem-fastthread: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Server: 1
* cabal2spec: 1
* qstardict: 1
* ricci: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-Cmd: 1
* dosbox: 1
* polyml: 1
* python-zope-interface: 1
* texlive: 1
* libglpng: 1
* jargs: 1
* rubygem-diff-lcs: 1
* gnome-user-docs: 1
* php-IDNA_Convert: 1
* lcdproc: 1
* erlang-eradius: 1
* pyexiv2: 1
* perl-PSGI: 1
* gnome-mag: 1
* rubygem-merb-core: 1
* spacewalk-koan: 1
* php-gettext: 1
* rubygem-templater: 1
* man-pages-it: 1
* tanukiwrapper: 1
* drawtiming: 1
* perl-Lingua-Flags: 1
* bucardo: 1
* kdevelop: 1
* speech-dispatcher: 1
* fedora-ds-base: 1
* rubygem-merb-gen: 1
* cnucnu: 1
* smart: 1
* netlabel_tools: 1
* perl-POE-Filter-Zlib: 1
* ghc-editline: 1
* opencsv: 1
* systemtapguiserver: 1
* ghc-OpenGL: 1
* pysvn: 1
* ghc-uniplate: 1
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 1
* libgarmin: 1
* ipv6calc: 1
* minicom: 1
* pycolumnize: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIProfile: 1
* happy: 1
* potrace: 1
* perl-Test-Unit-Runner-Xml: 1
* alure: 1
* chemtool: 1
* pothana2000-fonts: 1
* yakuake: 1
* eblook: 1
* zikula-module-scribite: 1
* denemo: 1
* glob2: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen: 1
* tre: 1
* R-hdf5: 1
* FlightGear: 1
* stomppy: 1
* fswebcam: 1
* winwrangler: 1
* camorama: 1
* rubygem-test-spec: 1
* libmkv: 1
* gquilt: 1
* perl-Text-CSV: 1
* clthreads: 1
* libwmf: 1
* cscope: 1
* rubygem-calendar_date_select: 1
* python-stomper: 1
* gambas: 1
* libinfinity: 1
* clement: 1
* xinha: 1
* uberftp: 1
* perl-Params-Util: 1
* yp-tools: 1
* perl-Tk: 1
* python-upoints: 1
* bigloo: 1
* python-repoze-who: 1
* liblinebreak: 1
* xom: 1
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple: 1
* msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts: 1
* perl-Moose-Autobox: 1
* jnettop: 1
* postal: 1
* func: 1
* rubygem-moneta: 1
* xpp2: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Structured-Tools: 1
* sahana: 1
* libccss: 1
* perl-File-Flock: 1
* php-pear-OLE: 1
* libgssapi: 1
* perl-MooseX-Getopt: 1
* em8300: 1
* gpx-viewer: 1
* gdpc: 1
* xfce4-mixer: 1
* perl-Test-LeakTrace: 1
* erlang-erlsyslog: 1
* libirman: 1
* tex-musixtex: 1
* R2spec: 1
* perl-Getopt-Simple: 1
* sys_basher: 1
* gphpedit: 1
* xgridloc: 1
* madwimax: 1
* cpl: 1
* Panini: 1
* fuse-encfs: 1
* dvdauthor: 1
* urg: 1
* xmlrpc: 1
* ocaml-postgresql: 1
* rpmdepsize: 1
* pyke: 1
* ntop: 1
* uncrustify: 1
* sblim-cmpi-devel: 1
* fedora-usermgmt: 1
* nautilus-open-terminal: 1
* squidGuard: 1
* remmina: 1
* zerofree: 1
* bit: 1
* PythonCAD: 1
* gnome-vfsmm26: 1
* beanstalkd: 1
* ezstream: 1
* libxdg-basedir: 1
* rubygem-eventmachine: 1
* wmfire: 1
* lcgdm: 1
* mopac7: 1
* uqm: 1
* yaboot: 1
* lxsession-edit: 1
* pdfcube: 1
* why: 1
* perl-WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C: 1
* python-feedparser: 1
* greyhounds: 1
* libntlm: 1
* perl-Class-Data-Accessor: 1
* translation-filter: 1
* pkcs11-helper: 1
* proguard: 1
* tcpreen: 1
* mingw32-libxml++: 1
* dvtm: 1
* spawn: 1
* mingw32-libltdl: 1
* pyabiword: 1
* gtk-gnutella: 1
* bodhi: 1
* python-fiat: 1
* gg2: 1
* xplanet: 1
* httrack: 1
* nss_ldap: 1
* pki-symkey: 1
* xfig: 1
* gob2: 1
* jpilot-backup: 1
* tree: 1
* rubygem-rack-test: 1
* xmltooling: 1
* wmweather+: 1
* hunspell-as: 1
* trac-iniadmin-plugin: 1
* perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor: 1
* slapi-nis: 1
* sblim-cmpi-nfsv3: 1
* mingw32-glibmm24: 1
* pbzip2: 1
* libtnc: 1
* php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer: 1
* cflow: 1
* dbus: 1
* OpenEXR: 1
* gimpfx-foundry: 1
* freetype: 1
* unuran: 1
* xzgv: 1
* cppi: 1
* iwl4965-firmware: 1
* perl-Net-SSLGlue: 1
* libunicapgtk: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode: 1
* sil-charis-compact-fonts: 1
* lapack: 1
* xchm: 1
* janino: 1
* mingw32-wpcap: 1
* themonospot-gui-qt: 1
* perl-Math-Curve-Hilbert: 1
* blueproximity: 1
* zikula-module-News: 1
* sipcalc: 1
* gtkwave: 1
* bibus: 1
* workrave: 1
* projectM-jack: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT: 1
* symkey: 1
* haskell-platform: 1
* perl-Makefile-DOM: 1
* perl-latest: 1
* pygtk2: 1
* mpc: 1
* perl-CDDB: 1
* dia-Digital: 1
* perl-App-Cmd: 1
* xorg-x11-xinit: 1
* vino: 1
* globus-nexus: 1
* xpdf: 1
* xsd: 1
* aseqmm: 1
* mach: 1
* im-chooser: 1
* rubygem-ruby2ruby: 1
* guiloader-c++: 1
* perl-Module-Manifest: 1
* pymssql: 1
* wb_builder: 1
* itaka: 1
* libmpdclient: 1
* libunistring: 1
* ucommon: 1
* pytrainer: 1
* gnucash: 1
* rubygem-allison: 1
* wordpress-plugin-add-to-any-subscribe: 1
* ghmm: 1
* conky: 1
* osmo: 1
* usbview: 1
* lordsawar: 1
* perl-Flickr-Upload: 1
* covered: 1
* unique: 1
* audit-viewer: 1
* iptstate: 1
* protobuf: 1
* ldd-pdf: 1
* kde-plasma-ihatethecashew: 1
* dualscreen-mouse-utils: 1
* django-sorting: 1
* sqlite: 1
* earcandy: 1
* perl-Locale-PO: 1
* picosat: 1
* perl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder: 1
* m17n-db: 1
* bkchem: 1
* json_simple: 1
* python-amara: 1
* beldi: 1
* liboglappth: 1
* sil-charis-fonts: 1
* gdouros-musica-fonts: 1
* synce-trayicon: 1
* gadmin-squid: 1
* pure: 1
* bsd-games: 1
* php-pecl-xdebug: 1
* ruby-cairo: 1
* blogtk: 1
* awn-extras-applets: 1
* gtk-splitter: 1
* tinyproxy: 1
* tomcat6: 1
* PyOpenGL: 1
* perl-Getopt-Euclid: 1
* php-geshi: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp: 1
* pessulus: 1
* afuse: 1
* perl-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp: 1
* newt: 1
* sK1: 1
* lorem-ipsum-generator: 1
* e16-keyedit: 1
* mod_nss: 1
* ewl: 1
* vemana2000-fonts: 1
* libowfat: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward: 1
* kopete-protocol-facebook: 1
* rubygem-extlib: 1
* stringtemplate: 1
* perl-MooseX-Types-URI: 1
* python-PSI: 1
* alpine: 1
* rubygem-arrayfields: 1
* json-glib: 1
* perl-MooseX-Daemonize: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH: 1
* rubygem-ParseTree: 1
* f2c: 1
* fotoxx: 1
* gettext-commons: 1
* erlang: 1
* perl-Devel-REPL: 1
* gengetopt: 1
* rcsslogplayer: 1
* perl-Flickr-API: 1
* mingw32-proj: 1
* krecipes: 1
* python-ctags: 1
* lock-keys-applet: 1
* mpqc: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch: 1
* Mayavi: 1
* unbound: 1
* perl-HTML-StripScripts: 1
* nyquist: 1
* python-zope-testing: 1
* keepalived: 1
* bastet: 1
* gtk2-engines: 1
* libtiger: 1
* blokkal: 1
* backup-light: 1
* perl-Config-Model-CursesUI: 1
* rtorrent: 1
* xfce4-stopwatch-plugin: 1
* xgalaxy: 1
* perl-POE-Filter-Transparent-SMTP: 1
* netsniff-ng: 1
* nano: 1
* rubygem-configuration: 1
* tsocks: 1
* vecmath1.2: 1
* john: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIx-Class: 1
* mingw32-enchant: 1
* ctorrent: 1
* perl-Text-Emoticon-MSN: 1
* oniguruma: 1
* chameleon: 1
* perl-AnyEvent-XMPP: 1
* kio-ftps: 1
* pl: 1
* cmusphinx3: 1
* scite: 1
* libxfce4menu: 1
* zikula: 1
* gxmessage: 1
* libhangul: 1
* mingw32-zfstream: 1
* python-pylons: 1
* mod_perlite: 1
* rubygem-right_aws: 1
* sphinxbase: 1
* perl-Nagios-NSCA: 1
* system-config-services: 1
* perl-Crypt-Twofish: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Simple: 1
* scalapack: 1
* module-init-tools: 1
* xerces-j2: 1
* sap: 1
* setup: 1
* perl-Titanium: 1
* vacation: 1
* tuxmath: 1
* libqinfinity: 1
* trac-accountmanager-plugin: 1
* ruby-augeas: 1
* liblastfm: 1
* audtty: 1
* freedroidrpg: 1
* maildrop: 1
* gnaural: 1
* libpng10: 1
* bochs: 1
* sugar-memorize: 1
* pstoedit: 1
* python-greenlet: 1
* perl-Beanstalk-Client: 1
* mingw32-libglade2: 1
* mb2md: 1
* gnome-applet-cpufire: 1
* php-pear-HTTP-Request: 1
* perl-Context-Preserve: 1
* python-firkin: 1
* php-pear-Numbers-Words: 1
* ipa-pgothic-fonts: 1
* udis86: 1
* paperbox: 1
* perl-AutoXS-Header: 1
* gucharmap: 1
* php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder: 1
* pygtksourceview: 1
* latencytop: 1
* flexdock: 1
* qmforge: 1
* alevt: 1
* perl-Config-JFDI: 1
* gtraffic: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication: 1
* milia: 1
* R-zoo: 1
* perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl: 1
* mysqludf_xql: 1
* php-pear-Crypt-CHAP: 1
* libmpc: 1
* mingw32-pthreads: 1
* jempbox: 1
* php-pear-Net-URL2: 1
* python-kaa-display: 1
* isomaster: 1
* sugar-getiabooks: 1
* whereami: 1
* ncdu: 1
* perl-Time-Warp: 1
* ecj: 1
* taskcoach: 1
* iniparser: 1
* perl-File-ChangeNotify: 1
* tcl-mysqltcl: 1
* acheck: 1
* smem: 1
* gvrpcd: 1
* perl-Gnome2-Wnck: 1
* virt-viewer: 1
* python-tgext-admin: 1
* cpdup: 1
* perl-Variable-Magic: 1
* ghc-zlib: 1
* libusb1: 1
* perl-DBICx-TestDatabase: 1
* diffstat: 1
* samba4: 1
* z88dk: 1
* drupal-calendar: 1
* mingw32-zlib: 1
* perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL: 1
* python-netaddr: 1
* perl-File-DirCompare: 1
* QtDMM: 1
* rubygem-rubigen: 1
* mingw32-pixman: 1
* iksemel: 1
* rubygem-ferret: 1
* camcardsync: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-SuperForm: 1
* PolicyKit-kde: 1
* zynaddsubfx: 1
* lcms: 1
* linsmith: 1
* nilfs-utils: 1
* bolzplatz2006: 1
* kdebluetooth: 1
* fontbox: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-chips: 1
* perl-accessors: 1
* matio: 1
* perl-Mixin-Linewise: 1
* perl-Makefile-Parser: 1
* perl-MRO-Compat: 1
* mmv: 1
* dgc: 1
* clusterssh: 1
* avra: 1
* vodovod: 1
* ant-contrib: 1
* mediawiki-Renameuser: 1
* monit: 1
* cxxtest: 1
* ocaml-ancient: 1
* perl-Catalyst-View-Email: 1
* gprolog: 1
* ghc-ghc-paths: 1
* setuptool: 1
* erlang-erlsom: 1
* hugs98: 1
* eclipse-egit: 1
* gnome-phone-manager: 1
* sugar-datastore: 1
* php-nusoap: 1
* healpix: 1
* supertuxkart: 1
* poker-engine: 1
* monitor-edid: 1
* perl-DBIx-DBSchema: 1
* zikula-module-Polls: 1
* ndesk-dbus: 1
* fslint: 1
* perl-Net-ARP: 1
* libdmapsharing: 1
* portreserve: 1
* 9wm: 1
* rubygem-thor: 1
* python-mwclient: 1
* morse2txt: 1
* evince: 1
* libyahoo2: 1
* python-jinja2: 1
* kscope: 1
* libglade: 1
* fprintd: 1
* partimage: 1
* xylib: 1
* perl-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create: 1
* perl-ExtUtils-InferConfig: 1
* cocot: 1
* perl-Text-Context-EitherSide: 1
* qca2: 1
* firmware-addon-dell: 1
* gplcver: 1
* perl-Perl-Version: 1
* PgsLookAndFeel: 1
* goocanvas: 1
* intltool: 1
* gauche-gl: 1
* rubygem-picnic: 1
* gupnp-av: 1
* viewnior: 1
* qca-gnupg: 1
* perl-Module-Util: 1
* rubygem-columnize: 1
* xfce-utils: 1
* axel: 1
* unittest: 1
* freedoom-freedm: 1
* xfce4-cddrive-plugin: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX: 1
* python-remoteobjects: 1
* ImageMagick: 1
* idm-console-framework: 1
* pkcs11-dump: 1
* mingw32-libidn: 1
* pinentry: 1
* python-setuptools: 1
* R-RM2: 1
* igraph: 1
* php-ezc-AuthenticationDatabaseTiein: 1
* firmware-tools: 1
* perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved: 1
* SDL: 1
* python-rope: 1
* 1
* lsscsi: 1
* libibumad: 1
* pyxattr: 1
* lxmenu-data: 1
* perl-XML-RSS-LibXML: 1
* zoneminder: 1
* python-routes: 1
* kmymoney2-aqbanking: 1
* gnustep-make: 1
* podofo: 1
* pam_radius: 1
* perl-MooseX-Role-XMLRPC-Client: 1
* digitemp: 1
* libtalloc: 1
* foremost: 1
* python-sprox: 1
* gnome-applet-alarm-clock: 1
* lxrandr: 1
* mpfr: 1
* ohm: 1
* ghc-gtk2hs: 1
* RasmusDSP: 1
* python-elements: 1
* rubygem-minitest: 1
* netactview: 1
* perl-Tk-ObjScanner: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Helper-FastCGI-ExternalServer: 1
* hscolour: 1
* perl-Number-Bytes-Human: 1
* jarjar: 1
* simulavr: 1
* R-waveslim: 1
* perl-Archive-Any: 1
* apbs: 1
* dopewars: 1
* lua-filesystem: 1
* php-pecl-selinux: 1
* python-guppy: 1
* aprsd: 1
* rubygem-mkrf: 1
* sugar-view-slides: 1
* quazip: 1
* globus-duct-common: 1
* smokeping: 1
* photoprint-borders: 1
* ebview: 1
* mingw32-hunspell: 1
* portmidi: 1
* perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces: 1
* libdvdnav: 1
* tokyotyrant: 1
* ghc-cgi: 1
* python-wsgiproxy: 1
* perl-Regexp-Common: 1
* libtirpc: 1
* eclipse-changelog: 1
* cksfv: 1
* spin-kickstarts: 1
* argyllcms: 1
* xskat: 1
* glpi-pdf: 1
* mirage: 1
* flowcanvas: 1
* ipw2200-firmware: 1
* tesseract-langpack: 1
* python-repoze-who-friendlyform: 1
* rply: 1
* lighttpd: 1
* perl-MP3-Info: 1
* rancid: 1
* adaptx: 1
* WebShell: 1
* gle: 1
* fedora-ksplice: 1
* phpldapadmin: 1
* wqy-microhei-fonts: 1
* 389-admin-console: 1
* perl-XML-TokeParser: 1
* kadu: 1
* libvirt-cim: 1
* perl-Tk-ProgressBar-Mac: 1
* compat-wxGTK26: 1
* tex-fonts-hebrew: 1
* gipfel: 1
* gst-mixer: 1
* py-radix: 1
* php-PHPMailer: 1
* emacs-haskell-mode: 1
* mumbles: 1
* php-simplepie: 1
* gupnp: 1
* php-pear-Validate: 1
* eclipse-anyedit: 1
* mingw32-cppunit: 1
* sugar-flipsticks: 1
* sim: 1
* chrony: 1
* openarena: 1
* perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault: 1
* flickcurl: 1
* pam_mount: 1
* python-webpy: 1
* ladspa-fil-plugins: 1
* perl-File-ShareDir-PAR: 1
* offlineimap: 1
* perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath: 1
* perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch: 1
* xdg-utils: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse: 1
* gdouros-aegyptus-fonts: 1
* chkrootkit: 1
* globus-mp: 1
* php-email-address-validation: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session: 1
* vym: 1
* ferm: 1
* jasper: 1
* glue-schema: 1
* rubygem-bacon: 1
* emerald: 1
* lensfun: 1
* xfce4-places-plugin: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect: 1
* memtest86+: 1
* hunspell-kn: 1
* cpphs: 1
* libxfce4util: 1
* ibus-table-array30: 1
* python-Traits: 1
* xmms-flac: 1
* gtk-rezlooks-engine: 1
* festival: 1
* perl-Devel-Refcount: 1
* gourmet: 1
* python-oauth: 1
* seeker: 1
* ndoutils: 1
* espeak: 1
* xmlrpc-c: 1
* rubygem-fattr: 1
* shadow-utils: 1
* gnome-globalmenu: 1
* perl-PAR-Packer: 1
* DevIL: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod: 1
* qjson: 1
* rubygem-linecache: 1
* gxemul: 1
* rubygem-hawler: 1
* R-msm: 1
* django-authority: 1
* cave9: 1
* eclipse-veditor: 1
* perl-HTML-SuperForm: 1
* perl-Nagios-Plugin-Beanstalk: 1
* qd: 1
* rubygem-ruby-net-ldap: 1
* sqlite2: 1
* perl-SQL-Shell: 1
* ns-tiza-chalk-fonts: 1
* rubygem-systemu: 1
* sblim-cim-client: 1
* pidgin-birthday-reminder: 1
* rubygem-ffi: 1
* gnome-xcf-thumbnailer: 1
* lazygal: 1
* php-channel-phpunit: 1
* globus-duct-control: 1
* php-pear-Net-POP3: 1
* timidity++: 1
* bilbo: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-fpit: 1
* perl-JavaScript-Minifier: 1
* GeoIP: 1
* grep: 1
* libmetalink: 1
* logstalgia: 1
* conakry-fonts: 1
* un-core-fonts: 1
* perl-HTML-Defang: 1
* rubygem-mixlib-authentication: 1
* perl-Config-Model: 1
* rubygem-gruff: 1
* freenx-client: 1
* gstreamermm: 1
* bmpanel2: 1
* perl-Catalyst-View-Mason: 1
* QTeXEngine: 1
* perl-aliased: 1
* rubygem-rcov: 1
* ember-media: 1
* php-pear-Auth_HTTP: 1
* stage: 1
* woff: 1
* perl-Term-Prompt: 1
* strace: 1
* pdfshuffler: 1
* gitweb-caching: 1
* perl-Mail-Box: 1
* libgtkhotkey: 1
* kannel: 1
* php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode: 1
* tkgate: 1
* teeworlds: 1
* php-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein: 1
* xcowsay: 1
* yum-rhn-plugin: 1
* python-repoze-what-pylons: 1
* octave: 1
* kio_sysinfo: 1
* perl-Sys-SigAction: 1
* hdparm: 1
* krb5-auth-dialog: 1
* raptor: 1
* scitools: 1
* fedora-business-cards: 1
* ghc-X11-xft: 1
* perl-Math-Calc-Units: 1
* python-ply: 1
* freehoo: 1
* perl-Cache-Memcached: 1
* perl-CSS-Minifier-XS: 1
* sysstat: 1
* automake16: 1
* synergy-plus: 1
* fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US: 1
* glite-security-util-java: 1
* xmountains: 1
* perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped: 1
* phpFlickr: 1
* php-pecl-lzf: 1
* rubygem-treetop: 1
* snort: 1
* perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object: 1
* php-pecl-parsekit: 1
* deco: 1
* gnutls: 1
* gpgme: 1
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp: 1
* python-paida: 1
* eqntott: 1
* vdr-epgsearch: 1
* openbios: 1
* perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers: 1
* libgdamm: 1
* TurboGears2: 1
* perl-IPC-DirQueue: 1
* mumble: 1
* man-pages-ja: 1
* testdisk: 1
* gpsd: 1
* security-menus: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N: 1
* eterm: 1
* php-feedcreator: 1
* perl-ORLite-Migrate: 1
* perl-POE-Component-Pluggable: 1
* bogofilter: 1
* dia-electric2: 1
* python-empy: 1
* ptrash: 1
* mingw32-libglademm24: 1
* plpa: 1
* wcstools: 1
* php-pear-Text-Diff: 1
* perl-Config-MVP: 1
* firehol: 1
* perl-String-Flogger: 1
* perl-DateTime-Format-Pg: 1
* libkate: 1
* alsa-firmware: 1
* gtk-sharp2: 1
* jakarta-commons-compress: 1
* kradio4: 1
* mingw32-pango: 1
* devio: 1
* roxterm: 1
* babel: 1
* dates: 1
* php-pear-Date-Holidays: 1
* adf-accanthis-fonts: 1
* zikula-module-crpTag: 1
* bfa-firmware: 1
* ctags: 1
* nurbs++: 1
* elektra: 1
* libnice: 1
* graphem: 1
* hyphen-bn: 1
* xml-writer: 1
* soundmodem: 1
* plague: 1
* libopensync-plugin-synce: 1
* perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude: 1
* pcmanfm: 1
* ddskk: 1
* monkeystudio: 1
* python-tw-forms: 1
* perl-Module-Pluggable-Ordered: 1
* vifm: 1
* tetex-perltex: 1
* eclipse-slide: 1
* sigul: 1
* perl-Pod-Abstract: 1
* gstreamer-java: 1
* automake15: 1
* perl-Data-Visitor: 1
* Thunar: 1
* perl-Data-ICal: 1
* python-twyt: 1
* perl-HTML-Entities-Numbered: 1
* clustermon: 1
* vdpauinfo: 1
* python-Lightbox: 1
* perl-PDF-Reuse: 1
* perl-File-Find-Rule: 1
* mod_auth_shadow: 1
* perl-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan: 1
* phoronix-test-suite: 1
* v4l2ucp: 1
* crontabs: 1
* qhull: 1
* razertool: 1
* libburn: 1
* python-twisted-core: 1
* rubygem-rake: 1
* ant: 1
* perl-URI-Find: 1
* eclipse-eclox: 1
* mapnik: 1
* medusa: 1
* gmpc: 1
* srm: 1
* perl-Digest-HMAC: 1
* entertainer: 1
* automaton: 1
* perl-Try-Tiny: 1
* glade3: 1
* kbibtex: 1
* php-pecl-gmagick: 1
* gtg: 1
* udunits2: 1
* etckeeper: 1
* mingw32-libxslt: 1
* mingw32-filesystem: 1
* freeciv: 1
* mytop: 1
* libibcommon: 1
* ar9170-firmware: 1
* senamirmir-washra-fonts: 1
* perl-MooseX-Iterator: 1
* fedora-package-config-smart: 1
* texinfo: 1
* python-turbojson: 1
* themonospot-gui-gtk: 1
* perl-Test-TCP: 1
* perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup: 1
* daemonize: 1
* ripmime: 1
* php-phpunit-bytekit: 1
* gocr: 1
* pdf2svg: 1
* BareBonesBrowserLaunch: 1
* php-pear-File-Passwd: 1
* gobject-introspection: 1
* python-repoze-who-plugins-sa: 1
* gfs-philostratos-fonts: 1
* perl-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C: 1
* lua: 1
* sugar-moon: 1
* tuned: 1
* SevenZip: 1
* goldendict: 1
* evtest: 1
* perl-Test-Refcount: 1
* rubygem-zoom: 1
* olpc-contents: 1
* perl-Text-Textile: 1
* php-channel-swift: 1
* rubygem-mime-types: 1
* themonospot-plugin-avi: 1
* xmlunit: 1
* aic94xx-firmware: 1
* perl-PAR: 1
* php-pear-HTML_Javascript: 1
* python-iwlib: 1
* crun: 1
* nspluginwrapper: 1
* xfsprogs: 1
* flamerobin: 1
* perl-Number-Format: 1
* curblaster: 1
* gftp: 1
* ghc-haskell-src-exts: 1
* csisat: 1
* xguest: 1
* mktorrent: 1
* openxcap: 1
* iwl3945-firmware: 1
* gq: 1
* poky-scripts: 1
* jhead: 1
* perl-CGI-PSGI: 1
* perl-JSON-XS: 1
* tcpflow: 1
* lxlauncher: 1
* projectM-pulseaudio: 1
* x11-ssh-askpass: 1
* perl-MooseX-Workers: 1
* avr-gcc: 1
* lxc: 1
* raul: 1
* nautilus-sendto: 1
* gnujump: 1
* cairo: 1
* goocanvasmm: 1
* php-channel-pdepend: 1
* gnome-rdp: 1
* libvncserver: 1
* hedgewars: 1
* ghc-X11: 1
* perl-URI: 1
* python-kid: 1
* seahorse: 1
* gqradio: 1
* garmintools: 1
* rubygem-uuidtools: 1
* collectd: 1
* hunspell-mai: 1
* ghc-network: 1
* perl-Glib: 1
* php-channel-phpmd: 1
* yokadi: 1
* ORBit: 1
* ghc-time: 1
* eclipse-epic: 1
* python-geoclue: 1
* rhncfg: 1
* sugar-write: 1
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv: 1
* xcb-util: 1
* xfconf: 1
* symlinks: 1
* xfce4-volumed: 1
* fuse-python: 1
* perl-Class-XSAccessor: 1
* meld: 1
* python-pp: 1
* sil-lateef-fonts: 1
* emacs-common-ebib: 1
* help2man: 1
* apt: 1
* python-peak-rules: 1
* python-argparse: 1
* mathomatic: 1
* php-pear-HTML-Table: 1
* Coin2: 1
* ksshaskpass: 1
Fedora 10
* 3289 updates
* 2793 stable updates
* 1753 testing updates
* 52 pending updates
* 224 obsolete updates
* 1506 bugfix updates (45.79%)
* 871 enhancement updates (26.48%)
* 148 security updates (4.50%)
* 764 newpackage updates (23.23%)
* 236 critical path updates (7.18%)
* 491 updates received feedback (14.93%)
* 549 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 926 anonymous users gave feedback (4.68%)
* 1753 out of 3289 updates went through testing (53.30%)
* 1254 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (71.53%)
* 161 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.24.1-2.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* gtk2-2.14.5-2.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.1.1-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* libxml2-2.7.2-2.fc10 submitted by veillard
* curl-7.19.4-3.fc10 submitted by kdudka
* libpng-1.2.35-1.fc10 submitted by tgl
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-35.fc10 submitted by dwalsh
* system-config-date-docs-1.0.5-1.fc10,system-config-date-1.9.36-1.fc10 submitted by nphilipp
* lvm2-2.02.39-7.fc10 submitted by agk
* python-iniparse-0.2.4-1.fc10 submitted by timlau
* setup-2.7.4-4.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* iscsi-initiator-utils- submitted by jwrdegoede
* curl-7.19.4-1.fc10 submitted by jnovy
* gnupg2-2.0.10-1.fc10 submitted by rdieter
* attr-2.4.43-2.fc10 submitted by zprikryl
* gawk-3.1.6-2.fc10 submitted by kasal
* alsa-lib-1.0.19-1.fc10 submitted by perex
* freetype-2.3.7-2.fc10 submitted by behdad
* NetworkManager-pptp-0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10,NetworkManager-openvpn-0.7.0-16.svn4326.fc10,NetworkManager-vpnc-0.7.0-0.11.svn4326.fc10,NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10 submitted by dcbw
* gnome-session-2.24.3-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* libpng-1.2.34-1.fc10 submitted by tgl
* perl-5.10.0-51.fc10 submitted by spot
* glib2-2.18.4-2.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* mcpp-2.7.2-1.fc10 submitted by kmatsui
* libxml2-2.7.3-1.fc10 submitted by veillard
* gnome-desktop-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* binutils- submitted by jkratoch
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.2-2.fc10 submitted by whot
* gnome-menus-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* sendmail-8.14.3-3.fc10 submitted by mlichvar
* xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.11.0-1.fc10 submitted by wtogami
* iscsi-initiator-utils- submitted by michaelc
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-39.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-2.fc10 submitted by xavierb
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-47.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* evolution-data-server- submitted by mbarnes
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-6.fc10 submitted by xavierb
* libical-0.41-1.fc10 submitted by rishi
* avahi-0.6.22-12.fc10 submitted by lennart
* e2fsprogs-1.41.4-1.fc10 submitted by sandeen
* libsoup- submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-54.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* bash-3.2-30.fc10 submitted by rrakus
* shadow-utils-4.1.2-9.fc10 submitted by pvrabec
* elfutils-0.138-1.fc10 submitted by roland
* xkeyboard-config-1.4-5.fc10 submitted by whot
* rsyslog-3.21.10-2.fc10 submitted by theinric
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-44.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* sudo-1.6.9p17-5.fc10 submitted by mildew
* db4-4.7.25-7.fc10 submitted by jnovy
* glib2-2.18.3-2.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-5.fc10 submitted by xavierb
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-49.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* openssl-0.9.8g-12.fc10 submitted by tmraz
* audit-1.7.11-2.fc10 submitted by sgrubb
* libical-0.43-2.fc10 submitted by rishi
* procps-3.2.7-22.fc10 submitted by dnovotny
* gnutls-2.4.2-3.fc10 submitted by tmraz
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.3-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* ntp-4.2.4p6-1.fc10 submitted by mlichvar
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-3.fc10 submitted by xavierb
* file-4.26-4.fc10 submitted by dnovotny
* sqlite-3.5.9-4.fc10 submitted by pmatilai
* gtk2-2.14.7-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* coreutils-6.12-18.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* setup-2.7.4-2.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* hal-info-20081022-2.fc10 submitted by hadess
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.1.2-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-40.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* control-center- submitted by mclasen
* evolution-data-server-2.24.5-4.fc10 submitted by mbarnes
* nss- submitted by kengert
* sysklogd-1.5-5.fc10 submitted by kanarip
* elfutils-0.139-1.fc10 submitted by roland
* anacron-2.3-66.fc10,crontabs-1.10-26.fc10 submitted by mmaslano
* pkgconfig-0.23-6.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* audit-1.7.10-1.fc10 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-51.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* sendmail-8.14.3-2.fc10 submitted by mlichvar
* perl-5.10.0-56.fc10 submitted by spot
* hal-info-20090202-1.fc10 submitted by rhughes
* libpng-1.2.33-1.fc10 submitted by tgl
* tzdata-2009d-1.fc10 submitted by pmachata
* libglade2-2.6.3-2.fc10,libgnomecanvas- submitted by mclasen
* tar-1.20-4.fc10 submitted by kdudka
* audit-1.7.9-1.fc10 submitted by sgrubb
* xorg-x11-drv-keyboard-1.3.2-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* cronie-1.2-7.fc10 submitted by mmaslano
* xorg-x11-drv-keyboard-1.3.1-2.fc10 submitted by whot
* libical-0.41-2.fc10 submitted by rishi
* rsyslog-3.21.9-1.fc10 submitted by pvrabec
* yum-3.2.20-4.fc10 submitted by skvidal
* tzdata-2009a-1.fc10 submitted by pmachata
* libproxy-0.2.3-8.fc10 submitted by kwizart
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.2-4.fc10 submitted by whot
* sysklogd-1.5-7.fc10 submitted by kanarip
* shared-mime-info-0.51-5.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* zenity-2.24.1-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-45.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-48.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* setup-2.7.4-3.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* evolution-data-server-2.24.5-3.fc10 submitted by mbarnes
* initscripts-8.86.2-1 submitted by notting
* anaconda- submitted by dcantrel
* policycoreutils-2.0.57-14.fc10 submitted by dwalsh
* gnome-session-2.24.1-4.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.24.1-4.fc10 submitted by rstrode
* libX11-1.1.4-6.fc10 submitted by whot
* libgweather-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* hal-info-20081219-1.fc10 submitted by rhughes
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.2-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* libical-0.43-4.fc10 submitted by rishi
* xcb-util-0.3.2-2.fc10 submitted by mnowak
* xcb-util-0.3.3-2.fc10 submitted by mnowak
* db4-4.7.25-6.fc10 submitted by jnovy
* procps-3.2.7-23.fc10 submitted by dnovotny
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.4-3.fc10 submitted by dcbw
* util-linux-ng-2.14.1-3.2.fc10 submitted by kzak
* evolution-data-server-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mbarnes
* libgnome-2.24.1-8.fc10 submitted by rstrode
* rsyslog-3.21.10-1.fc10 submitted by theinric
* glib2-2.18.4-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.11-1.20090106git133c1a5.fc10 submitted by bskeggs
* pango-1.22.3-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-5.20081121cvs.fc10 submitted by rdieter
* elfutils-0.140-1.fc10 submitted by roland
* coreutils-6.12-20.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* util-linux-ng-2.14.1-3.1.fc10 submitted by kzak
* audit-1.7.12-1.fc10 submitted by sgrubb
* libarchive-2.5.5-2.fc10 submitted by tbzatek
* upstart-0.3.9-22.fc10 submitted by sadmac
* hwdata-0.222-1.fc10 submitted by karsten
* xkeyboard-config-1.4-6.fc10 submitted by whot
* libselinux-2.0.78-1.fc10 submitted by dwalsh
* evolution-data-server-2.24.5-1.fc10 submitted by mbarnes
* coreutils-6.12-19.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* yum-utils-1.1.19-1.fc10 submitted by timlau
* tar-1.20-5.fc10 submitted by ovasik
* tzdata-2008i-1.fc10 submitted by pmachata
* crontabs-1.10-25.fc10 submitted by ondrejj
* alsa-lib-1.0.19-2.fc10 submitted by perex
* gnome-themes-2.24.3-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-session-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* system-config-keyboard-1.2.15-5.fc10 submitted by whot
* nspr-4.7.3-2.fc10 submitted by kengert
* yum-3.2.21-2.fc10 submitted by skvidal
* gnome-settings-daemon-2.24.1-3.fc10 submitted by behdad
* libgnome-2.24.1-9.fc10 submitted by rstrode
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-52.fc10 submitted by mgrepl
* xorg-x11-drv-penmount-1.4.0-1.fc10 submitted by whot
* freetype-2.3.7-3.fc10 submitted by behdad
* pam-1.0.4-4.fc10 submitted by tmraz
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.3-3.fc10 submitted by whot
* selinux-policy-3.5.13-20.fc10 submitted by dwalsh
* audit-1.7.12-3.fc10 submitted by sgrubb
* e2fsprogs-1.41.4-4.fc10 submitted by sandeen
* sed-4.1.5-11.fc10 submitted by jmoskovc
* libwnck-2.24.2-1.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* gtk2-2.14.7-7.fc10 submitted by mclasen
* repoview-0.6.3-1.fc10 submitted by icon
* nspr-4.7.3-1.fc10 submitted by kengert
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 14 days
* median = 12 days
* mode = 6 days
* 2292 packages updated
* selinux-policy: 56
* gyachi: 56
* jd: 32
* gwibber: 30
* kvm: 30
* deluge: 28
* gvfs: 28
* qlandkartegt: 28
* evolution: 28
* pidgin: 26
[ View all ]
* ganyremote: 26
* java-1.6.0-openjdk: 26
* clipper: 24
* mercurial: 24
* shorewall: 24
* PackageKit: 24
* gnome-settings-daemon: 24
* anyremote: 24
* homestead: 24
* xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd: 24
* moodle: 24
* kdegraphics: 22
* evolution-data-server: 22
* bluez: 22
* ace: 22
* google-gadgets: 22
* Miro: 22
* rcssserver: 22
* libv4l: 22
* kanyremote: 22
* python-fedora: 20
* libraw1394: 20
* purple-facebookchat: 20
* bzrtools: 20
* nfs-utils: 20
* NetworkManager: 20
* libvirt: 20
* evolution-exchange: 20
* kdelibs: 20
* ntfs-3g: 18
* gtkhtml3: 18
* appliance-tools: 18
* qpidc: 18
* xorg-x11-drv-ati: 18
* nted: 18
* eric: 18
* kipi-plugins: 18
* python-qpid: 18
* kdebase-workspace: 18
* warzone2100: 18
* cobbler: 18
* ssm: 18
* php-ZendFramework: 18
* geda-gnetlist: 18
* bzr: 18
* git: 18
* ksplice: 18
* ruby-qpid: 18
* augeas: 18
* liveusb-creator: 18
* xscreensaver: 18
* gromacs: 18
* kdeartwork: 18
* nntpgrab: 18
* freeradius: 18
* digikam: 18
* wine: 18
* kernel: 18
* phpMyAdmin: 18
* rhm: 18
* mingw32-filesystem: 18
* rpm: 16
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 16
* sectool: 16
* rcsslogplayer: 16
* epiphany: 16
* dbus: 16
* rdiff-backup: 16
* roundcubemail: 16
* xorg-x11-server: 16
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 16
* kazehakase: 16
* fuse-zip: 16
* abiword: 16
* kdebase-runtime: 16
* ruby-gnome2: 16
* evolution-rss: 16
* rhythmbox: 16
* amqp: 16
* haproxy: 16
* ncl: 16
* python-suds: 16
* zfs-fuse: 16
* gnome-packagekit: 16
* libchewing: 16
* audit: 16
* perl: 16
* system-config-printer: 16
* sugar-turtleart: 16
* clive: 16
* amarok: 16
* python-kerberos: 14
* kdebase: 14
* mysql++: 14
* fedora-business-cards: 14
* eclipse-cdt: 14
* virt-manager: 14
* tasque: 14
* spu-binutils: 14
* translate-toolkit: 14
* yum: 14
* samba: 14
* gnome-session: 14
* banshee: 14
* bluez-gnome: 14
* ruby-RMagick: 14
* ikiwiki: 14
* libmtp: 14
* kdeedu: 14
* gnome-applets: 14
* net-snmp: 14
* papyrus: 14
* qdevelop: 14
* cups: 14
* cjkunifonts: 14
* kdemultimedia: 14
* kdenetwork: 14
* vala: 14
* eclipse-changelog: 14
* libpst: 14
* gtk2: 14
* kdepimlibs: 14
* xlog: 14
* libev: 14
* florence: 14
* python-virtinst: 14
* nspluginwrapper: 14
* kdebindings: 12
* supybot-fedora: 12
* emacs-vm: 12
* iscsi-initiator-utils: 12
* qt: 12
* collectl: 12
* qgis: 12
* eclipse-phpeclipse: 12
* ochusha: 12
* NetworkManager-pptp: 12
* kpackagekit: 12
* libgeda: 12
* basket: 12
* geda-gsymcheck: 12
* kdepim: 12
* geda-gattrib: 12
* mapserver: 12
* geda-docs: 12
* libgnome: 12
* anjuta: 12
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 12
* geda-examples: 12
* dhcp: 12
* homebank: 12
* OmegaT: 12
* Cython: 12
* nautilus: 12
* veusz: 12
* wxsvg: 12
* kdetoys: 12
* drupal: 12
* iok: 12
* devhelp: 12
* audacity: 12
* geda-symbols: 12
* kdegames: 12
* python-lxml: 12
* perl-HTML-FormFu: 12
* hal-info: 12
* pyroom: 12
* kdeadmin: 12
* kdeplasma-addons: 12
* wordwarvi: 12
* shed: 12
* libical: 12
* perl-Mouse: 12
* gnome-terminal: 12
* libtorrent: 12
* nginx: 12
* sepostgresql: 12
* crda: 12
* perl-Catalyst-Manual: 12
* kdeaccessibility: 12
* sympy: 12
* kchmviewer: 12
* quassel: 12
* teamgit: 12
* kdeutils: 12
* rtorrent: 12
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 12
* system-config-services: 12
* fotoxx: 12
* dopewars: 12
* mmdb: 12
* ucblogo: 12
* geda-utils: 12
* sugar-jukebox: 12
* tar: 12
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev: 12
* grip: 12
* kdesdk: 12
* kde-plasma-runcommand: 12
* geda-gschem: 12
* memtest86+: 12
* gimp: 12
* freeciv: 12
* galeon: 12
* gcompris: 12
* kde-l10n: 12
* deco-archive: 12
* jack-audio-connection-kit: 10
* joda-time: 10
* scim-chewing: 10
* awstats: 10
* duplicity: 10
* sendmail: 10
* glib2: 10
* eclipse-epic: 10
* gupnp: 10
* thunderbird: 10
* mksh: 10
* gecko-sharp2: 10
* rsyslog: 10
* publican: 10
* gtk-vnc: 10
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 10
* alsa-utils: 10
* setup: 10
* postgis: 10
* postgresql: 10
* wesnoth: 10
* xfce4-dict: 10
* spicebird: 10
* python-zope-interface: 10
* drupal-views: 10
* gdm: 10
* gpicview: 10
* xulrunner: 10
* avant-window-navigator: 10
* firefox: 10
* ssmtp: 10
* fuse-emulator: 10
* compiz-fusion: 10
* dovecot: 10
* mozvoikko: 10
* cstream: 10
* db4: 10
* libX11: 10
* gnome-screensaver: 10
* lordsawar: 10
* collectd: 10
* tor: 10
* gnome-games: 10
* pcmanx-gtk2: 10
* pypoker-eval: 10
* nspr: 10
* python-flickrapi: 10
* eclipse-gef: 10
* smart: 10
* autofs: 10
* gedit: 10
* mesa: 10
* gnome-power-manager: 10
* nautilus-sound-converter: 10
* coreutils: 10
* alexandria: 10
* policycoreutils: 10
* fbterm: 10
* ktorrent: 10
* epiphany-extensions: 10
* mugshot: 10
* gnome-panel: 10
* R: 10
* system-config-network: 10
* gnome-python2-extras: 10
* perl-IO-AIO: 10
* crypto-utils: 10
* libtranslate: 10
* preupgrade: 10
* blam: 10
* kadu: 10
* gnome-web-photo: 10
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse: 10
* libpng: 10
* olpc-utils: 10
* ipa: 10
* rubygem-gruff: 10
* seamonkey: 10
* bind: 10
* xkeyboard-config: 10
* mldonkey: 10
* soundmodem: 10
* ds9: 10
* php-pecl-ssh2: 10
* curl: 10
* func: 10
* tzdata: 10
* publican-fedora: 10
* yelp: 10
* vamp-plugin-sdk: 10
* electric: 8
* boinc-client: 8
* libhugetlbfs: 8
* compiz-fusion-extras: 8
* perl-Data-Visitor: 8
* purple-microblog: 8
* mousetweaks: 8
* kdesvn: 8
* winpdb: 8
* mkdst: 8
* bam: 8
* gnome-desktop: 8
* vim: 8
* trytond: 8
* koan: 8
* fbreader: 8
* strigi: 8
* drupal-cck: 8
* cheese: 8
* nettee: 8
* edb: 8
* asterisk: 8
* monotorrent: 8
* condor: 8
* splat: 8
* perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor: 8
* bkchem: 8
* gerbv: 8
* gramps: 8
* itext: 8
* guidance-power-manager: 8
* glpi: 8
* xine-lib: 8
* libiphone: 8
* fet: 8
* darcs: 8
* liferea: 8
* python-webob: 8
* emacs: 8
* pspp: 8
* examiner: 8
* php-pear-Log: 8
* bouml: 8
* blender: 8
* Zim: 8
* garmindev: 8
* guake: 8
* eclipse-shelled: 8
* expendable: 8
* mkvtoolnix: 8
* decibel-audio-player: 8
* nagios: 8
* CCfits: 8
* ksshaskpass: 8
* python-openoffice: 8
* 8
* orca: 8
* ldns: 8
* geoqo: 8
* adminutil: 8
* pigment: 8
* bit: 8
* compiz: 8
* hping3: 8
* libicns: 8
* postfix: 8
* rcssmonitor: 8
* libsvm: 8
* xorg-x11-drv-nouveau: 8
* gallery2: 8
* perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope: 8
* squirrelmail: 8
* scala: 8
* rpmlint: 8
* linuxwacom: 8
* quota: 8
* libxml2: 8
* libgtop2: 8
* kde-plasma-quickaccess: 8
* gnash: 8
* R2spec: 8
* pyke: 8
* unbound: 8
* yaboot: 8
* twinkle: 8
* perl-Params-Util: 8
* check: 8
* freetype: 8
* docbook-style-xsl: 8
* printoxx: 8
* mkinitrd: 8
* gnubversion: 8
* NetworkManager-openconnect: 8
* bacula: 8
* nebula: 8
* audio-convert-mod: 8
* gcalctool: 8
* tryton: 8
* perl-Test-Strict: 8
* eog: 8
* bro: 8
* claws-mail: 8
* perl-HTML-Tiny: 8
* iproute: 8
* transmission: 8
* gucharmap: 8
* terminus-font: 8
* openconnect: 8
* tkimg: 8
* htop: 8
* ufraw: 8
* perl-XML-LibXSLT: 8
* qle: 8
* monotone: 8
* konq-plugins: 8
* rubygem-nokogiri: 8
* cddlib: 8
* mingw32-nsis: 8
* libtirpc: 8
* xorg-x11-xdm: 8
* maatkit: 8
* wireshark: 8
* perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped: 8
* poker2d: 8
* gnumeric: 8
* transifex: 8
* GeoIP: 8
* file-roller: 8
* barry: 8
* perl-Config-Any: 8
* prelude-correlator: 8
* deco: 8
* fontpackages: 8
* eterm: 8
* eclipse-slide: 8
* util-linux-ng: 8
* crontabs: 8
* rubygem-hoe: 8
* mingw32-binutils: 8
* python-psycopg2: 8
* latexmk: 8
* hatari: 8
* zabbix: 8
* varnish: 8
* rubygem-facets: 6
* tecnoballz: 6
* libprojectM-qt: 6
* perl-File-Comments: 6
* generic-release: 6
* mingw32-gcc: 6
* svxlink: 6
* xapian-core: 6
* python-Levenshtein: 6
* poker3d: 6
* xorg-x11-proto-devel: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap: 6
* libcompizconfig: 6
* sed: 6
* almanah: 6
* lcdproc: 6
* emacs-bbdb: 6
* wput: 6
* beesu: 6
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 6
* rxtx: 6
* perl-MooseX-App-Cmd: 6
* libgweather: 6
* cyrus-imapd: 6
* vdr-skinsoppalusikka: 6
* llvm: 6
* shared-mime-info: 6
* libwfut: 6
* perl-Module-Install: 6
* gambit-c: 6
* wol: 6
* pyodbc: 6
* openser: 6
* mdbtools: 6
* scrub: 6
* ski: 6
* beagle: 6
* libsqlite3x: 6
* R-hdf5: 6
* bouncycastle: 6
* hamlib: 6
* berusky: 6
* perl-Sub-Override: 6
* wordxtr: 6
* git-cola: 6
* bug-buddy: 6
* switchdesk: 6
* conexus: 6
* ipsec-tools: 6
* vodovod: 6
* control-center: 6
* diveintopython: 6
* rlog: 6
* compizconfig-python: 6
* gdesklets: 6
* fldigi: 6
* meanwhile: 6
* drupal-date: 6
* fedora-package-config-apt: 6
* ql2400-firmware: 6
* pngcrush: 6
* clamav: 6
* kiconedit: 6
* sugar-presence-service: 6
* openobex: 6
* evolution-sharp: 6
* python-jinja2: 6
* gnuplot-py: 6
* rubygem-mechanize: 6
* arp-scan: 6
* javasqlite: 6
* gutenprint: 6
* snake: 6
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 6
* gnonlin: 6
* gnome-doc-utils: 6
* imlib2: 6
* openbox: 6
* balance: 6
* batik: 6
* ht: 6
* wordpress-mu: 6
* perl-Module-Starter: 6
* cyphesis: 6
* hedgewars: 6
* gnomesword: 6
* filezilla: 6
* hamster-applet: 6
* dfu-programmer: 6
* python-tempita: 6
* ruby-libvirt: 6
* pybliographer: 6
* perl-DBD-Pg: 6
* tgif: 6
* lyx: 6
* ocp: 6
* pangomm: 6
* sugar-base: 6
* pitivi: 6
* busybox: 6
* libmpd: 6
* squid: 6
* plt-scheme: 6
* netbeans: 6
* iverilog: 6
* gbdfed: 6
* perl-Verilog: 6
* vdr-remote: 6
* tasks: 6
* perl-IO-TieCombine: 6
* sbcl: 6
* lincity-ng: 6
* tinyerp: 6
* gforth: 6
* esound: 6
* kgrab: 6
* m17n-contrib: 6
* paps: 6
* atanks: 6
* lensfun: 6
* xterm: 6
* kcirbshooter: 6
* jbrout: 6
* Django: 6
* tkcvs: 6
* logwatch: 6
* lostlabyrinth: 6
* vinagre: 6
* nrpe: 6
* xfce4-verve-plugin: 6
* ristretto: 6
* glibc: 6
* libtopology: 6
* xfce4-datetime-plugin: 6
* LinLog: 6
* fsvs: 6
* rubygem-fastthread: 6
* nessus-libraries: 6
* tomcat5: 6
* kcoloredit: 6
* monafont: 6
* perl-IO-Socket-SSL: 6
* pytz: 6
* gnome-gmail-notifier: 6
* xdvik: 6
* libsilc: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl: 6
* biniax: 6
* rubygem-gem_plugin: 6
* flam3: 6
* cinepaint: 6
* lynx: 6
* nemiver: 6
* trustedqsl: 6
* perl-Alien-wxWidgets: 6
* perl-Config-Augeas: 6
* dvipng: 6
* R-bigmemory: 6
* mingw32-w32api: 6
* etherboot: 6
* unikurd-web-font: 6
* ifstat: 6
* docbook-utils: 6
* libmsn: 6
* rubygem-hpricot: 6
* LabPlot: 6
* texmaker: 6
* ax25-tools: 6
* inksmoto: 6
* lush: 6
* am-utils: 6
* global: 6
* robodoc: 6
* python-iniparse: 6
* tomcat-native: 6
* cpuspeed: 6
* nxtvepg: 6
* rpmrebuild: 6
* m4ri: 6
* ttf2pt1: 6
* perl-Data-TreeDumper: 6
* darkice: 6
* ice: 6
* olpcsound: 6
* atari++: 6
* xmms: 6
* perl-Log-Dispatch: 6
* virtaal: 6
* xmms2: 6
* generic-logos: 6
* vdr-femon: 6
* beanstalkd: 6
* plymouth: 6
* php-Smarty: 6
* ql23xx-firmware: 6
* xwota: 6
* ogre: 6
* file-browser-applet: 6
* gnome-menus: 6
* xfce4-fsguard-plugin: 6
* telepathy-salut: 6
* k12linux-quick-start-guide: 6
* system-config-samba: 6
* gimmix: 6
* parprouted: 6
* powertop: 6
* apanov-heuristica-fonts: 6
* pcb: 6
* constantine: 6
* rmanage: 6
* log4cxx: 6
* linux-libertine-fonts: 6
* perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA: 6
* muine: 6
* lvm2: 6
* python-webtest: 6
* avogadro: 6
* xfce4-notes-plugin: 6
* slapi-nis: 6
* cpuid: 6
* gnome-speech: 6
* setroubleshoot: 6
* smolt: 6
* mfiler3: 6
* perl-Test-Signature: 6
* rubygem-activerecord: 6
* perl-Class-Unload: 6
* ibus: 6
* dnssec-conf: 6
* emacs-common-ebib: 6
* perl-Regexp-Copy: 6
* loudmouth: 6
* ufiformat: 6
* vtun: 6
* subversion-api-docs: 6
* ssbd: 6
* libcgroup: 6
* octave: 6
* libwnck: 6
* zhcon: 6
* geos: 6
* irclog2html: 6
* xjparse: 6
* cave9: 6
* VLGothic-fonts: 6
* gpp4: 6
* snmp++: 6
* libAfterImage: 6
* txt2tags: 6
* magic: 6
* perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile: 6
* greadelf: 6
* gupnp-tools: 6
* fuse-sshfs: 6
* rubygem-rack: 6
* swingx: 6
* libsoup: 6
* python-boto: 6
* yumex: 6
* gtkmm24: 6
* libetpan: 6
* rpcbind: 6
* nec2c: 6
* pstreams-devel: 6
* sfxr: 6
* dcraw: 6
* python-twitter: 6
* stratagus: 6
* gnome-applet-sensors: 6
* thebridge: 6
* 6
* mcpp: 6
* ebook-tools: 6
* irqbalance: 6
* freetalk: 6
* archimedes: 6
* olpc-netutils: 6
* perl-Sort-Naturally: 6
* xfce4-xkb-plugin: 6
* libglade2: 6
* libgnomecanvas: 6
* perl-boolean: 6
* perl-namespace-clean: 6
* tagtool: 6
* claws-mail-plugins: 6
* audacious: 6
* kBuild: 6
* rubyripper: 6
* pystatgrab: 6
* pmpu: 6
* bcfg2: 6
* wordpress: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-Natural: 6
* perl-URI-FromHash: 6
* jabberpy: 6
* em8300: 6
* xfce4-mixer: 6
* anyremote2html: 6
* maxima: 6
* QuantLib: 6
* hdhomerun: 6
* referencer: 6
* python-basemap: 6
* fftw: 6
* squidGuard: 6
* wxMaxima: 6
* nocpulse-common: 6
* gnucash: 6
* perl-Term-Size: 6
* bip: 6
* gmpc: 6
* perl-Module-Util: 6
* eel2: 6
* kopete-cryptography: 6
* emma: 6
* perl-Satcon: 6
* elice: 6
* libvirt-cim: 6
* cluster: 6
* mingw32-runtime: 6
* projectM-jack: 6
* elfutils: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-keyboard: 6
* osmo: 6
* twitux: 6
* vpnc: 6
* manaworld: 6
* perl-Regexp-Assemble: 6
* tinyproxy: 6
* bcel: 6
* afuse: 6
* rxvt-unicode: 6
* netpanzer: 6
* gnutls: 6
* perl-MooseX-Types-URI: 6
* libdiscid: 6
* rubygem-rspec: 6
* perl-Crypt-DSA: 6
* grib_api: 6
* totem-pl-parser: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext: 6
* rsibreak: 6
* eclipse-egit: 6
* evince: 6
* perl-asa: 6
* xmbdfed: 6
* ccsm: 6
* libhangul: 6
* xlcrack: 6
* dnsperf: 6
* python-wikimarkup: 6
* xapian-bindings: 6
* sugar-memorize: 6
* PolicyKit: 6
* perl-AutoXS-Header: 6
* portaudio: 6
* libnfnetlink: 6
* alevt: 6
* perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl: 6
* gstreamer-java: 6
* sdcc: 6
* wmx: 6
* bti: 6
* perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class: 6
* mcrypt: 6
* deskbar-applet: 6
* obexd: 6
* libertas-usb8388-firmware: 6
* mingw32-zlib: 6
* libspectrum: 6
* immix: 6
* checkdns: 6
* xchat-gnome: 6
* mod_security: 6
* perl-Check-ISA: 6
* puppet: 6
* libprojectM: 6
* pango: 6
* xfce4-timer-plugin: 6
* partimage: 6
* artwiz-aleczapka-fonts: 6
* vim-perl-support: 6
* piklab: 6
* AcetoneISO2: 6
* subcommander: 6
* python-setuptools: 6
* xnec2c: 6
* synergy: 6
* keepassx: 6
* ohm: 6
* ember: 6
* mypaint: 6
* impressive: 6
* compizconfig-backend-gconf: 6
* liberation-fonts: 6
* ql2500-firmware: 6
* vavoom: 6
* mingw32-crossreport: 6
* pympdtouchgui: 6
* gmp-ecm: 6
* gawk: 6
* tog-pegasus: 6
* revisor: 6
* xfhell: 6
* elfinfo: 6
* ocaml-cairo: 6
* perl-ORLite: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache: 6
* sleuthkit: 6
* chrony: 6
* perl-File-ShareDir-PAR: 6
* xdg-utils: 6
* hplip: 6
* lsscsi: 6
* vym: 6
* php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA: 6
* perl-Wx: 6
* sugar-analyze: 6
* xfsprogs: 6
* duel3: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-i810: 6
* daa2iso: 6
* tailor: 6
* perl-Test-Dependencies: 6
* codeblocks: 6
* museek+: 6
* gpsbabel: 6
* perl-Text-FindIndent: 6
* kbibtex: 6
* fsarchiver: 6
* compizconfig-backend-kconfig: 6
* perl-Mail-Box: 6
* lynis: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File: 6
* gnubg: 6
* mpich2: 6
* hanazono-fonts: 6
* ruby-mechanize: 6
* picard: 6
* wormux: 6
* quickfix: 6
* perl-Net-SSH-Perl: 6
* pngnq: 6
* eclipse-pydev: 6
* nwsclient: 6
* cairo-dock: 6
* telepathy-gabble: 6
* libarchive: 6
* glpk: 6
* syslog-ng: 6
* mediawiki: 6
* openvpn: 6
* ivtv-utils: 6
* sip-redirect: 6
* aria2: 6
* roxterm: 6
* vdr: 6
* globalplatform: 6
* perl-rpm-build-perl: 6
* perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple: 6
* barrage: 6
* nabi: 6
* gnome-password-generator: 6
* perl-App-Cmd: 6
* pigment-python: 6
* perl-Test-Block: 6
* lout: 6
* mysqlreport: 6
* supybot-koji: 6
* lostlabyrinth-graphics: 6
* clisp: 6
* ncmpcpp: 6
* python-oasa: 6
* kover: 6
* fedora-package-config-smart: 6
* xloadimage: 6
* sysklogd: 6
* lpsk31: 6
* widelands: 6
* cdlabelgen: 6
* ibp: 6
* glew: 6
* projectM-libvisual: 6
* toped: 6
* projectM-pulseaudio: 6
* python-sphinx: 6
* lzip: 6
* xmp: 6
* perl-Crypt-DH: 6
* gnome-rdp: 6
* cfdg-fe: 6
* srecord: 6
* otl: 6
* perl-Ace: 6
* taginfo: 6
* xarchiver: 6
* gpshell: 6
* gnurobots: 6
* getmail: 6
* openvas-libraries: 6
* PyQt4: 6
* crack: 6
* protobuf: 6
* remoot: 6
* laf-plugin: 6
* palp: 4
* typespeed: 4
* python-numdisplay: 4
* spamass-milter: 4
* libpcapnav: 4
* kile: 4
* fotowall: 4
* gajim: 4
* mantis: 4
* msp430-binutils: 4
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 4
* python-libgmail-docs: 4
* swfdec: 4
* mnemosyne: 4
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser: 4
* yum-utils: 4
* xenwatch: 4
* perl-Apache-DBI-Cache: 4
* alsa-plugins: 4
* stapitrace: 4
* gpsman: 4
* perl-File-Copy-Recursive: 4
* python-psyco: 4
* kdelibs3: 4
* mingw32-iconv: 4
* krusader: 4
* findbugs: 4
* rtpproxy: 4
* perl-Perlilog: 4
* perl-ModelSim-List: 4
* vdr-osdteletext: 4
* perl-SVK: 4
* xteddy: 4
* soprano: 4
* mingw32-libpng: 4
* pdfbook: 4
* phatch: 4
* dstat: 4
* hosts3d: 4
* freetds: 4
* perl-AnyEvent-BDB: 4
* syck: 4
* metapost-metauml: 4
* ocaml-mlgmpidl: 4
* refmac-dictionary: 4
* python-igraph: 4
* mingw32-bzip2: 4
* nut: 4
* poker-eval: 4
* opal: 4
* python-relatorio: 4
* libchamplain: 4
* rpy: 4
* eigen2: 4
* purple-msn-pecan: 4
* PyYAML: 4
* ptlib: 4
* perl-B-Utils: 4
* rosegarden4: 4
* tclxml: 4
* libfplll: 4
* libgxim: 4
* scim-array: 4
* TVAnytimeAPI: 4
* mingw32-termcap: 4
* rss-glx: 4
* bindfs: 4
* lilypond-doc: 4
* msmtp: 4
* rogue: 4
* ifuse: 4
* perl-Test-Unit-Lite: 4
* freedoom: 4
* libgsasl: 4
* geany: 4
* libcanberra: 4
* nload: 4
* rt3: 4
* libindi: 4
* sbackup: 4
* alsa-lib: 4
* sweep: 4
* python-imdb: 4
* gnome-applet-timer: 4
* auto-buildrequires: 4
* subtitleeditor: 4
* mediawiki-ParserFunctions: 4
* gcl: 4
* k3d: 4
* ircp-tray: 4
* rubygems: 4
* xdemorse: 4
* perl-Business-Hours: 4
* ecryptfs-utils: 4
* gtkspell: 4
* cronie: 4
* perl-RPM2: 4
* why: 4
* libcdaudio: 4
* kde-plasma-ihatethecashew: 4
* unalz: 4
* fswebcam: 4
* jpcap: 4
* pen: 4
* gnomad2: 4
* rsync: 4
* lilypond: 4
* gambas2: 4
* diffuse: 4
* poedit: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Runtime: 4
* python-nevow: 4
* gupnp-ui: 4
* pipviewer: 4
* mlmmj: 4
* dia: 4
* perl-Set-Object: 4
* kphotoalbum: 4
* gxmms2: 4
* perl-Scope-Upper: 4
* systemtap: 4
* perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser: 4
* gpodder: 4
* hal: 4
* PyQwt: 4
* qedje: 4
* glest: 4
* python-zope-filesystem: 4
* jmol: 4
* backup-manager: 4
* qzion: 4
* cudd: 4
* hotssh: 4
* flashrom: 4
* gnuradio: 4
* stellarium: 4
* kdiff3: 4
* ardour: 4
* perl-Class-Adapter: 4
* jvyamlb: 4
* python-rabbyt: 4
* python-instant: 4
* wings: 4
* ddd: 4
* vdradmin-am: 4
* cgit: 4
* phonon: 4
* eclipse-findbugs: 4
* gnubik: 4
* phpPgAdmin: 4
* brasero: 4
* perl-MooseX-Types: 4
* tcpreplay: 4
* stun: 4
* DevIL: 4
* ginac: 4
* tcl-tktreectrl: 4
* emerald: 4
* perl-Network-IPv4Addr: 4
* python-kiwi: 4
* tcl-tileqt: 4
* netpbm: 4
* uml_utilities: 4
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 4
* scapy: 4
* yum-cron: 4
* flexdock: 4
* mingw32-liboil: 4
* geeqie: 4
* alt-ergo: 4
* pdftk: 4
* nekovm: 4
* kde-plasma-translatoid: 4
* python-pygments: 4
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason: 4
* akonadi: 4
* spin-kickstarts: 4
* scipy: 4
* glog: 4
* php-pecl-memcache: 4
* python-virtualenv: 4
* lua-lpeg: 4
* kdebase3: 4
* ss5: 4
* epdfview: 4
* ethstatus: 4
* zoneminder: 4
* ntop: 4
* dustin-domestic-manners-fonts: 4
* pfstools: 4
* mingw32-physfs: 4
* findbugs-bcel: 4
* glest-data: 4
* ext3grep: 4
* gegl: 4
* symmetrica: 4
* mod_limitipconn: 4
* f-spot: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-geode: 4
* qmtest: 4
* procps: 4
* tex-musixtex: 4
* ularn: 4
* fuse-encfs: 4
* python-mwlib: 4
* gtk-qt-engine: 4
* sugar-speak: 4
* libsynaptics: 4
* perl-Devel-StackTrace: 4
* python-feedparser: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles: 4
* diffpdf: 4
* xfig: 4
* vnc-ltsp-config: 4
* assogiate: 4
* pidgin-libnotify: 4
* dbus-c++: 4
* guiloader: 4
* libgdbus: 4
* scidavis: 4
* python-twisted-web2: 4
* pygtk2: 4
* puzzles: 4
* xpdf: 4
* gestikk: 4
* ldm: 4
* pytrainer: 4
* ldtp: 4
* kopete-bonjour: 4
* smstools: 4
* dustin-dustismo-fonts: 4
* sqlite: 4
* lua-rex: 4
* mitter: 4
* botan: 4
* bsd-games: 4
* seahorse-plugins: 4
* PyOpenGL: 4
* libglfw: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: 4
* sip: 4
* rkhunter: 4
* iwl4965-firmware: 4
* libnetdude: 4
* transfig: 4
* python-GeoIP: 4
* wastesedge: 4
* proftpd: 4
* hulahop: 4
* jakarta-commons-cli: 4
* rocksndiamonds: 4
* pidgin-privacy-please: 4
* p7zip: 4
* perl-Geo-IP: 4
* freedroidrpg: 4
* perl-URI-Find: 4
* ekiga: 4
* perl-Devel-CheckOS: 4
* perl-Fedora-Bugzilla: 4
* librsync: 4
* hydrogen-drumkits: 4
* rhino: 4
* PyKDE: 4
* jna-posix: 4
* perl-Variable-Magic: 4
* python-libasyncns: 4
* rednotebook: 4
* mod_wsgi: 4
* celt: 4
* xmlto: 4
* xmoto: 4
* lua-posix: 4
* rpmdevtools: 4
* HamFax: 4
* sos: 4
* django-contact-form: 4
* lcms: 4
* python-libgmail: 4
* monit: 4
* gnome-applet-music: 4
* qlandkarte: 4
* avahi: 4
* bash: 4
* libQGLViewer: 4
* perl-Directory-Scratch: 4
* R-Biobase: 4
* gupnp-av: 4
* getdata: 4
* chipmunk: 4
* perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT: 4
* igraph: 4
* knemo: 4
* dclib: 4
* ltsp: 4
* pyxattr: 4
* certmaster: 4
* python-transaction: 4
* GtkAda: 4
* screenie: 4
* sudo: 4
* onboard: 4
* java-1.5.0-gcj: 4
* ocaml-pa-do: 4
* portmidi: 4
* bandwidthd: 4
* libconfig: 4
* perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu: 4
* tse3: 4
* vbindiff: 4
* lighttpd: 4
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Lexer: 4
* pam: 4
* tangogps: 4
* docbook5-style-xsl: 4
* liboggz: 4
* vhd2vl: 4
* vdr-ttxtsubs: 4
* offlineimap: 4
* ejabberd: 4
* w3c-libwww: 4
* php-pear-Cache-Lite: 4
* eg: 4
* mr: 4
* NaturalDocs: 4
* perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed: 4
* libapreq2: 4
* bugzilla: 4
* perl-Padre: 4
* sugar-update-control: 4
* teeworlds: 4
* posterazor: 4
* trickle: 4
* monosim: 4
* valknut: 4
* skinlf: 4
* fakeroot: 4
* ettercap: 4
* dc3dd: 4
* synopsis: 4
* gtk-sharp2: 4
* fuse-emulator-utils: 4
* poker-engine: 4
* mumbles: 4
* E: 4
* python-logilab-astng: 4
* opencv: 4
* ps3-utils: 4
* nss_compat_ossl: 4
* pytagger: 4
* php-pecl-imagick: 4
* pari: 4
* e2fsprogs: 4
* terminator: 4
* poppler: 4
* ganglia: 4
* PyQt: 4
* perl-Class-MethodMaker: 4
* perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests: 4
* trac-privateticketsplugin: 4
* perl-Class-C3: 4
* rubygem-rubyforge: 4
* entertrack: 4
* yersinia: 4
* cmake: 4
* libmicrohttpd: 4
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 4
* subtitlecomposer: 4
* xcb-util: 4
* kdevelop: 4
* aiccu: 4
* perl-Class-XSAccessor: 4
* xsettings-kde: 4
* perl-NOCpulse-CLAC: 2
* kdebluetooth: 2
* frescobaldi: 2
* nx: 2
* tcl-tclvfs: 2
* ctapi-cyberjack: 2
* rumor: 2
* mingw32-fontconfig: 2
* djview4: 2
* python-xmpp: 2
* mono-nat: 2
* hunspell-no: 2
* lshw: 2
* linuxdcpp: 2
* weechat: 2
* gzip: 2
* gedit-vala: 2
* usb_modeswitch: 2
* perl-Getopt-GUI-Long: 2
* kde-i18n: 2
* libsyncml: 2
* mingw32-wpcap: 2
* php-pear-Crypt-Blowfish: 2
* openssl: 2
* portecle: 2
* dbus-java: 2
* perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding: 2
* docbook5-schemas: 2
* lpairs: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-Object: 2
* hwdata: 2
* compiz-bcop: 2
* libdwarf: 2
* dvd+rw-tools: 2
* perl-autobox: 2
* system-config-date-docs: 2
* zile: 2
* midisport-firmware: 2
* perl-Class-Inspector: 2
* perl-Array-Compare: 2
* php-ezc-ConsoleTools: 2
* alsa-tools: 2
* qwt-doc: 2
* metromap: 2
* synaptic: 2
* numactl: 2
* eboard: 2
* perl-Net-LibIDN: 2
* SDL: 2
* tibetan-machine-uni-fonts: 2
* perl-Perl6-Junction: 2
* cdargs: 2
* GConf2: 2
* postgresql-pgpoolAdmin: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Email: 2
* dhcping: 2
* initscripts: 2
* perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-Utils: 2
* xwxapt: 2
* enet: 2
* mpc: 2
* safekeep: 2
* asterisk-sounds-core: 2
* gsim85: 2
* slv2: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL: 2
* pydb: 2
* esperanza: 2
* ris-linux: 2
* fpm2: 2
* tcl-zlib: 2
* perl-App-Asciio: 2
* python-shove: 2
* faust: 2
* readahead: 2
* ltspfs: 2
* ggz-client-libs: 2
* deletemail: 2
* flickrnet: 2
* glade3: 2
* kde-settings: 2
* python-progressbar: 2
* R-RODBC: 2
* tracker: 2
* perl-Test-Kwalitee: 2
* isync: 2
* ghc-paths: 2
* klamav: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class: 2
* mingw32-libxml2: 2
* sj-fonts: 2
* perl-CGI-Application: 2
* bpg-fonts: 2
* perl-Data-Dump-Streamer: 2
* python-kaa-metadata: 2
* clips: 2
* alienarena-data: 2
* man-pages-es: 2
* gdesklet-SlideShow: 2
* libnss-pgsql: 2
* netatalk: 2
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 2
* mapbender: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse: 2
* tcl-tkpng: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-penmount: 2
* scheme2js: 2
* grid-packaging-tools: 2
* python-py: 2
* perl-Devel-Size: 2
* perl-HTML-DOMbo: 2
* gsh: 2
* sagator: 2
* springlobby: 2
* cabal-install: 2
* spring: 2
* R-rlecuyer: 2
* pfscalibration: 2
* perl-WWW-Mechanize: 2
* btrfs-progs: 2
* gnome-system-monitor: 2
* cpm: 2
* hardinfo: 2
* perl-Class-Autouse: 2
* hatools: 2
* alliance: 2
* foomatic: 2
* gget: 2
* frozen-bubble: 2
* smb4k: 2
* perl-MooseX-Async: 2
* virt-df: 2
* wpa_supplicant: 2
* beteckna-fonts: 2
* perl-MooseX-LogDispatch: 2
* rubygem-simple-rss: 2
* idw-gpl: 2
* renameutils: 2
* perl-PerlIO-gzip: 2
* tcl-trf: 2
* perl-Data-Dump: 2
* httpd: 2
* anthy: 2
* perl-Algorithm-Dependency: 2
* automoc: 2
* MochiKit: 2
* perl-Data-Compare: 2
* libyaml: 2
* perl-XML-LibXML: 2
* perl-File-ExtAttr: 2
* eclipse-photran: 2
* mingw32-jasper: 2
* pp3: 2
* perl-FreezeThaw: 2
* urlwatch: 2
* mingw32-gtk2: 2
* earth-and-moon-backgrounds: 2
* python-dateutil: 2
* perl-Net-DBus-GLib: 2
* pdsh: 2
* libsieve: 2
* cfitsio: 2
* dateshift: 2
* knetworkmanager: 2
* perl-Module-ScanDeps: 2
* php-pear-Services-Weather: 2
* perl-Date-Leapyear: 2
* ecore: 2
* gtksourcecompletion: 2
* sugar-xoirc: 2
* koji: 2
* fedora-ds-console: 2
* perl-Moose: 2
* webkit-sharp: 2
* facter: 2
* perl-Geo-IPfree: 2
* xsp: 2
* WebKit: 2
* ladspa-caps-plugins: 2
* alienarena: 2
* SolarModel: 2
* syncevolution: 2
* kvkbd: 2
* uw-imap: 2
* mingw32-dlfcn: 2
* perl-YAML-Tiny: 2
* rcssserver3d: 2
* perl-Devel-SmallProf: 2
* perl-App-Cache: 2
* socat: 2
* astronomy-menus: 2
* tcpjunk: 2
* emacs-common-ess: 2
* ktechlab: 2
* perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction: 2
* wxapt: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-Debug: 2
* up-imapproxy: 2
* iperf: 2
* gnupg2: 2
* kde-plasma-weather: 2
* perl-MooseX-Traits-Attribute-CascadeClear: 2
* dvipdfmx: 2
* mono-basic: 2
* ypbind: 2
* ghostscript: 2
* mod_scgi: 2
* coq: 2
* django-notification: 2
* python-pygooglechart: 2
* obex-data-server: 2
* pure-ftpd: 2
* aqsis: 2
* gnugo: 2
* openvrml: 2
* python-text_table: 2
* perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured: 2
* perl-HTTP-Body: 2
* perl-Eval-Context: 2
* wcslib: 2
* words: 2
* mon: 2
* icecream: 2
* jabberd: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N: 2
* amsn: 2
* python-paramiko: 2
* qgtkstyle: 2
* gsql: 2
* python-crypto: 2
* lirc: 2
* emotion: 2
* rubygem-tlsmail: 2
* nautilus-sendto: 2
* jrosetta: 2
* giver: 2
* unison213: 2
* rubygem-htmlentities: 2
* libass: 2
* ibus-anthy: 2
* python-gammu: 2
* gssdp: 2
* php-pear-Config: 2
* gtkparasite: 2
* procinfo-ng: 2
* fedora-idm-console: 2
* nachocalendar: 2
* perl-Apache-Htpasswd: 2
* gjots2: 2
* pssh: 2
* pax-utils: 2
* mod_mono: 2
* rp-pppoe: 2
* libselinux: 2
* sion: 2
* jruby: 2
* tk: 2
* httping: 2
* xfce-mcs-manager: 2
* gnome-user-docs: 2
* perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball: 2
* serafettin-cartoon-fonts: 2
* uniconvertor: 2
* R-RUnit: 2
* banshee-mirage: 2
* perl-HTML-Parser: 2
* pyifp: 2
* perl-XML-Generator: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 2
* numpy: 2
* perl-MooseX-GlobRef-Object: 2
* fedora-ds-admin-console: 2
* gnaural: 2
* nopaste: 2
* perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK: 2
* slock: 2
* mysql: 2
* wqy-zenhei-fonts: 2
* perl-Verilog-Readmem: 2
* bind-to-tinydns: 2
* nethack: 2
* R-pls: 2
* xsane: 2
* perl-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC: 2
* gnome-hearts: 2
* python-storm: 2
* pdfshuffler: 2
* perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig: 2
* muse: 2
* perl-Sub-Exporter: 2
* gnome-guitar: 2
* libgdiplus: 2
* python-alsaaudio: 2
* mingw32-gettext: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Changes: 2
* libnotifymm: 2
* perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl: 2
* nwsserver: 2
* gsoap: 2
* bytelist: 2
* libgpod: 2
* postr: 2
* podcatcher: 2
* mingw32-nsiswrapper: 2
* geoclue: 2
* python-distutils-extra: 2
* perl-MooseX-Policy-SemiAffordanceAccessor: 2
* fspy: 2
* opensc: 2
* libftdi: 2
* perl-Log-Log4perl: 2
* bmpx: 2
* qbittorrent: 2
* po4a: 2
* pysnmp: 2
* emacs-magit: 2
* gflags: 2
* ngspice: 2
* perl-Hook-LexWrap: 2
* w3c-markup-validator: 2
* ocaml-libvirt: 2
* perl-Test-Email: 2
* perl-HTML-SimpleParse: 2
* nikto: 2
* inkscape: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Excel: 2
* iw: 2
* perl-HTML-LinkList: 2
* dosbox: 2
* gobby: 2
* reiserfs-utils: 2
* malaga-suomi-voikko: 2
* xfdesktop: 2
* libwps: 2
* perl-Task-Catalyst: 2
* cas: 2
* pinot: 2
* cdk: 2
* ctan-musixtex-fonts: 2
* poker-network: 2
* bashdb: 2
* elisa-plugins-bad: 2
* libgphoto2: 2
* anaconda: 2
* cmigemo: 2
* nessus-core: 2
* obby: 2
* spe: 2
* python-weberror: 2
* mingw32-libgpg-error: 2
* bpython: 2
* perl-GraphViz: 2
* orage: 2
* R-affyio: 2
* unison227: 2
* perl-Best: 2
* moreutils: 2
* perl-pgsql_perl5: 2
* reinteract: 2
* perl-FCGI-ProcManager: 2
* clc-intercal: 2
* libdmapsharing: 2
* cacti: 2
* dkim-milter: 2
* nightview: 2
* wammu: 2
* perl-Date-ICal: 2
* shcov: 2
* eet: 2
* stardict-dic-hi: 2
* tcl-snack: 2
* meshmagick: 2
* fuse: 2
* google-droid-fonts: 2
* sugar-distance: 2
* fwknop: 2
* python-matplotlib: 2
* tokyocabinet: 2
* perl-Test-TempDir: 2
* sugar-finance: 2
* perl-Parse-RecDescent: 2
* libmal: 2
* ioport: 2
* scitools: 2
* perl-Test-JSON: 2
* cpanspec: 2
* libedit: 2
* mscore: 2
* zapplet: 2
* perl-Gtk2-Sexy: 2
* perl-Sub-Install: 2
* patchutils: 2
* ruby-marc: 2
* django-pagination: 2
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Tidy: 2
* vdrift: 2
* tzclock: 2
* scim-anthy: 2
* perl-Gtk2-Notify: 2
* xfce4-session: 2
* mailman: 2
* ocsinventory: 2
* gfan: 2
* hdf: 2
* jpilot-backup: 2
* openswan: 2
* gammu: 2
* rubygem-restr: 2
* perl-Text-Table: 2
* shtool: 2
* perl-Sane: 2
* oldstandard-sfd-fonts: 2
* gtksourceview2: 2
* erlang: 2
* qemu: 2
* perl-Object-Event: 2
* pulseaudio: 2
* irc-otr: 2
* conspy: 2
* perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers: 2
* ruby-aws: 2
* libnasl: 2
* perl-DDL-Oracle: 2
* nss: 2
* qwt: 2
* django-evolution: 2
* PyQuante: 2
* sugar-connect: 2
* mingw32-openssl: 2
* perl-SQL-Translator: 2
* rhnlib: 2
* gnomint: 2
* php-manual-en: 2
* mono-debugger: 2
* rubygem-actionpack: 2
* jetty: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI: 2
* exempi: 2
* hello: 2
* perl-Gtk2-GladeXML: 2
* zeroinstall-injector: 2
* sysbench: 2
* mingw32-expat: 2
* ethtool: 2
* radvd: 2
* chisholm-to-be-continued-fonts: 2
* net6: 2
* perl-Jemplate: 2
* perl-Time-Duration-Parse: 2
* gpm: 2
* mock: 2
* iscan-firmware: 2
* gnome-applet-jalali-calendar: 2
* nexuiz: 2
* tinyows: 2
* kguitar: 2
* mingw32-atk: 2
* libfli: 2
* ghc-zlib: 2
* superiotool: 2
* perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg: 2
* gpsdrive: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Diff: 2
* python-setupdocs: 2
* lxterminal: 2
* dx: 2
* simspark: 2
* mingw32-readline: 2
* attr: 2
* globus-core: 2
* uncrustify: 2
* kdegames3: 2
* lsvpd: 2
* python-ptrace: 2
* ale: 2
* python-fiat: 2
* ocsinventory-agent: 2
* R-GeneR: 2
* gscan2pdf: 2
* nickle: 2
* perl-AnyEvent-AIO: 2
* rpmorphan: 2
* html401-dtds: 2
* allgeyer-fonts: 2
* ghc: 2
* python-configobj: 2
* colordiff: 2
* dropwatch: 2
* thunar-shares-plugin: 2
* tomoe: 2
* sugar-xomail: 2
* sugar-implode: 2
* djvulibre: 2
* dfu-util: 2
* rfdump: 2
* ratproxy: 2
* xdotool: 2
* fail2ban: 2
* cabal2spec: 2
* denemo: 2
* perl-MooseX-Workers: 2
* mm3d: 2
* wklej: 2
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static: 2
* python-polib: 2
* perl-MooseX-Iterator: 2
* blobAndConquer: 2
* imsettings: 2
* code2html: 2
* gaupol: 2
* opencsv: 2
* mrpt: 2
* autotrust: 2
* perl-WWW-Curl: 2
* cpan2rpm: 2
* perl-DateTimeX-Easy: 2
* taskjuggler: 2
* perl-Email-MessageID: 2
* k3guitune: 2
* libtasn1: 2
* simplyhtml: 2
* dbmail: 2
* glpi-data-injection: 2
* elisa: 2
* linsmith: 2
* raddump: 2
* perl-Tk: 2
* jeuclid: 2
* eclipse-emf: 2
* solar-kde-theme: 2
* dot2tex: 2
* php-xmpphp: 2
* anki: 2
* mingw32-freetype: 2
* mono-cecil-flowanalysis: 2
* perl-libwww-perl: 2
* gnome-themes: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session: 2
* libggz: 2
* gdata-java: 2
* optipng: 2
* ncmpc: 2
* joni: 2
* mingw32-sqlite: 2
* mingw32-glib2: 2
* ffsb: 2
* ocaml-preludeml: 2
* perl-Class-Exporter: 2
* xorg-x11-drv-vesa: 2
* lxsession-edit: 2
* repoview: 2
* viking: 2
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA: 2
* perl-Exception-Base: 2
* perl-CPAN-Mini: 2
* quilt: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: 2
* mingw32-libltdl: 2
* pyabiword: 2
* libzdb: 2
* libbsr: 2
* efreet: 2
* python-transitfeed: 2
* unhide: 2
* httrack: 2
* pywebdav: 2
* netstat-nat: 2
* libproxy: 2
* pg_top: 2
* jsr-305: 2
* php-ezc-Base: 2
* log4cpp: 2
* fedora-packager: 2
* pbzip2: 2
* grnotify: 2
* R-qtl: 2
* nqc: 2
* pygrace: 2
* perl-Algorithm-Merge: 2
* unuran: 2
* xzgv: 2
* perl-Data-FormValidator: 2
* monsoon: 2
* fantasdic: 2
* calcurse: 2
* bibus: 2
* mingw32-cairo: 2
* libapogee: 2
* ladspa-cmt-plugins: 2
* perl-String-Format: 2
* mingw32-libsigc++20: 2
* perl-Net-Stomp: 2
* aterm: 2
* perl-Email-MIME-Creator: 2
* guiloader-c++: 2
* mono: 2
* Pound: 2
* gdl: 2
* python-epdb: 2
* psi: 2
* gupnp-vala: 2
* pnglite: 2
* pkgconfig: 2
* climm: 2
* metacity: 2
* Falcon: 2
* php: 2
* xml2: 2
* perl-File-pushd: 2
* nss_ldap: 2
* libvirt-qpid: 2
* fedora-ds: 2
* poweradmin: 2
* perl-B-Keywords: 2
* perl-HTML-TagCloud: 2
* sugar-pippy: 2
* libgdither: 2
* mod_nss: 2
* libowfat: 2
* perl-KinoSearch: 2
* vlgothic-fonts: 2
* ghex: 2
* perl-MooseX-Daemonize: 2
* xhtml1-dtds: 2
* armstrong: 2
* perl-SystemC-Vregs: 2
* cherokee: 2
* roundup: 2
* dwscan: 2
* perl-Verilog-CodeGen: 2
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 2
* mingw32-SDL: 2
* perl-Catalyst-View-TT: 2
* perl-mogilefs-server: 2
* perl-Mon: 2
* geglmm: 2
* backup-light: 2
* ocaml-p3l: 2
* mydns: 2
* kaffeine: 2
* latexdiff: 2
* spring-installer: 2
* cpmtools: 2
* nvclock: 2
* perl-AnyEvent-XMPP: 2
* xqilla: 2
* gadget: 2
* xmlenc: 2
* zikula: 2
* kdepim3: 2
* python-ldaphelper: 2
* perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute: 2
* kst: 2
* gtkpod: 2
* perl-Class-Can: 2
* perl-Data-OptList: 2
* btanks: 2
* glpi-mass-ocs-import: 2
* django-tagging: 2
* livecd-tools: 2
* mingw32-libjpeg: 2
* libpng10: 2
* fedora-ds-base: 2
* aldrin: 2
* spring-maps-default: 2
* libiec61883: 2
* smp_utils: 2
* nyquist: 2
* python-louie: 2
* perl-Gnome2: 2
* javassist: 2
* idm-console-framework: 2
* perl-CGI-Ex: 2
* guilt: 2
* tftp: 2
* sylpheed: 2
* fwbackups: 2
* perl-Test-NeedsDisplay: 2
* zenity: 2
* R-BufferedMatrix: 2
* stp: 2
* system-config-date: 2
* taskcoach: 2
* pfstmo: 2
* perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage: 2
* sugar-clock: 2
* lazarus: 2
* perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object: 2
* hydrogen: 2
* g2ipmsg: 2
* lekhonee: 2
* gnome-scan: 2
* django-authopenid: 2
* mingw32-pixman: 2
* PolicyKit-kde: 2
* system-config-keyboard: 2
* perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast: 2
* perl-Date-Tiny: 2
* e_dbus: 2
* ghc-HTTP: 2
* gigolo: 2
* elisa-plugins-good: 2
* monsterz: 2
* tcsh: 2
* xfce4-screenshooter: 2
* metalink: 2
* fcode-utils: 2
* embryo: 2
* yofrankie-bge: 2
* perl-Test-Warn: 2
* perl-Sub-Identify: 2
* hfsutils: 2
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 2
* sugar-playgo: 2
* halberd: 2
* tkgate: 2
* tcping: 2
* cutecom: 2
* libconcord: 2
* qct: 2
* weka: 2
* perl-Class-MOP: 2
* gcin: 2
* perl-Test-File: 2
* watchdog: 2
* xtvd: 2
* whohas: 2
* python-rope: 2
* marlin: 2
* nethack-vultures: 2
* haddock: 2
* gdmap: 2
* rubygem-activeldap: 2
* TurboGears: 2
* maradns: 2
* digitemp: 2
* tunneler: 2
* perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader: 2
* grin: 2
* ghc-gtk2hs: 2
* tucnak2: 2
* netactview: 2
* python-zope-sqlalchemy: 2
* libmatheval: 2
* fedora-ds-admin: 2
* perl-Pod-Simple-Wiki: 2
* libxnm: 2
* irrlicht: 2
* xfce-mcs-plugins: 2
* mediawiki-wikicalendar: 2
* portreserve: 2
* perl-MooseX-Param: 2
* arora: 2
* flow-tools: 2
* mpop: 2
* perl-Hash-Merge-Simple: 2
* couchdb: 2
* argyllcms: 2
* bio2jack: 2
* ipw2200-firmware: 2
* libwpg: 2
* fedora-ksplice: 2
* coccinelle: 2
* rhnpush: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-SetID: 2
* perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript: 2
* xtide: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601: 2
* blahtexml: 2
* pdumpfs: 2
* rtaudio: 2
* tqsllib: 2
* gipfel: 2
* acpid: 2
* sugar-help: 2
* abcm2ps: 2
* cmconvert: 2
* torch: 2
* perl-Config-IniFiles: 2
* hercules: 2
* jakarta-commons-compress: 2
* libgee: 2
* lv2core: 2
* jasper: 2
* perl-SVN-Mirror: 2
* python-Traits: 2
* festival: 2
* libgcrypt: 2
* libkml: 2
* shadow-utils: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible: 2
* directfb: 2
* python-sqlalchemy: 2
* gridengine: 2
* touchcal: 2
* binutils: 2
* moon-buggy: 2
* ninvaders: 2
* fio: 2
* qd: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode: 2
* python-repoze-tm2: 2
* quake3: 2
* xfwm4: 2
* hal-cups-utils: 2
* driconf: 2
* fedora-ds-dsgw: 2
* meld: 2
* egoboo: 2
* emacs-htmlize: 2
* mingw32-libgcrypt: 2
* automaton: 2
* perl-DBD-Mock: 2
* rpmreaper: 2
* gstreamermm: 2
* php-pecl-selinux: 2
* globus-libtool: 2
* perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable: 2
* pptp: 2
* w_scan: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication: 2
* glabels: 2
* CodeAnalyst-gui: 2
* xine-plugin: 2
* mingw32-pango: 2
* echolinux: 2
* perl-local-lib: 2
* kio_sysinfo: 2
* gpsim: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Devel: 2
* gimp-data-extras: 2
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings: 2
* trilead-ssh2: 2
* vhybridize: 2
* freecol: 2
* libhildon: 2
* maniadrive: 2
* freehoo: 2
* perl-HTML-Strip: 2
* perl-HTML-Lint: 2
* latex2rtf: 2
* python-TraitsBackendQt: 2
* python-wifi: 2
* python-ferari: 2
* classads: 2
* pdfjam: 2
* perl-Authen-Krb5-Admin: 2
* newscache: 2
* libmusicbrainz3: 2
* afpfs-ng: 2
* device-mapper-multipath: 2
* perl-Time-Progress: 2
* vnc: 2
* concordance: 2
* kde-style-skulpture: 2
* tcpick: 2
* perl-Class-Throwable: 2
* xfburn: 2
* perl-Test-Assert: 2
* sugar-imageviewer: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-RT: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Pg: 2
* alsa-firmware: 2
* system-autodeath: 2
* oflb-riordonfancy-fonts: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime: 2
* perl-Test-Inline: 2
* remind: 2
* xosview: 2
* GREYCstoration: 2
* perl-Test-Harness-Straps: 2
* maxr: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton: 2
* Thunar: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-Gritch: 2
* perl-Data-ICal: 2
* enlightenment: 2
* mingw32-pthreads: 2
* krb5: 2
* perl-DBIx-Safe: 2
* gnotime: 2
* perl-MRO-Compat: 2
* jFormatString: 2
* cups-pdf: 2
* libburn: 2
* rubygem-rake: 2
* rb_libtorrent: 2
* kde-filesystem: 2
* TeXmacs: 2
* keychain: 2
* php-channel-ezc: 2
* fetchlog: 2
* srm: 2
* cwirc: 2
* amtterm: 2
* timespan: 2
* gnome-subtitles: 2
* evas: 2
* perl-Class-C3-XS: 2
* rkward: 2
* perl-Mail-POP3Client: 2
* qtgpsc: 2
* dayplanner: 2
* edje: 2
* indi-apogee: 2
* libmcrypt: 2
* libsynce: 2
* kasumi: 2
* php-pear-XML-Parser: 2
* ntp: 2
* mingw32-gtk-vnc: 2
* file: 2
* python-durus: 2
* unzoo: 2
* perl-Lingua-StopWords: 2
* emacs-mew: 2
* mingw32-gnutls: 2
* gparted: 2
* upstart: 2
* cylindrix: 2
* GMT: 2
* nullmodem: 2
* eclipse-setools: 2
* perl-JSON-Any: 2
* cf-bonveno-fonts: 2
* jhead: 2
* perl-JSON-XS: 2
* noip: 2
* mingw32-pdcurses: 2
* libxml++: 2
* iax: 2
* avr-gcc: 2
* pciutils: 2
* perl-Devel-Dumpvar: 2
* perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat: 2
* html2text: 2
* perl-URI: 2
* menu-cache: 2
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 2
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize: 2
* krazy2: 2
* blobwars: 2
* avr-libc: 2
* anacron: 2
* perl-IPC-System-Simple: 2
* boost: 2
* perl-Net-CUPS: 2
* childsplay: 2
* gdesklets-citation: 2
* kde-plasma-networkmanagement: 2
* libspiro: 2
* jcalendar: 2
* jcodings: 2
* perl-constant-boolean: 2
* apcupsd: 2
* apt: 2
* eina: 2
* python-argparse: 2
* mathomatic: 2
* mingw32-gdbm: 2
Fedora 9
* 5745 updates
* 5143 stable updates
* 2891 testing updates
* 43 pending updates
* 424 obsolete updates
* 2720 bugfix updates (47.35%)
* 1909 enhancement updates (33.23%)
* 295 security updates (5.13%)
* 821 newpackage updates (14.29%)
* 433 critical path updates (7.54%)
* 874 updates received feedback (15.21%)
* 687 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 998 anonymous users gave feedback (2.73%)
* 2891 out of 5745 updates went through testing (50.32%)
* 2230 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (77.14%)
* 282 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.4-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* libgcrypt-1.4.4-1.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* pam-1.0.1-4.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* libxml2-2.6.32-3.fc9 submitted by veillard
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-121.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* yum-utils-1.1.19-1.fc9 submitted by timlau
* tzdata-2008e-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* libsemanage-2.0.25-3.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* file-4.23-6.fc9 submitted by dnovotny
* tzdata-2008c-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.1-2.fc9 submitted by whot
* coreutils-6.10-28.fc9 submitted by kdudka
* bash-3.2-23.fc9 submitted by rrakus
* libpciaccess-0.10.3-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* curl-7.19.4-1.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* libsndfile-1.0.17-5.fc9 submitted by ixs
* evolution-data-server-2.22.3-3.fc9 submitted by mbarnes
* sqlite-3.5.9-1.fc9 submitted by pmatilai
* MAKEDEV-3.23-5.fc9 submitted by clumens
* libgweather-2.22.2-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-15.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* openldap-2.4.10-2.fc9 submitted by jsafrane
* glib2-2.16.6-2.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3669.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* gtk2-2.12.12-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* initscripts-8.76.1-1 submitted by notting
* python-pycurl-7.18.2-1.fc9 submitted by jcollie
* setup-2.6.18-1.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-5.20081121cvs.fc9 submitted by rdieter
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.1-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* tzdata-2009d-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* curl-7.19.4-2.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* nss- submitted by kengert
* checkpolicy-2.0.16-3.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* libxslt-1.1.24-2.fc9 submitted by veillard
* sqlite-3.5.9-2.fc9 submitted by pmatilai
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-48.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* alsa-lib-1.0.17-2.fc9 submitted by perex
* audit-1.7.5-1.fc9 submitted by sgrubb
* util-linux-ng-2.13.1-8.3.fc9 submitted by kzak
* dbus-glib-0.74-8.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* libical-0.43-4.fc9 submitted by rishi
* policycoreutils-2.0.47-2.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* libxml2-2.7.1-2.fc9 submitted by veillard
* nspr-4.7.1-0.9.1.fc9 submitted by kengert
* pkgconfig-0.23-6.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* pam-1.0.4-2.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* tzdata-2008b-2.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* gdm-2.22.0-9.fc9 submitted by lkundrak
* elfutils-0.138-1.fc9 submitted by roland
* libdrm-2.4.0-0.12.fc9 submitted by airlied
* rpm- submitted by pmatilai
* nss- submitted by kengert
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-55.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* libical-0.31-3.fc9 submitted by rishi
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-127.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* dbus-1.2.6-1.fc9 submitted by walters
* db4-4.6.21-6.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* libglade2-2.6.2-6.fc9,libgnomecanvas- submitted by mclasen
* postfix-2.5.5-1.fc9 submitted by twoerner
* tar-1.19-6.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* libpng-1.2.34-1.fc9 submitted by tgl
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-119.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* libxml2-2.6.32-2.fc9 submitted by veillard
* libedit-2.11-1.20080712cvs.fc9 submitted by rishi
* hwdata-0.222-1.fc9 submitted by karsten
* libical-0.41-1.fc9 submitted by rishi
* libsexy-0.1.11-8.fc9 submitted by bpepple
* libgweather-2.22.3-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* sed-4.1.5-11.fc9 submitted by mjakubicek
* yum-utils-1.1.15-1.fc9 submitted by timlau
* tzdata-2008d-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* yum-3.2.20-4.fc9 submitted by skvidal
* libgnomeui-2.22.1-3.fc9 submitted by hadess
* ntp-4.2.4p5-1.fc9 submitted by mlichvar
* perl-5.10.0-64.fc9 submitted by kasal
* yum-3.2.16-3.fc9 submitted by jkeating
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-117.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* file-4.23-7.fc9 submitted by dnovotny
* nss- submitted by kengert
* createrepo-0.9.6-3.fc9 submitted by skvidal
* yum-3.2.20-5.fc9 submitted by skvidal
* libgweather- submitted by mclasen
* tar-1.19-5.fc9 submitted by kdudka
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.3-6.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* tzdata-2008f-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* ppp-2.4.4-7.fc9 submitted by mnagy
* gnupg2-2.0.10-1.fc9 submitted by rdieter
* gtk2-2.12.12-2.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* setup-2.6.18-2.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* openldap-2.4.10-1.fc9 submitted by jsafrane
* NetworkManager- submitted by dcbw
* setup-2.6.17-1.fc9 submitted by pknirsch
* sgml-common-0.6.3-24.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* koji-1.2.6-1.fc9 submitted by ausil
* xkeyboard-config-1.2-4.fc9 submitted by whot
* shared-mime-info-0.30-3.fc9 submitted by hadess
* perl-5.10.0-40.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-131.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* tzdata-2008e-2.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-84.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* mdadm- submitted by dledford
* acl-2.2.47-2.fc9 submitted by jmoskovc
* pycairo-1.4.12-3.fc9 submitted by mbarnes
* gtk2-engines-2.14.3-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* evolution-data-server-2.22.2-1.fc9 submitted by mbarnes
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* perl-5.10.0-33.fc9 submitted by kasal
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.902-7.fc9 submitted by xavierb
* libpciaccess-0.10-3.fc9 submitted by ajax
* cronie-1.0-7.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* hal-0.5.11-1.fc9 submitted by rhughes
* policycoreutils-2.0.49-7.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-87.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.4-2.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* policycoreutils-2.0.52-8.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-51.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* yum-utils-1.1.14-4.fc9 submitted by timlau
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.7-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* perl-5.10.0-31.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* mpfr-2.3.1-1.fc9 submitted by varekova
* libical-0.41-2.fc9 submitted by rishi
* nss- submitted by kengert
* libedit-2.11-2.20080712cvs.fc9 submitted by jcollie
* anaconda-yum-plugins-1.0-1.fc9 submitted by clumens
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-1.fc9 submitted by xavierb
* libwnck-2.22.3-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* gnutls-2.0.4-3.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-107.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* usermode-1.98-1.fc9 submitted by mitr
* mcpp-2.7.1-1.fc9 submitted by kmatsui
* NetworkManager- submitted by dcbw
* xcb-util-0.3.2-2.fc9 submitted by mnowak
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-118.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* initscripts-8.76.4-1 submitted by notting
* tzdata-2008h-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* tar-1.19-4.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.6-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* audit-1.7.3-1.fc9 submitted by sgrubb
* NetworkManager-pptp-0.7.0-1.svn16.fc9,NetworkManager-openvpn-0.7.0-18.svn11.fc9,NetworkManager-vpnc-0.7.0-1.svn13.fc9,NetworkManager-0.7.0-2.git20090207.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* libxml2-2.7.2-1.fc9 submitted by veillard
* freetype-2.3.5-6.fc9 submitted by thoger
* yum-utils-1.1.16-2.fc9 submitted by timlau
* libXfont-1.3.2-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* audit-1.7.4-1.fc9 submitted by sgrubb
* libvorbis-1.2.0-4.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* python-iniparse-0.2.4-1.fc9 submitted by timlau
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.3-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* wpa_supplicant-0.6.4-3.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* libpciaccess-0.10.3-2.fc9 submitted by ajax
* lua-5.1.3-6.fc9 submitted by timn
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.2-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* e2fsprogs-1.41.0-2.fc9 submitted by sandeen
* xorg-x11-drv-nv-2.1.10-2.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* xorg-x11-xkb-utils-7.2-6.fc9 submitted by whot
* shared-mime-info-0.30-1.fc9 submitted by hadess
* sudo-1.6.9p13-8.fc9 submitted by mildew
* elfutils-0.137-3.fc9 submitted by roland
* livecd-tools-017.2-1.fc9 submitted by katzj
* libselinux-2.0.64-2.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.0-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* libffi-3.0.5-1.fc9 submitted by green
* repoview-0.6.3-1.fc9 submitted by icon
* elfutils-0.140-1.fc9 submitted by roland
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-82.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* curl-7.19.4-3.fc9 submitted by kdudka
* control-center- submitted by mclasen
* perl-5.10.0-39.fc9 submitted by spot
* coreutils-6.10-25.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* glib2-2.16.5-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* glib2-2.16.6-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* setup-2.6.18-3.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* openldap-2.4.8-6.fc9 submitted by jsafrane
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-111.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* rsyslog-3.16.1-2.fc9 submitted by pvrabec
* tzdata-2009a-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* libdrm-2.4.0-0.13.fc9 submitted by airlied
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.0-3.fc9 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.8.0-14.fc9 submitted by airlied
* libpng-1.2.29-1.fc9 submitted by tgl
* ntp-4.2.4p6-1.fc9 submitted by mlichvar
* ntp-4.2.4p5-2.fc9 submitted by mlichvar
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-126.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* glib2-2.16.6-3.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* gnome-settings-daemon- submitted by rstrode
* cpio-2.9-8.fc9 submitted by kdudka
* coreutils-6.10-27.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* pango-1.20.4-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* livecd-tools-017.1-1.fc9 submitted by katzj
* xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.10.1-1.fc9 submitted by wtogami
* libxslt-1.1.24-1.fc9 submitted by veillard
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.0.8-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* yum-3.2.21-2.fc9 submitted by skvidal
* libSM-1.1.0-1.fc9 submitted by ajax
* coreutils-6.10-33.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* glib2-2.16.4-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* upstart-0.3.9-22.fc9 submitted by sadmac
* hal-info-20080508-1.fc9 submitted by rhughes
* libical-0.43-2.fc9 submitted by rishi
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.4.fc9 submitted by dcbw
* evolution-data-server-2.22.3-2.fc9 submitted by mbarnes
* curl-7.18.2-7.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* gstreamer-0.10.20-1.fc9 submitted by hadess
* libtiff-3.8.2-11.fc9 submitted by tgl
* tzdata-2008i-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* NetworkManager-,NetworkManager-vpnc-,NetworkManager-openvpn-,NetworkManager-pptp-,NetworkManager-openconnect- submitted by dcbw
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-2.fc9 submitted by xavierb
* pcre-7.3-4.fc9 submitted by thoger
* openssl-0.9.8g-9.12.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* rsyslog-3.18.1-1.fc9 submitted by pvrabec
* coreutils-6.10-22.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* perl-5.10.0-34.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* rsyslog-3.20.2-2.fc9 submitted by theinric
* rsyslog-3.18.1-2.fc9 submitted by theinric
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-123.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* perl-5.10.0-38.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* xorg-x11-drv-savage-2.2.0-2.fc9 submitted by airlied
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-78.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* koji-1.3.1-1.fc9 submitted by ausil
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.2-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* libxml2-2.7.3-1.fc9 submitted by veillard
* mcpp-2.7.2-1.fc9 submitted by kmatsui
* xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.9.0-2.fc9 submitted by ausil
* audit-1.7.7-1.fc9 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-130.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* unique-0.9.4-5.fc9 submitted by rhughes
* e2fsprogs-1.40.10-4.fc9 submitted by sandeen
* dmraid-1.0.0.rc14-8.fc9 submitted by agk
* evolution-data-server- submitted by mbarnes
* libtasn1-1.8-1.fc9 submitted by ensc
* db4-4.6.21-7.fc9 submitted by jnovy
* newt-0.52.10-1.fc9 submitted by mlichvar
* binutils- submitted by jkratoch
* pam-1.0.4-3.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* e2fsprogs-1.40.10-1.fc9 submitted by sandeen
* binutils- submitted by jkratoch
* perl-5.10.0-27.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* iscsi-initiator-utils- submitted by michaelc
* coreutils-6.10-35.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* openssl-0.9.8g-9.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-124.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* libpng-1.2.35-1.fc9 submitted by tgl
* libxml2-2.7.2-2.fc9 submitted by veillard
* libselinux-2.0.67-4.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* xorg-x11-drv-elographics-1.2.3-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* shadow-utils-4.1.1-4.fc9 submitted by pvrabec
* binutils- submitted by jkratoch
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-125.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* gtk2-2.12.11-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* python-nss-0.1-2.fc9 submitted by jdennis
* gnutls-2.0.4-4.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.5.2-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.1-1.fc9 submitted by whot
* xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.10.0-1.fc9 submitted by ausil
* mash-0.3.7-1.fc9 submitted by notting
* python-pycurl-7.18.1-1.fc9 submitted by jcollie
* ppl-0.9-24.fc9 submitted by bagnara
* cronie-1.0-6.fc9 submitted by mmaslano
* libpng-1.2.33-1.fc9 submitted by tgl
* tzdata-2008b-3.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* lua-5.1.4-1.fc9 submitted by timn
* selinux-policy-3.3.1-129.fc9 submitted by mgrepl
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-0.15.0-2.fc9 submitted by drago01
* yum-utils-1.1.14-3.fc9 submitted by timlau
* sudo-1.6.9p13-7.fc9 submitted by mildew
* gnome-desktop-2.22.2-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* dnsmasq-2.45-1.fc9 submitted by thoger
* policycoreutils-2.0.49-10.fc9 submitted by dwalsh
* pam-1.0.4-4.fc9 submitted by tmraz
* coreutils-6.10-23.fc9 submitted by ovasik
* tzdata-2008g-1.fc9 submitted by pmachata
* enchant-1.4.2-2.fc9 submitted by uwog
* libical-0.32-1.fc9 submitted by rishi
* gtk2-engines-2.14.2-1.fc9 submitted by mclasen
* shadow-utils-4.1.1-2.fc9 submitted by pvrabec
* libxml2-2.7.1-1.fc9 submitted by veillard
* system-config-date-docs-1.0.5-1.fc9,system-config-date-1.9.36-1.fc9 submitted by nphilipp
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 16 days
* median = 13 days
* mode = 6 days
* 3214 packages updated
* selinux-policy: 166
* gyachi: 104
* cairo-dock: 96
* jd: 92
* kernel: 90
* cobbler: 84
* kdebase-workspace: 78
* xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd: 78
* phpMyAdmin: 78
* python-fedora: 74
[ View all ]
* anyremote: 72
* kdelibs: 72
* samba: 68
* liferea: 68
* gdb: 66
* mfiler3: 66
* PackageKit: 66
* kvm: 65
* ipa: 64
* tzdata: 64
* nspluginwrapper: 62
* ganyremote: 62
* xorg-x11-server: 62
* kanyremote: 62
* augeas: 62
* gnome-packagekit: 60
* kdegraphics: 60
* kdenetwork: 60
* NetworkManager: 60
* fotoxx: 60
* ltsp: 58
* perl: 58
* pidgin: 56
* kdebase: 56
* ruby-RMagick: 56
* ruby-aws: 56
* yum: 56
* libvirt: 56
* ntfs-3g: 54
* qpidc: 54
* eric: 54
* ibus: 54
* xorg-x11-drv-evdev: 54
* kdesdk: 54
* wine: 54
* rhm: 54
* kazehakase: 52
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 52
* kdeedu: 50
* cman: 50
* qt: 48
* python-qpid: 48
* dovecot: 48
* freeradius: 48
* xscreensaver: 48
* kdeartwork: 48
* nntpgrab: 48
* kdeaccessibility: 46
* yum-utils: 46
* kdebase-runtime: 46
* shorewall: 46
* gnome-python2-extras: 46
* R: 46
* kdepimlibs: 46
* amqp: 46
* rubygem-hoe: 46
* gwibber: 44
* rgmanager: 44
* gfs2-utils: 44
* mysql++: 44
* fwbackups: 44
* ruby-gnome2: 44
* coreutils: 44
* kdemultimedia: 44
* vala: 44
* nted: 42
* java-1.6.0-openjdk: 42
* kdebindings: 42
* gnomesword: 42
* openvrml: 42
* flam3: 42
* kdetoys: 42
* mercurial: 42
* gdal: 42
* Miro: 42
* kdeadmin: 42
* galeon: 42
* kdegames: 42
* libvirt-cim: 42
* kdeutils: 42
* ruby-mechanize: 42
* kde-l10n: 42
* epiphany: 40
* devhelp: 40
* chmsee: 40
* google-gadgets: 40
* ldm: 40
* banshee: 40
* python-lxml: 40
* clive: 40
* totem: 40
* koan: 38
* ikiwiki: 38
* cups: 38
* purple-facebookchat: 38
* libxml2: 38
* collectd: 38
* highlight: 36
* ruby: 36
* drupal: 36
* ksplice: 36
* rrdtool: 36
* sepostgresql: 36
* bzr-gtk: 36
* policycoreutils: 36
* homestead: 36
* revisor: 36
* pcmanfm: 36
* e2fsprogs: 36
* gcompris: 36
* duplicity: 34
* rpy: 34
* dbus: 34
* firefox: 34
* xulrunner: 34
* mozvoikko: 34
* 34
* ext3grep: 34
* asterisk: 34
* ktorrent: 34
* mugshot: 34
* epiphany-extensions: 34
* moodle: 34
* gnome-web-photo: 34
* bind: 34
* quassel: 34
* yelp: 34
* glib2: 32
* coq: 32
* evolution-data-server: 32
* roundcubemail: 32
* nss: 32
* evolution-rss: 32
* php-pear-Log: 32
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 32
* dhcp: 30
* rubygem-cobbler: 30
* gnome-settings-daemon: 30
* collectl: 30
* sectool: 30
* squid: 30
* podsleuth: 30
* tinyerp: 30
* asymptote: 30
* Cython: 30
* xdvik: 30
* gvfs: 30
* php-ZendFramework: 30
* appliance-tools: 30
* bzr: 30
* snake: 30
* grass: 30
* xastir: 30
* bluez-utils: 30
* beldi: 30
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 30
* nginx: 30
* python-toscawidgets: 30
* xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: 30
* bzrtools: 30
* kdeplasma-addons: 30
* grip: 30
* seamonkey: 30
* plague: 30
* joda-time: 28
* rcssserver: 28
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 28
* blender: 28
* gambas2: 28
* postgresql: 28
* flashrom: 28
* subtitleeditor: 28
* kde-settings: 28
* gnome-applet-music: 28
* kdelibs3: 28
* kdebase3: 28
* blam: 28
* qlandkartegt: 28
* mksh: 28
* rdiff-backup: 28
* ejabberd: 28
* gtkmozembedmm: 28
* curl: 28
* lyx: 26
* publican: 26
* gtk-vnc: 26
* alliance: 26
* gcin: 26
* guidance-power-manager: 26
* pinot: 26
* bouml: 26
* xlog: 26
* geoclue: 26
* poker-network: 26
* gammu: 26
* gnash: 26
* htop: 26
* libchewing: 26
* claws-mail: 26
* konq-plugins: 26
* system-config-printer: 26
* gtk2: 26
* condor: 26
* ibus-m17n: 24
* emacs-vm: 24
* kiconedit: 24
* beagle: 24
* clipper: 24
* initscripts: 24
* deluge: 24
* eclipse-epic: 24
* gupnp: 24
* clamav: 24
* libdvdnav: 24
* man-pages-fr: 24
* coda: 24
* setroubleshoot: 24
* qosmic: 24
* imlib2: 24
* ibus-pinyin: 24
* filezilla: 24
* Django: 24
* logwatch: 24
* xenner: 24
* jruby: 24
* git: 24
* libUnihan: 24
* kernel-xen-2.6: 24
* fsvs: 24
* libspe2: 24
* nautilus: 24
* warzone2100: 24
* libical: 24
* waf: 24
* rhythmbox: 24
* smart: 24
* gnome-panel: 24
* wordpress: 24
* bodhi: 24
* wxPython: 24
* referencer: 24
* alsa-tools: 24
* xapian-bindings: 24
* transmission: 24
* udev: 24
* libraw1394: 24
* ocaml-bitmatch: 24
* libtirpc: 24
* sim: 24
* pam_mount: 24
* tailor: 24
* blobAndConquer: 24
* gimp: 24
* libhugetlbfs: 24
* openldap: 24
* mapnik: 24
* python-virtinst: 24
* gdm: 24
* rsyslog: 22
* rcsslogplayer: 22
* gromacs: 22
* wesnoth: 22
* pitivi: 22
* awstats: 22
* haproxy: 22
* python-mwlib: 22
* audit: 22
* ds9: 22
* florence: 22
* fakeroot: 22
* nss_compat_ossl: 22
* rubygem-rubyforge: 22
* kdevelop: 22
* boinc-client: 20
* ruby-marc: 20
* purple-microblog: 20
* kdesvn: 20
* ace: 20
* rkhunter: 20
* superiotool: 20
* strigi: 20
* kdepim: 20
* uw-imap: 20
* fedora-ds-base: 20
* fet: 20
* python-webob: 20
* glpi: 20
* guake: 20
* numpy: 20
* expendable: 20
* decibel-audio-player: 20
* fedora-business-cards: 20
* alienarena: 20
* R-affyio: 20
* tcl-snack: 20
* scala: 20
* mock: 20
* rpmlint: 20
* kdegames3: 20
* virt-manager: 20
* arora: 20
* wklej: 20
* geoqo: 20
* tzclock: 20
* perl-Catalyst-Manual: 20
* mod_nss: 20
* Falcon: 20
* PyOpenGL: 20
* R2spec: 20
* perl-Class-MOP: 20
* nfs-utils: 20
* poker2d: 20
* python-sqlalchemy: 20
* binutils: 20
* rpmreaper: 20
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication: 20
* xine-plugin: 20
* iw: 20
* libv4l: 20
* TeXmacs: 20
* ntp: 20
* jack-audio-connection-kit: 18
* xapian-core: 18
* mt-daapd: 18
* tlock: 18
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 18
* glibmm24: 18
* libgweather: 18
* vdr-skinsoppalusikka: 18
* unicap: 18
* themonospot: 18
* gambit-c: 18
* openser: 18
* fakechroot: 18
* brettfont-fonts: 18
* kexec-tools: 18
* elfutils: 18
* eclipse-phpeclipse: 18
* amanda: 18
* perl-Config-Augeas: 18
* evolution-exchange: 18
* NetworkManager-pptp: 18
* openssh: 18
* gnome-desktop: 18
* xorg-x11-drv-ati: 18
* zhcon: 18
* basket: 18
* powerman: 18
* python-migrate: 18
* magic: 18
* libetpan: 18
* php-pear-Net-DIME: 18
* python-tempita: 18
* iverilog: 18
* global: 18
* anjuta: 18
* lincity-ng: 18
* xfce4-dict: 18
* kgrab: 18
* roxterm: 18
* xterm: 18
* rawstudio: 18
* gbrainy: 18
* mesa: 18
* ibus-anthy: 18
* pysvn: 18
* sugar: 18
* OmegaT: 18
* hamster-applet: 18
* veusz: 18
* libcmpiutil: 18
* ssm: 18
* texmaker: 18
* python-genshi: 18
* pilot-link: 18
* cbrpager: 18
* cwiid: 18
* python-urlgrabber: 18
* tellico: 18
* prelude-manager: 18
* freenx-server: 18
* gnome-system-monitor: 18
* kcoloredit: 18
* geda-gnetlist: 18
* perl-Config-Any: 18
* perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI: 18
* ghdl: 18
* lxpanel: 18
* wine-docs: 18
* fuse-s3fs: 18
* slapi-nis: 18
* gnome-games: 18
* poppler: 18
* python-beaker: 18
* fatsort: 18
* octave: 18
* libHX: 18
* nexuiz: 18
* manedit: 18
* fuse-sshfs: 18
* tinyproxy: 18
* rpcbind: 18
* keepassx: 18
* echo-icon-theme: 18
* pygame: 18
* libgtop2: 18
* autofs: 18
* yakuake: 18
* libpano13: 18
* gnu-smalltalk: 18
* claws-mail-plugins: 18
* xorg-x11-drv-geode: 18
* anyremote2html: 18
* bip: 18
* mysqltuner: 18
* php-pear-propel_generator: 18
* im-chooser: 18
* teamgit: 18
* tar: 18
* mail-notification: 18
* rubygem-activerecord: 18
* mona: 18
* nagios-plugins: 18
* php-pear-propel_runtime: 18
* evolution: 18
* sugar-datastore: 18
* puppet: 18
* xfce4-screenshooter-plugin: 18
* AcetoneISO2: 18
* jabbim: 18
* ruby-qpid: 18
* libpciaccess: 18
* xen: 18
* em8300: 18
* wireshark: 18
* php-pear-Console-Table: 18
* xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse: 18
* texinfo: 18
* bitlbee: 18
* lxsplit: 18
* xorg-x11-drv-i810: 18
* ocaml-pa-monad: 18
* sonata: 18
* perl-Catalyst-Devel: 18
* tftp: 18
* zaptel: 18
* mediawiki: 18
* openvpn: 18
* gnome-commander: 18
* ruby-gettext-package: 18
* freeciv: 18
* bluez-libs: 18
* gnucash: 18
* bigloo: 18
* sugar-toolkit: 18
* ice: 18
* fedora-package-config-smart: 18
* ocaml-pgocaml: 18
* ocaml-json-static: 18
* pdns: 18
* python-sphinx: 18
* python-kiwi: 16
* perl-File-Copy-Recursive: 16
* hamlib: 16
* fuse-zip: 16
* eigen2: 16
* tor: 16
* setup: 16
* postgis: 16
* thunderbird: 16
* gpicview: 16
* cmake: 16
* libprelude: 16
* nemiver: 16
* rtpproxy: 16
* systemtap: 16
* perl-Devel-StackTrace: 16
* fuse-emulator: 16
* gupnp-av: 16
* audacity: 16
* jvyamlb: 16
* tcpreplay: 16
* qlandkarte: 16
* phonon: 16
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 16
* kst: 16
* python-pygments: 16
* mantis: 16
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 16
* fuse-encfs: 16
* alexandria: 16
* xdemorse: 16
* smb4k: 16
* python-suds: 16
* pytrainer: 16
* ssmtp: 16
* perl-Class-MethodMaker: 16
* kile: 16
* R-Biobase: 16
* certmaster: 16
* wxsvg: 16
* preupgrade: 16
* kadu: 16
* libpng: 16
* python-virtualenv: 16
* netpbm: 16
* fbterm: 16
* func: 16
* lshw: 14
* linuxdcpp: 14
* kde-i18n: 14
* emacs-common-ess: 14
* python-kerberos: 14
* fpm2: 14
* automaton: 14
* abiword: 14
* drupal-cck: 14
* tasque: 14
* wpa_supplicant: 14
* monotorrent: 14
* libkdcraw: 14
* automoc: 14
* msmtp: 14
* libgsasl: 14
* splat: 14
* ecore: 14
* perl-Moose: 14
* facter: 14
* WebKit: 14
* up-imapproxy: 14
* ghostscript: 14
* mathomatic: 14
* uniconvertor: 14
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 14
* scim-chewing: 14
* bmpx: 14
* po4a: 14
* eet: 14
* w3c-markup-validator: 14
* ldns: 14
* bpython: 14
* moreutils: 14
* fuse: 14
* pigment: 14
* cpanspec: 14
* printoxx: 14
* compiz: 14
* postfix: 14
* climm: 14
* digikam: 14
* rcssmonitor: 14
* ncl: 14
* fail2ban: 14
* gedit: 14
* kde-plasma-quickaccess: 14
* pyke: 14
* postr: 14
* qdevelop: 14
* perl-Params-Util: 14
* bacula: 14
* kde-filesystem: 14
* eterm: 14
* cherokee: 14
* malaga-suomi-voikko: 14
* alienarena-data: 14
* synergy: 14
* libpng10: 14
* sylpheed: 14
* python-psycopg2: 14
* audio-convert-mod: 14
* ufraw: 14
* embryo: 14
* rubygem-activeldap: 14
* lirc: 14
* fedora-ds-admin: 14
* abcm2ps: 14
* glabels: 14
* rubygem-actionpack: 14
* vnc: 14
* libev: 14
* mkvtoolnix: 14
* rubygem-rake: 14
* evas: 14
* php-pear-XML-Parser: 14
* gparted: 14
* publican-fedora: 14
* liveusb-creator: 14
* krazy2: 14
* blobwars: 14
* anacron: 14
* amarok: 14
* dayplanner: 14
* apcupsd: 14
* libvirt-java: 12
* python-alsa: 12
* xpad: 12
* mcpp: 12
* python-netaddr: 12
* streamtuner: 12
* gstreamer-plugins-farsight: 12
* emacs-bbdb: 12
* pywebkitgtk: 12
* dbus-java: 12
* mrtg: 12
* kdewebdev: 12
* libwfut: 12
* php-pear-PHPUnit: 12
* perl-CGI-Ajax: 12
* iscsi-initiator-utils: 12
* pyodbc: 12
* monodoc: 12
* gtkhtml3: 12
* ski: 12
* krusader: 12
* libpri: 12
* rubygem-facets: 12
* supybot-fedora: 12
* R-qvalue: 12
* mod_security: 12
* ez-ipupdate: 12
* qgis: 12
* foobillard: 12
* system-config-bind: 12
* system-config-firewall: 12
* translate-toolkit: 12
* lm_sensors: 12
* meanwhile: 12
* vym: 12
* gspiceui: 12
* memtest86+: 12
* libgeda: 12
* mypaint: 12
* sugar-presence-service: 12
* evolution-sharp: 12
* python-jinja2: 12
* minirpc: 12
* geda-gsymcheck: 12
* javasqlite: 12
* newsx: 12
* gmime: 12
* geda-utils: 12
* cheese: 12
* R-maanova: 12
* ctemplate: 12
* openbox: 12
* nmh: 12
* virt-df: 12
* geda-gattrib: 12
* google-perftools: 12
* batik: 12
* toped: 12
* kipi-plugins: 12
* alsa-utils: 12
* mod_fcgid: 12
* perl-Perl-MinimumVersion: 12
* libmatthew-java: 12
* geany: 12
* trousers: 12
* gssdp: 12
* gtk-nodoka-engine: 12
* perl-DBD-Pg: 12
* sugar-base: 12
* tomcat-native: 12
* supybot: 12
* gnome-subtitles: 12
* gallery2: 12
* clutter: 12
* docbook-dtds: 12
* patch: 12
* lsvpd: 12
* sbcl: 12
* gforth: 12
* ypbind: 12
* textflow: 12
* geda-examples: 12
* gamazons: 12
* gcstar: 12
* perl-namespace-clean: 12
* ocaml-ounit: 12
* libgadu: 12
* yaz: 12
* bti: 12
* ocaml-gsl: 12
* homebank: 12
* nautilus-sendto: 12
* rubygem-gem2rpm: 12
* LinLog: 12
* echo-artist: 12
* rsync: 12
* python-biopython: 12
* shared-mime-info: 12
* Zim: 12
* mod_wsgi: 12
* libsilc: 12
* munin: 12
* man-pages-ko: 12
* audit-viewer: 12
* lynx: 12
* at: 12
* perl-Sub-Exporter: 12
* rtorrent: 12
* trustedqsl: 12
* kphotoalbum: 12
* freetalk: 12
* fldigi: 12
* libdrm: 12
* hal: 12
* LabPlot: 12
* cowbell: 12
* mmdb: 12
* bash-completion: 12
* kmenu-gnome: 12
* fslint: 12
* shadow-utils: 12
* R-tkWidgets: 12
* avant-window-navigator: 12
* mono-tools: 12
* sympy: 12
* doxygen: 12
* libewf: 12
* cfengine: 12
* perl-File-Remove: 12
* file-browser-applet: 12
* rubygem-krb5-auth: 12
* xfmpc: 12
* nfs-utils-lib: 12
* fwknop: 12
* perl-Test-ClassAPI: 12
* sipp: 12
* merkaartor: 12
* xine-lib: 12
* swfdec: 12
* gimmix: 12
* geda-symbols: 12
* libAfterImage: 12
* hellanzb: 12
* libsndfile: 12
* python-pycurl: 12
* audio-entropyd: 12
* zenon: 12
* schroedinger: 12
* python-webtest: 12
* fedora-release: 12
* emerald: 12
* prelude-lml: 12
* fedora-package-config-apt: 12
* libxslt: 12
* redet: 12
* squirrelmail: 12
* libmusicbrainz3: 12
* hal-info: 12
* enchant: 12
* pyroom: 12
* fbpanel: 12
* ragel: 12
* nspr: 12
* python-formencode: 12
* shed: 12
* s3cmd: 12
* python-simplejson: 12
* alevt: 12
* txt2tags: 12
* lesstif: 12
* greadelf: 12
* granule: 12
* mapserver: 12
* httpd: 12
* net-snmp: 12
* libtorrent: 12
* immix: 12
* php-Smarty: 12
* glom: 12
* mew: 12
* perl-MRO-Compat: 12
* ucview: 12
* ntop: 12
* rubygem-actionmailer: 12
* gnome-applets: 12
* thunar-shares: 12
* speech-dispatcher: 12
* atop: 12
* iotop: 12
* taskjuggler: 12
* python-inotify: 12
* pmpu: 12
* daa2iso: 12
* f-spot: 12
* gstreamer-plugins-base: 12
* system-config-language: 12
* rubygem-activeresource: 12
* php-pear-Pager: 12
* ocaml-openin: 12
* parcellite: 12
* oggvideotools: 12
* maxima: 12
* wavpack: 12
* tilda: 12
* wxMaxima: 12
* qt3: 12
* xfce4-datetime-plugin: 12
* quicksynergy: 12
* ricci: 12
* ocaml-deriving: 12
* perl-Test-CPAN-Meta: 12
* kerneloops: 12
* logjam: 12
* emma: 12
* freetype: 12
* mutt: 12
* calcurse: 12
* R-DynDoc: 12
* perl-libwww-perl: 12
* notification-daemon-engine-nodoka: 12
* perl-Panotools-Script: 12
* mach: 12
* osmo: 12
* sqlite: 12
* kaya: 12
* vpnc: 12
* gcalctool: 12
* rxvt-unicode: 12
* clustermon: 12
* fedora-release-notes: 12
* gnutls: 12
* scim-tables: 12
* sugar-artwork: 12
* vegastrike-data: 12
* gtk2-engines: 12
* mcabber: 12
* monafont: 12
* ristretto: 12
* device-mapper-multipath: 12
* iproute: 12
* perl-QWizard: 12
* pl: 12
* gnome-themes-extras: 12
* pyrenamer: 12
* eog: 12
* ruby-augeas: 12
* e16: 12
* PolicyKit: 12
* libselinux: 12
* cpufrequtils: 12
* odfpy: 12
* gsynaptics: 12
* terminus-font: 12
* iprutils: 12
* paps: 12
* dvgrab: 12
* sdcc: 12
* ochusha: 12
* virt-top: 12
* perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate: 12
* iok: 12
* mcrypt: 12
* system-config-network: 12
* deskbar-applet: 12
* trustyrc: 12
* file-roller: 12
* R-hdf5: 12
* vsftpd: 12
* tcl-tile: 12
* mdadm: 12
* twinkle: 12
* ucblogo: 12
* subcommander: 12
* kpackagekit: 12
* igraph: 12
* rubygem-activesupport: 12
* hippo-canvas: 12
* ql2400-firmware: 12
* monotone: 12
* pem: 12
* gnome-applet-netspeed: 12
* perl-RPC-XML: 12
* ql2500-firmware: 12
* nethogs: 12
* rubygem-rails: 12
* cwdaemon: 12
* vdr-sudoku: 12
* bless: 12
* kde-plasma-runcommand: 12
* elfinfo: 12
* gwave: 12
* pam: 12
* ipsec-tools: 12
* perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped: 12
* openarena: 12
* geda-gschem: 12
* mono-addins: 12
* cronie: 12
* viewvc: 12
* guitone: 12
* licq: 12
* xorg-x11-drv-nv: 12
* xmlrpc-c: 12
* ocaml-omake: 12
* conman: 12
* pnp4nagios: 12
* enblend: 12
* gpsbabel: 12
* codeblocks: 12
* kbibtex: 12
* perl-Mail-Box: 12
* python-markdown2: 12
* geda-docs: 12
* picard: 12
* wings: 12
* iptables: 12
* eclipse-pydev: 12
* snort: 12
* glpk: 12
* xdrawchem: 12
* sugar-journal: 12
* scim-python: 12
* perl-DateTime-Format-DBI: 12
* alsa-firmware: 12
* ocaml-res: 12
* gtk-sharp2: 12
* quota: 12
* php-pear-Date-Holidays: 12
* vdr: 12
* scons: 12
* crossfire: 12
* perl-XML-TreeBuilder: 12
* xfce4-taskmanager: 12
* dopewars: 12
* conduit: 12
* R-widgetTools: 12
* python-turbojson: 12
* conky: 12
* nexuiz-data: 12
* lua: 12
* tk: 12
* GMT: 12
* python-setuptools: 12
* deco-archive: 12
* R-multtest: 12
* hugin: 12
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 12
* php-pecl-xdebug: 12
* kchmviewer: 12
* avogadro: 12
* imapsync: 12
* amsn: 12
* PyQt4: 12
* gprolog: 12
* python-pp: 12
* remoot: 12
* typespeed: 10
* python-numdisplay: 10
* why: 10
* gajim: 10
* perl-Business-Hours: 10
* php-pear-Cache-Lite: 10
* dahdi-tools: 10
* tangogps: 10
* nut: 10
* poker-eval: 10
* rss-glx: 10
* scim-array: 10
* transfig: 10
* poker-engine: 10
* mediawiki-ParserFunctions: 10
* alt-ergo: 10
* trickle: 10
* mldonkey: 10
* inksmoto: 10
* compiz-fusion: 10
* pypoker-eval: 10
* jmol: 10
* cstream: 10
* db4: 10
* spamass-milter: 10
* tcl-tktreectrl: 10
* tcl-tileqt: 10
* wastesedge: 10
* akonadi: 10
* python-flickrapi: 10
* opencv: 10
* lua-lpeg: 10
* drupal-views: 10
* libresample: 10
* octave-forge: 10
* dbus-c++: 10
* gpsman: 10
* xpdf: 10
* vamp-plugin-sdk: 10
* sip: 10
* fotowall: 10
* livecd-tools: 10
* xqilla: 10
* perl-Geo-IP: 10
* jna-posix: 10
* lua-posix: 10
* rpmdevtools: 10
* lcms: 10
* getdata: 10
* lighttpd: 10
* liboggz: 10
* offlineimap: 10
* bugzilla: 10
* rubygem-gruff: 10
* soprano: 10
* soundmodem: 10
* ipod-sharp: 10
* E: 10
* php-pecl-ssh2: 10
* eclipse-gef: 10
* xmlto: 10
* gegl: 8
* tcl-tclvfs: 8
* cylindrix: 8
* openssl: 8
* zeroinstall-injector: 8
* perl-Class-Inspector: 8
* perl-Array-Compare: 8
* perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable: 8
* rkward: 8
* ltspfs: 8
* glade3: 8
* trytond: 8
* rcssserver3d: 8
* fbreader: 8
* hping3: 8
* djview4: 8
* edb: 8
* frozen-bubble: 8
* PyYAML: 8
* anthy: 8
* libmcrypt: 8
* php-pear-Services-Weather: 8
* maniadrive: 8
* koji: 8
* bkchem: 8
* fedora-ds-console: 8
* libsynce: 8
* sweep: 8
* pciutils: 8
* gnupg2: 8
* libiphone: 8
* examiner: 8
* adminutil: 8
* qle: 8
* python-paramiko: 8
* nettee: 8
* emotion: 8
* fedora-ds: 8
* qgtkstyle: 8
* nx: 8
* python-gammu: 8
* pssh: 8
* garmindev: 8
* fedora-ds-admin-console: 8
* gnome-hearts: 8
* python-storm: 8
* e_dbus: 8
* mm3d: 8
* libftdi: 8
* ksshaskpass: 8
* python-openoffice: 8
* exempi: 8
* boost: 8
* php-pecl-memcache: 8
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 8
* php: 8
* perl-GraphViz: 8
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize: 8
* wammu: 8
* tokyocabinet: 8
* perl-Gtk2-Sexy: 8
* libicns: 8
* perl-MooseX-Types: 8
* maatkit: 8
* libsvm: 8
* perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers: 8
* ocsinventory: 8
* gnomint: 8
* Pound: 8
* wordwarvi: 8
* gpsdrive: 8
* nebula: 8
* scipy: 8
* ale: 8
* rubygem-nokogiri: 8
* ocsinventory-agent: 8
* libgee: 8
* R-GeneR: 8
* ghc: 8
* uncrustify: 8
* bam: 8
* gerbv: 8
* openswan: 8
* dbmail: 8
* glpi-data-injection: 8
* php-xmpphp: 8
* optipng: 8
* bit: 8
* unbound: 8
* yaboot: 8
* xosview: 8
* perl-CPAN-Mini: 8
* libedit: 8
* httrack: 8
* TurboGears: 8
* check: 8
* unuran: 8
* fantasdic: 8
* psi: 8
* libconcord: 8
* nss_ldap: 8
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 8
* R-BufferedMatrix: 8
* erlang: 8
* perl-Module-Versions-Report: 8
* roundup: 8
* nyquist: 8
* perl-mogilefs-server: 8
* aterm: 8
* perl-Test-Strict: 8
* nvclock: 8
* perl-HTML-Tiny: 8
* glpi-mass-ocs-import: 8
* dnsperf: 8
* efreet: 8
* sqliteman: 8
* idm-console-framework: 8
* system-config-date: 8
* gflags: 8
* ganglia: 8
* gnome-applet-jalali-calendar: 8
* electric: 8
* perl-Hook-LexWrap: 8
* edje: 8
* sudo: 8
* idw-gpl: 8
* tqsllib: 8
* sagator: 8
* fedora-ds-dsgw: 8
* transifex: 8
* GeoIP: 8
* barry: 8
* deco: 8
* fontpackages: 8
* concordance: 8
* perl-Test-Inline: 8
* hercules: 8
* eclipse-slide: 8
* perl-Data-ICal: 8
* enlightenment: 8
* cups-pdf: 8
* freehoo: 8
* file: 8
* klamav: 8
* jhead: 8
* hatari: 8
* tryton: 8
* python-libgmail: 8
* jfreechart: 6
* libgnomecanvas: 6
* libsexy: 6
* ocfs2-tools: 6
* testdisk: 6
* alpine: 6
* tecnoballz: 6
* authconfig: 6
* libprojectM-qt: 6
* perl-File-Comments: 6
* perl-Text-vFile-asData: 6
* perl-DateTime: 6
* svxlink: 6
* minisat2: 6
* perl-Module-Starter: 6
* tunctl: 6
* perl-Tk-TableMatrix: 6
* python-Levenshtein: 6
* perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA: 6
* xmms-pulse: 6
* xerces-c: 6
* poker3d: 6
* xorg-x11-proto-devel: 6
* perl-YAML-Tiny: 6
* xmbdfed: 6
* ruby-libvirt: 6
* perl-XML-Generator-DBI: 6
* thunar-archive-plugin: 6
* jcommon: 6
* ratbox-services: 6
* qtpfsgui: 6
* almanah: 6
* tomboy: 6
* wput: 6
* beesu: 6
* gkrellm: 6
* rxtx: 6
* ppp: 6
* plexus-graph: 6
* xorg-x11-server-utils: 6
* perl-MooseX-App-Cmd: 6
* xgrep: 6
* uriparser: 6
* monodevelop: 6
* python-boto: 6
* chntpw: 6
* perl-XML-Smart: 6
* tclchecker: 6
* subversion: 6
* smolt: 6
* sdparm: 6
* xenwatch: 6
* perl-Event-Lib: 6
* ivtv-utils: 6
* perl-Template-Provider-Encoding: 6
* wxGlade: 6
* cvs: 6
* libnetfilter_log: 6
* perl-Pod-Tests: 6
* trac: 6
* gypsy: 6
* usermode: 6
* cfv: 6
* wol: 6
* ufiformat: 6
* un-extra-fonts: 6
* openconnect: 6
* xqf: 6
* rhgb: 6
* tkcon: 6
* perl-Data-Visitor: 6
* libsqlite3x: 6
* perl-DBIx-Class: 6
* Pyrex: 6
* acl: 6
* kismet: 6
* jwhois: 6
* tiquit: 6
* perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig: 6
* jokosher: 6
* sabayon: 6
* sms_ntsc: 6
* tclpro: 6
* rpm: 6
* ocp: 6
* python-pgsql: 6
* conntrack-tools: 6
* yacpi: 6
* m17n-contrib: 6
* ffcall: 6
* multiget: 6
* perl-Catalyst-View-JSON: 6
* arts: 6
* kde-plasma-lancelot: 6
* R-DBI: 6
* gai: 6
* libacpi: 6
* numptyphysics: 6
* postgresql-odbcng: 6
* synce-kpm: 6
* xmms2: 6
* epeg: 6
* xorg-x11-utils: 6
* afflib: 6
* switchdesk: 6
* perl-qooxdoo-compat: 6
* perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl: 6
* GLC_lib: 6
* telepathy-stream-engine: 6
* xfce4-mount-plugin: 6
* man-pages-it: 6
* pAgenda: 6
* perl-Data-Stag: 6
* m4ri: 6
* gitosis: 6
* presto: 6
* vdr-wapd: 6
* chkrootkit: 6
* apachetop: 6
* mimedefang: 6
* lilypond-doc: 6
* Inventor: 6
* diveintopython: 6
* authd: 6
* tcldebugger: 6
* compizconfig-python: 6
* python-ply: 6
* ocaml-cmigrep: 6
* vegastrike: 6
* gdesklets: 6
* e16-epplets: 6
* tuxtype2: 6
* rubygem-pervasives: 6
* ocaml-lablgtk: 6
* python-turboflot: 6
* tex-zfuzz: 6
* odccm: 6
* ifstat: 6
* js: 6
* drupal-date: 6
* pungi: 6
* python-mako: 6
* jpackage-utils: 6
* libsemanage: 6
* pngcrush: 6
* perl-Carp-Clan: 6
* R-lmtest: 6
* gecko-sharp2: 6
* mt-st: 6
* openais: 6
* python-igraph: 6
* ebnetd: 6
* rdma: 6
* lzo: 6
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid: 6
* vim: 6
* kdebluetooth: 6
* cluttermm: 6
* perl-Module-Depends: 6
* rubygem-reststop: 6
* plt-scheme: 6
* wildmidi: 6
* sigen: 6
* maven-scm: 6
* perl-File-LibMagic: 6
* gnuplot-py: 6
* rubygem-mechanize: 6
* php-pecl-mailparse: 6
* perl-Net-SMTP-SSL: 6
* denyhosts: 6
* arp-scan: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP: 6
* php-pear-Net-Curl: 6
* aspell: 6
* opal: 6
* python-yenc: 6
* mlocate: 6
* python-virtkey: 6
* freedink: 6
* haddock09: 6
* ocaml-cil: 6
* lxlauncher: 6
* obconf: 6
* procbench: 6
* python-vobject: 6
* libvoikko: 6
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 6
* python-peak-util-extremes: 6
* stardict: 6
* php-pear-Cache: 6
* ultimatestunts: 6
* gnonlin: 6
* hddtemp: 6
* libss7: 6
* foomatic: 6
* python-logilab-common: 6
* scrub: 6
* perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive: 6
* garmin-sync: 6
* pards: 6
* bouncycastle: 6
* dvipdfm: 6
* gedit-plugins: 6
* netstiff: 6
* traceroute: 6
* libcapseo: 6
* qsynth: 6
* goffice: 6
* nxt_python: 6
* starplot: 6
* ht: 6
* ladspa-mcp-plugins: 6
* speex: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CGI-Untaint: 6
* php-pear-Payment-Process: 6
* astyle: 6
* perl-String-Random: 6
* hdrprep: 6
* orsa: 6
* xorg-x11-xkb-utils: 6
* python-dictclient: 6
* lostlabyrinth-sounds: 6
* perl-Calendar-Simple: 6
* perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate: 6
* mod_bw: 6
* perl-Text-SpellChecker: 6
* gnome-libs: 6
* scummvm: 6
* cwrite: 6
* python-numeric: 6
* netcdf: 6
* perl-Object-InsideOut: 6
* lsnipes: 6
* horde: 6
* python-tag: 6
* python-tw-forms: 6
* wdaemon: 6
* perl-PAR: 6
* srecord: 6
* hunspell-gu: 6
* perl-Net-Daemon: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-elographics: 6
* libgda: 6
* darkgarden-fonts: 6
* perl-Module-ScanDeps: 6
* gtksourceview-sharp: 6
* sword: 6
* dfu-programmer: 6
* getmail: 6
* eclipse-rpm-editor: 6
* pybliographer: 6
* ruby-taglib: 6
* moe: 6
* perl-parent: 6
* perl-Sub-Override: 6
* asunder: 6
* perl-MooseX-Getopt: 6
* khmeros-fonts: 6
* tgif: 6
* scim-bridge: 6
* perl-TAP-Harness: 6
* nagios-plugins-check_sip: 6
* ogdi: 6
* gnome-terminal: 6
* clisp: 6
* libpaper: 6
* R-RSQLite: 6
* incollector: 6
* perl-Object-MultiType: 6
* libcaptury: 6
* perl-Class-InsideOut: 6
* icu: 6
* php-pear-Net-DNS: 6
* alsa-lib: 6
* perl-Test-Mock-LWP: 6
* comix: 6
* checkpolicy: 6
* a2ps: 6
* bigboard: 6
* libbtctl: 6
* gbdfed: 6
* sound-juicer: 6
* piklab: 6
* vdr-remote: 6
* perl-IO-TieCombine: 6
* tcsh: 6
* perl-Test-Expect: 6
* eclipse-mylyn: 6
* paraview: 6
* php-magickwand: 6
* msort: 6
* beep: 6
* pymol: 6
* qemu: 6
* perl-IPC-Run3: 6
* lua-socket: 6
* xemacs-packages-extra: 6
* kid3: 6
* perl-Class-C3-Componentised: 6
* ibus-chewing: 6
* libhocr: 6
* logrotate: 6
* ocaml-calendar: 6
* qrq: 6
* python-paste-deploy: 6
* perl-XML-Stream: 6
* cryptopp: 6
* dvipdfmx: 6
* gabedit: 6
* php-pecl-radius: 6
* slim: 6
* ed: 6
* perl-Perl-Critic: 6
* bcrypt: 6
* cpan-upload: 6
* python-routes: 6
* obex-data-server: 6
* squirrel: 6
* lensfun: 6
* mediawiki-StubManager: 6
* drgeo: 6
* kcirbshooter: 6
* snobol: 6
* libibverbs: 6
* php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo: 6
* perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes: 6
* weplab: 6
* scim-thai: 6
* vttest: 6
* emacs: 6
* pymetar: 6
* words: 6
* jbrout: 6
* metacafe-dl: 6
* libextractor: 6
* perl-Set-Crontab: 6
* rcssbase: 6
* jabberd: 6
* pyvnc2swf: 6
* tkcvs: 6
* perl-Term-Size: 6
* libvorbis: 6
* perl-Apache2-SOAP: 6
* git-cola: 6
* lostlabyrinth: 6
* binclock: 6
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 6
* abgraph: 6
* pspp: 6
* vinagre: 6
* nrpe: 6
* libpar2: 6
* python-paver: 6
* perl-Class-Data-Accessor: 6
* publican-ovirt: 6
* xfce4-verve-plugin: 6
* perl-Net-Ping-External: 6
* lua-expat: 6
* crack: 6
* php-pear-Image-GraphViz: 6
* unison213: 6
* python: 6
* lsscsi: 6
* exaile: 6
* php-pear-Var-Dump: 6
* libotr: 6
* perl-TAP-Harness-Archive: 6
* drivel: 6
* python-markdown: 6
* limph: 6
* stardict-dic-zh_TW: 6
* fmt-ptrn: 6
* perl-IPTables-ChainMgr: 6
* tomcat5: 6
* sgml-common: 6
* ibp: 6
* nkf: 6
* python-peak-util-addons: 6
* lam: 6
* lilypond: 6
* robodoc: 6
* mkelfimage: 6
* php-pear-Net-Socket: 6
* swarp: 6
* perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader: 6
* xwnc: 6
* libvpd: 6
* python-pyasn1: 6
* libdc1394: 6
* rekall: 6
* drupal-service_links: 6
* perl-IO-Socket-SSL: 6
* perl-IPC-Run-SafeHandles: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace: 6
* openalchemist: 6
* libuninum: 6
* libnetfilter_conntrack: 6
* tog-pegasus: 6
* hgsvn: 6
* wget: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-Pg: 6
* python-musicbrainz2: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-Natural: 6
* perl-Sort-Naturally: 6
* php-pear-XML-Util: 6
* online-desktop: 6
* xcircuit: 6
* openbabel: 6
* php-pear-Image-Graph: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl: 6
* libtcd: 6
* biniax: 6
* perl-Test-SubCalls: 6
* gnome-session: 6
* fedora-gnome-theme: 6
* perl-Time-Duration: 6
* perl-Config-Grammar: 6
* corrida: 6
* gsf-sharp: 6
* librra: 6
* telepathy-sofiasip: 6
* rubygem-rspec: 6
* ekg2: 6
* fcgi: 6
* rubygem-gettext: 6
* lat: 6
* padauk-fonts: 6
* wqy-zenhei-fonts: 6
* disktype: 6
* libopensync-plugin-opie: 6
* bluez-gnome: 6
* yum-metadata-parser: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap: 6
* DivFix++: 6
* xinetd: 6
* gnome-keyring: 6
* cfdg-fe: 6
* namazu: 6
* lua-sql: 6
* iml: 6
* libgdiplus: 6
* wxGTK: 6
* gnurobots: 6
* cpio: 6
* verbiste: 6
* lxde-common: 6
* translation-filter: 6
* perl-DBI: 6
* perl-Alien-wxWidgets: 6
* epsilon: 6
* bouncycastle-mail: 6
* eventlog: 6
* python-rdflib: 6
* roadstencil-fonts: 6
* R-bigmemory: 6
* unikurd-web-font: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-glint: 6
* R-nws: 6
* docbook-utils: 6
* perl-Config-IniHash: 6
* ocaml-mysql: 6
* libmsn: 6
* perl-Test-MockTime: 6
* php-pear-Net-IPv4: 6
* dnrd: 6
* dcraw: 6
* php-pear-Image-Color: 6
* python-pmw: 6
* bzip2: 6
* rubygem-hpricot: 6
* txt2rss: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-vesa: 6
* python-twisted: 6
* gmp-ecm: 6
* ax25-tools: 6
* biloba: 6
* libtrash: 6
* oprofile: 6
* sysusage: 6
* am-utils: 6
* atari++: 6
* berusky: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Model-XMLRPC: 6
* gpp4: 6
* mpfr: 6
* 6
* rubygem-highline: 6
* xfdesktop: 6
* byacc: 6
* nxtvepg: 6
* xaos: 6
* rpmrebuild: 6
* perl-CSS: 6
* orca: 6
* archimedes: 6
* rubygem-sqlite3-ruby: 6
* ttf2pt1: 6
* vdr-tvonscreen: 6
* bunny: 6
* perl-Data-TreeDumper: 6
* glew: 6
* mod_perl: 6
* anaconda: 6
* vorbis-tools: 6
* fs_mark: 6
* libnetfilter_queue: 6
* SOAPpy: 6
* libtiff: 6
* monitor-edid: 6
* libsepol: 6
* zsh: 6
* gnome-gmail-notifier: 6
* winpdb: 6
* perl-Mail-DKIM: 6
* python-IPy: 6
* remctl: 6
* vdr-femon: 6
* xlockmore: 6
* player: 6
* libdbi-drivers: 6
* libnids: 6
* mysql-gui-tools: 6
* galculator: 6
* vdr-streamdev: 6
* syncevolution: 6
* ql23xx-firmware: 6
* soundconverter: 6
* usb_modeswitch: 6
* wgrib2: 6
* R-car: 6
* clutter-cairo: 6
* perl-Razor-Agent: 6
* netlabel_tools: 6
* guiloader: 6
* mash: 6
* conmux: 6
* mediawiki-SpecialInterwiki: 6
* BackupPC: 6
* sunbird: 6
* qps: 6
* gnome-menus: 6
* perl-File-ShareDir: 6
* xfce4-fsguard-plugin: 6
* perl-Lingua-Preferred: 6
* sitecopy: 6
* link-grammar: 6
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA: 6
* gtk+: 6
* mediatomb: 6
* libopensync-plugin-google-calendar: 6
* vdradmin-am: 6
* perl-Tie-ToObject: 6
* libtopology: 6
* soundtracker: 6
* Canna: 6
* apt-mirror: 6
* griv: 6
* libkexiv2: 6
* scim-sayura: 6
* python-matplotlib: 6
* comedilib: 6
* ocaml-xmlrpc-light: 6
* postgresql-odbc: 6
* callweaver: 6
* rubygem-git: 6
* docbook-slides: 6
* telepathy-glib: 6
* vegastrike-music: 6
* odt2txt: 6
* k12linux-quick-start-guide: 6
* xwota: 6
* grc: 6
* GLC_Player: 6
* kinput2: 6
* pyPdf: 6
* dsniff: 6
* libmirage: 6
* perl-XML-Entities: 6
* scponly: 6
* gstreamer-plugins-flumpegdemux: 6
* jna: 6
* perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta: 6
* stunnel: 6
* libgeotiff: 6
* python-tidy: 6
* staden-io_lib: 6
* e16-themes: 6
* tla: 6
* gnustep-make: 6
* python-mpd: 6
* emacspeak: 6
* klear: 6
* constantine: 6
* ocaml-json-wheel: 6
* perl-Net-DNS: 6
* brazil: 6
* istanbul: 6
* pyclutter: 6
* ksh: 6
* ezstream: 6
* perl-rpm-build-perl: 6
* python-twisted-lore: 6
* docbook-style-xsl: 6
* libopensync-plugin-gnokii: 6
* python-prioritized-methods: 6
* perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed: 6
* python-dtopt: 6
* siege: 6
* farsight: 6
* node: 6
* tuxguitar: 6
* seq24: 6
* messiggy: 6
* php-pecl-apc: 6
* gtksourceview2: 6
* dnssec-tools: 6
* muine: 6
* libopensync-plugin-vformat: 6
* PolicyKit-olpc: 6
* pygobject2: 6
* pulseaudio: 6
* opticalraytracer: 6
* cdcollect: 6
* tig: 6
* libotf: 6
* ikarus: 6
* GraphicsMagick: 6
* perl-SOAP-Lite: 6
* librapi: 6
* perl-Test-Signature: 6
* v4l2ucp: 6
* gtest: 6
* cscope: 6
* gscan2pdf: 6
* lxtask: 6
* solfege: 6
* pycairo: 6
* dblatex: 6
* perl-Text-Smart-Plugin: 6
* freenx-client: 6
* perl-Sysadm-Install: 6
* xfce4-notes-plugin: 6
* lzma: 6
* inadyn: 6
* fig2sxd: 6
* blt: 6
* simcoupe: 6
* jetty: 6
* glibc: 6
* ipython: 6
* perl-Crypt-Rijndael: 6
* python-rabbyt: 6
* drascula: 6
* php-laconica: 6
* mcstrans: 6
* perl-Math-BigInt-GMP: 6
* gl2ps: 6
* vtun: 6
* tkimg: 6
* gl-117: 6
* nettle: 6
* perl-Config-Record: 6
* php-pear-Auth-OpenID: 6
* libyahoo2: 6
* ack: 6
* xournal: 6
* perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope: 6
* ms-sys: 6
* ssbd: 6
* pgp-tools: 6
* lxsession-lite: 6
* libcgroup: 6
* crossfire-maps: 6
* libwnck: 6
* itzam-core: 6
* php-pear-SOAP: 6
* chktex: 6
* libxcb: 6
* ppl: 6
* inn: 6
* irclog2html: 6
* perl-PDF-API2: 6
* ptlib: 6
* python-BeautifulSoup: 6
* driconf: 6
* html2ps: 6
* geeqie: 6
* aiccu: 6
* perl-GO-TermFinder: 6
* mbuffer: 6
* ruby-RRDtool: 6
* munipack: 6
* libopensync-plugin-moto: 6
* milkytracker: 6
* insight: 6
* perl-asa: 6
* ustr: 6
* telepathy-mission-control: 6
* snmp++: 6
* recordmydesktop: 6
* perl-Class-Factory: 6
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 6
* lxterminal: 6
* memtester: 6
* dietlibc: 6
* koffice: 6
* perl-Log-Dispatch: 6
* qsstv: 6
* xlcrack: 6
* md5deep: 6
* perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile: 6
* cdpr: 6
* workrave: 6
* telepathy-salut: 6
* elinks: 6
* smbldap-tools: 6
* ocaml-lwt: 6
* nasm: 6
* prover9: 6
* perl-Net-SSH-Perl: 6
* dxpc: 6
* erlang-pgsql: 6
* swingx: 6
* renrot: 6
* perl-XML-XPathEngine: 6
* libmthca: 6
* perl-Net-SSH2: 6
* tennix: 6
* babel: 6
* perl-Algorithm-Permute: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest: 6
* screenruler: 6
* libpreludedb: 6
* rubygems: 6
* perl-SVG: 6
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Perl: 6
* php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect: 6
* perl-Mouse: 6
* vldocking: 6
* spandsp: 6
* colordiff: 6
* beediff: 6
* xfce4-diskperf-plugin: 6
* pstreams-devel: 6
* xdialog: 6
* sfxr: 6
* hdf5: 6
* librelp: 6
* mathmap: 6
* php-pear-XML-Beautifier: 6
* anaconda-yum-plugins: 6
* gxine: 6
* libnfnetlink: 6
* stratagus: 6
* pdfresurrect: 6
* thebridge: 6
* checkgmail: 6
* qscintilla: 6
* polyml: 6
* gnome-user-docs: 6
* perl-Class-Method-Modifiers: 6
* rpc2: 6
* ebook-tools: 6
* zoneminder: 6
* cflow: 6
* rsstool: 6
* gpsk31: 6
* php-pear-HTTP-Request: 6
* perl-aliased: 6
* perl-Text-WrapI18N: 6
* Xaw3d: 6
* libgssglue: 6
* imsettings: 6
* pdfmerge: 6
* ctrlproxy: 6
* k3b: 6
* turba: 6
* perl-PAR-Dist: 6
* xchat: 6
* perl-Text-CharWidth: 6
* olpc-netutils: 6
* system-switch-displaymanager: 6
* gadmin-squid: 6
* xfce4-xkb-plugin: 6
* perl-AnyEvent: 6
* cmucl: 6
* seekwatcher: 6
* dbus-qt3: 6
* gridloc: 6
* perl-XML-LibXML: 6
* libXfont: 6
* perl-Event-ExecFlow: 6
* openvas-libraries: 6
* perl-Satcon: 6
* perl-boolean: 6
* mtpaint: 6
* nautilus-python: 6
* php-pear-Auth: 6
* synce-gnomevfs: 6
* kBuild: 6
* seahorse: 6
* libxklavier: 6
* sofia-sip: 6
* wbxml2: 6
* qt4-theme-quarticurve: 6
* papyrus: 6
* pystatgrab: 6
* tdom: 6
* bcfg2: 6
* perl-Text-CSV_XS: 6
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple: 6
* transbot: 6
* rvm: 6
* bittorrent: 6
* libmicrohttpd: 6
* freedink-data: 6
* jabberpy: 6
* perl-Email-Date: 6
* 0xFFFF: 6
* scim: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session: 6
* php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect: 6
* extrema: 6
* docbook-simple: 6
* tmispell-voikko: 6
* perl-MailTools: 6
* atanks: 6
* qtoctave: 6
* bibletime: 6
* perl-Image-Info: 6
* eclipse-subclipse: 6
* grisbi: 6
* gts: 6
* gtk-gnutella: 6
* joni: 6
* rubber: 6
* snownews: 6
* fftw: 6
* dasher: 6
* eclipse: 6
* tcl: 6
* parprouted: 6
* nocpulse-common: 6
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 6
* perl-Params-Validate: 6
* beanstalkd: 6
* mairix: 6
* babl: 6
* balance: 6
* libopensync-plugin-gpe: 6
* VLGothic-fonts: 6
* python-paste: 6
* perl-Locale-SubCountry: 6
* WindowMaker: 6
* libntlm: 6
* amora: 6
* libupnp: 6
* neon: 6
* quilt: 6
* libdiscid: 6
* xmms: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: 6
* perl-Text-Wrapper: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache: 6
* cvs2svn: 6
* tex-simplecv: 6
* php-oauth: 6
* perl-Module-Util: 6
* eel2: 6
* pyparsing: 6
* fuse-python: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex: 6
* rootsh: 6
* dkms: 6
* jgoodies-forms: 6
* ocaml-lablgl: 6
* unison227: 6
* perl-Template-Alloy: 6
* libopensync-plugin-python: 6
* darkice: 6
* pygoocanvas: 6
* python-dotconf: 6
* pypop: 6
* rubygem-markaby: 6
* lapack: 6
* lxappearance: 6
* perl-Mail-GnuPG: 6
* elice: 6
* xorg-x11-xtrans-devel: 6
* cpdup: 6
* freedink-dfarc: 6
* gtkwave: 6
* bibus: 6
* projectM-jack: 6
* perl-Net-Netmask: 6
* glob2: 6
* qgit: 6
* rubygem-rack: 6
* perl-Math-FFT: 6
* perl-App-Cmd: 6
* php-pear-Net-FTP: 6
* xorg-x11-xinit: 6
* nessus-libraries: 6
* vino: 6
* NetworkManager-openconnect: 6
* httperf: 6
* frysk: 6
* ocaml-gettext: 6
* python-exif: 6
* upx: 6
* pymssql: 6
* itaka: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Runtime: 6
* gdl: 6
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst: 6
* perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent: 6
* perl-Regexp-Copy: 6
* cook: 6
* mtx: 6
* twitux: 6
* unique: 6
* ruby-openid: 6
* protobuf: 6
* perl-Filesys-Df: 6
* xmmsctrl: 6
* ecryptfs-utils: 6
* m17n-db: 6
* libgnomeui: 6
* atlas: 6
* wraplinux: 6
* gazpacho: 6
* synce-trayicon: 6
* mediawiki-imagemap: 6
* bsd-games: 6
* nes_ntsc: 6
* ruby-cairo: 6
* manaworld: 6
* perl-Sub-Name: 6
* muine-scrobbler: 6
* perl-Regexp-Assemble: 6
* tomcat6: 6
* php-pear-Auth-RADIUS: 6
* perl-Apache-DBI: 6
* kio_sword: 6
* bcel: 6
* gnomeradio: 6
* afuse: 6
* gossip: 6
* newt: 6
* samcoupe-rom: 6
* perl-B-Keywords: 6
* e16-keyedit: 6
* perl-BDB: 6
* spamassassin: 6
* libzrtpcpp: 6
* php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql: 6
* perl-Event: 6
* perl-Test-Dependencies: 6
* rubygem-arrayfields: 6
* npush: 6
* json-glib: 6
* cfdg: 6
* perl-Crypt-DSA: 6
* xxdiff: 6
* python-iniparse: 6
* gengetopt: 6
* taglib-sharp: 6
* dbus-python: 6
* gnome-sharp: 6
* libSM: 6
* ncurses: 6
* metacity: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext: 6
* rsibreak: 6
* pymsn: 6
* quesoglc: 6
* mpich2: 6
* evince: 6
* sublib: 6
* perl-Task-Weaken: 6
* preload: 6
* gail: 6
* fetchmail: 6
* cpuid: 6
* ccsm: 6
* gmm: 6
* fonts-japanese: 6
* pyxdg: 6
* schedtool: 6
* php-pdb: 6
* sl: 6
* crack-attack: 6
* pvm: 6
* SDL_mixer: 6
* centerim: 6
* perl-Font-AFM: 6
* eiciel: 6
* pidgin-otr: 6
* taglib: 6
* dejagnu: 6
* python-wikimarkup: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-Oracle: 6
* lwp: 6
* perl-Digest-Nilsimsa: 6
* dynamite: 6
* gnuradio: 6
* cvsutils: 6
* libdvdread: 6
* perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword: 6
* teseq: 6
* python-paste-script: 6
* OpenIPMI: 6
* guilt: 6
* perl-DBD-Multi: 6
* perl-Mail-IMAPClient: 6
* perl-Test-Block: 6
* latencytop: 6
* ekiga: 6
* gedit-latex-plugin: 6
* R-zoo: 6
* perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl: 6
* calamaris: 6
* libopensync-plugin-palm: 6
* gstreamer-java: 6
* cpqarrayd: 6
* stardict-dic-zh_CN: 6
* bogofilter: 6
* wmx: 6
* purple-plugin_pack: 6
* ocaml-libvirt: 6
* perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class: 6
* perl-HTML-Encoding: 6
* dbxml-perl: 6
* telepathy-butterfly: 6
* lazarus: 6
* pdns-recursor: 6
* rubygem-attributes: 6
* g2ipmsg: 6
* vaspview: 6
* altermime: 6
* xnec2c: 6
* perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory: 6
* libertas-usb8388-firmware: 6
* libnxml: 6
* kdeaddons: 6
* libspectrum: 6
* perl-Schedule-Cron-Events: 6
* php-pear-PhpDocumentor: 6
* jcip-annotations: 6
* checkdns: 6
* hal-cups-utils: 6
* mars-sim: 6
* libopensync-plugin-irmc: 6
* pytz: 6
* vodovod: 6
* gstreamer: 6
* tesseract: 6
* fluxbox: 6
* perl-IPTables-Parse: 6
* perl-Net-RawIP: 6
* perl-Email-Find: 6
* perl-XML-LibXSLT: 6
* ranpwd: 6
* dvipng: 6
* arpack: 6
* perl-URI-FromHash: 6
* perl-Sub-Identify: 6
* python-webhelpers: 6
* q: 6
* perl-Unicode-MapUTF8: 6
* scsi-target-utils: 6
* aubio: 6
* libprojectM: 6
* pdfedit: 6
* boswars-addons: 6
* xfce4-timer-plugin: 6
* texlive: 6
* partimage: 6
* pyfits: 6
* artwiz-aleczapka-fonts: 6
* clex: 6
* rakarrack: 6
* avahi: 6
* python-cssutils: 6
* perl-IO-AIO: 6
* libcompizconfig: 6
* goocanvas: 6
* perl-Verilog: 6
* rubygem-picnic: 6
* perl-HTML-Template-Pro: 6
* pango: 6
* enscript: 6
* perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction: 6
* pyicq-t: 6
* gtkmm24: 6
* perl-XML-DOM-XPath: 6
* gresolver: 6
* sk2py: 6
* taginfo: 6
* telepathy-haze: 6
* ocaml-ocamlgraph: 6
* python-nose: 6
* rubygem-builder: 6
* gnome-python2: 6
* fluidsynth: 6
* perl-Text-Smart: 6
* pisg: 6
* log4cxx: 6
* stk: 6
* perl-Text-Template: 6
* haddock: 6
* scummvm-tools: 6
* squidGuard: 6
* puritan: 6
* gnome-keyring-sharp: 6
* pcb: 6
* perl-Authen-Captcha: 6
* python-peak-util-symbols: 6
* abcMIDI: 6
* perl-File-Slurp: 6
* system-config-vsftpd: 6
* glpi-pdf: 6
* perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP: 6
* grace: 6
* xdotool: 6
* lcov: 6
* cddlib: 6
* msynctool: 6
* impressive: 6
* xsel: 6
* lua-filesystem: 6
* ocaml-type-conv: 6
* compizconfig-backend-gconf: 6
* perl-GnuPG-Interface: 6
* synce-sync-engine: 6
* pyevent: 6
* aprsd: 6
* liberation-fonts: 6
* perl-PHP-Serialization: 6
* perl-Gnome2-VFS: 6
* ircd-ratbox: 6
* catfish: 6
* python-tftpy: 6
* snes_ntsc: 6
* simdock: 6
* smokeping: 6
* perl-Expect-Simple: 6
* pgbouncer: 6
* php-pear-Console-ProgressBar: 6
* mercator: 6
* perl-Module-Install: 6
* python-wsgiproxy: 6
* perl-Regexp-Common: 6
* eclipse-changelog: 6
* cksfv: 6
* pyusb: 6
* gnokii: 6
* rsh: 6
* mediawiki-HNP: 6
* openlayers: 6
* xfhell: 6
* mousetweaks: 6
* flex: 6
* pgadmin3: 6
* gtk-recordmydesktop: 6
* php-pear-Numbers-Words: 6
* python-daap: 6
* libvidcap: 6
* guile: 6
* ferm: 6
* tktray: 6
* tex-fonts-hebrew: 6
* python-pylons: 6
* publican-genome: 6
* saoimage: 6
* mirrormanager: 6
* gupnp-tools: 6
* python-augeas: 6
* pam_krb5: 6
* lpsk31: 6
* gdesklets-goodweather: 6
* totem-pl-parser: 6
* ocaml-lacaml: 6
* htmlparser: 6
* chrony: 6
* trophy: 6
* xdg-utils: 6
* xfce-mcs-plugins-extra: 6
* ibus-hangul: 6
* perl-Check-ISA: 6
* OpenEXR_Viewers: 6
* mkdst: 6
* hunspell-ar: 6
* kita: 6
* xfce4-mailwatch-plugin: 6
* gnome-python2-desktop: 6
* php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA: 6
* perl-Wx: 6
* emelfm2: 6
* xfce4-places-plugin: 6
* coredumper: 6
* greylistd: 6
* xesam-glib: 6
* gchempaint: 6
* primer3: 6
* festival: 6
* bzflag: 6
* kphotobymail: 6
* rubygem-main: 6
* perl-PPI: 6
* ecl: 6
* eg: 6
* perl-HTML-FromText: 6
* fio: 6
* gnome-spell: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-DB2: 6
* bytelist: 6
* meld: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-mga: 6
* perl-Config-General: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema: 6
* balsa: 6
* perl-AppConfig-Std: 6
* gtkimageview: 6
* liblinebreak: 6
* perl-Data-Dump: 6
* museek+: 6
* empathy: 6
* rubygem-gem_plugin: 6
* gnue-common: 6
* logstalgia: 6
* crcimg: 6
* perl-Event-RPC: 6
* un-core-fonts: 6
* texlive-texmf: 6
* gstreamermm: 6
* libglade2: 6
* compizconfig-backend-kconfig: 6
* gwget: 6
* tcl-tcludp: 6
* udns: 6
* lynis: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File: 6
* gnubg: 6
* gpm: 6
* hanazono-fonts: 6
* nled: 6
* aplus-fsf: 6
* midori: 6
* MySQL-python: 6
* ocaml-mikmatch: 6
* perl-SVG-Graph: 6
* gpsim: 6
* monosim: 6
* pidgin-facebookchat: 6
* dnstracer: 6
* fuse-smb: 6
* freecol: 6
* quickfix: 6
* perl-File-Flat: 6
* cleanfeed: 6
* libopensync-plugin-file: 6
* gnome-do: 6
* sysstat: 6
* perl-Catalyst-View-TT: 6
* trac-bazaar-plugin: 6
* pngnq: 6
* cave9: 6
* apricots: 6
* xfce4-dev-tools: 6
* nwsclient: 6
* ocaml-bitstring: 6
* telepathy-gabble: 6
* emesene: 6
* xkeyboard-config: 6
* perl-Business-CreditCard: 6
* perl-Devel-Cover: 6
* adonthell: 6
* syslog-ng: 6
* screen: 6
* python-eyed3: 6
* perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu: 6
* bootconf: 6
* ettercap: 6
* perl-Test-MinimumVersion: 6
* xfbib: 6
* arj: 6
* perl-Log-TraceMessages: 6
* ptrash: 6
* libopensync-plugin-evolution2: 6
* UnihanDb: 6
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie: 6
* wavbreaker: 6
* sip-redirect: 6
* aria2: 6
* luadoc: 6
* fpc: 6
* nautilus-actions: 6
* libofx: 6
* globalplatform: 6
* xesam-tools: 6
* rpl: 6
* qmmp: 6
* xfce4-mpc-plugin: 6
* fbida: 6
* barrage: 6
* yumex: 6
* sysfsutils: 6
* beecrypt: 6
* gtk2hs: 6
* JSDoc: 6
* libkipi: 6
* gnome-password-generator: 6
* php-pear-HTTP-Client: 6
* mod_geoip: 6
* python-twyt: 6
* util-linux-ng: 6
* python-twitter: 6
* R-biglm: 6
* pigment-python: 6
* tbb: 6
* qt-recordmydesktop: 6
* hyphen: 6
* perl-Convert-Binary-C: 6
* mysqlreport: 6
* supybot-koji: 6
* csstidy: 6
* prewikka: 6
* lostlabyrinth-graphics: 6
* php-pear-Event-Dispatcher: 6
* ncmpcpp: 6
* evolution-rspam: 6
* slrn: 6
* openobex: 6
* python-oasa: 6
* compiz-fusion-extras: 6
* xpsk31: 6
* source-highlight: 6
* perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-savage: 6
* labrea: 6
* python-Coherence: 6
* wmctrl: 6
* unshield: 6
* libopensync-plugin-kdepim: 6
* libao: 6
* orange: 6
* control-center: 6
* pcre: 6
* perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple: 6
* perl-DateTime-Format-DateManip: 6
* xloadimage: 6
* lua-logging: 6
* ladvd: 6
* libid3tag: 6
* vim-perl-support: 6
* rubygem-fastthread: 6
* cyrus-sasl: 6
* linux-igd: 6
* e16-docs: 6
* ibus-table: 6
* widelands: 6
* cdlabelgen: 6
* nec2c: 6
* cdparanoia: 6
* pastebin: 6
* dmraid: 6
* bmake: 6
* perl-Imager: 6
* uudeview: 6
* mediascrapper: 6
* perl-TAP-Harness-JUnit: 6
* pyexiv2: 6
* ncdu: 6
* python-gtkextra: 6
* vtk: 6
* tcpflow: 6
* projectM-libvisual: 6
* ppc64-utils: 6
* kyum: 6
* tix: 6
* projectM-pulseaudio: 6
* dar: 6
* oddjob: 6
* kleansweep: 6
* crossfire-client: 6
* udpcast: 6
* python-peak-util-assembler: 6
* goocanvasmm: 6
* ume-launcher: 6
* lzip: 6
* perl-WWW-Mechanize: 6
* xmp: 6
* cyphesis: 6
* konversation: 6
* perl-Crypt-DH: 6
* zabbix: 6
* popt: 6
* otl: 6
* perl-Ace: 6
* libffi: 6
* perl-Digest-CRC: 6
* gnome-valgrind-session: 6
* gpshell: 6
* python-id3: 6
* dbus-glib: 6
* xhtml2fo-style-xsl: 6
* php-pear-HTTP: 6
* xorg-x11-drv-mutouch: 6
* pykickstart: 6
* synce-hal: 6
* tcd-utils: 6
* hunspell: 6
* emacs-common-ebib: 6
* mk-files: 6
* ocaml: 6
* wqy-bitmap-fonts: 6
* python-peak-rules: 6
* hunspell-sr: 6
* samefile: 6
* perl-Data-Section: 6
* quarticurve-kwin-theme: 6
* laf-plugin: 6
* thibault-fonts: 6
* perl-MooseX-Types-URI: 6
* rdesktop: 6
* palp: 4
* kdiff3: 4
* pidgin-privacy-please: 4
* gnubik: 4
* libpcapnav: 4
* pen: 4
* dc3dd: 4
* perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests: 4
* mnemosyne: 4
* dvd+rw-tools: 4
* python-psyco: 4
* libsynaptics: 4
* perl-Perlilog: 4
* pari: 4
* perl-SVK: 4
* conexus: 4
* pdfbook: 4
* perl-AnyEvent-BDB: 4
* tse3: 4
* diffpdf: 4
* auto-buildrequires: 4
* phatch: 4
* perl-Network-IPv4Addr: 4
* purple-msn-pecan: 4
* perl-B-Utils: 4
* vnc-ltsp-config: 4
* libfplll: 4
* rogue: 4
* subtitlecomposer: 4
* mtd-utils: 4
* python-zope-interface: 4
* screenie: 4
* libcdaudio: 4
* libindi: 4
* syck: 4
* python-nevow: 4
* gxmms2: 4
* ldtp: 4
* dnssec-conf: 4
* mlmmj: 4
* yersinia: 4
* NaturalDocs: 4
* perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser: 4
* glest: 4
* python-zope-filesystem: 4
* xsettings-kde: 4
* perl-ModelSim-List: 4
* terminator: 4
* backup-manager: 4
* cudd: 4
* bindfs: 4
* bouml-doc: 4
* python-instant: 4
* cgit: 4
* fuse-emulator-utils: 4
* phpPgAdmin: 4
* TVAnytimeAPI: 4
* onboard: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles: 4
* uml_utilities: 4
* scapy: 4
* yum-cron: 4
* flexdock: 4
* ifuse: 4
* kde-plasma-translatoid: 4
* bandwidthd: 4
* unalz: 4
* nload: 4
* perl-HTML-FormFu: 4
* python-twisted-web2: 4
* epdfview: 4
* tex-musixtex: 4
* dustin-domestic-manners-fonts: 4
* pfstools: 4
* stun: 4
* glest-data: 4
* fswebcam: 4
* rubyripper: 4
* symmetrica: 4
* mod_limitipconn: 4
* qmtest: 4
* ario: 4
* gtk-qt-engine: 4
* python-transaction: 4
* sbackup: 4
* perl-Test-Unit-Lite: 4
* pidgin-libnotify: 4
* scidavis: 4
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser: 4
* puzzles: 4
* refmac-dictionary: 4
* gestikk: 4
* rednotebook: 4
* dustin-dustismo-fonts: 4
* mitter: 4
* diffuse: 4
* libgdbus: 4
* iwl4965-firmware: 4
* libnetdude: 4
* python-GeoIP: 4
* perl-Set-Object: 4
* p7zip: 4
* perl-URI-Find: 4
* ethstatus: 4
* librsync: 4
* poedit: 4
* gnomad2: 4
* PyKDE: 4
* python-relatorio: 4
* perl-Variable-Magic: 4
* celt: 4
* HamFax: 4
* sos: 4
* django-contact-form: 4
* monit: 4
* kopete-bonjour: 4
* python-feedparser: 4
* tcping: 4
* perl-Directory-Scratch: 4
* botan: 4
* knemo: 4
* dclib: 4
* pyxattr: 4
* ocaml-mlgmpidl: 4
* GtkAda: 4
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason: 4
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Lexer: 4
* PyQt: 4
* vhd2vl: 4
* DevIL: 4
* perl-Apache-DBI-Cache: 4
* metapost-metauml: 4
* libconfig: 4
* libapreq2: 4
* jpcap: 4
* teeworlds: 4
* posterazor: 4
* valknut: 4
* skinlf: 4
* rocksndiamonds: 4
* synopsis: 4
* kde-plasma-ihatethecashew: 4
* proftpd: 4
* python-logilab-astng: 4
* gcl: 4
* php-pecl-imagick: 4
* mr: 4
* assogiate: 4
* trac-privateticketsplugin: 4
* vbindiff: 4
* w3c-libwww: 4
* pytagger: 4
* entertrack: 4
* hydrogen-drumkits: 4
* gupnp-ui: 4
* pipviewer: 4
* python-nss: 2
* vlgothic-fonts: 2
* gnome-desktop-sharp: 2
* perl-Parse-RecDescent: 2
* frescobaldi: 2
* ctapi-cyberjack: 2
* rumor: 2
* avr-gcc: 2
* python-xmpp: 2
* mono-nat: 2
* sed: 2
* weechat: 2
* perl-Hash-Case: 2
* cacti: 2
* bashdb: 2
* perl-Getopt-GUI-Long: 2
* ratproxy: 2
* libsyncml: 2
* R-RODBC: 2
* perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding: 2
* lpairs: 2
* pydb: 2
* gtkparasite: 2
* perl-App-Asciio: 2
* zile: 2
* php-ezc-ConsoleTools: 2
* qwt-doc: 2
* perl-Date-ICal: 2
* metromap: 2
* eboard: 2
* cdargs: 2
* libtasn1: 2
* rubberband: 2
* GREYCstoration: 2
* enet: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI: 2
* gsim85: 2
* perl-MooseX-Param: 2
* tcl-zlib: 2
* python-shove: 2
* perl-Exception-Base: 2
* tkgate: 2
* globus-core: 2
* flickrnet: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class: 2
* html2text: 2
* sj-fonts: 2
* bpg-fonts: 2
* python-kaa-metadata: 2
* clips: 2
* gdesklet-SlideShow: 2
* libnss-pgsql: 2
* netatalk: 2
* metalink: 2
* mapbender: 2
* classads: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse: 2
* tcl-tkpng: 2
* scheme2js: 2
* grid-packaging-tools: 2
* virtaal: 2
* perl-HTML-DOMbo: 2
* gsh: 2
* noip: 2
* R-rlecuyer: 2
* fetchlog: 2
* hardinfo: 2
* perl-Class-Autouse: 2
* perl-Algorithm-Dependency: 2
* hatools: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu: 2
* perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT: 2
* perl-Date-Leapyear: 2
* perl-MooseX-LogDispatch: 2
* renameutils: 2
* perl-PerlIO-gzip: 2
* tcl-trf: 2
* postgresql-pgpoolAdmin: 2
* pp3: 2
* perl-FreezeThaw: 2
* urlwatch: 2
* srm: 2
* perl-Net-DBus-GLib: 2
* gsql: 2
* cfitsio: 2
* webkit-sharp: 2
* perl-Geo-IPfree: 2
* ladspa-caps-plugins: 2
* kvkbd: 2
* perl-Verilog-CodeGen: 2
* tcpick: 2
* perl-MooseX-Iterator: 2
* perl-App-Cache: 2
* ss5: 2
* chisholm-to-be-continued-fonts: 2
* iperf: 2
* kde-plasma-weather: 2
* perl-MooseX-Traits-Attribute-CascadeClear: 2
* torch: 2
* mod_scgi: 2
* django-notification: 2
* darcs: 2
* python-repoze-tm2: 2
* gnugo: 2
* perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured: 2
* perl-HTTP-Body: 2
* earth-and-moon-backgrounds: 2
* childsplay: 2
* xtvd: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Email: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N: 2
* python-crypto: 2
* perl-DDL-Oracle: 2
* rubygem-tlsmail: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL: 2
* perl-Email-MIME-Creator: 2
* rubygem-htmlentities: 2
* dia: 2
* libass: 2
* fedora-idm-console: 2
* nachocalendar: 2
* MochiKit: 2
* perl-Test-File: 2
* python-pygooglechart: 2
* dkim-milter: 2
* nullmodem: 2
* gdata-java: 2
* perl-Apache-Htpasswd: 2
* whohas: 2
* sion: 2
* ghex: 2
* perl-Data-FormValidator: 2
* perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball: 2
* PyQwt: 2
* banshee-mirage: 2
* dateshift: 2
* SolarModel: 2
* perl-MooseX-GlobRef-Object: 2
* gnaural: 2
* perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak: 2
* perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK: 2
* mysql: 2
* perl-Verilog-Readmem: 2
* xsane: 2
* perl-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC: 2
* perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader: 2
* perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig: 2
* perl-SVN-Mirror: 2
* python-ferari: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Changes: 2
* nwsserver: 2
* gsoap: 2
* CCfits: 2
* perl-Time-Duration-Parse: 2
* maradns: 2
* libgpod: 2
* perl-Scope-Upper: 2
* python-distutils-extra: 2
* fspy: 2
* opensc: 2
* perl-Log-Log4perl: 2
* qbittorrent: 2
* libspiro: 2
* pysnmp: 2
* perl-List-Compare: 2
* emacs-magit: 2
* perl-IPC-System-Simple: 2
* ngspice: 2
* python-polib: 2
* qedje: 2
* sysbench: 2
* perl-Data-Dump-Streamer: 2
* socat: 2
* gobby: 2
* reiserfs-utils: 2
* qzion: 2
* perl-Task-Catalyst: 2
* cas: 2
* cpm: 2
* cdk: 2
* ctan-musixtex-fonts: 2
* elisa-plugins-bad: 2
* emacs-mew: 2
* netstat-nat: 2
* cmigemo: 2
* spe: 2
* python-weberror: 2
* libgdither: 2
* stellarium: 2
* perl-DBIx-Safe: 2
* perl-FCGI-ProcManager: 2
* clc-intercal: 2
* egoboo: 2
* gtkpod: 2
* python-ldaphelper: 2
* btanks: 2
* stardict-dic-hi: 2
* google-droid-fonts: 2
* scitools: 2
* sonic-visualiser: 2
* wcslib: 2
* tcpjunk: 2
* django-pagination: 2
* perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Tidy: 2
* nopaste: 2
* scim-anthy: 2
* perl-Gtk2-Notify: 2
* notify-sharp: 2
* shtool: 2
* perl-Perl6-Junction: 2
* procinfo-ng: 2
* conspy: 2
* sooperlooper: 2
* perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat: 2
* reinteract: 2
* qwt: 2
* django-evolution: 2
* PyQuante: 2
* monsoon: 2
* esperanza: 2
* perl-CGI-Application: 2
* wxapt: 2
* hello: 2
* ethtool: 2
* ginac: 2
* perl-Jemplate: 2
* iscan-firmware: 2
* tinyows: 2
* kguitar: 2
* libfli: 2
* dx: 2
* simspark: 2
* dirvish: 2
* net6: 2
* python-ptrace: 2
* gfan: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Excel: 2
* pfscalibration: 2
* perl-AnyEvent-AIO: 2
* system-config-date-docs: 2
* html401-dtds: 2
* perl-autobox: 2
* perl-HTML-LinkList: 2
* python-configobj: 2
* perl-HTML-Lint: 2
* tomoe: 2
* perl-WWW-Curl: 2
* djvulibre: 2
* rfdump: 2
* perl-Net-LibIDN: 2
* pkgconfig: 2
* createrepo: 2
* dhcping: 2
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static: 2
* code2html: 2
* gaupol: 2
* opencsv: 2
* autotrust: 2
* perl-MooseX-Policy-SemiAffordanceAccessor: 2
* python-libgmail-docs: 2
* cpan2rpm: 2
* perl-DateTimeX-Easy: 2
* perl-Email-MessageID: 2
* k3guitune: 2
* perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage: 2
* perl-String-Format: 2
* elisa: 2
* linsmith: 2
* raddump: 2
* anki: 2
* ncmpc: 2
* libxnm: 2
* perl-Eval-Context: 2
* perl-Class-Exporter: 2
* avr-libc: 2
* lxsession-edit: 2
* viking: 2
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA: 2
* python-transitfeed: 2
* unhide: 2
* pywebdav: 2
* pg_top: 2
* php-ezc-Base: 2
* fedora-packager: 2
* xhtml1-dtds: 2
* pbzip2: 2
* grnotify: 2
* asterisk-sounds-core: 2
* pygrace: 2
* perl-Algorithm-Merge: 2
* xzgv: 2
* perl-Test-Email: 2
* libapogee: 2
* libbsr: 2
* argyllcms: 2
* ris-linux: 2
* guiloader-c++: 2
* python-text_table: 2
* python-epdb: 2
* pnglite: 2
* xml2: 2
* libvirt-qpid: 2
* rubygem-restr: 2
* perl-Test-Kwalitee: 2
* perl-HTML-TagCloud: 2
* zapplet: 2
* perl-KinoSearch: 2
* shcov: 2
* perl-SystemC-Vregs: 2
* kio_sysinfo: 2
* dwscan: 2
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 2
* couchdb: 2
* backup-light: 2
* perl-Mail-POP3Client: 2
* kaffeine: 2
* perl-Config-IniFiles: 2
* xwxapt: 2
* cpmtools: 2
* perl-AnyEvent-XMPP: 2
* gadget: 2
* giver: 2
* zikula: 2
* perl-Object-Event: 2
* perl-Class-Can: 2
* django-tagging: 2
* smp_utils: 2
* python-louie: 2
* javassist: 2
* portaudio: 2
* deletemail: 2
* perl-MooseX-Daemonize: 2
* taskcoach: 2
* perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Diff: 2
* mpc: 2
* PolicyKit-kde: 2
* perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast: 2
* perl-Date-Tiny: 2
* gigolo: 2
* elisa-plugins-good: 2
* monsterz: 2
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 2
* perl-Data-Compare: 2
* fcode-utils: 2
* repoview: 2
* perl-Test-Warn: 2
* python-fiat: 2
* nethack: 2
* cutecom: 2
* qct: 2
* weka: 2
* bash: 2
* perl-Devel-SmallProf: 2
* perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor: 2
* gdmap: 2
* grin: 2
* tucnak2: 2
* netactview: 2
* python-zope-sqlalchemy: 2
* perl-URI: 2
* maxr: 2
* tracker: 2
* irrlicht: 2
* perl-Test-TempDir: 2
* perl-Hash-Merge-Simple: 2
* moon-buggy: 2
* R-qtl: 2
* bio2jack: 2
* libwpg: 2
* fedora-ksplice: 2
* perl-NOCpulse-SetID: 2
* perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript: 2
* xtide: 2
* sobby: 2
* perl-CSS-Tiny: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601: 2
* blahtexml: 2
* pdumpfs: 2
* gipfel: 2
* allgeyer-fonts: 2
* mrpt: 2
* gnumeric: 2
* python-Traits: 2
* libgcrypt: 2
* perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible: 2
* touchcal: 2
* httping: 2
* ninvaders: 2
* digitemp: 2
* qd: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode: 2
* quake3: 2
* emacs-htmlize: 2
* hwdata: 2
* php-pecl-selinux: 2
* globus-libtool: 2
* perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable: 2
* pdfshuffler: 2
* w_scan: 2
* echolinux: 2
* perl-XML-Generator: 2
* perl-local-lib: 2
* libzzub: 2
* gimp-data-extras: 2
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings: 2
* libhildon: 2
* perl-HTML-Strip: 2
* latex2rtf: 2
* python-setupdocs: 2
* python-TraitsBackendQt: 2
* python-wifi: 2
* pdfjam: 2
* pax-utils: 2
* perl-Authen-Krb5-Admin: 2
* flow-tools: 2
* perl-Time-Progress: 2
* perl-Best: 2
* perl-Class-Throwable: 2
* perl-Test-Assert: 2
* perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-RT: 2
* kde-style-skulpture: 2
* jakarta-commons-compress: 2
* nickle: 2
* remind: 2
* dnsmasq: 2
* pfstmo: 2
* nessus-core: 2
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton: 2
* safekeep: 2
* vhybridize: 2
* krb5: 2
* R-pls: 2
* obby: 2
* mpop: 2
* php-channel-ezc: 2
* amtterm: 2
* timespan: 2
* perl-Class-C3: 2
* qtgpsc: 2
* django-authopenid: 2
* rt3: 2
* kasumi: 2
* perl-Lingua-StopWords: 2
* upstart: 2
* perl-ExtUtils-Depends: 2
* gget: 2
* libyaml: 2
* libnasl: 2
* jasper: 2
* cf-bonveno-fonts: 2
* iax: 2
* indi-apogee: 2
* R-RUnit: 2
* perl-Net-CUPS: 2
* xcb-util: 2
* gdesklets-citation: 2
* kde-plasma-networkmanagement: 2
* jcalendar: 2
* cwirc: 2
* perl-constant-boolean: 2
* perl-HTML-SimpleParse: 2
* python-argparse: 2
Fedora 8
* 5796 updates
* 5226 stable updates
* 2944 testing updates
* 18 pending updates
* 413 obsolete updates
* 2872 bugfix updates (49.55%)
* 2353 enhancement updates (40.60%)
* 365 security updates (6.30%)
* 206 newpackage updates (3.55%)
* 421 critical path updates (7.26%)
* 953 updates received feedback (16.44%)
* 611 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 178 anonymous users gave feedback (1.13%)
* 2944 out of 5796 updates went through testing (50.79%)
* 2224 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (75.54%)
* 285 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* redhat-menus-8.9.11-2.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* libxslt-1.1.24-1.fc8 submitted by veillard
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.10-4.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* policycoreutils-2.0.31-15.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libedit-2.10-3.20070831cvs.fc8 submitted by rishi
* tzdata-2008h-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* curl-7.17.1-1.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* libxml2-2.6.31-1.fc8 submitted by veillard
* gtk2-2.12.5-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* tzdata-2007j-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* libbonobo-2.20.2-2.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* libxcb-1.1-1.1.fc8 submitted by ajax
* libthai-0.1.9-2.fc8 submitted by behdad
* freetype-2.3.5-4.fc8 submitted by thoger
* NetworkManager-openvpn-0.7.0-15.svn3930.fc8,NetworkManager-vpnc-0.7.0-0.10.svn3928.fc8,NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.11.svn3930.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.7.196-2.fc8 submitted by airlied
* audit-1.6.8-3.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* dbus-glib-0.73-5.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* zenity-2.20.1-2.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* cairo-1.4.12-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.8.0-3.fc8 submitted by airlied
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-56.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* mcpp-2.7-2.fc8 submitted by kmatsui
* iptables- submitted by twoerner
* lua-5.1.3-3.fc8 submitted by timn
* dbus-1.1.2-9.fc8 submitted by davidz
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-128.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-68.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-84.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* gdm-2.20.1-7.fc8 submitted by rstrode
* e2fsprogs-1.40.4-3.fc8 submitted by sandeen
* bash-3.2-19.fc8 submitted by tjanouse
* python-iniparse-0.2.2-2.fc8 submitted by timlau
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-69.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* tzdata-2008e-2.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* audit-1.6.7-1.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* system-config-date-1.9.32-1.fc8 submitted by nphilipp
* file-4.21-4.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* less-406-14.fc8 submitted by zprikryl
* libsemanage-2.0.12-2.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libical-0.31-3.fc8 submitted by rishi
* perl-5.8.8-39.fc8 submitted by mmaslano
* hwdata-0.215-1.fc8 submitted by karsten
* libsepol-2.0.15-1.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libsemanage-2.0.12-3.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* e2fsprogs-1.40.2-12.fc8 submitted by sandeen
* util-linux-ng-2.13-3.1.fc8 submitted by kzak
* file-4.21-6.fc8 submitted by dnovotny
* coreutils-6.9-15.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* pcre-7.3-4.fc8 submitted by thoger
* perl-5.8.8-32.fc8 submitted by spot
* nss- submitted by kengert
* diffutils-2.8.1-19.fc8 submitted by twaugh
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-64.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-62.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* gnome-desktop-2.20.1-2.fc8 submitted by ssp
* dbus-glib-0.73-6.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* audit-1.6.8-4.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-119.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* gnome-python2-2.20.1-1.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* psmisc-22.6-1.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* file-4.21-5.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* shadow-utils- submitted by pvrabec
* rsyslog-1.19.11-2.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* util-linux-ng-2.13-3.2.fc8 submitted by kzak
* ntp-4.2.4p4-1.fc8 submitted by mlichvar
* fedora-logos-8.0.3-1.fc8 submitted by rstrode
* gnome-keyring-2.20.2-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* openssh-4.7p1-4.fc8 submitted by tmraz
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-89.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* cpio-2.9-6.fc8 submitted by rbrich
* hal-info-20080215-2.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* libpng-1.2.29-1.fc8 submitted by tgl
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.10-6.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* dbus-glib-0.73-7.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* tar-1.17-7.fc8 submitted by rbrich
* evolution-data-server-1.12.3-3.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* rsyslog-1.19.10-1.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* audit-1.7.2-5.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.902-3.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* libselinux-2.0.43-1.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* yum-utils-1.1.9-2.fc8 submitted by james
* curl-7.18.2-6.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* gmp-4.2.2-4.fc8 submitted by varekova
* tzdata-2008i-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* tzdata-2008e-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* elfutils-0.137-3.fc8 submitted by roland
* pcre-7.3-3.fc8 submitted by thoger
* perl-5.8.8-33.fc8 submitted by spot
* nss- submitted by kengert
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-127.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* tzdata-2008b-3.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* gnome-themes-2.20.2-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* repoview-0.6.2-1.fc8 submitted by icon
* shadow-utils- submitted by pvrabec
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.902-2.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* tzdata-2008b-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* yum-utils-1.1.14-3.fc8 submitted by timlau
* e2fsprogs-1.40.4-2.fc8 submitted by sandeen
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.6.8.svn3675.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-47.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* pkgconfig-0.22-4.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* gnutls-1.6.3-5.fc8 submitted by tmraz
* libxml2-2.7.2-1.fc8 submitted by veillard
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.7-21.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* audit-1.7.2-2.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-91.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libtasn1-1.3-1.fc8 submitted by ensc
* rpm- submitted by pmatilai
* libical-0.32-1.fc8 submitted by rishi
* rsyslog-2.0.0-1.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* tzdata-2008g-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* gnutls-1.6.3-3.fc8 submitted by tmraz
* ConsoleKit-0.2.3-3.fc8.1 submitted by mccann
* pango-1.18.4-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* kernel- submitted by cebbert
* audit-1.6.5-2.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-93.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libffi-3.0.5-1.fc8 submitted by green
* psmisc-22.6-2.1.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* nss- submitted by kengert
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.6.7.svn3369.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* tar-1.17-6.fc8 submitted by rbrich
* koji-1.2.2-2.fc8 submitted by ausil
* gdm-2.20.5-2.fc8 submitted by rstrode
* tzdata-2008d-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc8,NetworkManager-vpnc-0.7.0-0.11.svn4326.fc8,NetworkManager-openvpn-0.7.0-16.svn4326.fc8,NetworkManager-pptp-0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* bzip2-1.0.4-13.fc8 submitted by varekova
* mash-0.2.10-3.fc8 submitted by notting
* libwnck-2.20.3-1.fc8 submitted by hadess
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.903-1.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* evolution-data-server-1.12.2-1.fc8 submitted by mcrha
* anaconda-yum-plugins-1.0-1.fc8 submitted by clumens
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-4.fc8 submitted by lkundrak
* libwnck-2.20.2-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* coreutils-6.9-12.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* rsyslog-2.0.2-3.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.7.196-4.fc8 submitted by airlied
* gnome-desktop-2.20.3-1.fc8 submitted by hadess
* xorg-x11-server-utils-7.3-2.fc8 submitted by airlied
* libbonobo-2.20.3-1.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* curl-7.17.1-3.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.901-1.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* gnome-session-2.20.2-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* policycoreutils-2.0.32-2.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* util-linux-ng-2.13.1-1.fc8 submitted by kzak
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-111.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* nss- submitted by kengert
* yum-3.2.20-5.fc8 submitted by skvidal
* gdm-2.20.3-1.fc8 submitted by hadess
* gnome-vfs2-2.20.1-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* pm-utils-0.99.4-19.fc8 submitted by till
* yum-utils-1.1.11-1.fc8 submitted by timlau
* audit-1.6.5-1.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.10-1.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.7.196-6.fc8 submitted by airlied
* yum-utils-1.1.16-2.fc8 submitted by timlau
* libgnomecanvas-2.20.1-3.fc8,libglade2-2.6.2-4.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* audit-1.6.8-2.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* python-decorator-2.2.0-1.fc8 submitted by toshio
* sudo-1.6.9p4-4.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* perl-Module-Pluggable-3.60-2.fc8 submitted by corsepiu
* libpng-1.2.33-1.fc8 submitted by tgl
* pycairo-1.4.12-2.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* lua-5.1.4-1.fc8 submitted by timn
* freetype-2.3.5-5.fc8 submitted by kkofler
* xorg-x11-drv-nv-2.1.6-1.fc8 submitted by ajax
* libxcb-1.1-1.fc8 submitted by ajax
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-73.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* coreutils-6.9-11.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* glib2-2.14.3-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* fedora-release-8-5 submitted by jkeating
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.6.7.svn3204.fc8,libdhcp-1.27-4.fc8,libnl-1.0-0.15.pre8.git20071218.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* perl-5.8.8-41.fc8 submitted by spot
* rsyslog-1.19.11-1.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* cairo-1.4.14-1.fc8 submitted by behdad
* policycoreutils-2.0.31-20.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* postfix-2.5.5-1.fc8 submitted by twoerner
* nspr-4.7.1-0.8.1.fc8 submitted by kengert
* ustr-1.0.4-5.fc8 submitted by james
* python-bugzilla-0.3-1.fc8 submitted by wwoods
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-58.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* glib2-2.14.6-2.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* nss- submitted by kengert
* gnome-session-2.20.3-1.fc8 submitted by hadess
* attr-2.4.38-2.fc8 submitted by zprikryl
* libtiff-3.8.2-11.fc8 submitted by tgl
* python-iniparse-0.2.3-3.fc8 submitted by timlau
* coreutils-6.9-13.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* pinentry-0.7.4-1.fc8 submitted by rdieter
* deltarpm-3.4-9.fc8 submitted by jdieter
* evolution-data-server-1.12.3-4.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* tar-1.17-5.fc8 submitted by rbrich
* dash-0.5.4-2.fc8 submitted by wtogami
* pygobject2-2.14.2-1.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* dmraid-1.0.0.rc14-6.fc8 submitted by iankent
* libical-0.27-4.fc8 submitted by liviopl
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-72.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* gtk2-2.12.3-3.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* fedora-gnome-theme-8.0.0-2.fc8 submitted by mso
* libXfont-1.3.1-2.fc8 submitted by airlied
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-81.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libxml2-2.6.32-2.fc8 submitted by veillard
* tzdata-2007k-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* db4-4.6.21-2.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* curl-7.18.2-7.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* libnl-1.1-1.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* libxml2-2.7.1-2.fc8 submitted by veillard
* audit-1.7.4-1.fc8 submitted by sgrubb
* alsa-utils-1.0.16-3.fc8,alsa-lib-1.0.16-3.fc8 submitted by stransky
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.10-5.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* libutempter-1.1.5-1.fc8 submitted by awjb
* gnome-menus-2.20.2-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* shadow-utils- submitted by pvrabec
* tzdata-2007i-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* mcpp-2.7.2-1.fc8 submitted by kmatsui
* control-center-2.20.3-2.fc8 submitted by hadess
* yum-utils-1.1.10-1.fc8 submitted by timlau
* xdg-utils-1.0.2-3.fc8 submitted by rdieter
* pykickstart-1.19-1.fc8 submitted by clumens
* perl-5.8.8-31.fc8 submitted by spot
* pixman-0.9.6-1.fc8 submitted by behdad
* coreutils-6.9-19.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.8.0-2.fc8 submitted by airlied
* curl-7.18.2-1.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* libedit-2.11-1.20080712cvs.fc8 submitted by rishi
* rsyslog-2.0.2-1.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* control-center-2.20.1-5.1.fc8 submitted by twoerner
* nspr-4.7.3-1.fc8 submitted by kengert
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.900-7.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* gdm-2.20.2-2.fc8 submitted by rstrode
* util-linux-ng-2.13.1-2.fc8 submitted by kzak
* db4-4.6.21-3.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* koji-1.2.6-1.fc8 submitted by ausil
* perl-5.8.8-38.fc8 submitted by mmaslano
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.10-2.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* libssh2-0.18-5.fc8 submitted by cweyl
* iptables-1.3.8-6.fc8 submitted by twoerner
* coreutils-6.9-16.fc8 submitted by ovasik
* cpio-2.9-7.fc8 submitted by rbrich
* acl-2.2.39-14.fc8 submitted by jmoskovc
* lua-5.1.3-5.fc8 submitted by timn
* tzdata-2008c-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* sendmail-8.14.2-1.fc8 submitted by twoerner
* NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.4.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* rsyslog-1.19.11-3.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* psmisc-22.6-2.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* elfutils-0.135-1.fc8 submitted by roland
* sudo-1.6.9p4-6.fc8 submitted by pvrabec
* yum-utils-1.1.16-1.fc8 submitted by timlau
* libxml2-2.7.2-2.fc8 submitted by veillard
* dbus-glib-0.73-8.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* lua-5.1.3-6.fc8 submitted by timn
* livecd-tools-013.1-1.fc8 submitted by katzj
* cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-8.fc8 submitted by sconklin
* yum-3.2.20-4.fc8 submitted by skvidal
* openldap-2.3.39-4.fc8 submitted by jsafrane
* pungi-1.1.10-1.fc8 submitted by jkeating
* fedora-release-8-6.transition submitted by jkeating
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.7-20.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* libvorbis-1.2.0-2.fc8 submitted by jnovy
* yum-3.2.8-2.fc8 submitted by skvidal
* less-406-13.fc8 submitted by zprikryl
* glib2-2.14.4-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* pycairo-1.4.12-1.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* tzdata-2008f-1.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* libxslt-1.1.24-2.fc8 submitted by veillard
* libxml2-2.7.1-1.fc8 submitted by veillard
* tzdata-2007k-2.fc8 submitted by pmachata
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.901-2.fc8 submitted by xavierb
* policycoreutils-2.0.33-2.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* metacity-2.20.1-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* libsoup-2.2.104-1.fc8 submitted by mbarnes
* libffi-3.0.1-1.fc8 submitted by green
* nss- submitted by kengert
* wpa_supplicant-0.5.7-16.fc8 submitted by dcbw
* logrotate-3.7.6-2.2.fc8 submitted by tsmetana
* policycoreutils-2.0.33-3.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-113.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* elfutils-0.131-1.fc8 submitted by roland
* glib2-2.14.6-1.fc8 submitted by mclasen
* selinux-policy-3.0.8-94.fc8 submitted by dwalsh
* libxml2-2.6.32-1.fc8 submitted by veillard
* gdm-2.20.5-3.fc8 submitted by rstrode
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 19 days
* median = 11 days
* mode = 6 days
* 2994 packages updated
* selinux-policy: 134
* jd: 92
* openvrml: 86
* kernel: 84
* cobbler: 82
* em8300-kmod: 76
* wine: 72
* phpMyAdmin: 72
* kazehakase: 70
* cairo-dock: 70
[ View all ]
* deluge: 68
* python-fedora: 68
* asterisk: 68
* gyachi: 68
* shorewall: 66
* liferea: 66
* Miro: 66
* pcmanfm: 60
* ruby-RMagick: 60
* NetworkManager: 56
* tzdata: 56
* ruby-gnome2: 54
* mercurial: 52
* kdelibs4: 52
* epiphany: 50
* wine-docs: 48
* mock: 48
* ipa: 48
* ruby-mechanize: 48
* firefox: 46
* snake: 46
* galeon: 46
* yum-utils: 44
* logwatch: 44
* rrdtool: 44
* kdebase-runtime: 44
* ruby-aws: 44
* mfiler3: 44
* mfiler2: 44
* dovecot: 44
* sepostgresql: 44
* kdepimlibs: 44
* xscreensaver: 44
* xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd: 44
* kdebase4: 44
* gnome-python2-extras: 42
* blam: 42
* gnome-web-photo: 42
* seamonkey: 42
* yelp: 42
* qosmic: 40
* wpa_supplicant: 40
* gnomesword: 40
* highlight: 40
* xorg-x11-server: 40
* libvirt: 40
* drupal: 40
* pinot: 40
* alexandria: 40
* cups: 40
* claws-mail: 40
* audit: 40
* flam3: 40
* chmsee: 38
* evolution-rss: 38
* epiphany-extensions: 38
* python-lxml: 38
* vala: 38
* devhelp: 38
* xorg-x11-drv-ati: 36
* xine-lib: 36
* samba: 36
* bouml: 36
* sysprof-kmod: 36
* smolt: 36
* php-pear-Log: 36
* abcm2ps: 36
* transmission: 36
* scim-python: 36
* fotoxx: 36
* anyremote: 36
* bind: 36
* haproxy: 34
* mksh: 34
* pidgin: 32
* rsyslog: 32
* koan: 32
* rpy: 32
* flashrom: 32
* yum: 32
* blender: 32
* gdb: 32
* ruby: 32
* poker-network: 32
* fwbackups: 32
* igraph: 32
* autofs: 32
* augeas: 32
* wordpress: 32
* coreutils: 32
* bodhi: 32
* rxvt-unicode: 32
* perl: 32
* R: 32
* qpidc: 32
* nntpgrab: 32
* glpi: 32
* gtkmozembedmm: 32
* git: 30
* nginx: 30
* func: 30
* emacs-vm: 28
* ntfs-3g: 28
* systemtap: 28
* openser: 28
* sonata: 28
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 28
* qt4: 28
* squid: 28
* kdebase: 28
* ganyremote: 28
* glest: 28
* pilot-link: 28
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 28
* claws-mail-plugins: 28
* libupnp: 28
* 28
* evolution: 28
* libxml2: 28
* gimp: 28
* zaptel: 28
* rhm: 28
* conky: 28
* nspluginwrapper: 28
* gdm: 28
* gcompris: 28
* boinc-client: 26
* strigi: 26
* roundcubemail: 26
* curl: 26
* duplicity: 24
* rubygem-hoe: 24
* lyx: 24
* system-config-firewall: 24
* gnome-applet-music: 24
* kdepim: 24
* gcin: 24
* xterm: 24
* evolution-data-server: 24
* dnssec-tools: 24
* libsvm: 24
* fuse-s3fs: 24
* nss: 24
* superiotool: 24
* amqp: 24
* bcfg2: 24
* kmenu-gnome: 24
* mt-daapd: 24
* ktorrent: 24
* diveintopython: 24
* gnome-do: 24
* TurboGears: 24
* kvm: 24
* ejabberd: 24
* python-sqlalchemy: 24
* tailor: 24
* codeblocks: 24
* xapian-bindings: 24
* kde-filesystem: 24
* roxterm: 24
* python-qpid: 24
* kanyremote: 24
* amarok: 24
* preupgrade: 22
* glib2: 20
* 20
* soprano: 20
* xtide: 20
* vixie-cron: 20
* fldigi: 20
* clamav: 20
* man-pages-fr: 20
* geany: 20
* postgresql: 20
* WebKit: 20
* uw-imap: 20
* uniconvertor: 20
* gallery2: 20
* thunderbird: 20
* setroubleshoot-plugins: 20
* azureus: 20
* man-pages-ko: 20
* lynx: 20
* moodle: 20
* bmpx: 20
* hal: 20
* avant-window-navigator: 20
* tellico: 20
* moreutils: 20
* kernel-xen-2.6: 20
* cfengine: 20
* ruby-marc: 20
* bzr: 20
* qlandkarte: 20
* nautilus-sendto: 20
* ragel: 20
* magic: 20
* NetworkManager-vpnc: 20
* ext3grep: 20
* deskbar-applet: 20
* puppet: 20
* htop: 20
* recordmydesktop: 20
* bzr-gtk: 20
* policycoreutils: 20
* mod_nss: 20
* frysk: 20
* python-exif: 20
* beldi: 20
* php-pecl-xdebug: 20
* fbreader: 20
* awstats: 20
* alsa-tools: 20
* nagios-plugins: 20
* fedora-ds-base: 20
* picard: 20
* eclipse-changelog: 20
* ipsec-tools: 20
* logjam: 20
* poker2d: 20
* asunder: 20
* clive: 20
* revisor: 20
* rhythmbox: 20
* glabels: 20
* xapian-core: 20
* e2fsprogs: 20
* glade3: 20
* ice: 20
* lua: 20
* kdelibs: 20
* rcssserver: 18
* postgis: 18
* Django: 18
* gpicview: 18
* mantis: 18
* smart: 18
* certmaster: 18
* seahorse: 16
* streamtuner: 16
* xenner: 16
* rubygem-cobbler: 16
* unicap: 16
* collectl: 16
* libpri: 16
* rkhunter: 16
* ghdl: 16
* kexec-tools: 16
* afflib: 16
* eclipse-phpeclipse: 16
* rkward: 16
* mkdst: 16
* xchat-gnome: 16
* subtitleeditor: 16
* ardour: 16
* man-pages-es: 16
* gnome-chemistry-utils: 16
* imlib2: 16
* openbox: 16
* perl-QWizard: 16
* libetpan: 16
* perl-Perl-MinimumVersion: 16
* filezilla: 16
* getmail: 16
* icu: 16
* wqy-zenhei-fonts: 16
* alienarena: 16
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: 16
* podsleuth: 16
* kdegraphics: 16
* coq: 16
* rubygem-activesupport: 16
* libgadu: 16
* python-paramiko: 16
* exaile: 16
* fsvs: 16
* python-toscawidgets: 16
* gpodder: 16
* kdenetwork: 16
* python-biopython: 16
* veusz: 16
* namazu: 16
* rtpproxy: 16
* xlog: 16
* mutt: 16
* kdevelop: 16
* inkscape: 16
* gnuradio: 16
* cbrpager: 16
* malaga-suomi-voikko: 16
* bitlbee: 16
* php-pecl-memcache: 16
* R-affyio: 16
* doxygen: 16
* perl-File-Remove: 16
* ksplice: 16
* horde: 16
* audacity: 16
* climm: 16
* ncl: 16
* dblatex: 16
* netpbm: 16
* rubygem-activerecord: 16
* rubygem-actionpack: 16
* hal-info: 16
* octave: 16
* hotwire: 16
* manedit: 16
* kdeadmin: 16
* python-turboflot: 16
* fuse-sshfs: 16
* gscan2pdf: 16
* net-snmp: 16
* tetex: 16
* fail2ban: 16
* wklej: 16
* kdeedu: 16
* rubygem-actionmailer: 16
* keepassx: 16
* echo-icon-theme: 16
* collectd: 16
* smartmontools: 16
* elfutils: 16
* iotop: 16
* tzclock: 16
* glest-data: 16
* ghostscript: 16
* rubygem-activeresource: 16
* extrema: 16
* referencer: 16
* uncrustify: 16
* wxMaxima: 16
* bluez-utils: 16
* tar: 16
* pytrainer: 16
* monotone: 16
* pgadmin3: 16
* gnome-panel: 16
* squirrelmail: 16
* grip: 16
* tkimg: 16
* jabbim: 16
* SDL: 16
* system-config-printer: 16
* ocaml-bitmatch: 16
* libdvdnav: 16
* rubygem-rails: 16
* mirage: 16
* man-pages-it: 16
* wireshark: 16
* sim: 16
* php-pear-Console-Table: 16
* texinfo: 16
* guitone: 16
* gchempaint: 16
* xmlrpc-c: 16
* blobAndConquer: 16
* gtk2: 16
* dbus-glib: 16
* iptables: 16
* plague: 16
* syslog-ng: 16
* fusion-icon: 16
* gtk-sharp2: 16
* ksh: 16
* scons: 16
* gnome-commander: 16
* ruby-gettext-package: 16
* freeciv: 16
* util-linux-ng: 16
* TeXmacs: 16
* rawstudio: 16
* python-virtinst: 16
* libgdl: 16
* zabbix: 16
* eclipse-epic: 16
* amsn: 16
* PyQt4: 16
* python-pp: 16
* rcsslogplayer: 14
* scim-array: 14
* geda-gnetlist: 14
* yum-cron: 14
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 14
* ssmtp: 14
* nss_compat_ossl: 14
* fuse-encfs: 14
* gtk-qt-engine: 14
* fakeroot: 14
* testdisk: 12
* espeak: 12
* gnucash: 12
* ultimatestunts: 12
* lshw: 12
* tlock: 12
* d-feet: 12
* xfce-utils: 12
* zeroinstall-injector: 12
* shared-mime-info: 12
* themonospot: 12
* scribes: 12
* ski: 12
* fakechroot: 12
* brettfont-fonts: 12
* openjpeg: 12
* kdesvn: 12
* hamlib: 12
* R-qvalue: 12
* mod_security: 12
* ez-ipupdate: 12
* qgis: 12
* babel: 12
* gajim: 12
* kadu: 12
* chkrootkit: 12
* dstat: 12
* control-center: 12
* lm_sensors: 12
* libwfut: 12
* wxPython: 12
* gnome-desktop: 12
* mypaint: 12
* yum-presto: 12
* zhcon: 12
* basket: 12
* libfishsound: 12
* gromacs: 12
* gtk-vnc: 12
* setroubleshoot: 12
* R-maanova: 12
* alliance: 12
* openldap: 12
* kdewebdev: 12
* foomatic: 12
* toped: 12
* mod_fcgid: 12
* alienarena-data: 12
* php-pear-Net-DIME: 12
* sword: 12
* maniadrive: 12
* perl-IPC-Run3: 12
* kde-settings: 12
* gtkterm: 12
* fedora-ds-console: 12
* perl-Moose: 12
* pitivi: 12
* alpine: 12
* mona: 12
* e16: 12
* anjuta: 12
* php-magickwand: 12
* clutter: 12
* granule: 12
* emacs-common-ess: 12
* sbcl: 12
* gnupg2: 12
* R-widgetTools: 12
* wqy-bitmap-fonts: 12
* vinagre: 12
* paps: 12
* textflow: 12
* php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo: 12
* emacs: 12
* ghc: 12
* unison213: 12
* tomcat5: 12
* python-elixir: 12
* cpio: 12
* gnofract4d: 12
* munin: 12
* fedora-ds-admin-console: 12
* expendable: 12
* perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI: 12
* scim-pinyin: 12
* python-sqlobject: 12
* bugzilla: 12
* geoclue: 12
* python-boto: 12
* qdbm: 12
* perl-CGI-Ajax: 12
* texmaker: 12
* ypserv: 12
* python-genshi: 12
* cwiid: 12
* gtk-recordmydesktop: 12
* libUnihan: 12
* shadow-utils: 12
* orca: 12
* R-tkWidgets: 12
* ldns: 12
* mailman: 12
* syncevolution: 12
* gnome-screensaver: 12
* BackupPC: 12
* adminutil: 12
* tcl-snack: 12
* telepathy-haze: 12
* sipp: 12
* mcpp: 12
* freenx-server: 12
* tcpreplay: 12
* docbook-style-xsl: 12
* gammu: 12
* hsqldb: 12
* pam_mount: 12
* pykickstart: 12
* perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers: 12
* ikarus: 12
* slapi-nis: 12
* system-config-bind: 12
* python-migrate: 12
* jetty: 12
* fatsort: 12
* redet: 12
* python-tempita: 12
* xastir: 12
* nettle: 12
* hgsvn: 12
* ack: 12
* centerim: 12
* libtirpc: 12
* libxcb: 12
* php-pear-propel_runtime: 12
* inn: 12
* perl-PDF-API2: 12
* ustr: 12
* gegl: 12
* warzone2100: 12
* snownews: 12
* tinyproxy: 12
* yumex: 12
* php-Smarty: 12
* libical: 12
* perl-MRO-Compat: 12
* pysvn: 12
* perl-Class-Inspector: 12
* thunar-shares: 12
* gerbv: 12
* seekwatcher: 12
* gdesklets: 12
* dbmail: 12
* perl-Params-Util: 12
* perl-Tk: 12
* gnash: 12
* eggdrop: 12
* maxima: 12
* qtpfsgui: 12
* python-mwlib: 12
* babl: 12
* httrack: 12
* 8Kingdoms: 12
* xfig: 12
* smb4k: 12
* acl: 12
* unison227: 12
* R-DynDoc: 12
* purple-facebookchat: 12
* php-pear-propel_generator: 12
* xguest: 12
* python-cherrypy: 12
* psi: 12
* eject: 12
* python-turbojson: 12
* osmo: 12
* Falcon: 12
* vpnc: 12
* hyperestraier: 12
* awn-extras-applets: 12
* pychess: 12
* sip: 12
* kdemultimedia: 12
* gnutls: 12
* R2spec: 12
* eog: 12
* bzrtools: 12
* ruby-libvirt: 12
* kst: 12
* taglib: 12
* isomaster: 12
* taskcoach: 12
* dvgrab: 12
* mcrypt: 12
* system-config-network: 12
* kdegames: 12
* libertas-usb8388-firmware: 12
* php-pear-PhpDocumentor: 12
* ufraw: 12
* psmisc: 12
* fuse: 12
* R-Biobase: 12
* AcetoneISO2: 12
* pyclutter: 12
* idm-console-framework: 12
* moin: 12
* sudo: 12
* joda-time: 12
* fedora-ds-admin: 12
* arora: 12
* gstreamer-plugins-base: 12
* xen: 12
* k3b: 12
* perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped: 12
* viewvc: 12
* gnumeric: 12
* perl-Config-Augeas: 12
* licq: 12
* hplip: 12
* digikam: 12
* cups-pdf: 12
* gpsbabel: 12
* rpmreaper: 12
* midori: 12
* libzzub: 12
* nautilus: 12
* openvpn: 12
* php-pear-Date-Holidays: 12
* synaptics: 12
* homebank: 12
* rubygem-rubyforge: 12
* synce-trayicon: 12
* krb5: 12
* qt-recordmydesktop: 12
* bigloo: 12
* ds9: 12
* conduit: 12
* mapnik: 12
* fedora-package-config-smart: 12
* file: 12
* linux-igd: 12
* tor: 12
* R-multtest: 12
* ushare: 12
* pdns: 12
* eclipse-pydev: 12
* python-webob: 12
* evolution-exchange: 12
* photoml: 12
* libgeda: 10
* geda-gsymcheck: 10
* geda-gattrib: 10
* geda-docs: 10
* alsa-plugins: 10
* geda-examples: 10
* geda-symbols: 10
* pypoker-eval: 10
* iwl4965-firmware: 10
* libchewing: 10
* audio-convert-mod: 10
* poker-engine: 10
* geda-utils: 10
* lighttpd: 10
* geda-gschem: 10
* mediawiki: 10
* kudzu: 8
* perl-File-NCopy: 8
* pm-utils: 8
* nx: 8
* qimageblitz: 8
* kdebindings: 8
* tilda: 8
* initng: 8
* koji: 8
* perl-XML-Generator-DBI: 8
* allegro: 8
* fantasdic: 8
* nmh: 8
* pywebkitgtk: 8
* kde-i18n: 8
* python-simpy: 8
* sparse: 8
* kdeartwork: 8
* pcapdiff: 8
* comix: 8
* cpanspec: 8
* python-tidy: 8
* wxGlade: 8
* tla: 8
* gambit-c: 8
* php-pear-PHPUnit: 8
* iscsi-initiator-utils: 8
* pyodbc: 8
* gtkhtml3: 8
* beagle: 8
* python-kerberos: 8
* fontmatrix: 8
* tiquit: 8
* purple-microblog: 8
* perl-AnyEvent: 8
* gnome-applet-netspeed: 8
* cvs2svn: 8
* arts: 8
* libdc1394: 8
* q: 8
* synce-kpm: 8
* z88dk: 8
* libmpd: 8
* foobillard: 8
* fpm2: 8
* ggz-client-libs: 8
* ghost-diagrams: 8
* odccm: 8
* qpxtool: 8
* gfs2-utils: 8
* html2ps: 8
* gspiceui: 8
* libsemanage: 8
* screen: 8
* genius: 8
* mcabber: 8
* oniguruma: 8
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid: 8
* vim: 8
* publican: 8
* python-kaa-metadata: 8
* wildmidi: 8
* sunifdef: 8
* python-kaa-base: 8
* fuse-zip: 8
* coda: 8
* javasqlite: 8
* php-pear-Pager: 8
* powerman: 8
* incollector: 8
* newsx: 8
* obconf: 8
* libvoikko: 8
* gnome-menus: 8
* itpp: 8
* ctemplate: 8
* PyYAML: 8
* roundup: 8
* perl-Test-CPAN-Meta: 8
* kipi-plugins: 8
* ocaml-pa-monad: 8
* httpd: 8
* anthy: 8
* rss-glx: 8
* GtkAda: 8
* perl-Calendar-Simple: 8
* perl-Algorithm-Dependency: 8
* automoc: 8
* gnome-libs: 8
* cwrite: 8
* twinkle: 8
* stormbaancoureur: 8
* g2clib: 8
* blt: 8
* pybliographer: 8
* ecore: 8
* fuseiso: 8
* tgif: 8
* scim-bridge: 8
* nspr: 8
* python-nose: 8
* facter: 8
* libsynce: 8
* busybox: 8
* logrotate: 8
* qt4-theme-quarticurve: 8
* plplot: 8
* tcl-tile: 8
* iverilog: 8
* gramps: 8
* gtk-gnutella: 8
* qemu: 8
* gtk+extra: 8
* perl-Text-Quoted: 8
* xfce4-dict: 8
* xautolock: 8
* php-pecl-radius: 8
* atanks: 8
* mtpaint: 8
* SDL_image: 8
* libdsk: 8
* metacafe-dl: 8
* gnokii: 8
* xorg-x11-drv-ivtv: 8
* fwfstab: 8
* yaz: 8
* libao: 8
* perl-Test-AutoBuild: 8
* timidity++: 8
* gbrainy: 8
* libpar2: 8
* ebview: 8
* mesa: 8
* lirc: 8
* pirut: 8
* rubygem-gem2rpm: 8
* verbiste: 8
* manaworld: 8
* fedora-ds: 8
* python: 8
* LinLog: 8
* libAfterImage: 8
* php-pear-HTTP-Request: 8
* amora: 8
* monafont: 8
* python-pyasn1: 8
* cmake: 8
* Cython: 8
* libprelude: 8
* pdns-recursor: 8
* python-musicbrainz2: 8
* xcircuit: 8
* guake: 8
* mod_wsgi: 8
* gnome-session: 8
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: 8
* digikam-doc: 8
* kdetoys: 8
* librra: 8
* ekg2: 8
* kpowersave: 8
* zvbi: 8
* drpython: 8
* scim-chewing: 8
* audit-viewer: 8
* at: 8
* jvyamlb: 8
* supybot: 8
* decibel-audio-player: 8
* nagios: 8
* perl-Sub-Exporter: 8
* python-BeautifulSoup: 8
* nemiver: 8
* fbpanel: 8
* kphotoalbum: 8
* gsoap: 8
* paperkey: 8
* nethogs: 8
* R-bigmemory: 8
* freetalk: 8
* initng-ifiles: 8
* sabayon: 8
* po4a: 8
* esorex: 8
* perl-Devel-StackTrace: 8
* libnids: 8
* wyrd: 8
* eet: 8
* fuse-emulator: 8
* ocaml-libvirt: 8
* oprofile: 8
* compiz-fusion: 8
* wallpapoz: 8
* iw: 8
* google-perftools: 8
* aplus-fsf: 8
* perl-File-Copy-Recursive: 8
* python-kaa-imlib2: 8
* vdr-tvonscreen: 8
* libmtp: 8
* gtkmm24: 8
* pycairo: 8
* libcdio: 8
* prelude-manager: 8
* libtcd: 8
* perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: 8
* php: 8
* bpython: 8
* python-pygments: 8
* libbonobo: 8
* stellarium: 8
* gnome-schedule: 8
* gmpc: 8
* soundconverter: 8
* sugar: 8
* gsl: 8
* conman: 8
* speedcrunch: 8
* cacti: 8
* glpi-mass-ocs-import: 8
* wammu: 8
* rubygem-krb5-auth: 8
* xfce4-fsguard-plugin: 8
* xfmpc: 8
* mediatomb: 8
* pastebin: 8
* perl-Test-ClassAPI: 8
* linuxdcpp: 8
* gnome-build: 8
* CCfits: 8
* gpsman: 8
* aprsd: 8
* anacron: 8
* dsniff: 8
* hellanzb: 8
* traceroute: 8
* gnustep-make: 8
* libkdcraw: 8
* pcb: 8
* iwl5000-firmware: 8
* lxpanel: 8
* perl-DBIx-DBSchema: 8
* less: 8
* audio-entropyd: 8
* abiword: 8
* zenon: 8
* asylum: 8
* gtksourceview2: 8
* rcssmonitor: 8
* perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits: 8
* libgsasl: 8
* erlang: 8
* python-webtest: 8
* jgoodies-forms: 8
* fedora-release: 8
* xfce4-notes-plugin: 8
* gnome-games: 8
* librapi: 8
* prelude-lml: 8
* kdetv: 8
* poppler: 8
* fedora-package-config-apt: 8
* atop: 8
* python-beaker: 8
* phonon: 8
* imlib: 8
* mono: 8
* gruler: 8
* up-imapproxy: 8
* gamazons: 8
* WindowMaker: 8
* mimedefang: 8
* libmusicbrainz3: 8
* libHX: 8
* libwnck: 8
* wavpack: 8
* eclipse: 8
* xpa: 8
* gprolog: 8
* quagga: 8
* rpmlint: 8
* VLGothic-fonts: 8
* audacious-plugins: 8
* gnome-theme-curvylooks: 8
* 915resolution: 8
* iptraf: 8
* koffice: 8
* alevt: 8
* txt2tags: 8
* cdpr: 8
* libopm: 8
* virt-manager: 8
* perl-SVG: 8
* ruby-openid: 8
* immix: 8
* perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl: 8
* hdf5: 8
* waf: 8
* rarian: 8
* perl-Test-MinimumVersion: 8
* checkgmail: 8
* polyml: 8
* ucview: 8
* libgeotiff: 8
* eric: 8
* createrepo: 8
* ntop: 8
* gpsk31: 8
* gnome-applets: 8
* stratagus: 8
* geoqo: 8
* libgtop2: 8
* python-bugzilla: 8
* ocaml-type-conv: 8
* dbus-qt3: 8
* freenx: 8
* yakuake: 8
* kdmtheme: 8
* audacious: 8
* synce-gnomevfs: 8
* libextractor: 8
* rubyripper: 8
* wbxml2: 8
* glpi-data-injection: 8
* kdeaccessibility: 8
* daa2iso: 8
* libfprint: 8
* cairo-clock: 8
* mkelfimage: 8
* xorg-x11-drv-amd: 8
* turba: 8
* bittorrent: 8
* glew: 8
* ocaml-openin: 8
* emacs-bbdb: 8
* anyremote2html: 8
* echo-artist: 8
* scponly: 8
* pyke: 8
* joni: 8
* trustedqsl: 8
* perl-Params-Validate: 8
* xdemorse: 8
* libntlm: 8
* libdiscid: 8
* libedit: 8
* perl-Text-Wrapper: 8
* postr: 8
* wxGTK: 8
* mod_geoip: 8
* perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter: 8
* python-suds: 8
* perl-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex: 8
* dkms: 8
* fedora-packager: 8
* freetype: 8
* python-telepathy: 8
* calcurse: 8
* cpdup: 8
* bibus: 8
* b43-fwcutter: 8
* python-inotify: 8
* AcetoneISO: 8
* notification-daemon-engine-nodoka: 8
* php-pear-Net-FTP: 8
* xpdf: 8
* libflaim: 8
* xfdesktop: 8
* perl-Catalyst-Runtime: 8
* perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst: 8
* libffi: 8
* twitux: 8
* metacity: 8
* kdeutils: 8
* perl-Sub-Name: 8
* devilspie: 8
* kio_sword: 8
* spamassassin: 8
* poker3d: 8
* eterm: 8
* python-iniparse: 8
* R-BufferedMatrix: 8
* gengetopt: 8
* sugar-artwork: 8
* taglib-sharp: 8
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 8
* minirpc: 8
* perl-Catalyst-View-TT: 8
* rpcbind: 8
* kaffeine: 8
* sqliteman: 8
* qmmp: 8
* gail: 8
* nvclock: 8
* ccsm: 8
* pem: 8
* iproute: 8
* pl: 8
* speech-dispatcher: 8
* perl-Want: 8
* SDL_mixer: 8
* OmegaT: 8
* fvwm: 8
* eiciel: 8
* gnome-themes-extras: 8
* pyrenamer: 8
* starplot: 8
* fedora-ds-dsgw: 8
* synergy: 8
* nautilus-share: 8
* dejagnu: 8
* ruby-augeas: 8
* perl-Geo-IP: 8
* libpng10: 8
* perl-DateTime-Format-Oracle: 8
* gkrellm-top: 8
* dynamite: 8
* lesstif: 8
* bogofilter: 8
* odfpy: 8
* python-matplotlib: 8
* cloudy: 8
* gnomad2: 8
* libxslt: 8
* wmx: 8
* purple-plugin_pack: 8
* perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate: 8
* sugar-presence-service: 8
* ganglia: 8
* trustyrc: 8
* gnome-scan: 8
* python-nltk: 8
* libnxml: 8
* paraview: 8
* kdeaddons: 8
* file-roller: 8
* perl-Config-Any: 8
* monsterz: 8
* vsftpd: 8
* monit: 8
* fluxbox: 8
* gnome-phone-manager: 8
* sugar-datastore: 8
* embryo: 8
* fslint: 8
* xfce4-screenshooter-plugin: 8
* bibletime: 8
* gnome-terminal: 8
* gnome-keyring: 8
* bash: 8
* perl-Class-MOP: 8
* pyicq-t: 8
* ql2400-firmware: 8
* dia: 8
* rubygem-activeldap: 8
* python-tgcaptcha: 8
* system-config-vsftpd: 8
* ypbind: 8
* foremost: 8
* glpi-pdf: 8
* tracker: 8
* xdg-utils: 8
* florence: 8
* xfce-mcs-plugins: 8
* lua-filesystem: 8
* synce-sync-engine: 8
* tomboy: 8
* libraw1394: 8
* ql2500-firmware: 8
* cwdaemon: 8
* emelfm2: 8
* kdesdk: 8
* guile: 8
* sdparm: 8
* gwave: 8
* pam: 8
* ristretto: 8
* sagator: 8
* gle: 8
* offlineimap: 8
* wavbreaker: 8
* vym: 8
* libgtk-java: 8
* xfce4-places-plugin: 8
* lzma: 8
* lxsplit: 8
* php-pecl-mailparse: 8
* NetworkManager-pptp: 8
* bzflag: 8
* ecl: 8
* fio: 8
* nas: 8
* scsi-target-utils: 8
* rosegarden4: 8
* gtkimageview: 8
* oddjob: 8
* gdesklets-calendar: 8
* GeoIP: 8
* pulseaudio: 8
* demorse: 8
* kbibtex: 8
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication: 8
* acpid: 8
* marble: 8
* wings: 8
* rdiff-backup: 8
* python-ply: 8
* lybniz: 8
* snort: 8
* emesene: 8
* klamav: 8
* pyjigdo: 8
* perl-DateTime-Format-DBI: 8
* sugar-base: 8
* kgtk: 8
* Zim: 8
* xqilla: 8
* alsa-firmware: 8
* quicksynergy: 8
* remind: 8
* codeina: 8
* GREYCstoration: 8
* libev: 8
* GMT: 8
* gtk2hs: 8
* xfce4-taskmanager: 8
* python-twyt: 8
* pyflowtools: 8
* gnotime: 8
* perl-Convert-Binary-C: 8
* rubygem-rake: 8
* prewikka: 8
* python-decoratortools: 8
* nessus-libraries: 8
* cksfv: 8
* PyQt: 8
* openobex: 8
* sugar-toolkit: 8
* source-highlight: 8
* perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder: 8
* evas: 8
* bakery: 8
* pcre: 8
* libexif: 8
* php-pear-XML-Parser: 8
* ocaml-pgocaml: 8
* urw-fonts: 8
* libsilc: 8
* gparted: 8
* rubygem-zoom: 8
* gurlchecker: 8
* glom: 8
* python-netaddr: 8
* ocaml-json-static: 8
* libnl: 8
* gnomeradio: 8
* vtk: 8
* jhead: 8
* tcpflow: 8
* komparator: 8
* rhgb: 8
* hatari: 8
* pciutils: 8
* python-sphinx: 8
* cairo: 8
* qucs: 8
* kronolith: 8
* krazy2: 8
* blobwars: 8
* popt: 8
* varnish: 8
* libpng: 8
* imapsync: 8
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA: 8
* mathomatic: 8
* typespeed: 6
* inksmoto: 6
* db4: 6
* phpPgAdmin: 6
* proftpd: 6
* lua-posix: 6
* getdata: 6
* wxsvg: 6
* xine-plugin: 6
* lua-lpeg: 6
* poker-eval: 6
* psiconv: 4
* libibcommon: 4
* jgoodies-looks: 4
* rubygem-facets: 4
* funtools: 4
* python-numdisplay: 4
* python-alsa: 4
* tecnoballz: 4
* kdebluetooth: 4
* rlwrap: 4
* perl-File-Comments: 4
* perl-Text-vFile-asData: 4
* jack-audio-connection-kit: 4
* fluidsynth: 4
* minisat2: 4
* mecab: 4
* tcl-tclvfs: 4
* cylindrix: 4
* perl-Module-Starter: 4
* xpad: 4
* qemu-launcher: 4
* ps3pf-utils: 4
* kile: 4
* tunctl: 4
* mpage: 4
* tiresias-fonts: 4
* libeXosip2: 4
* youtube-dl: 4
* djview4: 4
* python-xmpp: 4
* xqilla10: 4
* perl-Event-Lib: 4
* mousepad: 4
* libtunepimp: 4
* perl-Net-Packet-Target: 4
* ocaml: 4
* kbiof: 4
* weechat: 4
* pam_fprint: 4
* lua-logging: 4
* perl-DBIx-Class: 4
* libhugetlbfs: 4
* ballz: 4
* flobopuyo: 4
* xfprint: 4
* tcptrack: 4
* R-abind: 4
* halevt: 4
* xorg-x11-server-utils: 4
* chmlib: 4
* tastymenu: 4
* perl-Getopt-GUI-Long: 4
* uriparser: 4
* glibmm24: 4
* libwvstreams: 4
* nightfall: 4
* clonekeen: 4
* qcad: 4
* cyrus-imapd: 4
* xcompmgr: 4
* libgnomecanvas: 4
* perl-XML-Smart: 4
* python-libgmail-docs: 4
* tvtime: 4
* perl-Business-Hours: 4
* rxvt: 4
* vdr-skinsoppalusikka: 4
* xenwatch: 4
* dhcp: 4
* ocfs2-tools: 4
* bouml-doc: 4
* perl-Template-Provider-Encoding: 4
* cvs: 4
* imp: 4
* perl-Pod-Tests: 4
* trac: 4
* perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig: 4
* rubber: 4
* cfv: 4
* php-pear-Validate: 4
* ufiformat: 4
* perl-XML-Xerces: 4
* un-extra-fonts: 4
* translate-toolkit: 4
* perl-Log-TraceMessages: 4
* python-turbocheetah: 4
* perl-Array-Compare: 4
* scrub: 4
* clex: 4
* mono-zeroconf: 4
* openssh: 4
* Pyrex: 4
* jwhois: 4
* kismet: 4
* mediawiki-openid: 4
* numactl: 4
* eris: 4
* krusader: 4
* ivtv-firmware: 4
* perl-Kwiki-UserName: 4
* octave-forge: 4
* sms_ntsc: 4
* R-multcomp: 4
* libassuan: 4
* buildbot: 4
* libglade-java: 4
* xfce4-genmon-plugin: 4
* tennix: 4
* tibetan-machine-uni-fonts: 4
* rpm: 4
* ruby-ldap: 4
* trac-doxygen-plugin: 4
* python-xmltramp: 4
* perl-WWW-Search: 4
* conntrack-tools: 4
* cdargs: 4
* perl-Test-Exception: 4
* ffcall: 4
* gnome-utils: 4
* driftnet: 4
* mecab-java: 4
* netstiff: 4
* perl-Catalyst-View-JSON: 4
* glusterfs: 4
* gai: 4
* clutter-gtk: 4
* libopendaap: 4
* postgresql-odbcng: 4
* perl-User: 4
* rubberband: 4
* mugshot: 4
* microcode_ctl: 4
* perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable: 4
* gfs-baskerville-fonts: 4
* perl-Test-Unit: 4
* epeg: 4
* gnome-python2: 4
* qt: 4
* Macaulay2: 4
* fetchmail: 4
* switchdesk: 4
* safekeep: 4
* sshmenu: 4
* xfce4-icon-theme: 4
* perl-XML-XPathEngine: 4
* vdrift-data: 4
* wv2: 4
* nfs-utils-lib: 4
* perl-IO-All: 4
* GLC_lib: 4
* dash: 4
* stix-fonts: 4
* pAgenda: 4
* perl-Data-Stag: 4
* ruby-hpricot: 4
* primer3: 4
* beep: 4
* vodovod: 4
* cernlib: 4
* edb: 4
* ocaml-perl4caml: 4
* perl-Text-CharWidth: 4
* publican-fedora: 4
* pida: 4
* perl-POE-Component-SNMP: 4
* vdrift: 4
* winpdb: 4
* mybashburn: 4
* freetds: 4
* ruby-flexmock: 4
* e16-epplets: 4
* rubygem-pervasives: 4
* perl-Tree-Simple: 4
* gmfsk: 4
* lsnipes: 4
* python-gtkextra: 4
* perl-Module-Loaded: 4
* ruby-activerecord: 4
* rubygem-sqlite3-ruby: 4
* perl-Text-Template: 4
* meanwhile: 4
* ntfsprogs: 4
* sarai-fonts: 4
* proxyknife: 4
* python-twisted: 4
* perl-Math-Symbolic: 4
* athcool: 4
* mozldap: 4
* mysql: 4
* pungi: 4
* perl-IO-Socket-SSL: 4
* python-mako: 4
* hdf: 4
* R-lmtest: 4
* fprint_demo: 4
* gabedit: 4
* htmlparser: 4
* R-nws: 4
* python-igraph: 4
* ebnetd: 4
* glaxium: 4
* grub: 4
* xfwm4-themes: 4
* perl-Net-SSH2: 4
* hunspell-mr: 4
* cluttermm: 4
* perl-Module-Depends: 4
* rubygem-reststop: 4
* plt-scheme: 4
* gnupg: 4
* python-jinja2: 4
* sigen: 4
* xalan-c: 4
* solfege: 4
* php-pear-Numbers-Roman: 4
* cyrus-sasl: 4
* perl-Template-Alloy: 4
* samefile: 4
* rcssserver3d: 4
* denyhosts: 4
* exo: 4
* eclipse-cdt: 4
* BlockOutII: 4
* aspell: 4
* mailgraph: 4
* perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences: 4
* python-yenc: 4
* gfeed: 4
* stgit: 4
* tetex-fonts-hebrew: 4
* python-virtkey: 4
* freedink: 4
* xfce4-modemlights-plugin: 4
* lxlauncher: 4
* R-rlecuyer: 4
* procbench: 4
* php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect: 4
* hping3: 4
* python-psycopg2: 4
* python-peak-util-extremes: 4
* perl-HTML-Tidy: 4
* cyphesis: 4
* freedink-data: 4
* php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli: 4
* perl-HTML-FromText: 4
* gnome-system-monitor: 4
* mod_auth_ntlm_winbind: 4
* stardict: 4
* slrn: 4
* vnstat: 4
* php-pear-Payment-Process: 4
* colrdx: 4
* tuxtype2: 4
* ilmbase: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime: 4
* gdesklets-quote-of-the-day: 4
* magicor: 4
* akode: 4
* poker3d-data: 4
* mediawiki-imagemap: 4
* python-logilab-common: 4
* dahdi-tools: 4
* python-demjson: 4
* frozen-bubble: 4
* perl-Parallel-ForkManager: 4
* ftp: 4
* pango: 4
* pic2aa: 4
* virt-df: 4
* perl-Gnome2-GConf: 4
* gedit-plugins: 4
* idw-gpl: 4
* clucene: 4
* nes_ntsc: 4
* hunspell-bn: 4
* perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP: 4
* lib3ds: 4
* cduce: 4
* alsa-utils: 4
* ht: 4
* perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build: 4
* eclipse-photran: 4
* tetex-tex4ht: 4
* perl-DateTime-Precise: 4
* orsa: 4
* mcs: 4
* perl-Data-Dump: 4
* speex: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CGI-Untaint: 4
* php-pear-File-Find: 4
* perl-String-Random: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-ICal: 4
* hdrprep: 4
* dbus: 4
* kbackup: 4
* gnome-compiz-manager: 4
* python-dictclient: 4
* mod_bw: 4
* libmcrypt: 4
* doodle: 4
* transfig: 4
* perl-Text-SpellChecker: 4
* scummvm: 4
* libxfcegui4: 4
* msmtp: 4
* nexuiz: 4
* system-config-netboot: 4
* python-tw-forms: 4
* wdaemon: 4
* perl-Text-Format: 4
* netbsd-iscsi: 4
* srecord: 4
* thewidgetfactory: 4
* php-pecl-phar: 4
* perl-Smart-Comments: 4
* contact-lookup-applet: 4
* perl-Net-Daemon: 4
* cfitsio: 4
* splat: 4
* darkgarden-fonts: 4
* knetworkmanager: 4
* linux_logo: 4
* ksensors: 4
* dfu-programmer: 4
* php-pear-Services-Weather: 4
* goocanvas: 4
* eclipse-rpm-editor: 4
* ruby-taglib: 4
* moe: 4
* perl-Net-CUPS: 4
* python-cjson: 4
* factory: 4
* distcc: 4
* liblqr-1: 4
* linphone: 4
* khmeros-fonts: 4
* libXfont: 4
* perl-TAP-Harness: 4
* ogdi: 4
* perl-DateTime-Set: 4
* freealut: 4
* Perlbal: 4
* perl-Object-MultiType: 4
* libast: 4
* ksynaptics: 4
* totem: 4
* perl-Class-InsideOut: 4
* spicebird: 4
* OpenEXR_CTL: 4
* kanatest: 4
* deltarpm: 4
* python-fpconst: 4
* sweep: 4
* perl-Pipeline: 4
* libbtctl: 4
* sysprof: 4
* openuniverse: 4
* amanith: 4
* gt: 4
* perl-IO-TieCombine: 4
* gnome-subtitles: 4
* ggobi: 4
* libtomcrypt: 4
* perl-Test-Expect: 4
* libtranslate: 4
* samcoupe-rom: 4
* msort: 4
* perl-ParseLex: 4
* pssh: 4
* perl-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession: 4
* perl-DBD-Pg: 4
* SIBsim4: 4
* kstart: 4
* gcstar: 4
* ocaml-camlp5: 4
* lua-socket: 4
* xemacs-packages-extra: 4
* crystalspace: 4
* iperf: 4
* yum-updatesd: 4
* kid3: 4
* webcpp: 4
* perl-Class-C3-Componentised: 4
* pygoocanvas: 4
* muine: 4
* galculator: 4
* linpsk: 4
* libhocr: 4
* limph: 4
* qrq: 4
* perl-XML-Stream: 4
* perl-Test-YAML-Meta: 4
* gthumb: 4
* pards: 4
* perl-POE-Component-Server-SOAP: 4
* ed: 4
* perl-SQL-Translator: 4
* m17n-contrib: 4
* rubygems: 4
* cpan-upload: 4
* lostlabyrinth-sounds: 4
* htdig: 4
* squirrel: 4
* griv: 4
* mediawiki-StubManager: 4
* libopensync-plugin-gnokii: 4
* kcirbshooter: 4
* snobol: 4
* perl-Data-Alias: 4
* upslug2: 4
* perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes: 4
* weplab: 4
* alt-ergo: 4
* geekcode: 4
* xhotkeys: 4
* e16-themes: 4
* pymetar: 4
* nogravity: 4
* jbrout: 4
* perl-namespace-clean: 4
* ocaml-ounit: 4
* audacious-plugin-fc: 4
* icecream: 4
* rcssbase: 4
* jabberd: 4
* pyvnc2swf: 4
* tkcvs: 4
* perl-Term-Size: 4
* m17n-lib: 4
* perl-Linux-Pid: 4
* perl-File-BaseDir: 4
* why: 4
* php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql: 4
* childsplay: 4
* nogravity-data: 4
* abgraph: 4
* glib-java: 4
* pspp: 4
* bti: 4
* gwenview: 4
* smarteiffel: 4
* qle: 4
* ocaml-gsl: 4
* hunspell-or: 4
* gedit-latex-plugin: 4
* python-paver: 4
* tog-pegasus: 4
* perl-Class-Data-Accessor: 4
* php-pear-HTML-QuickForm: 4
* cproto: 4
* xfce4-verve-plugin: 4
* perl-Array-RefElem: 4
* emotion: 4
* Inventor: 4
* python-lzo: 4
* php-pear-Image-GraphViz: 4
* g-wrap: 4
* latex2emf: 4
* lsscsi: 4
* vte: 4
* qgtkstyle: 4
* php-pear-Var-Dump: 4
* qjackctl: 4
* libotr: 4
* perl-TAP-Harness-Archive: 4
* xfce4-datetime-plugin: 4
* lohit-fonts: 4
* nss_db: 4
* python-markdown: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Diff: 4
* s3cmd: 4
* ruby-revolution: 4
* python-gammu: 4
* fmt-ptrn: 4
* avrdude: 4
* perl-HTML-Table: 4
* xfce4-battery-plugin: 4
* oggconvert: 4
* nkf: 4
* python-peak-util-addons: 4
* mash: 4
* php-pear-Net-Socket: 4
* swarp: 4
* perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader: 4
* libvpd: 4
* epsilon: 4
* akonadi: 4
* xmlstarlet: 4
* scim-hangul: 4
* perl-Test-YAML-Valid: 4
* perl-POE-Wheel-Null: 4
* gstreamer-python: 4
* perl-IPC-Run-SafeHandles: 4
* thinkfinger: 4
* python-nevow: 4
* python-turbokid: 4
* perl-CSS-Squish: 4
* wesnoth: 4
* sk2py: 4
* perl-XML-Entities: 4
* egd: 4
* libselinux: 4
* boo: 4
* wget: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-Pg: 4
* R-systemfit: 4
* R-acepack: 4
* perl-Sort-Naturally: 4
* supertux: 4
* xfce-mcs-manager: 4
* perl-Object-Accessor: 4
* aspell-gu: 4
* evolution-zimbra: 4
* PyAmanith: 4
* perl-Class-Inner: 4
* perl-Tk-TableMatrix: 4
* xgridfit: 4
* biniax: 4
* pywbxml: 4
* fedora-gnome-theme: 4
* php-eaccelerator: 4
* perl-POE-API-Peek: 4
* perl-Config-Grammar: 4
* numpy: 4
* fdupes: 4
* rubygem-rspec: 4
* fcgi: 4
* rubygem-gettext: 4
* python-Coherence: 4
* padauk-fonts: 4
* corkscrew: 4
* perl-Apache2-SOAP: 4
* freeipmi: 4
* libnfnetlink: 4
* DivFix++: 4
* monotone-viz: 4
* mediawiki-ParserFunctions: 4
* python-storm: 4
* avahi: 4
* perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog: 4
* perl-Object-Signature: 4
* redland: 4
* lua-sql: 4
* libnjb: 4
* pkgconfig: 4
* eventlog: 4
* magicmaze: 4
* pam_ssh: 4
* fprobe-ulog: 4
* jday: 4
* vtun: 4
* osslsigncode: 4
* roadstencil-fonts: 4
* bytelist: 4
* rasqal: 4
* libgpod: 4
* gnome-keyring-sharp: 4
* perl-Authen-Krb5: 4
* phpwapmail: 4
* unikurd-web-font: 4
* cairo-java: 4
* libident: 4
* udev: 4
* libkipi: 4
* docbook-utils: 4
* mm3d: 4
* ocaml-mysql: 4
* perl-Test-MockTime: 4
* libftdi: 4
* clutter-gst: 4
* dnrd: 4
* dcraw: 4
* php-pear-Image-Color: 4
* ksshaskpass: 4
* ClanLib: 4
* fxload: 4
* ircd-hybrid: 4
* gflags: 4
* txt2rss: 4
* ngspice: 4
* alltray: 4
* ax25-tools: 4
* astromenace: 4
* libxfce4util: 4
* perl-JSON: 4
* kcometen3: 4
* spacechart: 4
* malaga: 4
* global: 4
* bash-completion: 4
* ruby-activesupport: 4
* perl-Apache-DBI: 4
* php-pear-Net-Curl: 4
* compat-guichan06: 4
* alsa-lib: 4
* lrzip: 4
* ocaml-json-wheel: 4
* cpuspeed: 4
* gnome-applet-tvn24: 4
* cpqarrayd: 4
* python-urlgrabber: 4
* byacc: 4
* ocaml-fileutils: 4
* perl-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT: 4
* pixman: 4
* php-pear-Auth-OpenID: 4
* enscript: 4
* rpmrebuild: 4
* perl-CSS: 4
* perl-Set-Infinite: 4
* cstream: 4
* python-alsaaudio: 4
* radiusclient-ng: 4
* boost: 4
* abcMIDI: 4
* bunny: 4
* perl-Exception-Class: 4
* perl-mecab: 4
* xournal: 4
* 4
* gtk-xfce-engine: 4
* libibmad: 4
* synce-software-manager: 4
* fs_mark: 4
* SOAPpy: 4
* libtiff: 4
* libsepol: 4
* labrea: 4
* electronics-menu: 4
* gforth: 4
* fedorainfinity-kdm-theme: 4
* perl-Params-Check: 4
* perl-Mail-DKIM: 4
* python-IPy: 4
* remctl: 4
* php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer: 4
* xlockmore: 4
* perl-GraphViz: 4
* player: 4
* tcputils: 4
* orage: 4
* OpenSceneGraph: 4
* trac-git-plugin: 4
* gst-inspector: 4
* fltk: 4
* mysql-gui-tools: 4
* vdr-streamdev: 4
* gtkperf: 4
* irssi: 4
* kdiff3: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF: 4
* freeimage: 4
* diffutils: 4
* php-pear-XML-Util: 4
* wgrib2: 4
* R-car: 4
* clutter-cairo: 4
* php-pear-HTTP-Upload: 4
* perl-Razor-Agent: 4
* PyXML: 4
* wlassistant: 4
* perl-Module-ExtractUse: 4
* perl-AppConfig-Std: 4
* xwota: 4
* ogre: 4
* qps: 4
* file-browser-applet: 4
* xmp: 4
* perl-File-ShareDir: 4
* perl-Lingua-Preferred: 4
* sitecopy: 4
* unison: 4
* CTL: 4
* link-grammar: 4
* smokeping: 4
* php-pear-Net-URL-Mapper: 4
* xpsk31: 4
* ddd: 4
* pam_mysql: 4
* groff: 4
* id3v2: 4
* perl-ccom: 4
* perl-Tie-ToObject: 4
* soundtracker: 4
* ovaldi: 4
* gpsim: 4
* libkexiv2: 4
* tokyocabinet: 4
* renrot: 4
* ocaml-xmlrpc-light: 4
* python-simplejson: 4
* rubygem-git: 4
* fuse-emulator-utils: 4
* odt2txt: 4
* liberation-fonts: 4
* libEMF: 4
* xfce4-time-out-plugin: 4
* php-pear-DB-DataObject: 4
* grc: 4
* GLC_Player: 4
* perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix: 4
* itcl: 4
* pyPdf: 4
* printoxx: 4
* gimmix: 4
* gsf-sharp: 4
* tcd-utils: 4
* md5deep: 4
* gtest: 4
* jna: 4
* parprouted: 4
* lftp: 4
* hardinfo: 4
* libax25: 4
* xmoto: 4
* powertop: 4
* elice: 4
* staden-io_lib: 4
* php-pear-HTML-Table: 4
* icu4j: 4
* perl-File-Type: 4
* python-mpd: 4
* emacspeak: 4
* teg: 4
* perl-Sub-Uplevel: 4
* libvncserver: 4
* brasero: 4
* libosip2: 4
* brazil: 4
* giggle: 4
* perl-Gtk2-Notify: 4
* libssh2: 4
* xfce4-session: 4
* istanbul: 4
* trackballs: 4
* uim: 4
* perl-Test-Portability-Files: 4
* perl-MooseX-Types: 4
* perl-Algorithm-FastPermute: 4
* memcached: 4
* ezstream: 4
* cpipe: 4
* python-twisted-lore: 4
* perl-Scope-Guard: 4
* perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu: 4
* scribus: 4
* scythia: 4
* python-prioritized-methods: 4
* ocaml-zip: 4
* ed2k_hash: 4
* python-dtopt: 4
* siege: 4
* tuxguitar: 4
* libuninum: 4
* postgresql_autodoc: 4
* redhat-menus: 4
* liquidwar: 4
* seq24: 4
* messiggy: 4
* php-pecl-apc: 4
* compat-wxGTK26: 4
* adanaxisgpl: 4
* python-jinja: 4
* xfce4-appfinder: 4
* libgringotts: 4
* tcl-tktreectrl: 4
* opticalraytracer: 4
* perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence: 4
* pioneers: 4
* perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed: 4
* perl-XML-Tidy: 4
* libotf: 4
* perl-prefork: 4
* sooperlooper: 4
* libnasl: 4
* slib: 4
* perl-SOAP-Lite: 4
* ikiwiki: 4
* freehdl: 4
* perl-File-Next: 4
* unixODBC: 4
* python-kiwi: 4
* tcl-tileqt: 4
* lxtask: 4
* fish: 4
* perl-Package-Constants: 4
* httperf: 4
* perl-Text-Smart-Plugin: 4
* perl-Sysadm-Install: 4
* perl-RPC-XML: 4
* php-manual-en: 4
* synce-gnome: 4
* trickle: 4
* emacs-common-ebib: 4
* ipython: 4
* libgnome-java: 4
* perl-Crypt-Rijndael: 4
* gfs-olga-fonts: 4
* php-laconica: 4
* wkf: 4
* pyfits: 4
* gl2ps: 4
* perl-Image-ExifTool: 4
* gnome-launch-box: 4
* perl-SUPER: 4
* gl-117: 4
* wfmath: 4
* scapy: 4
* d4x: 4
* amoebax: 4
* gfs-solomos-fonts: 4
* ElectricFence: 4
* libibcm: 4
* gutenprint: 4
* gtk-doc: 4
* python-cheetah: 4
* lxsession-lite: 4
* libglademm24: 4
* seedit: 4
* itzam-core: 4
* php-pear-SOAP: 4
* radvd: 4
* chktex: 4
* jokosher: 4
* gridengine: 4
* SAASound: 4
* fedora-idm-console: 4
* gd: 4
* python-which: 4
* perl-Test-SubCalls: 4
* driconf: 4
* xchat-ruby: 4
* aimage: 4
* geeqie: 4
* synce-serial: 4
* perl-Log-Message: 4
* ruby-RRDtool: 4
* perl-Task-Weaken: 4
* milkytracker: 4
* lam: 4
* wordwarvi: 4
* insight: 4
* perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse: 4
* perl-Data-Password: 4
* gpsdrive: 4
* libitl: 4
* gimp-lqr-plugin: 4
* pstreams-devel: 4
* bluefish: 4
* perl-Spiffy: 4
* lxterminal: 4
* memtester: 4
* irqbalance: 4
* perl-Class-Factory-Util: 4
* qsstv: 4
* SILLY: 4
* attr: 4
* yafray: 4
* nexcontrol: 4
* chess: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Revisions: 4
* xfce4-gsynaptics-mcs-plugin: 4
* workrave: 4
* pdfresurrect: 4
* ale: 4
* telepathy-salut: 4
* ocsinventory-agent: 4
* smbldap-tools: 4
* stunnel: 4
* quota: 4
* libgee: 4
* pmtools: 4
* R-GeneR: 4
* dxpc: 4
* erlang-pgsql: 4
* gmrun: 4
* fbdesk: 4
* opensm: 4
* libsoup: 4
* nickle: 4
* perl-Algorithm-Permute: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest: 4
* screenruler: 4
* ms-sys: 4
* libpreludedb: 4
* perl-Log-Dispatch-Perl: 4
* dxcc: 4
* vldocking: 4
* spandsp: 4
* pyephem: 4
* gtkwave: 4
* lasi: 4
* abicheck: 4
* nec2c: 4
* gputils: 4
* xfce4-diskperf-plugin: 4
* ocaml-omake: 4
* ocaml-pxp: 4
* libxfce4mcs: 4
* lua-expat: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie: 4
* synaptic: 4
* system-summary: 4
* epdfview: 4
* lout: 4
* make: 4
* gfs-artemisia-fonts: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs: 4
* anaconda-yum-plugins: 4
* mew: 4
* edsadmin: 4
* php-channel-symfony: 4
* xcalib: 4
* catdoc: 4
* gxine: 4
* calamaris: 4
* R-Matrix: 4
* perl-Net-LibIDN: 4
* httptunnel: 4
* cryptix: 4
* mikmod: 4
* silkscreen-fonts: 4
* lipstik: 4
* perl-YAML-Parser-Syck: 4
* perl-Class-Method-Modifiers: 4
* perl-OpenFrame: 4
* R-DBI: 4
* rpc2: 4
* rsstool: 4
* mediawiki-SpecialInterwiki: 4
* comedilib: 4
* R-pls: 4
* php-channel-phing: 4
* perl-WWW-Mechanize: 4
* libytnef: 4
* perl-Test-Script: 4
* perl-Text-WrapI18N: 4
* Xaw3d: 4
* ax25-apps: 4
* ddclient: 4
* ocaml-ocamlnet: 4
* libgnomedbmm: 4
* ndesk-dbus: 4
* netlabel_tools: 4
* pygame: 4
* nethack: 4
* gpar2: 4
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 4
* libgnomeuimm26: 4
* gadmin-squid: 4
* cmucl: 4
* libnetfilter_conntrack: 4
* python-xlrd: 4
* gridloc: 4
* ricci: 4
* redet-doc: 4
* cellwriter: 4
* wf: 4
* gypsy: 4
* stalonetray: 4
* gnu-smalltalk: 4
* php-pear-Auth: 4
* mlocate: 4
* libtasn1: 4
* gedit: 4
* authd: 4
* pyroom: 4
* sofia-sip: 4
* papyrus: 4
* vdccm: 4
* pmpu: 4
* emacs-lua: 4
* f-spot: 4
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-DataObject: 4
* smstools: 4
* trac-monotone-plugin: 4
* perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges: 4
* perl-Sub-Identify: 4
* perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple: 4
* transbot: 4
* java-1.7.0-icedtea: 4
* pexpect: 4
* rvm: 4
* perl-URI-FromHash: 4
* php-xmpphp: 4
* python-decorator: 4
* libmicrohttpd: 4
* initng-conf-gtk: 4
* PyOpenGL: 4
* jabberpy: 4
* python-openid: 4
* gossip: 4
* xfce4-mixer: 4
* parcellite: 4
* ortp: 4
* gnome-themes: 4
* perl-Event-ExecFlow: 4
* oggvideotools: 4
* autodownloader: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session: 4
* serenity: 4
* gtkdatabox: 4
* libggz: 4
* libassa: 4
* optipng: 4
* gob2: 4
* gpsd: 4
* straw: 4
* fedora-logos: 4
* qtoctave: 4
* perl-Image-Info: 4
* eclipse-subclipse: 4
* color-filesystem: 4
* ochusha: 4
* gts: 4
* perl-Kwiki-NewPage: 4
* perl-Image-Math-Constrain: 4
* unpaper: 4
* perl-Kwiki-ModPerl: 4
* bcrypt: 4
* exiv2: 4
* tcl: 4
* rdma: 4
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 4
* oyranos: 4
* mac-robber: 4
* perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Simple: 4
* ffsb: 4
* mairix: 4
* yaboot: 4
* perl-Net-NBName: 4
* repoview: 4
* python-paste: 4
* perl-Locale-SubCountry: 4
* xosview: 4
* perl-CPAN-Mini: 4
* greyhounds: 4
* sear: 4
* heartbeat: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: 4
* ocaml-dbus: 4
* nmap: 4
* loudmouth: 4
* gg2: 4
* perl-Cache-Mmap: 4
* kreetingkard: 4
* python-formencode: 4
* php-oauth: 4
* sunbird: 4
* trac-xmlrpc-plugin: 4
* ocrad: 4
* pylint: 4
* ocaml-camlidl: 4
* perl-Module-Util: 4
* qdevelop: 4
* ocaml-deriving: 4
* openal: 4
* schroedinger: 4
* postgresql-odbc: 4
* fuse-python: 4
* vnc-ltsp-config: 4
* rootsh: 4
* dbus-c++: 4
* python-httplib2: 4
* gnome-vfs2: 4
* python-tgexpandingformwidget: 4
* gwibber: 4
* cflow: 4
* perl-Math-MatrixReal: 4
* ConsoleKit: 4
* OpenEXR: 4
* unuran: 4
* xbacklight: 4
* xdx: 4
* python-dotconf: 4
* pypop: 4
* libnemesi: 4
* gmediaserver: 4
* perl-UNIVERSAL-isa: 4
* scidavis: 4
* gcdmaster: 4
* lapack: 4
* moodbar: 4
* R-hgu95av2probe: 4
* libmspack: 4
* perl-File-ReadBackwards: 4
* freedink-dfarc: 4
* postfix: 4
* kreetingkard_templates: 4
* jabbin: 4
* ulogd: 4
* ocaml-sqlite: 4
* glob2: 4
* qgit: 4
* perl-Devel-LexAlias: 4
* virt-top: 4
* kmymoney2: 4
* nfs4-acl-tools: 4
* libzip: 4
* libpaper: 4
* cvsplot: 4
* CriticalMass: 4
* bacula: 4
* mach: 4
* xmoto-edit: 4
* pymssql: 4
* vdradmin-am: 4
* itaka: 4
* inconsolata-fonts: 4
* gdl: 4
* perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent: 4
* perl-Text-Levenshtein: 4
* libutempter: 4
* vamp-plugin-sdk: 4
* upx: 4
* mlton: 4
* unzip: 4
* xmmsctrl: 4
* nebula: 4
* m17n-db: 4
* kaya: 4
* planets: 4
* tmispell-voikko: 4
* gnome-bluetooth: 4
* nss_ldap: 4
* bsd-games: 4
* rb_libtorrent: 4
* beecrypt: 4
* openalchemist: 4
* fnfx: 4
* php-pear-Auth-RADIUS: 4
* rapidsvn: 4
* perl-Getopt-Euclid: 4
* bcel: 4
* crack-attack: 4
* python-ZSI: 4
* libthai: 4
* aldo: 4
* ranpwd: 4
* log4net: 4
* perl-B-Keywords: 4
* phasex: 4
* e16-keyedit: 4
* perl-BDB: 4
* clustermon: 4
* python-mecab: 4
* fedora-release-notes: 4
* libewf: 4
* libzrtpcpp: 4
* php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql: 4
* rubygem-arrayfields: 4
* rsync: 4
* npush: 4
* linuxwacom: 4
* xxdiff: 4
* extremetuxracer: 4
* queuegraph: 4
* gsynaptics: 4
* perl-DBI-Dumper: 4
* perl-Module-Versions-Report: 4
* cpufrequtils: 4
* perl-Mail-GnuPG: 4
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 4
* PySolFC: 4
* hunspell-ta: 4
* debootstrap: 4
* vegastrike-data: 4
* wastesedge: 4
* xinetd: 4
* childsplay_plugins: 4
* perl-Module-Pluggable: 4
* freefem++: 4
* rsibreak: 4
* jna-posix: 4
* libibumad: 4
* quesoglc: 4
* perl-Date-Manip: 4
* evince: 4
* rubygem-highline: 4
* pygobject2: 4
* sublib: 4
* perl-asa: 4
* grsync: 4
* python-meld3: 4
* perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel: 4
* notify-python: 4
* preload: 4
* nfs-utils: 4
* gmm: 4
* pyxdg: 4
* eigen: 4
* aspell-sk: 4
* schedtool: 4
* gtranslator: 4
* perl-Devel-Cover: 4
* simcoupe: 4
* pvm: 4
* lynis: 4
* xfce4-clipman-plugin: 4
* perl-Font-AFM: 4
* perl-POE-Component-Child: 4
* yap: 4
* perl-Log-Message-Simple: 4
* filelight: 4
* php-pear-Cache-Lite: 4
* gtkpod: 4
* gfs-porson-fonts: 4
* python-flup: 4
* luma: 4
* ncarg: 4
* livecd-tools: 4
* efreet: 4
* perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP: 4
* maildrop: 4
* gkrellm-timestamp: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Attachments: 4
* LabPlot: 4
* lwp: 4
* PolicyKit: 4
* cvsutils: 4
* python-peak-util-assembler: 4
* libdvdread: 4
* starplot-yale5: 4
* perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword: 4
* php-pear-Numbers-Words: 4
* nyquist: 4
* perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI: 4
* teseq: 4
* portaudio: 4
* perl-XML-Merge: 4
* python-paste-script: 4
* amtu: 4
* perl-CGI-Session: 4
* sos: 4
* guilt: 4
* perl-DBD-Multi: 4
* sylpheed: 4
* inadyn: 4
* perl-Test-Block: 4
* zenity: 4
* ekiga: 4
* perl-GO-TermFinder: 4
* php-pear-XML-Beautifier: 4
* perl-Net-DBus: 4
* libgnomeprint22: 4
* R-zoo: 4
* perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl: 4
* CGAL: 4
* o3read: 4
* system-config-date: 4
* iprutils: 4
* perl-GDTextUtil: 4
* poedit: 4
* PyKDE: 4
* cppad: 4
* system-config-kickstart: 4
* python-logilab-astng: 4
* sdcc: 4
* perl-Class-Factory: 4
* GraphicsMagick: 4
* gt5: 4
* lure: 4
* zoneminder: 4
* gnome-hearts: 4
* perl-DBD-SQLite: 4
* dbxml-perl: 4
* netmonitor: 4
* perl-Data-Visitor: 4
* xfce4-weather-plugin: 4
* rubygem-attributes: 4
* perl-DBD-Mock: 4
* crack: 4
* ocaml-lablgl: 4
* xfce4-panel: 4
* xfwm4-theme-nodoka: 4
* environment-modules: 4
* perl-Business-CreditCard: 4
* vaspview: 4
* perl-File-DesktopEntry: 4
* xnec2c: 4
* perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory: 4
* amarokFS: 4
* torque: 4
* ocaml-bitstring: 4
* lcms: 4
* man-pages-cs: 4
* rudesocket: 4
* libspectrum: 4
* python-libgmail: 4
* gnome-applet-jalali-calendar: 4
* nut: 4
* gfs-bodoni-fonts: 4
* libglade2: 4
* perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages: 4
* guichan: 4
* gstreamer: 4
* perl-Config-Record: 4
* php-pear-MDB2: 4
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Smarty: 4
* tesseract: 4
* python-sqlalchemy0.3: 4
* ocspd: 4
* perl-Test-Mock-LWP: 4
* system-config-nfs: 4
* kscope: 4
* ocamldsort: 4
* perl-Email-Find: 4
* evolution-python: 4
* tclpro: 4
* monitor-edid: 4
* dropbear: 4
* arpack: 4
* perl-Hook-LexWrap: 4
* emacs-common-tuareg: 4
* ekg: 4
* clisp: 4
* python-webhelpers: 4
* methane: 4
* libyahoo2: 4
* perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive: 4
* pdfedit: 4
* xfce4-timer-plugin: 4
* qct: 4
* artwiz-aleczapka-fonts: 4
* multiget: 4
* swig: 4
* PersonalCopy-Lite-soundfont: 4
* qca2: 4
* hugin: 4
* lbrickbuster2: 4
* php-pear-DB-QueryTool: 4
* perl-Template-Timer: 4
* piklab: 4
* python-minihallib: 4
* rubygem-picnic: 4
* perl-HTML-Template-Pro: 4
* qca-gnupg: 4
* subcommander: 4
* compizconfig-python: 4
* pdfmerge: 4
* perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction: 4
* perl-XML-DOM-XPath: 4
* gresolver: 4
* haddock: 4
* ImageMagick: 4
* drivel: 4
* ocaml-cryptokit: 4
* ocaml-postgresql: 4
* pinentry: 4
* libconfig: 4
* coriander: 4
* python-setuptools: 4
* ocaml-ocamlgraph: 4
* feh: 4
* starplot-gliese3: 4
* perl-Kwiki: 4
* hippo-canvas: 4
* pisg: 4
* edje: 4
* stk: 4
* cernlib-g77: 4
* compat-erlang: 4
* python-routes: 4
* hunspell-pa: 4
* aiccu: 4
* gtklp: 4
* maradns: 4
* gtk-nodoka-engine: 4
* gfs-didot-classic-fonts: 4
* perl-Authen-Captcha: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL: 4
* python-peak-util-symbols: 4
* perl-File-Slurp: 4
* jcip-annotations: 4
* perl-File-chdir: 4
* perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP: 4
* cowbell: 4
* tqsllib: 4
* compiz-manager: 4
* libopensync-plugin-syncml: 4
* gfs-neohellenic-fonts: 4
* xfce4-dict-plugin: 4
* perl-Test-Inline: 4
* xsel: 4
* compizconfig-backend-gconf: 4
* ghasher: 4
* perl-PHP-Serialization: 4
* perl-Gnome2-VFS: 4
* catfish: 4
* snes_ntsc: 4
* kitsune: 4
* tachyon: 4
* python-pylons: 4
* perl-Expect-Simple: 4
* pgbouncer: 4
* php-pear-Console-ProgressBar: 4
* cel: 4
* perl-Module-Install: 4
* inotify-tools: 4
* python-wsgiproxy: 4
* perl-Regexp-Common: 4
* sendmail: 4
* cpl: 4
* argyllcms: 4
* bib2html: 4
* libsieve: 4
* mediawiki-HNP: 4
* openlayers: 4
* xfhell: 4
* perl-Class-Autouse: 4
* ql23xx-firmware: 4
* bless: 4
* cx18-firmware: 4
* flex: 4
* bolzplatz2006: 4
* aspell-hi: 4
* libconcord: 4
* python-daap: 4
* libvidcap: 4
* stardict-dic-zh_TW: 4
* libmlx4: 4
* ferm: 4
* ocaml-cairo: 4
* libnss-mysql: 4
* gnuplot: 4
* ClanLib06: 4
* rudecgi: 4
* tktray: 4
* gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack: 4
* publican-genome: 4
* xwnc: 4
* sl: 4
* nagios-plugins-check_sip: 4
* compizconfig-backend-kconfig: 4
* python-augeas: 4
* docker: 4
* pam_krb5: 4
* liboggz: 4
* starplot-contrib: 4
* python-cerealizer: 4
* gimp-help: 4
* ocaml-lacaml: 4
* innotop: 4
* xfce4-cpugraph-plugin: 4
* trophy: 4
* mono-addins: 4
* hercules: 4
* xfce-mcs-plugins-extra: 4
* mod_suphp: 4
* python-gdata: 4
* OpenEXR_Viewers: 4
* dtc: 4
* clusterssh: 4
* kita: 4
* xfce4-mailwatch-plugin: 4
* python-textile: 4
* nedit: 4
* SDL_sound: 4
* coredumper: 4
* guile-lib: 4
* xfsprogs: 4
* taipeifonts: 4
* terminus-font: 4
* rubygem-main: 4
* ndesk-dbus-glib: 4
* libshout: 4
* libvorbis: 4
* gfs-theokritos-fonts: 4
* aspell-mr: 4
* gucharmap: 4
* ocaml-facile: 4
* ingo: 4
* dhcpv6: 4
* libgconf-java: 4
* freecol: 4
* quake3: 4
* xfwm4: 4
* t1lib: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-DB2: 4
* Terminal: 4
* meld: 4
* gfs-complutum-fonts: 4
* listen: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema: 4
* balsa: 4
* libapreq2: 4
* php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect: 4
* node: 4
* python-dns: 4
* xchat: 4
* gnue-common: 4
* perl-Event-RPC: 4
* un-core-fonts: 4
* libprojectM: 4
* tcllib: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Raw: 4
* perl-Net-XMPP: 4
* perl-aliased: 4
* tcl-tcludp: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Search: 4
* libvte-java: 4
* perl-HTML-PrettyPrinter: 4
* gphoto2: 4
* php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode: 4
* polyester: 4
* hanazono-fonts: 4
* perl-parent: 4
* perl-Set-IntSpan: 4
* nled: 4
* perl-XML-SAX-Writer: 4
* MySQL-python: 4
* php-pear-pake: 4
* stardict-dic-zh_CN: 4
* python-markdown2: 4
* perl-SVG-Graph: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Devel: 4
* libtommath: 4
* monosim: 4
* pidgin-facebookchat: 4
* barry: 4
* libsmi: 4
* fuse-smb: 4
* nxt_python: 4
* librtfcomp: 4
* greylistd: 4
* python-TurboMail: 4
* cleanfeed: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple: 4
* lostlabyrinth: 4
* freehoo: 4
* wavextract: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace: 4
* gmp: 4
* openmsx: 4
* xmountains: 4
* hunspell-hi: 4
* libspectre: 4
* xfce4-dev-tools: 4
* ptrash: 4
* libsmbios: 4
* cupsddk: 4
* itk: 4
* telepathy-gabble: 4
* isight-firmware-tools: 4
* gstreamer-plugins-good: 4
* 4
* gfs-gazis-fonts: 4
* glpk: 4
* perl-Config-Simple: 4
* xcb-proto: 4
* wp_tray: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP: 4
* flow-tools: 4
* adonthell: 4
* ntl: 4
* vnc: 4
* oorexx: 4
* concordance: 4
* libmowgli: 4
* ettercap: 4
* xfbib: 4
* arj: 4
* ipcalculator: 4
* emacs-common-muse: 4
* xclip: 4
* dnstracer: 4
* php-pear-Image-Graph: 4
* xfce4-sensors-plugin: 4
* gdhcpd: 4
* UnihanDb: 4
* telepathy-mission-control: 4
* perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote: 4
* lcov: 4
* sip-redirect: 4
* e_dbus: 4
* ocaml-res: 4
* python-twitter: 4
* aria2: 4
* luadoc: 4
* hwdata: 4
* perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class: 4
* perl-JSON-Any: 4
* ruby-imagesize: 4
* koules: 4
* netembryo: 4
* dar: 4
* reciteword: 4
* xdialog: 4
* rpl: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-Builder: 4
* perl-Error: 4
* xfce4-mpc-plugin: 4
* ipod-sharp: 4
* E: 4
* barrage: 4
* libnova: 4
* bluez-libs: 4
* sysfsutils: 4
* dbxml: 4
* mc: 4
* perl-XML-TreeBuilder: 4
* nessus-core: 4
* rubygem-markaby: 4
* scanmem: 4
* gnome-password-generator: 4
* php-pear-HTTP-Client: 4
* perl-HTML-Template-Expr: 4
* erlang-esdl: 4
* Thunar: 4
* perl-Data-ICal: 4
* xmlcopyeditor: 4
* gfs-didot-fonts: 4
* enlightenment: 4
* libtheora: 4
* e2tools: 4
* perl-Array-Diff: 4
* perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate: 4
* libdstr: 4
* R-biglm: 4
* xqf: 4
* mkvtoolnix: 4
* mytop: 4
* tbb: 4
* docbook-dtds: 4
* ocaml-camomile: 4
* libopensync-plugin-sunbird: 4
* serpentine: 4
* csstidy: 4
* diction: 4
* lostlabyrinth-graphics: 4
* milter-regex: 4
* php-pear-Event-Dispatcher: 4
* multisync: 4
* perl-Text-Smart: 4
* evolution-rspam: 4
* qca-ossl: 4
* altermime: 4
* php-pear-Mail-Mime: 4
* perl-Class-MethodMaker: 4
* perl-Net-eBay: 4
* xgrav: 4
* tinyxml: 4
* tex-simplecv: 4
* abcde: 4
* unshield: 4
* perl-Class-C3: 4
* xorg-x11-drv-nv: 4
* rt3: 4
* dotconf: 4
* orange: 4
* kasumi: 4
* rubygem-builder: 4
* ntp: 4
* perl-DateTime-Format-DateManip: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder: 4
* icewm: 4
* ruby-mecab: 4
* w3c-libwww: 4
* perl-DateTime-Event-ICal: 4
* perl-qooxdoo-compat: 4
* libid3tag: 4
* lpsk31: 4
* geomview: 4
* perl-Config-IniHash: 4
* ocaml-cil: 4
* e16-docs: 4
* xzgv: 4
* libfac: 4
* perl-Math-BaseCnv: 4
* widelands: 4
* tk: 4
* llvm: 4
* perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple: 4
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES: 4
* perl-Catalyst-Model-XMLRPC: 4
* xfce4-mount-plugin: 4
* dmraid: 4
* perl-Imager: 4
* kmplayer: 4
* yanone-kaffeesatz-fonts: 4
* autogen: 4
* ibp: 4
* bzip2: 4
* pyexiv2: 4
* perl-XML-Writer: 4
* emacs-auctex: 4
* wv: 4
* perl-CGI-Ex: 4
* xdotool: 4
* perl-JSON-XS: 4
* projectM-libvisual: 4
* atlascpp: 4
* kyum: 4
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-MDB2: 4
* udpcast: 4
* goocanvasmm: 4
* yoltia: 4
* unixcw: 4
* konversation: 4
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-Array: 4
* perl-Mouse: 4
* vttest: 4
* perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: 4
* perl-SNMP-Info: 4
* fmio: 4
* biloba: 4
* perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta: 4
* php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Pager: 4
* gnomecatalog: 4
* postgresql-ip4r: 4
* perl-Digest-CRC: 4
* gnome-valgrind-session: 4
* dayplanner: 4
* tasks: 4
* pcapy: 4
* php-pear-phing: 4
* csound: 4
* gstream: 4
* xhtml2fo-style-xsl: 4
* kio_p7zip: 4
* R-BufferedMatrixMethods: 4
* R-RSQLite: 4
* xmlroff: 4
* perl-Ace: 4
* synce-hal: 4
* protobuf: 4
* perl-Newt: 4
* gfs-bodoni-classic-fonts: 4
* readline: 4
* apcupsd: 4
* apt: 4
* pidgin-otr: 4
* thunar-volman: 4
* remoot: 4
* python-peak-rules: 4
* aircrack-ng: 4
* xsettings-kde: 4
* thibault-fonts: 4
* rdesktop: 4
* libdhcp: 4
* libcdaudio: 2
* tile: 2
* p7zip: 2
* rakarrack: 2
* librsync: 2
Fedora EPEL 5
* 1420 updates
* 1136 stable updates
* 1244 testing updates
* 28 pending updates
* 73 obsolete updates
* 651 bugfix updates (45.85%)
* 212 enhancement updates (14.93%)
* 82 security updates (5.77%)
* 475 newpackage updates (33.45%)
* 17 critical path updates (1.20%)
* 94 updates received feedback (6.62%)
* 239 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 29 anonymous users gave feedback (0.96%)
* 1244 out of 1420 updates went through testing (87.61%)
* 985 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (79.18%)
* 16 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* koji-1.3.2-1.el5.2 submitted by ausil
* deltarpm-3.5-0.5.20090913git.el5 submitted by jdieter
* repoview-0.6.4-1.el5 submitted by icon
* pygpgme-0.1-8.el5 submitted by jkeating
* libssh2-0.18-10.el5 submitted by djuran
* deltarpm-3.4-8.el5.1 submitted by toshio
* pyOpenSSL-0.7-6.el5 submitted by lmacken
* c-ares-1.6.0-1.el5 submitted by spot
* python-nss-0.6-3.el5 submitted by jkeating
* xz-4.999.9-0.1.beta.20091007git.el5 submitted by toshio
* python-kid-0.9.6-6.el5 submitted by till
* xz-4.999.8-0.7.beta.el5.1 submitted by toshio
* xz-4.999.8-0.10.beta.20090817git.el5 submitted by toshio
* libtdb-1.2.1-2.el5 submitted by sgallagh
* libtdb-1.2.1-4.el5 submitted by sgallagh
* repoview-0.6.5-1.el5 submitted by icon
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 24 days
* median = 18 days
* mode = 16 days
* 0 updates automatically unpushed due to karma (0.00%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* 9 updates automatically pushed due to karma (0.63%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* Time spent in testing of updates that were pushed by karma:
* mean = 12 days
* median = 7 days
* mode = 7 days
* 994 packages updated
[ View all ]
* libguestfs: 22
* znc: 10
* wordpress: 7
* 389-ds-base: 7
* python-fedora: 7
* globus-common: 7
* vrq: 7
* puppet: 6
* 389-admin: 6
* wordpress-mu: 6
* viewvc: 6
* dvisvgm: 6
* pki-common: 6
* fedora-packager: 6
* cherokee: 6
* mock: 6
* php-pear-Net-SMTP: 5
* augeas: 5
* collectl: 5
* voms: 5
* pki-ca: 5
* trytond: 5
* tryton: 5
* cppcheck: 5
* R: 5
* supybot-meetbot: 5
* Django: 5
* moreutils: 4
* globus-gssapi-gsi: 4
* haproxy: 4
* globus-ftp-client: 4
* globus-gsi-proxy-core: 4
* 3proxy: 4
* dogtag-pki-ca-ui: 4
* openscada: 4
* dnssec-conf: 4
* globus-proxy-utils: 4
* globus-xio: 4
* glusterfs: 4
* globus-xio-gsi-driver: 4
* pki-ra: 4
* kobo: 4
* globus-xio-popen-driver: 4
* drupal: 4
* heartbeat: 4
* globus-gsi-credential: 4
* bitlbee: 4
* mpich2: 4
* ldns: 4
* globus-gsi-sysconfig: 4
* dbus-cxx: 4
* myproxy: 4
* pki-kra: 4
* globus-openssl: 4
* globus-gsi-proxy-ssl: 4
* phpMyAdmin: 4
* glpi: 4
* globus-openssl-module: 4
* globus-gsi-cert-utils: 4
* report: 4
* globus-core: 4
* dogtag-pki-common-ui: 4
* globus-gss-assist: 4
* nginx: 4
* globus-usage: 4
* globus-rsl: 4
* gstreamer-java: 4
* febootstrap: 4
* mozilla-noscript: 4
* globus-gass-copy: 4
* stonevpn: 4
* python-pip: 4
* globus-gssapi-error: 3
* globus-rsl-assist: 3
* python-virtualenv: 3
* efte: 3
* piklab: 3
* dogtag-pki-console-ui: 3
* globus-gram-protocol: 3
* fetch-crl: 3
* pki-silent: 3
* duplicity: 3
* sahana: 3
* ejabberd: 3
* dkim-milter: 3
* globus-gram-job-manager-scripts: 3
* globus-gass-transfer: 3
* globus-gridftp-server-control: 3
* sigul: 3
* zarafa-webaccess: 3
* moodle: 3
* dbmail: 3
* pki-tps: 3
* perl-Verilog-Perl: 3
* globus-gsi-callback: 3
* tomcatjss: 3
* osutil: 3
* dokuwiki: 3
* RackTables: 3
* php-pear-Net-Sieve: 3
* dogtag-pki-kra-ui: 3
* pondus: 3
* dogtag-pki-tps-ui: 3
* rabbitmq-server: 3
* bip: 3
* bodhi: 3
* globus-callout: 3
* globus-ftp-control: 3
* python-suds: 3
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 3
* cacti: 3
* globus-io: 3
* globus-gatekeeper: 3
* garmindev: 3
* mod_security: 3
* nntpgrab: 3
* python-djblets: 3
* globus-rls-server: 3
* bugzilla: 3
* rubygem-rspec: 3
* xz: 3
* pcb: 3
* proftpd: 3
* globus-authz-callout-error: 3
* globus-gass-server-ez: 3
* qemu: 3
* munge: 3
* lyx: 3
* smolt: 3
* ReviewBoard: 3
* flashrom: 3
* globus-rls-client: 3
* ocsinventory: 3
* zarafa: 3
* globus-gsi-openssl-error: 3
* globus-gridftp-server: 3
* editarea: 3
* globus-gram-client: 3
* pki-ocsp: 3
* superiotool: 3
* webacula: 3
* cobbler: 3
* pki-util: 3
* libtdb: 2
* dcap: 2
* fbterm: 2
* agedu: 2
* translate-toolkit: 2
* pidgin-privacy-please: 2
* wxGTK: 2
* xrdp: 2
* openvpn: 2
* lua-lunit: 2
* jettison: 2
* python-markdown2: 2
* firebird: 2
* perl-Convert-UUlib: 2
* python-repoze-what-pylons: 2
* awstats: 2
* mantis: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager: 2
* supybot-fedora: 2
* mydns: 2
* nsca: 2
* python-docutils: 2
* libtalloc: 2
* python-repoze-what-quickstart: 2
* dogtag-pki-tks-ui: 2
* pem: 2
* globus-authz: 2
* ntfs-3g: 2
* Django-south: 2
* TurboGears: 2
* blender: 2
* gerbv: 2
* virt-v2v: 2
* pygrace: 2
* perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree: 2
* python-jinja2: 2
* python-sippy: 2
* python-werkzeug: 2
* libvmime07: 2
* netdisco: 2
* zikula: 2
* xine-ui: 2
* perl-Verilog: 2
* R-qtl: 2
* libisofs: 2
* glpi-data-injection: 2
* NetworkManager-openvpn: 2
* hercstudio: 2
* qrupdate: 2
* facter: 2
* ssldump: 2
* sagator: 2
* pki-setup: 2
* openwsman: 2
* mingw32-nsiswrapper: 2
* asterisk-sounds-core: 2
* alliance: 2
* hercules: 2
* bios_extract: 2
* globus-gfork: 2
* pki-java-tools: 2
* perl-Net-STOMP-Client: 2
* ocaml-lablgl: 2
* hosts3d: 2
* wxMaxima: 2
* python-polib: 2
* jss: 2
* repoview: 2
* bash-completion: 2
* python-tgext-crud: 2
* dspam: 2
* sems: 2
* ocsinventory-agent: 2
* netcf: 2
* voms-mysql-plugin: 2
* callweaver: 2
* mrepo: 2
* fuse-python: 2
* unetbootin: 2
* pbzip2: 2
* openslide: 2
* php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer: 2
* pigz: 2
* python-repoze-what: 2
* jna: 2
* R-car: 2
* python-markdown: 2
* pootle: 2
* python-psycopg2: 2
* atari++: 2
* globus-gram-client-tools: 2
* emacs-verilog-mode: 2
* dogtag-pki-ra-ui: 2
* python-beaker: 2
* rpmconf: 2
* globus-gass-cache: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error: 2
* emacs-spice-mode: 2
* maxima: 2
* vpnc: 2
* zikula-module-filterutil: 2
* dogtag-pki: 2
* quotatool: 2
* sipp: 2
* rkhunter: 2
* libtar: 2
* hivex: 2
* dsniff: 2
* python-tw-jquery: 2
* spamass-milter: 2
* ldapvi: 2
* unbound: 2
* pcc: 2
* bzr: 2
* python-Lightbox: 2
* hdf: 2
* django-typepad: 2
* memcached: 2
* xcircuit: 2
* mksh: 2
* libsvm: 2
* pulseaudio: 2
* php-pear-Auth-SASL: 2
* pipestat: 2
* GraphicsMagick: 2
* globus-scheduler-event-generator: 2
* pki-tks: 2
* rt3: 2
* nagios-plugins: 2
* pki-selinux: 2
* python-repoze-who-plugins-sa: 2
* deltarpm: 2
* rubygem-actionpack: 2
* globus-libtool: 2
* sssd: 2
* rubygem-fastercsv: 2
* python-morbid: 2
* couchdb: 2
* rho: 2
* trac-customfieldadmin-plugin: 2
* libHX: 2
* pki-native-tools: 2
* tcl-mysqltcl: 2
* typepad-motion: 2
* globus-gass-cache-program: 2
* mysql-mmm: 2
* varnish: 2
* imapsync: 2
* python-application: 2
* dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui: 2
* perl-App-Daemon: 2
* nrpe: 2
* htop: 2
* php-pear-Log: 2
* koffice: 2
* perl-Net-ARP: 1
* opensips: 1
* perl-Heap: 1
* clac: 1
* python-nss: 1
* cxxtest: 1
* nickle: 1
* spr: 1
* ode: 1
* php-pecl-geoip: 1
* bti: 1
* net6: 1
* volpack: 1
* zikula-module-pagemaster: 1
* python-remoteobjects: 1
* healpix: 1
* perl-XML-LibXSLT: 1
* snacc: 1
* dtc: 1
* vanessa_logger: 1
* rfkill: 1
* php-pecl-runkit: 1
* tmux: 1
* python-typepad: 1
* python-webhelpers: 1
* php-pear-HTML-QuickForm: 1
* cgdb: 1
* perl-Net-CIDR: 1
* gmrun: 1
* gnucash: 1
* snake: 1
* w3c-markup-validator: 1
* libyahoo2: 1
* orbited: 1
* iftop: 1
* perl-Hash-WithDefaults: 1
* qwt: 1
* perl-SVG: 1
* libwpg: 1
* babel: 1
* wordpress-mu-plugin-defaults: 1
* syck: 1
* python-repoze-who-testutil: 1
* html401-dtds: 1
* php-pear-Pager: 1
* ebtables: 1
* pdns-recursor: 1
* towhee: 1
* xerces-c: 1
* perl-SNMP-Info: 1
* pywbem: 1
* rpc2: 1
* koji: 1
* rubygem-icalendar: 1
* ipplan: 1
* sslscan: 1
* perl-Guard: 1
* perl-Mail-Box: 1
* gtk+extra: 1
* spandsp: 1
* uw-imap: 1
* mercurial: 1
* rubygem-columnize: 1
* nagios: 1
* pyicq-t: 1
* jai-imageio-core: 1
* fpaste: 1
* incron: 1
* php-Smarty: 1
* perl-XML-DOM-XPath: 1
* tkcon: 1
* gloox: 1
* liboping: 1
* perl-File-Read: 1
* idm-console-framework: 1
* perl-Test-Perl-Critic: 1
* perl-WWW-Curl: 1
* php-pear-File-Passwd: 1
* js: 1
* mapserver: 1
* hdf5: 1
* iwl5150-firmware: 1
* rubygem-activesupport: 1
* rxtx: 1
* openslp: 1
* perl-Flickr-Upload: 1
* perl-XML-Filter-BufferText: 1
* mingw32-nsis: 1
* pyxattr: 1
* erlang-erlsom: 1
* php-pear-HTTP-Request: 1
* polipo: 1
* dia-CMOS: 1
* perl-OpenGL: 1
* fail2ban: 1
* xmlstarlet: 1
* rmol: 1
* cciss_vol_status: 1
* cvsps: 1
* python-routes: 1
* perl-Class-Inspector: 1
* libucil: 1
* python-eventlet: 1
* python-libgmail-docs: 1
* python-pylons: 1
* fedora-easy-karma: 1
* ndisc6: 1
* netdump-server: 1
* clusterssh: 1
* pam_radius: 1
* perl-Sys-SigAction: 1
* erlang-eradius: 1
* php-pear-Crypt-CHAP: 1
* miredo: 1
* sdparm: 1
* rubygem-treetop: 1
* dnsperf: 1
* rubygem-nokogiri: 1
* perl-SGML-Parser-OpenSP: 1
* keychecker: 1
* latex2rtf: 1
* perl-Template-Toolkit: 1
* fastback: 1
* nssbackup: 1
* digitemp: 1
* stapitrace: 1
* cddlib: 1
* perl-Mail-SPF: 1
* perl-Math-FFT: 1
* imp: 1
* python-webpy: 1
* kmymoney2: 1
* xinha: 1
* libcue: 1
* php-pear-PHPUnit: 1
* globus-duct-common: 1
* lua-filesystem: 1
* php-pear-Validate: 1
* autotrust: 1
* pyevent: 1
* espresso-ab: 1
* mediawiki-wikicalendar: 1
* pywebdav: 1
* sec: 1
* xcalc: 1
* globus-data-conversion: 1
* python-cpio: 1
* php-gettext: 1
* pycdio: 1
* iwl6000-firmware: 1
* perl-Data-Report: 1
* check_postgres: 1
* qwt-doc: 1
* TeXmacs: 1
* nimbus: 1
* potrace: 1
* perl-Test-Unit-Runner-Xml: 1
* nopaste: 1
* xiphos: 1
* firmware-tools: 1
* fcgi: 1
* ferm: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext: 1
* x11vnc: 1
* zikula-module-scribite: 1
* perl-Module-Find: 1
* openjpeg: 1
* python-wsgiproxy: 1
* disktype: 1
* perl-Math-BigInt-GMP: 1
* mod_auth_shadow: 1
* cksfv: 1
* perl-Config-Extend-MySQL: 1
* cmospwd: 1
* xl2tpd: 1
* python-libgmail: 1
* jmol: 1
* R-hdf5: 1
* glpi-pdf: 1
* mcu8051ide: 1
* dia-electric2: 1
* rubygem-test-spec: 1
* php-pear-Event-Dispatcher: 1
* mlmmj: 1
* perl-Text-CSV: 1
* rubygem-flexmock: 1
* devio: 1
* mirrormanager: 1
* log4c: 1
* jempbox: 1
* python-stomper: 1
* 389-dsgw: 1
* tgif: 1
* php-pecl-gmagick: 1
* pki-symkey: 1
* perl-POE-Test-Loops: 1
* uberftp: 1
* rubygem-ditz: 1
* icewm: 1
* php-pear-Mail: 1
* perl-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession: 1
* python-paramiko: 1
* perl-Algorithm-Annotate: 1
* globus-libxml2: 1
* django-piston: 1
* 389-ds: 1
* mod_wsgi: 1
* rtpproxy: 1
* pymol: 1
* mod_fcgid: 1
* tcl-tktreectrl: 1
* perl-Hash-Case: 1
* perl-IPC-DirQueue: 1
* emacs-haskell-mode: 1
* TurboGears2: 1
* python-Scriptaculous: 1
* python-httplib2: 1
* bouncycastle: 1
* gsoap: 1
* rvm: 1
* gputils: 1
* hellanzb: 1
* python-repoze-who-friendlyform: 1
* perl-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple: 1
* sipsak: 1
* clucene: 1
* lcgdm: 1
* python-sprox: 1
* unicornscan: 1
* perl-Nagios-NSCA: 1
* libkni3: 1
* libtevent: 1
* mathgl: 1
* rubygem-rest-client: 1
* grid-packaging-tools: 1
* libprelude: 1
* python-catwalk: 1
* sys_basher: 1
* php-email-address-validation: 1
* gajim: 1
* arpack: 1
* libnet: 1
* perl-Email-Date-Format: 1
* jasper: 1
* xemacs-packages-base: 1
* libclaw: 1
* glue-schema: 1
* libunicap: 1
* python-feedparser: 1
* perl-Text-WikiFormat: 1
* postgresql_autodoc: 1
* urg: 1
* php-suhosin: 1
* php-pear-Image-Color: 1
* loggerhead: 1
* ntop: 1
* php-layers-menu: 1
* chkrootkit: 1
* 389-adminutil: 1
* libnids: 1
* tdom: 1
* fftw: 1
* squidGuard: 1
* publican-fedora: 1
* python-mako: 1
* rubygem-main: 1
* normaliz: 1
* libiodbc: 1
* wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior: 1
* rlog: 1
* perl-SNMP_Session: 1
* shmpps: 1
* icecast: 1
* rubygem-daemons: 1
* python-empy: 1
* mhonarc: 1
* perl-Text-vFile-asData: 1
* pymilia: 1
* GMT-coastlines: 1
* R-msm: 1
* django-authority: 1
* python-paste: 1
* perl-POE: 1
* nsd: 1
* rubygem-ruby-net-ldap: 1
* 389-ds-console: 1
* 4ti2: 1
* yapet: 1
* perl-Apache-DBI: 1
* python-turboflot: 1
* vala: 1
* rubygem-right_aws: 1
* sblim-cim-client: 1
* gconfmm26: 1
* socat: 1
* redir: 1
* perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper: 1
* perl-File-Pid: 1
* python-toscawidgets: 1
* globus-mp: 1
* globus-duct-control: 1
* php-pear-Net-POP3: 1
* perl-HTML-Tree: 1
* munin: 1
* php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect: 1
* rubygem-rake-compiler: 1
* mysql-connector-java: 1
* rubygem-right_http_connection: 1
* GeoIP: 1
* python-dns: 1
* cas: 1
* rubygem-rack-test: 1
* pg_top: 1
* xmltooling: 1
* rubygem-rubigen: 1
* ucview: 1
* mcabber: 1
* perl-Expect: 1
* python-oauth: 1
* sblim-sfcc: 1
* fuse-sshfs: 1
* tcllib: 1
* poco: 1
* perl-Net-XMPP: 1
* bzr-gtk: 1
* python-demjson: 1
* tcl-tcludp: 1
* glew: 1
* gitweb-caching: 1
* pptp: 1
* perl-Math-Calc-Units: 1
* perl-Nmap-Parser: 1
* perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo: 1
* tkgate: 1
* python-decorator3: 1
* xemacs-packages-extra: 1
* mediawiki-rss: 1
* clips: 1
* python-weberror: 1
* hspell: 1
* python-paste-script: 1
* perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO: 1
* OpenEXR: 1
* monitor-edid: 1
* ez-ipupdate: 1
* fuse-encfs: 1
* python-paste-deploy: 1
* electronics-menu: 1
* mrbs: 1
* pyOpenSSL: 1
* zikula-module-MultiHook: 1
* perl-Test-File-Contents: 1
* python-ssl: 1
* ruby-dbus: 1
* rubygem-syntax: 1
* libunicapgtk: 1
* petit: 1
* javatar: 1
* perl-Mail-DKIM: 1
* mysql++: 1
* xchm: 1
* python-pygments: 1
* amarok: 1
* xemacs: 1
* sslogger: 1
* erlang-esasl: 1
* cpdup: 1
* znc-extra: 1
* qbzr: 1
* zikula-module-News: 1
* sipcalc: 1
* perl-Data-ICal: 1
* rubygem-parseconfig: 1
* libdnet: 1
* python-batchhttp: 1
* maloc: 1
* php-adodb: 1
* irssi: 1
* bakefile: 1
* xml-security-c: 1
* arp-scan: 1
* freehoo: 1
* ndoutils: 1
* sympy: 1
* fontbox: 1
* perl-HTML-Entities-Numbered: 1
* libewf: 1
* dia-Digital: 1
* gmime: 1
* ktorrent: 1
* zikula-module-advanced_polls: 1
* trac-bazaar-plugin: 1
* python-ruledispatch: 1
* python-recaptcha-client: 1
* phpFlickr: 1
* xpdf: 1
* php-pecl-lzf: 1
* trac-peerreview-plugin: 1
* perl-Set-Scalar: 1
* tinyfugue: 1
* python-IPy: 1
* xorg-x11-drv-openchrome: 1
* BackupPC: 1
* mysqltuner: 1
* glpi-mass-ocs-import: 1
* perl-XML-XPathEngine: 1
* perl-HTML-Tidy: 1
* banner: 1
* MySQL-zrm: 1
* python-ctypes: 1
* ruby-RMagick: 1
* perl-File-ShareDir: 1
* bacula: 1
* ssmtp: 1
* ghmm: 1
* fakeroot: 1
* mldonkey: 1
* planet: 1
* trac-mercurial-plugin: 1
* django-profile: 1
* django-sorting: 1
* php-pear-Net-Traceroute: 1
* php-facedetect: 1
* qstat: 1
* transifex: 1
* dinotrace: 1
* gpsim: 1
* php-phpSmug: 1
* json_simple: 1
* ngspice: 1
* ykclient: 1
* balance: 1
* python-simplejson: 1
* cdpr: 1
* python-matplotlib: 1
* sshmenu: 1
* perl-Parallel-ForkManager: 1
* mon: 1
* plpa: 1
* perl-XML-Stream: 1
* clipsmm: 1
* stomppy: 1
* firehol: 1
* geda-gaf: 1
* tinyproxy: 1
* pygpgme: 1
* jabberd: 1
* phpPgAdmin: 1
* python-basemap-data: 1
* php-pear-DB-DataObject: 1
* rubygem-simple-rss: 1
* vecmath: 1
* python-ZSI: 1
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509: 1
* grc: 1
* vmpsd: 1
* python-simpletal: 1
* ncl: 1
* perl-PerlIO-gzip: 1
* php-pear-Date-Holidays: 1
* daemonize: 1
* rubygem-bacon: 1
* ncdu: 1
* perl-Authen-PAM: 1
* par2cmdline: 1
* tcl-tclvfs: 1
* perl-Net-Jabber: 1
* cim-schema: 1
* R2spec: 1
* perl-Event: 1
* python-PSI: 1
* php-phpunit-File-Iterator: 1
* scons: 1
* mingw32-freeglut: 1
* php-pecl-memcache: 1
* c-ares: 1
* dkms: 1
* GitPython: 1
* rubygem-linecache: 1
* python-lockfile: 1
* perl-Unicode-String: 1
* trac-git-plugin: 1
* seeker: 1
* perl-NetAddr-IP: 1
* libnetdevname: 1
* bindfs: 1
* lshw: 1
* perl-SystemC-Vregs: 1
* perl-Flickr-API: 1
* htmldoc: 1
* opencv: 1
* python-urllib2_kerberos: 1
* zikula-module-Polls: 1
* perl-Verilog-CodeGen: 1
* libssh2: 1
* php-pear-Net-Ping: 1
* dia-electronic: 1
* perl-DateTime-Format-Excel: 1
* python26: 1
* python-sqlalchemy0.5: 1
* horde: 1
* tcpreplay: 1
* vidalia: 1
* spacewalk-proxy-docs: 1
* php-pecl-json: 1
* bzrtools: 1
* libzdb: 1
* perl-DBIx-Safe: 1
* ncrack: 1
* py-radix: 1
* perl-Regexp-Assemble: 1
* perl-HTML-Encoding: 1
* netsniff-ng: 1
* python-guppy: 1
* ucarp: 1
* qhull: 1
* rubygem-shotgun: 1
* rubygem-configuration: 1
* g2clib: 1
* python-GeoIP: 1
* php-PHPMailer: 1
* rubygem-rake: 1
* logjam: 1
* python-zope-filesystem: 1
* python-configobj: 1
* ctorrent: 1
* ccze: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod: 1
* sphinx: 1
* mimedefang: 1
* google-perftools: 1
* globus-xio-pipe-driver: 1
* sword: 1
* tetex-IEEEtran: 1
* erlang: 1
* ttf2pt1: 1
* sblim-sfcb: 1
* 389-console: 1
* perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL: 1
* ruby-augeas: 1
* pymssql: 1
* zope: 1
* trac-tickettemplate-plugin: 1
* udunits2: 1
* wput: 1
* php-pear-OLE: 1
* perl-Nagios-Plugin: 1
* mingw32-filesystem: 1
* tor: 1
* php-pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB: 1
* perl-Digest-SHA: 1
* sbcl: 1
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 1
* python-daemon: 1
* python-turbojson: 1
* openser: 1
* tito: 1
* python-nose: 1
* sbackup: 1
* rubygem-hoe: 1
* bucardo: 1
* git-bugzilla: 1
* pen: 1
* pki-console: 1
* perl-libintl: 1
* python-migrate0.5: 1
* python-zope-sqlalchemy: 1
* perl-Graph: 1
* BareBonesBrowserLaunch: 1
* python-offtrac: 1
* eqntott: 1
* perl-Mixin-Linewise: 1
* php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer: 1
* tomcat-native: 1
* perl-X11-Protocol: 1
* o3read: 1
* gnucap: 1
* python-webtest: 1
* perl-String-Escape: 1
* rubygem-fastthread: 1
* python-greenlet: 1
* gkrellm-top: 1
* php-idn: 1
* perl-Config-IniHash: 1
* gparted: 1
* xls2csv: 1
* python-tw-forms: 1
* php-pear-XML-Serializer: 1
* gyachi: 1
* arc: 1
* R-RM2: 1
* php-pear-Numbers-Words: 1
* udis86: 1
* globus-nexus: 1
* GMT: 1
* perl-Net-SSH: 1
* perl-Hash-Merge: 1
* django-flash: 1
* synfig: 1
* webattery: 1
* php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder: 1
* emacs-irsim-mode: 1
* ath_info: 1
* bleachbit: 1
* mediawiki-LdapAccount: 1
* perl-Mail-IMAPClient: 1
* python-basemap: 1
* perl-Number-Format: 1
* rubygem-mongrel_cluster: 1
* perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes: 1
* backup-manager: 1
* python-repoze-what-plugins-sql: 1
* python-dmidecode: 1
* gallery2: 1
* zfs-fuse: 1
* milia: 1
* mktorrent: 1
* Perlbal: 1
* poky-scripts: 1
* RabbIT: 1
* wsmancli: 1
* jhead: 1
* putty: 1
* php-pear-Net-URL2: 1
* globus-duroc-common: 1
* rubygem-launchy: 1
* noip: 1
* metagoofil: 1
* iperf: 1
* libpuzzle: 1
* python-minimock: 1
* octave: 1
* json-c: 1
* perl-Net-OAuth: 1
* whereami: 1
* gromacs: 1
* symkey: 1
* lwp: 1
* ant-contrib: 1
* perl-Text-Quoted: 1
* python-tg-devtools: 1
* 389-admin-console: 1
* rubygem-cucumber: 1
* python-kid: 1
* zikula-module-crpTag: 1
* irclog2html: 1
* django-filter: 1
* perl-Curses: 1
* mailgraph: 1
* perl-Net-Whois: 1
* python-tgext-admin: 1
* docbook2X: 1
* python-webob: 1
* python-zope-interface: 1
* roundcubemail: 1
* git: 1
* libldb: 1
* R-mvtnorm: 1
* mingw32-w32api: 1
* php-pecl-xdebug: 1
* perl-MP3-Info: 1
* NetPIPE: 1
* wipe: 1
* python-repoze-tm2: 1
* squirrel: 1
* sblim-indication_helper: 1
* python-formencode: 1
* environment-modules: 1
* python-argparse: 1
* rubygem-diff-lcs: 1
* rubygem-git: 1
* perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX: 1
* iksemel: 1
* gplcver: 1
* torque: 1
* php-nusoap: 1
* debmirror: 1
* ruby-sqlite3: 1
* php-pear-File-SMBPasswd: 1
* log4cpp: 1
* rubygem-trollop: 1
* perl-GD-SVG: 1
* xdrfile: 1
* php-pear-PhpDocumentor: 1
* python-pep8: 1
* python-mwclient: 1
* php-pear-XML-RSS: 1
* rubygem-json: 1
* dzen2: 1
* pyvnc2swf: 1
* ripmime: 1
* dgc: 1
* pkcs11-helper: 1
* perl-Net-IPv4Addr: 1
Fedora EPEL 4
* 413 updates
* 326 stable updates
* 334 testing updates
* 5 pending updates
* 36 obsolete updates
* 207 bugfix updates (50.12%)
* 59 enhancement updates (14.29%)
* 37 security updates (8.96%)
* 110 newpackage updates (26.63%)
* 4 critical path updates (0.97%)
* 9 updates received feedback (2.18%)
* 83 unique authenticated karma submitters
* 2 anonymous users gave feedback (0.27%)
* 334 out of 413 updates went through testing (80.87%)
* 281 testing updates were pushed *without* karma (84.13%)
* 4 critical path updates pushed *without* karma
[ Show all ]
* python-kid-0.9.6-6.el4 submitted by till
* libssh2-0.18-10.el4 submitted by djuran
* createrepo-0.4.4-0.4.el4 submitted by sheltren
* deltarpm-3.4-8.el4.1 submitted by toshio
* Time spent in testing:
* mean = 18 days
* median = 16 days
* mode = 16 days
* 0 updates automatically unpushed due to karma (0.00%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* 1 updates automatically pushed due to karma (0.24%)
* 0 of which were critical path updates
* Time spent in testing of updates that were pushed by karma:
* mean = 12 days
* median = 7 days
* mode = 7 days
* 298 packages updated
* globus-common: 7
* cherokee: 6
* puppet: 5
* voms: 5
* R: 5
* augeas: 5
* globus-openssl-module: 4
* haproxy: 4
* globus-gsi-cert-utils: 4
* moreutils: 4
[ View all ]
* globus-xio-gsi-driver: 4
* nginx: 4
* globus-xio: 4
* globus-gssapi-gsi: 4
* firebird: 4
* globus-rsl: 4
* globus-core: 4
* globus-gsi-sysconfig: 4
* globus-xio-popen-driver: 4
* drupal: 4
* globus-gss-assist: 4
* bitlbee: 4
* globus-ftp-client: 4
* globus-gsi-proxy-core: 4
* globus-usage: 4
* myproxy: 4
* globus-gsi-proxy-ssl: 4
* globus-gsi-credential: 4
* globus-openssl: 4
* phpMyAdmin: 4
* globus-gass-copy: 4
* python-pip: 4
* globus-proxy-utils: 4
* globus-gass-server-ez: 3
* globus-gssapi-error: 3
* proftpd: 3
* globus-rsl-assist: 3
* fetch-crl: 3
* globus-gsi-callback: 3
* globus-gridftp-server-control: 3
* globus-ftp-control: 3
* munge: 3
* globus-rls-server: 3
* viewvc: 3
* cacti: 3
* openwsman: 3
* globus-io: 3
* flashrom: 3
* cobbler: 3
* globus-gridftp-server: 3
* duplicity: 3
* globus-gram-protocol: 3
* globus-gatekeeper: 3
* globus-gsi-openssl-error: 3
* bugzilla: 3
* globus-gram-client: 3
* globus-gram-job-manager-scripts: 3
* superiotool: 3
* globus-gass-transfer: 3
* ocsinventory: 3
* globus-callout: 3
* globus-rls-client: 3
* Django: 3
* globus-authz-callout-error: 3
* mpich2: 3
* R-qtl: 2
* dcap: 2
* postgresql-pgpool-II: 2
* agedu: 2
* libisofs: 2
* erlang: 2
* nrpe: 2
* globus-gfork: 2
* xrdp: 2
* wxGTK: 2
* globus-gass-cache-program: 2
* globus-scheduler-event-generator: 2
* spamass-milter: 2
* moodle: 2
* globus-gram-client-tools: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager: 2
* mod_security: 2
* globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error: 2
* bios_extract: 2
* lsscsi: 2
* mksh: 2
* rpmconf: 2
* mydns: 2
* perl-Net-STOMP-Client: 2
* nsca: 2
* globus-libtool: 2
* varnish: 2
* ssldump: 2
* globus-authz: 2
* fail2ban: 2
* htop: 2
* dsniff: 2
* sdparm: 2
* globus-gass-cache: 2
* perl-Convert-UUlib: 2
* tcl-mysqltcl: 2
* voms-mysql-plugin: 2
* ocsinventory-agent: 2
* python-sippy: 2
* mrepo: 2
* python-werkzeug: 2
* sipp: 2
* python-application: 2
* libvmime07: 2
* pem: 2
* hdf: 2
* facter: 2
* ldapvi: 1
* python-Coherence: 1
* php-adodb: 1
* mediawiki-ParserFunctions: 1
* spr: 1
* python-IPy: 1
* libyahoo2: 1
* erlang-erlsom: 1
* rlog: 1
* sblim-sfcb: 1
* net6: 1
* openvpn: 1
* tcl-tktreectrl: 1
* ruby-augeas: 1
* freehoo: 1
* grid-packaging-tools: 1
* sipcalc: 1
* rtpproxy: 1
* perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL: 1
* libdnet: 1
* uberftp: 1
* ez-ipupdate: 1
* python-pygments: 1
* pg_top: 1
* fftw: 1
* perl-HTML-Tree: 1
* tcl-tclvfs: 1
* globus-libxml2: 1
* perl-XML-Filter-BufferText: 1
* memcached: 1
* clac: 1
* perl-Text-Glob: 1
* cdpr: 1
* gromacs: 1
* sagator: 1
* cim-schema: 1
* noip: 1
* nagios-plugins: 1
* perl-Number-Compare: 1
* libnet: 1
* R-car: 1
* globus-data-conversion: 1
* mktorrent: 1
* gsoap: 1
* perl-Hash-WithDefaults: 1
* firmware-addon-dell: 1
* libsmbios: 1
* pen: 1
* sblim-indication_helper: 1
* xerces-c: 1
* BackupPC: 1
* ncrack: 1
* drbdlinks: 1
* perl-DateTime: 1
* libtar: 1
* cmospwd: 1
* lcgdm: 1
* libnids: 1
* banner: 1
* sslscan: 1
* unicornscan: 1
* perl-IPC-DirQueue: 1
* deltarpm: 1
* uw-imap: 1
* php-idn: 1
* postgresql-dbi-link: 1
* libcue: 1
* mysqltuner: 1
* sipsak: 1
* maxima: 1
* cciss_vol_status: 1
* nagios: 1
* pyicq-t: 1
* perl-Hash-Merge: 1
* perl-Config-IniHash: 1
* python-pyrad: 1
* perl-Email-Date-Format: 1
* jasper: 1
* perl-Math-FFT: 1
* glue-schema: 1
* qstat: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate: 1
* iftop: 1
* libextractor: 1
* mlmmj: 1
* mysql++: 1
* globus-nexus: 1
* wput: 1
* python-ssl: 1
* hdf5: 1
* perl-Hash-Case: 1
* perl-Mail-IMAPClient: 1
* python-psycopg2: 1
* perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes: 1
* balance: 1
* ucarp: 1
* perl-Class-Singleton: 1
* metagoofil: 1
* publican-fedora: 1
* tdom: 1
* Perlbal: 1
* check_postgres: 1
* wsmancli: 1
* sbcl: 1
* torque: 1
* phpPgAdmin: 1
* globus-duroc-common: 1
* perl-DateTime-Format-Excel: 1
* ssmtp: 1
* o3read: 1
* perl-Params-Validate: 1
* perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509: 1
* perl-String-CRC32: 1
* firehol: 1
* perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext: 1
* daemonize: 1
* perl-PerlIO-gzip: 1
* perl-Curses: 1
* perl-Text-vFile-asData: 1
* erlang-eradius: 1
* logjam: 1
* perl-Log-Dispatch: 1
* perl-Authen-PAM: 1
* log4c: 1
* specto: 1
* python-feedparser: 1
* digitemp: 1
* R2spec: 1
* perl-Event: 1
* perl-Filesys-Df: 1
* python-kid: 1
* yapet: 1
* perl-Apache-DBI: 1
* mock: 1
* dspam: 1
* plpa: 1
* stomppy: 1
* globus-xio-pipe-driver: 1
* pdns-recursor: 1
* sblim-sfcc: 1
* python-dmidecode: 1
* perl-Unicode-String: 1
* redir: 1
* tinyproxy: 1
* libnetdevname: 1
* python-webpy: 1
* globus-duct-control: 1
* mod_auth_shadow: 1
* postgresql-pgpoolAdmin: 1
* libmp4v2: 1
* htmldoc: 1
* wipe: 1
* perl-Cache-FastMmap: 1
* snake: 1
* perl-Test-Pod-Coverage: 1
* globus-duct-common: 1
* globus-mp: 1
* libssh2: 1
* keychecker: 1
* tetex-IEEEtran: 1
* python-ZSI: 1
* tcpreplay: 1
* openhpi: 1
* debmirror: 1
* spacewalk-proxy-docs: 1
* log4cpp: 1
* createrepo: 1
* fedora-easy-karma: 1
* dkms: 1
* nopaste: 1
* py-radix: 1
* perl-File-Find-Rule: 1
* pbzip2: 1
* tcl-tcludp: 1
* glew: 1
* perl-File-Pid: 1
* python-guppy: 1
* perl-Nmap-Parser: 1
* g2clib: 1
* perl-Math-BigInt-GMP: 1
* obby: 1
* postgresql_autodoc: 1
* OpenEXR: 1
* monitor-edid: 1
* perl-Net-IPv4Addr: 1
Out of 29988 total updates, 4734 received feedback (15.79%)
Out of 1510 total unique karma submitters, the top 30 are:
* Anonymous Tester (1368)
* alexlan (494)
* notting (releng) (338)
* dcottle (332)
* lmacken (320)
* mtasaka (296)
* jkeating (cvsadmin) (264)
* cweyl (252)
* iarnell (246)
* lkundrak (208)
* spot (208)
* mschwendt (196)
* salimma (196)
* rdieter (194)
* corsepiu (188)
* kkofler (176)
* lucilanga (174)
* thoger (168)
* ondrejj (160)
* pingou (148)
* robert (140)
* rakesh (138)
* remi (136)
* pbrobinson (136)
* cwickert (130)
* scop (128)
* adamwill (qa) (127)
* peter (126)
* mooninite (124)
* terjeros (120)