================ Data Aggregation ================ Moksha provides many ways to acquire data in an efficient manner. Messaging layer --------------- Moksha can communicate with various message brokers, using the `AMQP `_ and/or `STOMP `_ protocols. It also provides a simple API for sending and consuming messages, as well as allowing widgets to subscribe to live messages streams within the users web browser. Caching layer ------------- A flexible caching layer is available to all Moksha widgets and applications. This middleware is setup by TurboGears2, and trivializes the act of caching expensive operations. Resource layer -------------- Moksha provides an API for interacting with other API's. A developer is able to easily create or utilize connectors for existing external resources and services. Moksha Feed API --------------- Moksha provides a powerful Feed widget that automatically handles fetching, parsing, and caching arbitrary feeds in an efficient, scalable manner.