=========== Scalability =========== The Moksha architecture is designed from the ground up to be highly scalable, through a variety of different ways. Extensive caching ----------------- By facilitating extensive server and client side caching, moksha allows applications to scale "out of the box". Scalable databases ------------------ Moksha transparently handles creating the SQLAlchemy engines and handing them off to your application. This allows Moksha to create separate, isolated, databases for each application to live in. This gives Moksha the ability to potentially handle horizontally and vertically scale applications as needed. Scalable components ------------------- The architecture is designed in a way that makes it extremely scalable yet dead-simple to hack on. This means that you could potentially run the entire platform on your laptop, or within a cloud. The following architecture components can be made redundant to scale in a production environment: - WSGI/TG2 frontends - Orbited proxies - AMQP message brokers - Moksha hub (Feed fetchers / Data pollers / AMQP hooks & triggers) - memcached daemons - Databases