Global Resource Injection

Moksha has plugin suport for Global Resources, which are just JavaScript or CSS widgets that will get automatically injected in every page by the GlobalResourceInjectionWidget

Moksha will load all JSLink, CSSLink, and Widget ToscaWidgets that are on the [] entry-point. You can point to classes, or instantiated objects.

Installing a Global Resource Widget

By default Moksha includes global resources for jQuery, jQuery UI, and the Blueprint CSS framework. Here is an example of what some global resources look like in Moksha’s entry-points.


jquery = tw.jquery:jquery_js
jquery_ui_core = moksha.widgets.container:ui_core_js
jquery_ui_draggable = moksha.widgets.container:ui_draggable_js
jquery_ui_resizable = moksha.widgets.container:ui_resizable_js

blueprint_ie_css = moksha.widgets.blueprint:blueprint_ie_css
blueprint_screen_css = moksha.widgets.blueprint:blueprint_screen_css
blueprint_print_css = moksha.widgets.blueprint:blueprint_print_css