#!/usr/bin/python # sxsw.py - version 0.2 # Requires: python-imaging, qrencode, gphoto2 # Author: Luke Macken # License: GPLv3 import os import Image import urllib import simplejson import subprocess from uuid import uuid4 from os.path import join, basename, expanduser # Where to spit out our qrcode, watermarked image, and local html out = expanduser('~/Desktop/sxsw') # The watermark to apply to all images watermark_img = expanduser('~/Desktop/fedora.png') # This assumes ssh-agent is running so we can do password-less scp ssh_image_repo = 'fedorapeople.org:~/public_html/sxsw/' # The public HTTP repository for uploaded images http_image_repo = 'http://lmacken.fedorapeople.org/sxsw/' # Size of the qrcode pixels qrcode_size = 10 # Whether or not to delete the photo after uploading it to the remote server delete_after_upload = True # The camera configuration # Use gphoto2 --list-config and --get-config for more information gphoto_config = { '/main/imgsettings/imagesize': 3, # small '/main/imgsettings/imagequality': 0, # normal } class PhotoBooth(object): def capture_photo(self): """ Capture a photo and download it from the camera """ filename = join(out, '%s.jpg' % str(uuid4())) cfg = ['--set-config=%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gphoto_config.items()] subprocess.call('gphoto2 --auto-detect ' + '--capture-image-and-download ' + '--filename="%s" ' % filename + ' '.join(cfg), shell=True) return filename def process_image(self, filename): print "Processing %s..." % filename print "Applying watermark..." image = self.watermark(filename) print "Uploading to remote server..." url = self.upload(image) print "Generating QRCode..." qrcode = self.qrencode(url) print "Generating TinyURL..." tiny = self.tinyurl(url) print "Generating HTML..." html = self.html_output(url, qrcode, tiny) subprocess.call('firefox "%s"' % html, shell=True) print "Done!" def watermark(self, image): """ Apply a watermark to an image """ mark = Image.open(watermark_img) im = Image.open(image) if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') layer = Image.new('RGBA', im.size, (0,0,0,0)) position = (im.size[0] - mark.size[0], im.size[1] - mark.size[1]) layer.paste(mark, position) outfile = join(out, basename(image)) Image.composite(layer, im, layer).save(outfile) return outfile def upload(self, image): """ Upload this image to a remote server """ os.system('scp "%s" %s' % (image, ssh_image_repo)) if delete_after_upload: os.unlink(image) return http_image_repo + basename(image) def qrencode(self, url): """ Generate a QRCode for a given URL """ qrcode = join(out, 'qrcode.png') os.system('qrencode -s %d -o "%s" %s' % (qrcode_size, qrcode, url)) return qrcode def tinyurl(self, url): """ Generate a tinyurl for a given URL """ data = urllib.urlopen("http://json-tinyurl.appspot.com/?url=%s" % url).read() json = simplejson.loads(data) if not json['ok']: print 'ERROR: There was a problem generating a tinyurl' print json return url return json['tinyurl'] def html_output(self, image, qrcode, tinyurl): """ Output HTML with the image, qrcode, and tinyurl """ html = """
""" % {'image': image, 'qrcode': qrcode, 'tinyurl': tinyurl} outfile = join(out, basename(image) + '.html') output = file(outfile, 'w') output.write(html) output.close() return outfile if __name__ == "__main__": photobooth = PhotoBooth() try: while True: raw_input("Press enter to capture photo.") filename = photobooth.capture_photo() photobooth.process_image(filename) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nExiting..."