Package liveusb :: Module gui :: Class LiveUSBDialog
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class LiveUSBDialog

source code

PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog --+
   LiveUSBInterface --+

Our main dialog class

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, opts) source code
populate_devices(self, *args, **kw) source code
populate_releases(self) source code
connect_slots(self) source code
on_driveBox_currentIndexChanged(self, drive)
Change the maximum overlay size when each drive is selected.
source code
progress(self, value) source code
maxprogress(self, value) source code
status(self, text) source code
enable_widgets(self, enabled=True) source code
overlay_value(self, value) source code
get_selected_drive(self) source code
begin(self) source code
download_complete(self, iso)
Called by our ReleaseDownloader thread upon completion.
source code
selectfile(self) source code
Terminate any processes that we have spawned
source code
_to_unicode(self, obj, encoding='utf-8') source code
Method Details [hide private]

on_driveBox_currentIndexChanged(self, drive)

source code 

Change the maximum overlay size when each drive is selected.

This sets the maximum megabyte size of the persistent storage slider to the number of free megabytes on the currently selected "Target Device". If the device is not mounted, or if it has more than 2gigs of free space, set the maximum to 2047mb, which is apparently the largest file we can/should store on a vfat partition.

  • @QtCore.pyqtSignature("QString")

download_complete(self, iso)

source code 

Called by our ReleaseDownloader thread upon completion.

Upon success, the thread passes in the filename of the downloaded release. If the 'iso' argument is not an existing file, then it is assumed that the download failed and 'iso' should contain the error message.