Getting Started


This guide will help quickly get you up and running with a local copy of Moksha. It will run the Moksha WSGI application using the Paste threaded http server, a single orbited daemon with an embeded MorbidQ stomp message broker, flat-file feed caches, SQLite SQLAlchemy databases, and an in-memory cache.

This setup is meant to be dead-simple to get up and running, and is not designed for production deployments.

At the moment, all of Moksha’s dependencies are not all in Fedora. They are all currently under review, but in the mean time these instructions will run Moksha within a virtual Python environment, without changing your global site-packages.

Installing the necessary dependencies

You’ll need the virtualenv package.

# yum -y install python-virtualenv

The start-moksha script mentioned below should install all of the necessary dependencies. However, it will attempt to compile a few things, such as lxml. So, you may need to install some additional dependencies like libxml2 and libxslt in order to build it. If you’re using yum, you can easily install all of the build requirements by doing:

# yum-builddep -y python-lxml

Getting the Moksha source

$ git clone git://
$ cd moksha

Starting Moksha

$ ./start-moksha
Note:This script takes care of setting up your TurboGears2 virtual environment the first time it is run. To drop into the virtualenv manually you can run source tg2env/bin/activate to enter it, and deactivate to leave it.

Stopping Moksha

$ ./stop-moksha

Using Moksha

Now you can navigate your web browser to the following url:


Note:Going to will not work properly with the current Orbited setup, so you must make sure to go to localhost.