Moksha Applications

Creating a moksha application is a as easy as creating a new ToscaWidget or TurboGears2/Pylons project.

Moksha entry points

Moksha loads all applications and widgets from the moksha.application and moksha.widget setuptools entry point. This allows for dynamic discovery of moksha applications just by pointing to your Root Controller, or ToscaWidget in your project’s

Here is an example of a bare-bones, and how to integrate it with Moksha.

from setuptools import setup


    mywidget = myproject.mywidgets:MyWidget

    myapp = myproject.controllers.root:RootController


When the moksha.middleware.MokshaMiddleware is loaded, it will automatically load all applications and widgets from those entry points, and store them in moksha.apps and moksha._widgets dictionaries. These can then be accessed at any time by any application or widget during any request.


Moksha will reads every application’s production.ini or development.ini upon startup and loads all of the [DEFAULT] variables into the global pylons.config object. This enables TG2/Pylons Moksha applications to use the config object as they would do normally. However, this requires that applications do not have conflicting configuration variable names. Moksha will display a warning message for each variable conflict. Resolving these can be done by namespacing your configuration variables. For example, if your config variable is foo=bar, you could rename it to